Jagged Warlord

252. Song Ziwen, a clerk

The First World War was about to break out, and military expansion and preparations for war became the overwhelming "center" of the great powers, and steel that could be used to make guns and cannons became a sought-after commodity. When the First World War broke out in 1914, the factories of various countries were at a standstill to manufacture aviation rail equipment, and they ordered from Han Yeping one after another. The company's supply was in short supply. 'Han Yeping Company ushered in a short "golden period", during the war a total profit of more than 2940 million taels of silver.It can be seen from its files that at that time, an ordinary secretary of the company had an annual salary of up to 50 taels of silver, while the secretarial department with only four or five people had a bonus of more than 50 taels a year.Senior staff spend a lot of money outside.In this case, a large number of people with nepotism squeezed into Han Yeping, making the employment even more corrupt.

Han Yeping, who is well-known outside, still has many relatives of high-ranking officials and nobles who want to squeeze in, and Song Ziwen is among them.He found his first job through his uncle Ni Xichang (pronounced hng) who was the director of the business office of Han Yeping Company at that time.

The date when Song Ziwen’s name first appeared in the archives was June 1918, 6. He was engaged in the job of “Secretary of Western Languages ​​in the Substitute Manager’s Office”. The secretary in Spanish at the manager's office is "equivalent to a current trainee".Later, he served as the head of the investigation section of the manager's office and the general secretary of the Western language.When he first came to the road, Song's monthly salary was only 15 yuan, which was only equivalent to the income of an underground miner in the Pingxiang Coal Mine at that time.

However, although Song Ziwen's life in Han Yeping Company was difficult, he unexpectedly reaped a love at first sight.At the "reception" dinner when Song went to work in the company, not only Sheng Xuanhuai and his friends were present, but also his family members, including Sheng Xuanhuai's 18-year-old beloved daughter Sheng Aiyi.Seeing Miss Sheng Qi's charming appearance, Song Ziwen's heart skipped a beat.During the banquet, everyone talked and laughed happily, which was very lively.I don't know if it was on purpose or not, Miss Sheng would add vegetables to Song Ziwen's bowl from time to time, which made Song Ziwen feel embarrassed.

One evening after 3 months, Sheng Aiyi confessed to Song: "Ziwen, I love you! But this is not a sudden impulse, since the first day you came to the company, I have fallen in love with you. Until I just came to you now, please promise me, okay?"

The two made a secret promise for life, but things were not as romantic as Song Ziwen thought. The Sheng family strongly objected that Song Ziwen was just a small employee.Sheng Jinru's mother, Mrs. Zhuang, insisted on not agreeing to the marriage.At first she felt that the young man was good-looking, and since he had returned from overseas, the two young men seemed to hit it off, so she was quite moved, but she didn't know much about Song Ziwen's family, so she asked Li Puchen, the housekeeper at home, to inquire.

Li Puchen came back and reported: "The Song family is from Cantonese and they believe in Christianity. His father is a dulcimer player in the church. It's not easy to mess with. How can Sheng Gongbao's daughter marry such a family?" It's not right to be an inappropriate household, so you can't promise him!

Most people in the Sheng family also think so, and feel that the status of the two families is too disparate.At that time, although the Sheng family had lost the support of Mrs. Sheng, "a skinny camel is bigger than a horse", the inheritance of more than 1000 million yuan was still head-to-head, and it was all under the control of Mrs. Zhuang, and she could still call the wind and rain in Shanghai.

The Song family is a missionary family. Although the brothers and sisters have all stayed abroad, they were far from developed at that time.In the second year after Song Ziwen returned to China, his father Song Yaoru passed away, and the family property left behind was only enough to maintain a well-off level.Although his eldest sister Song Ailing had married Kong Xiangxi, Kong Xiangxi at that time was just a businessman who had stayed in the United States, far from Kong Xiangxi who later became the Minister of Finance of the Kuomintang.Song Ziwen's second sister, Soong Ching Ling, was married to Sun Yat-sen, the father of the country, but she did not live a peaceful life. [

Fortunately, the power was in the hands of Sheng Laosi, and Sheng Laosi kicked this little secretary away with one order, and transferred him to Wuhan to be the section chief of the accounting department of Hanyang Iron Works of Hanyeping Company.Song Ziwen knew it was a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, but out of respect, he went to work for a few days and returned to Shanghai soon.He was very unlucky at the time, hitting walls everywhere in his career, and couldn't even get a girlfriend.But he has a very stubborn temper, and the more Mrs. Zhuang hinders him, the more vigorous he becomes.Sometimes on the street, when he saw Miss Seven's car in front of him, he stepped on the gas pedal and put on all the horsepower to catch up, turning the car in front of Miss Seven's car, insisting on talking to her.

In order not to make things stiff, the clever Seventh Miss sometimes agrees to go shopping with Song Ziwen, but at the same time she also invites Eighth Miss Sheng Fangyi, Song Ziwen can do nothing.Once the three of them were walking on the street, Song Ziwen was only talking to Miss Seven, when a car passed by, and Miss Eight, who was walking behind, quickly pulled him aside, but he was not knocked down, but The clothes were torn a big hole, and Song Ziwen broke out in a cold sweat from fright.Afterwards, he said to Miss Ba: "Thank you for saving my life. Please believe me, if I have a prosperous day in the future, I will never forget your life-saving grace."

Historically, after Song Ziwen developed, he always advocated the confiscation of "fake property" when dealing with the property of Sheng Xuanhuai's family. This experience of being beaten with a mandarin duck is suspected to be a very important inducement.

One of Li Mohan's economic propositions is to vigorously attack the comprador class, so he specially selected Song Ziwen from a roster of employees as a pawn in dealing with traitorous compradors like the Sheng family.At the same time, Li Mohan hoped to establish relationships with Kong Xiangxi and Sun Wen through Song Ziwen.As a result, Song Ziwen, a small clerk, turned into an executive of Han Yeping Company, and he excitedly sent a telegram to his sisters overnight to announce the good news.

In order to increase his weight in taking back Han Yeping, Li Mohan began to drag the Americans into the water again.Still the old way, lure.Li Mohan threw out two railway bidding plans.It announced that the construction of two railways from Wuchang to Bangzhou in Hunan Province and to Liupanshui in Guizhou Province will start in the next three years.These two railways will also be extended to Guangzhou and Yunnan respectively, together with the Hanchuan Railway, three main lines will be built in the next seven years.The required equipment will be procured by the government, and the locomotive procurement contract will also be provided by the government after completion. The equipment for the three main lines and the trains in operation will be worth at least US$1000 million!

Li Mohan continued to run out of the bait. He said that he would purchase a fixed amount of machinery and equipment from the United States every year. At the same time, he would expand cooperation and purchase equipment for a medium-sized steel plant.And the idea of ​​a large shipbuilding enterprise designing and building two [-]-ton docks and three [-]-ton docks by an American company.It is also possible to send overseas students to the United States to promote exchanges between the two peoples.This attractive bidding plan has attracted the hearts of American capitalists who have long wanted to get their hands on China's railways but have not had the chance.U.S. Minister Rui Enshi immediately stated that he personally absolutely supports the Chinese side in taking back Han Yeping.As for the attitude of the US government, we still need to lobby again.

During this period, Li Mohan promoted two more people, one named Wen Yingxing and the other named Chen Tingjia.

Wen Yingxing, whose name is Hesun, was born in Xinning, Guangdong. His father was a Jinshi and governor of the seventh rank in the Qing Dynasty. In 1901, he entered Nanyang Public School (the predecessor of Jiaotong University) for preparatory studies, and later was admitted to Tangshan Road and Mine School. After graduating in 1904, he went to study in the United States and entered Virginia Military Academy. Traditionally, Virginia Military Academy only accepts American students, but In the autumn of 1904, Wen Yingxing and two other Chinese students, Chen Tingjia and Wen Jizhong, broke this practice and finally knocked on the gate of the Victoria Military Academy.

On June 1905, 6, he was ordered to transfer to the West Point Military Academy, and was one of the first two people in my country to enter the West Point Military Academy. (The other is Wang Geng).Wen Yingxing graduated 15nd out of 2 students in the class in 1909, but his "Practical Military Engineering" subject was ranked second in the class.Among Wen's classmates in the same class were the famous General Davis, General Patton, etc.;

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