The Great East Emperor

Chapter 52, Hongjun 3 Lectures, Li Sheng Fen Treasure

But Di Jun, Tai Yi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches retreated to heal their wounds one after another.Thousands of years have passed in a blink of an eye, everyone has recovered from their injuries and has already left the customs.Only Taiyi is still practicing the Dao of Chaos in the Sun Palace.

In the quiet room of the back hall of the Sun Palace, a young man in an imperial robe and golden crown sits high on a cloud bed, with a cloud of celebration above his head, exhaling spiritual energy.Taiyi also gained a lot from this battle in the East China Sea. Seeing Pangu again, although it was just a phantom condensed by the ancestral witches, it also made Taiyi more diligent in understanding the Dao.

"Hahaha, it's a blessing in disguise this time. The Taoism that hasn't been broken through in a thousand years has actually improved a lot. The magical powers of the Pangu Formation are indeed amazing." This retreat, the Taiyi practice has improved a lot, and the understanding of the Chaos Dao has become more profound.With a flick of Taiyi's long sleeves, he retracted Qingyun, broke the restriction, left the Sun Palace, and flew towards Tingting.

Today, Tianting is managed by Di Jun and others, and its strength is faintly unmatched, and even the Wu Clan dare not compete with it. 360 The refining of the five-faced star banner is completed, and the Zhoutian star formation is further improved, and its power will naturally increase to a higher level.

Di Jun's subordinates, the top ten demon commanders and others are also people with supernatural powers.In the hands of Emperor Jun, there is even a Nuwa who uses the treasure of the monster tribe obtained from Kunlun Mountain to recruit demon banners and command all the demons in the world.The image of a generation of emperors is undoubtedly evident.

But it is said that Hongjun Taoist ancestor Wannian is approaching, and the third lecture of Zixiao Palace will be here soon.In the wild, everyone flew towards Zixiao Palace in the chaos.

today.At the middle gate of Zixiao Palace, all the gods of prehistoric times gathered in Zixiao Palace.Dijun, Taiyi, Kunpeng, Nuwa, and Fuxi had already arrived in Zixiao Palace with Qingling and sat down, waiting for Taoist Patriarch to speak.

At this time, Hao Ting came out respectfully and said: "Brothers and sisters, the teacher is about to start a lecture, please sit down and welcome the teacher."

When everyone heard this, they naturally didn't dare to be careless, and they all stood up to welcome Hongjun to speak.Even Dijun and Taiyi dare not be sloppy now that they have achieved the throne of Heavenly Emperor, and follow the crowd to welcome Hongjun.

At this time, a Taoist man in a black Taoist robe gradually appeared on the futon of the high platform. He lifted everyone up with a wave of one hand, and said indifferently: "Now the sermon is starting, you sit down, and how much you can listen depends on the audience." Wait for the opportunity." After finishing speaking, he went straight to preach, ignoring the middleman.This Taoist is none other than Daozu Hongjun.

"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. All things bear yin and embrace yang, and they are full of energy to think of harmony. Doing nothing, doing nothing, repaying grievances with virtue. Difficulty is easier than easy, and greater than detail. Difficult things in the world must be done in an easy way; great things in the world must be done in a small way. Therefore, a sage does not become a big one, so he can become a big one. A man who is light on his promises must be trustworthy. A lot of things are easy to be difficult, so a sage is still difficult, so There is no difficulty."

The sage preached, still exhaling lotus flowers, and the fragrance was lingering.It's just that what Hongjun talked about this time was the way of a sage, which is naturally mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and difficult to understand.

Everyone shook their heads, even Tai Yi couldn't fully understand.He was also helpless, only blaming himself for such a fate.In fact, it is no wonder Tai Yi, even Lao Tzu only understands four out of ten, and the rest are all confused, like a heavenly book, extremely mysterious and difficult to understand.

In this way, after Hongjun’s preaching for 800 years, he stopped abruptly and stopped preaching. Dao three times, now it has been consummated, and the number of days has been completed, but the way of heaven is not complete, when someone fits the way of heaven. There should be a sage out of the prehistoric, who will act on behalf of the way of heaven, and the saint is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. There is no action, so there is no defeat, so there is no loss. Husbands may walk or follow; Saint, there should be seven saints under my sect."

When everyone heard this, all of them were startled, there are only eight holy places under the heavenly law, how can they be divided among so many people in Zixiao Palace now.Only Taiyi has already known about this holy position, and the holy position has already been established under the heavenly law, even if you have all-powerful mana, you can't change it, so you just sit on the futon, and don't care about it.

Hongjun glanced at Taiyi, and smiled slightly in his heart, this son is not bad, but unfortunately his fate is not complete, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse, let's see good luck.

"Pangu opened the sky and created the prehistoric world. He has great merit and virtue. Laozi, Yuanyuan, and Tongtian were transformed by Pangu Yuanshen. They can inherit their luck, enjoy their merits and virtues, and become holy."

At this time, I saw Hongjun taking out seven purple qi in his hand, and said: "This is the purple qi of Hongmeng and the foundation of the great way. If you get it, you can prove the Hunyuan and achieve the holy position." Hongjun didn't care too much, and flew out three Dao Ziqi instantly submerged into Sanqing Primordial Spirit.

Sanqing was overjoyed when he heard the words, and after paying homage to Xie Hongjun again and again, he realized that the primordial purple energy in the primordial spirit was gone.

"Nuwa, there will be great merit to be done in the future, and you will be able to achieve Hunyuan." After Daozu Hongjun finished speaking, another purple air entered Nuwa's eyebrows.

Nuwa didn't want to be able to get this holy position, and she was very happy, but she heard Hongjun's words that she would need to do a lot of merit in the future to achieve Hunyuan. Although she didn't know if it was a combination of merit and virtue, what Daozu said must be true, and it is not much. Ask, just respectfully thank you.

Jieyin and Zhunti, although the two of you are not accompanied by the merits and virtues of opening heaven, you two were born with the luck of the west, have great wisdom and perseverance, and in the future you will establish a great religion, cultivate merits and virtues, and you can also become saints. "After Hongjun finished speaking, he also gave the two of them two bursts of purple energy.

Reception, approval, ecstasy, before the two saw that both Sanqing and Nuwa had obtained the holy throne, their hearts were already throbbing, the six of them were all disciples of Hongjun, although the two of them were named, but they also wanted Hongjun There will be no favoritism.

After Hongjun finished speaking, he stopped talking.Seeing the seven purple qi, the people in the audience immediately went to the sixth one, crying and begging Hongjun for money, staring at the last purple qi.

Originally, Di Jun saw that Sanqing got the primordial purple energy, and he had long been envious in his heart, but Sanqing was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and Sanqing's luck was sufficient, but he couldn't compare with him. Now Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti also share holy place.How reconciled in my heart, I was about to go forward to ask Hongjun for it.

But he didn't want Tai Yi to grab Di Jun, shook his head at Di Jun, and didn't speak, but his eyes were extremely firm.Di Jun didn't understand why Tai Yi was like this, but it was not easy to ask in Zixiao Palace.Just sit aside with Tai.

"Hey, it's also God's will. This last burst of purple air will depend on your chance." Hongjun waved lightly, and after the purple air circled around the heads of the crowd for a while, it flew into Hong Yun's body.Everyone was jealous.Especially Kunpeng, if Hongyun hadn't given up his seat back then, he wouldn't have lost his futon. Now, seeing that the people sitting on the futon were all accepted by Hongjun and bestowed with saints, he hated Hongyun to death.At this moment, seeing that Hongyun got the last ray of purple energy, he couldn't calm down in his heart.

"Teacher, is it possible to become a saint without the foundation of the Dao?" At this moment, a voice sounded, and everyone saw that it was Donghuang Taiyi.

"As big as fifty, there are four or nine in the sky, and one of them is gone, so the way of heaven is incomplete. There should be eight saints under the way of heaven, and seven saints under my sect, so there is still a holy seat in this prehistoric world. However, there is no Hongmengzi in the world. Qi, if you want to achieve Hunyuan, you have to break the shackles of heaven and use your strength to prove the way." Seeing Taiyi's question, Hongjun seemed to have known that Taiyi would have such a question, so he said calmly.

When everyone heard that there was still a holy seat, they were overjoyed, but then Hongjun said that he needed to break the shackles of the heavenly way to prove the way with strength, and he was immediately frustrated.How difficult it is to break the shackles of heaven, but this is the only possibility of becoming a saint today, and everyone will naturally not give up.It's just that there can be a few of them who are truly wise and persistent.

Tai Yi listened, and stopped talking, still sitting quietly.

At this time, I only heard Hongjun say: "Now the poor Taoist will fit the heavenly way, and some spiritual treasures obtained back then are useless, so it is a chance to give them to you now."

Everyone heard that although there is no holy seat, it is good to see the Lingbao, and they all thanked the Taoist ancestor for his mercy.

Hongjun took out a Taiji diagram and said: "Lao Tzu, you are transformed by Pan Gu Yuanshen, the first disciple of the Taoist sect, and the great disciple of my sect. In the future, you will be in charge of the great teaching. There should be a treasure to suppress luck. This is the innate treasure Taiji diagram. It was transformed by the ax of Kaitian Axe, fixed the fire and geomancy of the earth, and has infinite magical effects, so I will give you the use of teaching."

Lao Tzu stepped forward and took the Tai Chi Diagram respectfully, but he was overjoyed in his heart.Innate treasure, who does not love.Everyone was envious.

"Original, you were transformed by Pangu Yuanshen. In the future, you will establish a great religion, and you should have a treasure to suppress luck. This innate treasure, Pangu Banner, is transformed from the blade of the ax that can break the chaos of the universe, so you can use it to suppress it." Good luck." Hongjun took out a black long flag and gave it to Yuanyuan.

Yuanyuan also respectfully took the Pangu banner under the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, and thanked Hongjun.

Tong Tian saw that his two elder brothers were all sharing the treasure, and that the three of them were all transformed by Pan Gu's primordial spirit, and they were both Hongjun's disciples.

At this time, Hongjun said: "Tongtian, you are also transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit, but you act upright and fight with your palm. Now I give you the four swords and formation diagram of Zhuxian, which can be used to spread Zhuxian's sword formation, which is an innate treasure. This Zhuxian sword formation is the first killing formation in the prehistoric era, and the formation of saints is invincible unless the four saints are invincible. It's just that this formation is too murderous, and the suppression of luck is not as good as other treasures, so it should be used with caution in the future." Hongjun took out four swords The fierce sword and a black formation map were handed over to Tongtian.

Tong Tian was overjoyed, took over the sword formation, and laughed endlessly.

Hongjun's words shocked everyone. They never thought that the Sword Formation of Immortal Executioner would be so powerful, and that the formation of saints would require four saints to break through. There are only a few saints in the world, and the Trinity is one, so how could it be difficult for the sky.I am afraid that I will go around Tongtian in the future.

Taiyi sighed inwardly, he would kill the immortals if he succeeded, and he would kill the immortals if he failed.The way of heaven cares most about balance, so how can you make you reach the sky above all the saints.

Hongjun also bestowed on Nuwa the Innate Spiritual Treasure Mountains, Rivers, Sheji Map and Red Hydrangea, both of which are top-grade innate spiritual treasures, one for attack and one for defense, which shows Hongjun's love for her.

Then Hongjun bestowed the golden lotus with twelve merits and virtues, and gave Zhunti the divine pestle for blessing.Jieyin and Zhunti saw that the two of them only got two innate spirit treasures, they felt bitter, but they didn't dare to say too much, after all, the two of them were just registered disciples, and it was useless to say whether they had merit or virtue.

Seeing that Hongjun's disciples were all given the spirit treasures, everyone cried to Hongjun and begged for them.

Hongjun had no choice but to take out a huge black stone platform from his sleeve, on which were placed more than 200 spirit treasures, the treasures were shining brightly, making everyone salivate.Hongjun just said: "Everyone depends on his chance." Then he stopped talking.Everyone shot.Lao Tzu's Tai Chi picture is surrounded by several spiritual treasures, but the quality is good.Yuan also received more than a dozen pieces.As soon as the Tongtian Zhuxian sword formation was established, hundreds of spirit treasures were accepted.The combination of Jieyin and Zhunti also received more than a dozen pieces.

Taiyi had been waiting for this moment for a long time, so he was already prepared, and the Donghuang Bell went to Fenbaoya, and Emperor Jun saw Taiyi's attack, so he was on the sidelines to help.The two teamed up and collected more than a dozen Xiantian Lingbao.Among them, there are many top-quality direct currents, especially the Nanfang Lidi Yanguang Banner, which actually has the Xiantian Wufang Banner. It turns out that this flag should have been obtained by Lao Tzu, and Tai Yi didn't care about it.

At this time, I saw a burst of light on Fenbao Cliff, and the spirit treasure on it flew towards the flood in an instant, suppressing the luck of the flood, leaving only a bare Fenbao Cliff.

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