Jagged Warlord

171. Negotiate terms

Li Mohan replied calmly, "Big, I don't have a big appetite, but Prime Minister Duan's burden is heavy!"

Xu Shuzheng's face was a little sad, obviously he was stabbed by Li Mohan.

After Duan Qirui came to power, he really wanted to do something else and do a lot, but what Duan Qirui never expected was that the first thing he did when he came to power was to accelerate the downfall of the Yuan family. The first order issued later was to order China and Communications to stop paying cash.

The person who came up with this idea was Liang Shiyi. Liang was a financial giant in the early years of the Republic of China and the leader of the transportation department. Duan and Liang were very congenial. At that time, the financial inside story was fully revealed, and the actual situation of China and Communications Bank was also told to Duan. Liang said: China Bank and Communications Bank have more than 7000 million banknotes in the market, but only more than 2000 million yuan in stock, and the released business funds are about 2000 million. RMB 4000 million has been loaned to the government over the years. At present, if you want to maintain the military and government expenses that should be paid, and you can’t borrow domestic or foreign debts, you have to issue more banknotes. The increase in banknotes will cause inflation, and a run may occur, and the situation will be unmanageable. Duan thinks that it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice, and the only way to take risks is to stop the redemption of orders and make time to sort out and cash them out.

After the suspension of exchange between China Bank and Bank of Communications, outsiders mostly blamed Liang Shiyi. Rumors arose everywhere. Smuggled cash from the Bank of China and the Bank of Communications abroad. As a result, people's hearts were further dispersed, and Yuan Shikai's personal and Yuan government's credit was completely bankrupt.

Xu Shuzheng coughed, and said: "Although Zhiquan has such troubles, your Excellency is unable to help solve them. If so, why do you have to negotiate terms!"

Li Mohan put the coffee in his hand on the desk, smiled slightly, and asked back: "Youzheng, how do you know that I can't do anything, Huashang Bank has plenty of money, I can help Duan Gong advance a sum of money!"

"How much?" Xu Shuzheng asked without hesitation

"This number." Li Mohan stretched out two fingers

"Two million is a drop in the bucket." Xu Shuzheng shook his head coldly.

"It's 2000 million." Li Mohan said lightly

"Cough~." Xu Shuzheng choked on his drink accidentally.

Yuan Shikai has already transferred 6000 million yuan from the treasury, 2000 million for the preparation of the grand ceremony, 3000 million for miscellaneous items, and 1000 million for the reward army. Now the 1000 million for the reward army has not been used, and the remaining 5000 million is basically used up. Li Mohan opened his mouth Just spit out 2000 million, which really surprised Xu Shuzheng, this Li Mohan is really rich and powerful.

Xu Shuzheng rolled his eyes, and began to change into a more tactful tone, and asked: "From your tone, it seems that a Shandong warlord is not enough, so you still want~"

Li Mohan said casually: "I want the three provinces of Shandong, Henan, and Jiangsu!"

"What." Xu Shuzheng subconsciously smacked the coffee cup on the saucer, the cup shattered and the coffee spilled out of his hand.

"Come here, clean the floor." Li Mohan rang the electric bell on the table, and after a while, the orderly came in, took away the broken cup, and wiped off the water stains on the floor with a mop.

Li Mohan made another cup of coffee for Xu Shuzheng, "Brother Youzheng, why are you so excited!"

Xu Shuzheng became a little angry, and he said: "Your appetite is too big. Feng Guozhang, the governor of Jiangsu, is a veteran general of Beiyang. If you want to grab his territory, Zhiquan will be very troublesome!"

"Then what about Henan." Xu Shuzheng also shook his head, "The central part of Henan is controlled by Zhao Ti, while the western part of Henan is Liu Zhenhua's territory. Even if Beijing issues such an appointment, I'm afraid these two will not easily submit!"

Li Mohan said: "This is not something Brother Youzheng and Duan Gong are considering. In addition, it is fine not to give me Jiangsu, but it must be made up in other ways!"

"What method?" Xu Shuzheng asked

Li Mohan handed Xu Shuzheng a piece of paper with a series of names written on it.

"Weng Zhilin, Han Linchun, Shen Fengming, Liu Qingen, Jiang Tingzi, Du Wei, Zheng Zixi." Xu Shuzheng read out the names one by one, "Why do you want these people?" Xu Shuzheng asked.

Weng Zhilin, whose name is Zhenbo, was born in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. He used to be the director of the Ordnance Bureau of the Army Department of the Nanjing Provisional Government, and later served as the director of the Ordnance Department of the Army Department of the Beiyang Government. The Regulations on the Establishment of Army Arsenals unifies the names, works, inspections, and materials of arms factories, and defines the responsibilities of personnel in each place. This is the first national organizational regulation for arsenals since the late Qing government established modern arsenals.

Han Linchun, styled Fangchen, was born in Shenyang, Liaoning. He graduated from the Artillery Department of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School. He used to be the head of the Weapons Department of the Ordnance Department of the Army Department. Later, he added a protective cover to the bolt for the Liao-made rifle to improve the dustproof performance and adapt to the northern wind and sand. The large environment is called "Han's 79 rifle", also known as "Made by Han Linchun".

Shen Fengming, named Yiting, was in charge of the factory affairs of the steel and pharmaceutical part of Hubei Steel and Pharmaceutical Factory. He later served as the general office of Hubei Steel and Pharmaceutical Factory. Increased from 200 pounds in the first half of the year to 300 pounds, and began to develop smokeless gunpowder to match the imitated Krupp tube recoil guns imitated by Hanyang Arsenal. The accumulated waste acid can process 2800 pounds of waste acid per day, and recover 400 pounds of nitric acid and 1600 pounds of sulfuric acid. The recovered acid can be used again.

Liu Qingen, courtesy name Guochen, was born in Deyang, Sichuan. He graduated from Guangdong Water and Land Teachers Academy. He then worked in Humen, Jiangyin and other forts, and then worked as a mechanic in Hubei Gun Factory. He was recommended by Hubei Province to study in Japan, where he studied machinery and gun manufacturing. He graduated Studied at Tokyo Imperial University, and returned to Hubei Gun Factory to work after returning to China.

Jiang Tingzi was born in Wujin, Jiangsu Province. He graduated from the Beiyang Army Artillery School in 1901. In 1902, he was ordered to go to Japan to study the army. After graduating in 1904, he returned to China and worked in the army. In 1914, he participated in the preparation of the national arsenal manufacturing. In 1915, he was appointed as the general affairs supervisor of the arsenal office The director was sent to investigate and choose the address for the construction of the new arsenal, and he chose to build the factory in Xiaoyi Town, Gong County, Henan Province, and started to build it immediately.

Du Wei, courtesy name Wucheng, native of Jiaxiang, Shandong, graduated from the Department of Gunpowder, Tokyo Imperial University, Japan, with a bachelor's degree in engineering. Before graduation, he wrote to Weng Zhilin, director of the Ordnance Department, stating his opinions and suggestions on China's military construction. After returning home, Served as a member of the Ordnance Department.

Zheng Zixi Luxiang, a native of Fujian County, graduated from Beiyang Naval Academy in Tianjin in 1899, went to study in England in 1901, and entered the Greenwich Naval Academy. Naval gun manufacturing, participated in the design of arsenal guns, and was hailed as one of the "Three Masters of Asia" by the British scientific and technological circles.

"I have my own use for these people, and I just say yes or no." Li Mohan said

Xu Shuzheng took a sip of his coffee, and said, "How come your tone is so similar to that of Hiji Masaki when he forced to sign "Article 21"!"

Li Mohan smiled and replied: "Brother Youzheng, this is hurting me!"

Xu Shuzheng put down his coffee cup, and said bluntly: "It's good to sell for a price, but I know that brother Mohan is a person who understands righteousness, and he probably wouldn't bargain with the country at this time!"

Li Mohan shook his head and replied: "Then you are wrong. I did this for the benefit of the country. I am wholeheartedly for the country. The bigger my territory and the greater my power, the better things I can do for the country and the people. more!"

"Oh." Xu Shuzheng said with a half-smile: "It sounds like it means, he has the arrogance to look at the whole world and give me nothing!"

Li Mohan was noncommittal, just took out a copy of "My Views on Nationalism" with a smile, and handed it to Xu Shuzheng with both hands, "This is my political viewpoint and position. If Brother Youzheng is interested, you can read it in your spare time!"

Xu Shuzheng smiled, and took the book with both hands, "Actually, I've read this book a long time ago, and I agree with the idea of ​​centralization in the book, but Brother Mohan, on the one hand, you strongly advocate the centralization of power, but on the other hand Trying hard to be the hero of the separatist side, isn't it the opposite of what you said in your book!"

Li Mohan replied: "I have said before, 'I am wholeheartedly for the country. The bigger my territory and power, the more good things I can do for the country and the people.' First!"

"Isn't it okay for Zhiquan?" Xu Shuzheng asked: "Zhiquan is upright and upright, and his officials are clean and honest. Isn't it a blessing for the people that such a person is in power!"

Li Mohan said: "Mr. Duan does not smoke, drink, prostitute, gamble, bet, or take possession. He is known as the Prime Minister of the Six Nos. Moreover, Mr. Duan has a straightforward personality and has different opinions. He has always been straightforward. He does not engage in conspiracy or assassination. Resisting superiors, caring for subordinates, and even daring not to kneel when welcoming the "Lafayette" Cixi, this, among the warlords and politicians at the time, stood out from the crowd, and in terms of personal character and virtue, it can completely become a model for us to be a human being!"

Xu Shuzheng was naturally happy when he heard Li Mohan praise his boss.

"However, it is undeniable that Duan Gong also has flaws in his character." Li Mohan changed the subject and said, "Duan Gong is naturally strong, and this character trait can be understood from two aspects: the first is perseverance, and he will not give up until he reaches his goal. , The second is paranoid personality, unwilling to compromise, you know, politics is the art of compromise, Duan Gong is flawed in this aspect!"

Xu Shuzheng was a little unconvinced, and said: "Brother Mohan accused so many shortcomings of others, so you can be alone!"

Li Mohan smiled and said: "I also have shortcomings, such as lust, but this will not affect my choice in front of big right and wrong, and it will not affect the interests of the country because of it, and brother Zheng, I am not polite, you are young and promising , act decisively, but you are arrogant and domineering. While you are constantly making enemies for yourself, you are also making enemies for Duan Gong, but Duan Gong trusts you very much. If Duan Gong achieves great things in the future, you must have great credit. You must be responsible for the great crime that the halberd fell into the sand!"

Xu Shuzheng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said, "I never thought that brother Mohan would compare me to Xiao He. I'm really ashamed. Well, I will report your request!"

Li Mohan said with a smile: "Then Brother Youzheng, you better hurry up, because our military government of the Republican Army has not yet reached any kind of ceasefire agreement with the Beiyang government."

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