Jagged Warlord

172. Fertilizer plant

Xu Shuzheng frowned and asked: "Brother Mohan, what do you mean by that? Our Beiyang lineage has also been burned in fire and blood, so it's not scary!"

Li Mohan saw that Xu Shuzheng reacted so strongly, so he smiled and said: "I just want to end the dispute as soon as possible, so that the people will not suffer from military disasters, brother Zheng, don't be suspicious!"

Xu Shuzheng frowned, arched his hands, and said, "This is the best, then Xu will leave first!"

"Go slowly, someone will send Secretary Xu off." Li Mohan raised his hand.

"Cough." Liu Musheng and Duan Qingxi came out from the back hall.

Liu Musheng said: "2000 million is only exchanged for Shandong and Henan, it seems too much!"

Duan Qingxi said with a smile: "Back then, Meng Tuo traded wine for Liangzhou, but today's commander's bid is a bit high!"

Li Mohan poured a cup of tea for the two of them respectively, and said with a smile: "Gentlemen, money is not a problem for me. I can benefit the people of Shandong if I become the governor of Shandong. If I become the governor of Henan, I can benefit the people of Henan." Fu, if I control the whole of China, then I can benefit the people of China, that's all." After speaking, Li Mohan looked out the window and let out a long sigh.

Duan Qingxi did not expect to attract a long sigh from Li Mohan who was concerned about the country and the people, so he changed the subject and said, "I have something to report to the commander. The agronomy experts we sent have returned, and they said that the soil quality in the Linqing area is very suitable. Plant cotton!"

Judging from the current perspective, Linqing is located in the northwestern region of Shandong, in the middle of the Central Hebei Plain, the Northwest of Shandong, and the Northwest of Henan, which is a famous commodity cotton base in my country.

Linqing, Shandong is named for its proximity to the Qinghe River (now the Weiyun River). It has become a famous cotton-producing area in history because of its moderate temperature and sandy soil suitable for cotton planting. Linqing's cotton planting area is mainly east of the Linqing River. , cotton varieties mainly include soil cotton (local cotton species) and foreign cotton (foreign varieties). Although the quality of soil cotton is poor, it is widely planted by local cotton farmers because of its high yield. And Linqing Shizitou, the foreign cotton is Qin's improved and Tuolisi, the annual cotton planting area is about 2 hectares, 4000 hectare = 1 mu ≈ 100 hm6.67 or more, calculated on the basis of 2 kg seed cotton per 667 m2, the whole county The annual output of cotton is about 50 tons, equivalent to 2 tons of net cotton (lint).

Liu Musheng said: "At present, textile factories are springing up like mushrooms all over the country, and the business is very prosperous. This requires farmers to plant a large amount of cotton. However, if there is more cotton, there will be less food. If there is no harvest in the coming year , but there will be big trouble!"

Li Mohan motioned the two of them to sit down, and asked, "Among you two, has anyone heard the story of 'sheep eating people'!"

"Sheep cannibalize people." Duan Qingxi smiled, and replied: "Only people eat sheep, or people cannibalize each other in disaster years, but I have never heard that sheep can eat people!"

Liu Musheng also shook his head.

Li Mohan said: "Then I will tell you this story, it happened in England!"

In the 15th century, the British wool spinning and woolen industry developed rapidly, and the price of wool on the market began to soar, making sheep farming profitable, but it required a large area of ​​land. The farmers were driven away, and the land that could be used to raise sheep was occupied to develop the sheep raising industry. The farmers lost the land on which they depended to support their families.

A well-known writer at that time, Thomas More, wrote in a book called "The Instructive and Interesting Golden Book of the Most Perfect State Institutions and Utopian New Islands": "Sheep are naturally very tame, and they can do whatever they want." There were not many, but now they have become so greedy and vicious that they will eat people, and they will destroy our fields, houses and cities."

The enclosure movement realized the separation of farmers from the land, making farmers less and less. Some of the farmers who lost their land became hired workers on farms and flowed into the cities, preparing a large number of free laborers for the development of British capitalism. At the same time, the enclosure movement It also destroyed the cottage industry and expanded the domestic market for the industry, which greatly promoted the industrial development of Britain and made Britain the leader of European business in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The enclosure movement realized the separation of farmers from the land, making farmers less and less. Some of the farmers who lost their land became hired workers on farms and flowed into the cities, preparing a large number of free laborers for the development of British capitalism. At the same time, the enclosure movement It also destroyed the cottage industry and expanded the domestic market for industry, which greatly promoted the development of Britain's industry and made Britain the leader of European business in the 17th and 18th centuries. The land movement created a large number of free labor forces needed for the development of capitalism , accumulated capital, expanded the market, and prepared the conditions for the industrial revolution.

Hearing what Li Mohan said, Duan Qingxi and Liu Musheng seemed to have realized something, Liu Musheng asked: "Could it be that young master, are you planning to come to Shandong to eat people with cotton!"

"It's not just cotton eating people, there may be silkworms eating people in the future~" Li Mohan said

"Silkworm, the commander is referring to the tussah silkworm." Duan Qingxi said

"Not bad." Li Mohan nodded.

Tussah silkworm, the ancients generally called wild silkworm, mountain silkworm, tussah silk, and ancient people generally called it mountain cocoon silk, cocoon silk, wool silk, and native silk. Foreign countries also call Chinese tussah silk Shandong silk and Tang silk. Tussah silk weaving once became a worldwide industry in the 1895th century, but its origin was in Shandong, China. The maturity and promotion of tussah silkworm breeding technology began in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, and in the early years of the Republic of China. "Mountain Silkworm Collection" said: "The use of mountain silkworms, although it was called auspicious from the Han Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, was not advocated in the end. It fell to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and the civilization was on the rise. In the east of Qi, there were people in the village who used this to make threads. Since then, more and more people have followed suit.” Among the counties in Shandong, Zhucheng was the earliest area where the technology of stocking silkworms was mature, and it was the center where this technology was promoted to both inside and outside the province. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, tussah silk and its Products have become an important role for our country to join the international commercial war. On the eve of the signing of the Sino-Japanese "Treaty of Shimonoseki" in [-], Kang Youwei gathered a bus in Beijing and drafted a petition. "Silk", an example of enemy goods from foreigners and profits from foreigners.

The end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China was the "golden age" in the history of tussah silkworms in China. As the birthplace of tussah silkworm breeding technology, Zhucheng still played a role model for the whole country. In the form of textbooks, there is a comprehensive and systematic introduction to oak tree cultivation, tussah silkworm stocking, seed production, pests and diseases, silk making, etc., and the production technology of tussah silkworm in Zhucheng is promoted to the whole country again.

Li Mohan said: "The best thing is to invite this Mr. Tian Yintang to come to Shandong to make Shandong's tussah industry bigger and stronger!"

Duan Qingxi said: "Although the development of industry and commerce is the mainstream nowadays, the principle that food is the most important thing for the people and no agriculture is unstable has never changed. The commander should think twice!"

Li Mohan said: "I have thought about this problem. The problem of grain planting area can be alleviated by increasing the yield per mu. The first method is to introduce new types of seeds with high yield, and the second is to use chemical fertilizers!"

"Chemical fertilizer." Liu Musheng asked, "I've only heard of farmyard fertilizer!"

Chemists began to conduct scientific research on the nutrition of crops in the middle of the 18th century. The two major plant nutrition theories that were popular in the early 19th century were the theory of "humus" and the theory of "vitality". The former believed that the carbon elements needed by plants did not come from the air Instead, it comes from humus, the component that plants use to make plant ash through their own vitality.

In 1840, Liebig, a famous German chemist, published the book "The Application of Chemistry in Agriculture and Physiology", and established the theory of plant mineral nutrition and return theory. When the minerals are decomposed and released, they are nutritious to plants. Liebig also pointed out that the mineral nutrients absorbed by crops from the soil must be returned to the soil in the form of fertilizers, otherwise the soil will become increasingly poor, thus negating the "humus" and "hum". The theory of "viability" has caused a revolution in agricultural theory and provided a theoretical basis for the birth of chemical fertilizers.

In 1828, the German chemist Wöhler synthesized urea for the first time in the world. According to the "vitality theory" popular in the chemical field at that time, urea and other organic substances contained certain vitality, which was impossible to synthesize artificially. Wöhler's Research broke the absolute boundary between inorganic and organic matter, but at that time people did not recognize the use of urea as a fertilizer, and it was not until more than 50 years later that synthetic urea was put on the market as a fertilizer.

In 1838, the British squire Rolls treated phosphate rock with sulfuric acid to make phosphate fertilizer, which became the world's first chemical fertilizer.

In 1840, German chemist Liebig published "The Application of Chemistry in Agriculture and Physiology", in which he established the theory of plant mineral nutrition and the theory of replacement, completely negating the two major plants of "humus" and "vitality" that prevailed at that time. The theory of nutrition laid a theoretical foundation for the invention and application of chemical fertilizers. Liebig also invented potassium fertilizer in 1850.

Around 1850, Laws invented the earliest nitrogen fertilizer.

In 1909, the German chemist Haber and Bosch jointly established the "Haber-Bosch" ammonia synthesis method, which solved the technical problem of large-scale production of nitrogen fertilizer.

Li Mohan said: "Looking at the world, there is no such strong country today whose agriculture is supported by excrement and urine. The yield per mu of grain fields under our traditional agricultural production method is very low, so everyone has to work hard to expand the planting area, which intensifies. Land merger, secondly, we have the largest population of [-] million in the world, where do we get so many fields, so agricultural reform is imperative!"

In Li Mohan's plan, there is the project of Huashang Chemical Company, which is a joint venture funded by Huashang Bank and DuPont of the United States. The business scope is mainly chemical raw materials (sulfuric acid, nitric acid, dyes, etc.), rubber products, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, explosives, Chlorine gas belongs to military and civilian dual-use enterprises.

At present, this chemical company has some plans. Zhang Ji, who was born in the School of Road and Mining, discovered large reserves of phosphate rock in Jinpingshan and Xinpu, Haizhou. In addition, through the needlework of Rockefeller, an oil partner in the United States, DuPont Corporation of the United States The board of directors has approved the project of Huashang Chemical Company, and a group of experts and engineers have arrived in China in advance.

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