The Great East Emperor

Chapter 53: Hongjun Joins the Way, Tai Yi Refines the Sword

Seeing that the Lingbao had disappeared, everyone wanted to chase after it, but they couldn't find it, so they had to give up.Seeing that Fenbao was over, Hongjun took back Fenbaoya with a wave of his hand, and said: "Pangu opened the sky, the Dao is fifty, and the sky is fourty-nine. I escaped one of them, so the way of heaven is incomplete, and the poor way can get the Tao with fragments of good fortune and jade butterflies. You should be in harmony with the Tao with your body, complement the Tao of heaven, and strive for that ray of life for all living beings."

As soon as Hongjun's words came out, everyone was shocked and bowed down one after another, saying: "The Taoist ancestor is merciful." It's just that although they said so in their mouths, they were filled with joy in their hearts.Hongjun agreed, no one restrained them from then on, but they couldn't say it clearly.

Hongjun nodded slightly, a fragment of a jade butterfly floated on top of his head, the blue light filled the air, mysterious and mysterious, it was the fragment of the good fortune jade butterfly, and said flatly: "From now on, Hongjun is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is not Hongjun. It is not a catastrophe of heaven and earth, Hongjun will not appear. The way of heaven is prosperous, and there should be a saint. Remember, you should educate all living beings and perfect the operation of the way of heaven."

"Disciple, remember the teacher's instructions." Everyone replied respectfully.

In the end, Hongjun just glanced at Taiyi indifferently, and said: "Heavenly, come together." I saw the good fortune jade butterfly above Hongjun's head, shining brightly, dispelling the chaos above his head, and a huge golden Dharma wheel, turning quietly , It is the day that Dao Falun.Hongjun's figure became fainter and fainter until he finally joined Falun and disappeared.

When Hongjun agreed, Zixiao Palace also disappeared in front of everyone. From then on, Hongjun did not come out, and Zixiao Palace did not open.Seeing that Zixiao Palace disappeared, everyone present had no choice but to go back to Honghuang to digest what they had gained from hearing the sermon.

Di Jun and others returned to the Heavenly Court, while Kunpeng, Fuxi and Qingling had already gone back to retreat.In the back hall of the Heavenly Court, Emperor Jun and Tai Yi sat facing each other, neither of them had any joy on their faces. Neither of them got anything for the appointment of the Zixiao Palace this time, so how can the Heavenly Court command the world in the future.

"Imperial Brother, I am afraid that the heaven will be so difficult, but the saint is established by the way of heaven, and we can't wait." Di Jun said sadly, how could he be so chic in his heart as he said on his lips.Both myself and Taiyi were born noble, born with the aura of emperors, and they were born with top-quality spiritual treasures. Now they have achieved the throne of emperors, but they can't be saints. Saints are mere ants.It's just that Daozu decided, and he has nothing to do.

"This matter is just like what the emperor said, but now that Hongjun is united and the saint has not yet appeared, we only need to consolidate the strength of the heavenly court and dominate the prehistoric, and then we can prove the last holy position by relying on the prehistoric luck. The foundation is to prove the Tao with strength, and the one who proves it is a sage of the Dao, and his strength is more powerful than others." Although Tai Yi said so, he knew in his heart how difficult it is to prove the Tao with strength, and now Hongjun is united and completes the world. Dao, if you want to break through the way of heaven, it is still far away.

"I'm afraid that only the emperor's younger brother can do this method in the prehistoric times. For my brother, I am now cutting off my obsessions. I only hope that I can gather the prehistoric luck and learn from the Taoist ancestor to cut off the three corpses. When the time comes, the three corpses will have to be chopped off. Even if I can't become holy, If I think about it, I can keep my Heavenly Court safe." Di Jun took the road of killing the three corpses, and he had already cut off other paths to prove the Tao. Yuan.

"It's so difficult to prove the way with strength. Although it's just to break through the way of heaven, not like Pangu, you need to break through the way to prove the way, but this road is probably far away. I don't know how much mana will be accumulated." Tai Yi naturally knew how difficult it was. Thinking that he still had the Chaos Orb, the Avenue of Chaos might be an opportunity, and he was quite indifferent in his heart. There was still hope, and now he had to find a way to restore the Chaos Orb as soon as possible.Otherwise, the advent of the age of saints would not be something that he could resist now.

At this time, I saw Taiyi took out a fiery red flag from the Eastern Emperor Bell, which was the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Nanfang Lidi Flame Flag, and handed it to Di Jun, saying: "Brother Emperor, take this treasure for self-defense. Hetu Luoshu has made Zhou Tian Xingdou's eyes, and the emperor needs a treasure to protect him."

As soon as Di Jun heard that it was exactly as Tai Yi said, he accepted the Nanfang Lidi Flame Flag. Anyway, Tai Yi has a lot of spiritual treasures, and he doesn't need this spiritual treasure, so the two retreated one after another.Although Dijun and Taiyi did not share the grand purple energy this time, the Dao of Saints that Hongjun talked about is also the most important principle of the Dao, which needs to be understood carefully.There is no limit to strength, and with this income, he can break through a lot and have more guarantees.

Although Taiyi's cultivation level at this time did not cut corpses, he still had the cultivation level of cutting two corpses at the peak. This time, after listening to the Tao, Hongjun's Dao of Good Fortune and his own Dao of Chaos were recruited by each other, and his understanding of Dao became more profound, which made Tai Yi's work great. Advance, faintly has the ability to break through and kill the two corpses.

"Currently, although I am afraid that I am No. 1 in the prehistoric world, I am afraid that I will be like an ant when facing a saint in the future." Thinking of the saint, Tai Yi felt distressed: "Could it be that I really want to find that person, but... …Hey, forget it, the way of heaven has already been determined, so why force it. It’s just that Kunpeng should be involved after all, but he will have to help when the time comes.”

"Since you chose this path at the beginning, don't hesitate any longer, seek personnel and obey the destiny."

However, it is said that the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan were defeated in the East China Sea battle that day, and then retreated to recover from their injuries.In this battle, Zu Wu also realized the shortcomings of the Dutian Shensha formation, and he still couldn't exert the strength of the formation stably, so he sacrificed again.This retreat has lasted for ten thousand years, and he has improved a lot in understanding the big formation, and he has also made breakthroughs in cultivation.

"Hahaha, Du Tianshen's formation, it really is full of spirits, father's supernatural powers, it's really amazing." Seeing the power of the formation, She Bishi was delighted.

"That's true. Now that the Great Formation is proficient in refining, we are just going to seek revenge from Dijun and Taiyi. This time, we will definitely kill them." these words.Shebishi, Qiangliang and others on the side also hated Dijun and Taiyi deeply, and proposed to kill them in heaven, avenge their hatred, and take back Buzhou Mountain.

"This matter is impossible. Don't you forget that the Heavenly Court is protected by the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation. If you go recklessly, the Heavenly Court will not be destroyed, and I am afraid that it will bring disaster to our Wu Clan." Seeing that everyone was blinded by hatred, Zhu Jiuyin, Speak out and overwhelm the crowd.

Gonggong and the others, after listening to Zhu Jiuyin's words, recalled the power of Zhou Tian's Star Dou array back then, and the last blow directly smashed the Dutian Shensha array, and Pangu's real body was broken, their hearts tightened, and they calmed down. No more words, just listen to Di Jiang's arrangement.

However, at this time, Di Jiang was also in a dilemma, and it was difficult to make an accurate decision. With his temper, he really wanted to go to the heaven immediately. The Lich fought twice, and his own witch clan has been suffering, and he was already furious.It's just that Di Jun is the elder brother of everyone and the head of the ancestral witches after all, but he has to think about the future of the witch clan.

But he said that Hongjun said three lectures. As a ancestral witch, he had no soul, so he didn't go to listen to the lecture. It was a big event, and I was shocked when I heard that Nu Wa had been assigned the holy position.

"Brother, now there is a Nuwa in the Yaozu who has won the holy position. If she is sanctified, based on the cause and effect of the two Lich clans, how can the Yaozu let it go."

"That's right, after all, Nuwa is the Emperor Wa of the Yao clan, and her brother Fuxi is even in the Heavenly Court now. If something happens in the Heavenly Court, how can she let it go." At this time, even a calm Zhu Rong couldn't calm down.

The ancestral witch got the holy position because of Nuwa, and he was in a mess at this time.At this moment in the Heavenly Court, Tai Yi was busy refining his swords, but it was because Tai Yi felt that although several treasures in his hands were powerful, none of them were very useful. The Chaos Orb still didn't know how to repair it. One body, but too conservative, although the Tianchi ruler is sharp in attack, it is not very handy, so Taiyi wants to refine one by himself.

However, when Taiyi opened the furnace to refine the sword, the things used would naturally not be ordinary products. There were a lot of various innate materials such as five-element fine gold, the essence of stars, Taiyi black iron, etc., among which two Taiyi were added to divide The two low-grade swords taken from Baoya, with such a formation, only Taiyi in the prehistoric world can do it.

This sword was calcined by Tai Yi with the real fire of life, once it is refined, it can be the same as life without sacrifice, so it is very suitable for proving the way.

At this time, many materials have been refined into a puddle of solution after years of refining, with sufficient spiritual energy, and with the help of the Eastern Emperor Bell, the two innate spirit swords have also been turned into molten iron.Taiyi breathed out the Dao, the seals in his hands condensed, and he shouted loudly, with thousands of seals in his hands, all kinds of ways of killing and cutting in his mouth were like spiritual energy, and they were transferred into the spiritual treasure that gradually condensed into a sword shape. The Eastern Emperor Bell exhaled the aura of chaos, combed the spirit sword to make it more dazzling, and punched tens of thousands of formation seals into its hands.

At this time, Taiyi took out a blue treasure gourd from his sleeve, which was the good fortune gourd. Taiyi opened the gourd and took out a huge mass of merit, which was exactly what Kunpeng created characters, established the monster clan, and the heavenly court.Tai Yi, with one wave of his hand, all the merits and virtues were poured into the long sword by Tai Yi. Immediately, the sword glowed brilliantly, and its quality continued to rise.

After such a hundred years passed, after the sword absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy and merit, it only heard a "ding", a three-foot long sword, standing in the void, the sword was three feet long, the golden light closed the sun, the aura was dazzling, and the merit was lingering, Shining brightly, Tai Tai is overjoyed, this place is forged by Tai Yi with the essence and blood of his own life, once the sword is ready, it is already connected with the heart.

Although this sword is acquired, it is comparable to the best innate spiritual treasure, and it is the ultimate treasure of acquired merit, but its merit is greater than that of the incomparable sky ruler, and it is also infused with a few strands of primordial purple energy.However, it is said that the primordial aura within the measuring sky ruler is a few wisps of tiny purple aura formed when Pangu opened the sky, but it is incomparable with the foundation of the Great Dao.

Seeing the completion of the sword at a glance, Tai made a scabbard from a few pieces of star essence and other materials, waved back the sword and said: "Hahaha, waiter, you will wear the sword for the emperor, and you will name it Suppressing Demon Sword." There is a spirit, just as soon as Taiyi's voice fell, the word "Suppressing Demon" appeared on the sword body, vigorous and powerful, like a dragon and a snake.

But he said that the Taiyi sword was great, his cultivation was greatly improved, and his heart was free. After receiving the sword, he left the back hall and came to Lingxiao hall.At this time, Dijun and Fuxi have not yet left the pass, Kunpeng is refining the star banners, but the Lingxiao Hall is very deserted, and now the top ten demon commanders, all gods, are mostly stationed in Qingqiu Mountain and Buzhou Mountain, the Four Spirits Snake King and others People are also guarding the four gates of the heavenly court.At this time, only Tu Shan, Qiongqi, Lu Wu, and Bi Fang were stationed in the hall.

At this time, I only heard the report from Hua Snake. Zuwu led millions of witches to kill Buzhou Mountain. Several great sages such as Guiche and Bai Ze had already fought against the Wuzu. withstand.

When Tai Yi heard this, he was furious in his heart. The witch clan is not a son of man, and he repeatedly made trouble with himself. Even Tai Yi knew that the Lich was the protagonist of this calamity, and the struggle was inevitable, so it was hard to hide his heart Furious, he asked someone to notify Di Jun and the others.On the other hand, he took Qiongqi and others out of the Heavenly Court to face the Wu Clan.

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