Chapter 450 Taiyi destroys thunder, unexpected breakthrough

When the world-destroying tribulation thunder falls, all dharmas are empty, and it is so in the eyes of everyone.But now it is different, with Taiyi here, even if it is the Great Dao, Taiyi is not afraid of the thunder that destroys the world.If you can't gather the source of the Nair Avenue, you can't incarnate the real body, so there is no match for Taiyi.Tai Yi takes chaos as his incarnation. He is tall and mighty, and the black and yellow aura radiates from his body, turning into a golden light, which is dazzling for hundreds of millions of miles.Thunder and fire are intertwined with golden light, and seeing Taiyi shattering the thunder and fire with a wave of his hand, all the saints were terrified.

"Da Dao, don't you think I really can't kill you." Seeing the boundless tribulation thunder above his head, Tai Yi felt angry in his heart and shouted angrily.The sound was like a torrent of bells, shaking thousands of miles of silence, even the hissing of the fire above the head died down, no one dared to tremble anymore.

"Hmph, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, even if you have the means, you can't kill me." Dao Dao said with great confidence. Although he has no real body now, he entrusts his true spirit in the chaos. Immortal is immortal, so even though he knew that he was no longer Taiyi's opponent, he still dared to come out.Among other things, without the source of chaos in Tai Yi's hands, his way would not be complete after all.

"Ignorance." Taiyi didn't bother with Dao, he had to rely on Dao, but now he held the source of chaos in his hand, and he was full of confidence in his heart, and directly smashed Jieyun into pieces with his spiritual fire.Dao knows Taiyi's methods, and he has experienced it in the infinite dimension space before, but he didn't expect that Taiyi is still so strong when he returns to the chaos. , but don't want to be so vulnerable.Without thunder, how would the Dao destroy the world? All the saints run the barrier of heaven and earth with all their strength, and saw that the debris of thunder and fire scattered and hit the barrier, but the thunder of robbery has been broken by Tai Yi, so naturally it can't hurt the barrier too much .At this time, the saints can also look up to watch the battle between Taiyi and Dao.This kind of confrontation can be seen several times in the world.What a Taiyi, dressed in a Yuebai Taoist robe, Wei Wei has a chaotic figure, at this time he is competing with Dao for the foundation of chaos.The foundation of chaos in Taiyi's body has now taken shape. Dao Dao is terrified when he sees this, waiting for hundreds of millions of years, but now Taiyi is one step ahead.Taiyi realized the origin of Chaos, and it was no longer the three-legged Golden Crow. Under the shocking situation, Dao only felt that his connection with Chaos was gradually losing.He originally wanted to refine chaos into a world within his body like Tai Yi, but now he has lost control, how can he not be surprised.

"Origin, why is this so?" Dao Dao was terrified in his heart, one wrong step, another wrong step, he was the one who lured Tai Yi to Chaos back then, just to check and balance the world, but he thought he was bound in a cocoon now.The source of the Dao in Taiyi's hands is probably not easy to snatch at this time, but the Dao that is suppressed under the prehistoric world is not in Taiyi's hands, and Dao is in urgent need of supplementing the power of the source.At this time, seeing that the heaven and earth enchantment laid down by the saints actually blocked the thunder and fire, I screamed that it was not good, so I hurriedly urged the true spirit of my life, gathered the power of the entire chaotic world again, and then gathered the tribulation thunder. , but thunder and fire came from all directions, but Tai Yi was also in a dilemma.At this time, the piece of chaos is still in the hands of Daoist. Unless Taiyi immediately transforms into Chaos and combines the two cornerstones into one, it will be difficult to control the original power like Daoist.Seeing the four black lightning bolts, Tai Yi tried his best to activate the cornerstone of chaos in his body. This cornerstone is where the essence of Tai Yi is now, and it is the foundation of enlightenment.At this time, Taiyi consciously felt that the cornerstone of chaos in his body was constantly devouring the surrounding aura, and the cornerstone of chaos that had been formed before was gradually getting bigger again.The foundation stone is strengthened at its core, and the chaotic space in Taiyi is naturally spreading and expanding.

"But I don't want to have such an opportunity." The change of the chaotic cornerstone of his life made Tai Yi overjoyed. He had not long been enlightened, but he didn't want his Taoism to improve a lot again inadvertently.Compared with Taiyi's joy, Dao had almost lost his mind at this time, and bombarded the world barrier with all his strength, and the saints were under great pressure at this time.If Honghuang is destroyed, let alone other saints, even Tiandao and Hongjun will not be spared.At this time, we can only inject mana into the barrier with all our strength to resist the world-killing thunder.Tiandao fully controlled the enchantment, and other saints also sacrificed their spiritual treasures to resist.After all, Qingling became enlightened not long ago, and he is not as advanced as Lao Tzu and others. However, he is protected by the Chaos Bell bestowed by Tai Yi, so he is fine. Under the bell, Qingling didn't bear much pressure, and could easily hit a few palm thunders to disperse the thunder and fire that was close to him. Except for Lao Tzu, the other saints were not as chic as Qingling.The barrier of heaven and earth is a barrier to the wilderness, if it is lost, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Taiyi is trying his best to fuse the two cornerstones of chaos at this time, and he doesn't care about the barrier of heaven and earth, but looking back, everyone is still working hard. After all, the barrier of heaven and earth is not an ordinary thing, and it shouldn't be broken so easily.So Tai Yi wasn't very worried, at this moment he thought of what Daoist Hongmeng entrusted him with.The fragments of Hongmeng are difficult to control, but now as long as this chaotic space is stabilized, the return to Hongmeng can be postponed infinitely, and no one knows what will happen to Taiyi at that time.Thinking of Taoist Hongmeng's explanation, Tai Yi had no idea at all, but now he understands a thing or two.It's just that he didn't expect such a butterfly effect to be triggered by a small World Extinguishing Thunder Tribulation.Just looking at the situation, Dao didn't seem to know yet.Otherwise, Dao would not be so eager to destroy the world.It is not advisable to kill the chicken to extract the eggs.Dao Dao and Tai Yi are now racing against time to see who can make a breakthrough first and then control the current situation.

At this time, Taiyi can only pray that Tiandao and others can persist for a long time. As long as he can completely integrate the cornerstone of the Dao, then he will replace Dao as the leader of this chaos. Re-evolve the primordial spirit for the inner world and reset the order of the world.There is chaos in the primordial, and in the chaos, the prehistoric.That's the case, the Dao can't be kept, Tai and Dao have murderous intentions, but now as long as the cornerstones are fused, the Dao will be removed from the chaos, and the fate in the long river of fate will be removed.Without the body of Chaos, how could he escape Tai Yi's killing.At this time, Dao continued to bombard the barrier of heaven and earth, and saw that the barrier had gradually cracked.In fact, it is already a miracle that he can persist for so long after being bombarded by Dao Dao with the World Extinguishing Thunder Tribulation.

At this time, all the saints were surprised and happy when they saw that Taiyi had entered into samadhi.Surprised how Tai Yi chose this time to settle down, seeing that the big battle is imminent, because of Tai Yi's protection, nothing will happen.It's just that seeing that the enchantment was already crumbling, Dao Dao was secretly happy. After bombarding for so long, he finally saw the dawn of victory, but when he looked back, he was terrified.

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