Jagged Warlord

After 253.5

Please remember the URL of this site:.The armed forces of the squadron seized the actual control of Han Yeping, which greatly stimulated the Japanese, and also made Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang very happy. They thought that the Japanese would definitely send troops to teach this arrogant Li Mohan a lesson, but in fact, things backfired. Before we had time to discuss whether to send troops or not, rice riots erupted in the country

Besides, after the SS armed forces captured Han Yeping, the Japanese, who regarded Han Yeping as a lifeline of steel, couldn't sit still. The Ministry of War discussed and held meetings almost every day. One after another, troops were ordered to prepare. Some ronin and so-called samurai were always Gathered in front of the prime minister's office, demanded severe punishment of the country on the other side, and even clamored to occupy, declare war, and plunder

The current Prime Minister of Japan is Masahiro Terauchi, the third son of Uda Tashosuke, a native of Yamaguchi Prefecture. Later, he is the adopted son of Kanemon Terauchi. He participated in the Boshin War. The "Japan-Korea Merger Treaty" was implemented. After the government began a 35-year colonial rule, the first governor was Terauchi Masaoka

1914年1918年的第一次世界大战对于日本资本主义的发展又是一个大好机会由于欧美各资本主义大国把主要力量投入欧洲战场日本乘机大举侵略中国并向亚洲各国大力扩展它的对外贸易从而国内资本主义又得到飞跃的发展在此期间日本的工业产值增加了4倍日本在战争中由原來的债务国变成为债权国除偿还了3亿日元外债以外对外债权增加到17 亿4千万日元黄金储备增加到18亿日元

With the firm support of Yamagata Aritomo, Terauchi Masaochi was exempted from the same month as the 1916th Japanese Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, and Governor-General of North Korea in 18. In terms of diplomacy, he adopted a tough policy and used money to buy off Chinese relatives. At the same time, the Japanese warlords changed Shigenobu Okuma's tough approach from military threats to economic penetration to expand Japan's sphere of influence in China.

The most famous economic penetration is the Western Loan. Since 1916, Nishizono Kamezo has frequently traveled to China to induce the Duan Qirui government to accept several Japanese loans totaling 386 billion yen. The direct effect of this loan is that the Beiyang government succumbs to Japan. The signing of the "Sino-Japanese Joint Defense Against the Enemy Military Agreement" made China subordinate to Japan militarily. On the issue of China's participation in the war, Japan still used the Nishihara borrowing trick. In fact, the dispute between Japan and the United States

Masaaki Terauchi intends to take this opportunity to lend the remaining funds in Japan due to the sudden increase in the war to the Duan Qirui government. First, it can reduce the pressure of inflation in the country. Second, it can also expand Japan's political and economic rights in China through financial assistance. This is a first step. It was an insidious and ingenious move, but it all fell through because of Li Mohan's intervention. The wealthy Li Mohan seized the supreme power and then abolished all the treaties and contracts during Duan Qirui's period, including Xiyuan's loan. This made Japan's capital export urgent Consortiums are complaining

Therefore, Japan seems to have made a fortune because of the First World War, but too much money entered the Japanese market, causing inflation, which made Japan's prices skyrocket. One of the characteristics of the Japanese economy is the combination of highly developed capitalism and the remnants of the feudal system. On the one hand, due to the development of capitalist industry, the demand for food and other agricultural products is constantly increasing; Therefore, although the main agricultural product in Japan is rice, almost all islands produce rice, but there are often ***

In 1918, the urban population of Japan increased by 20% compared with that before the outbreak of the First World War, but the grain output did not increase accordingly. In 1917, the output even decreased compared with 1914. Because the Japanese government was keen on armed intervention, the amount of rice used by the Russian army was so large. Landlords and capitalists rely on famine and war to grab new profits and engage in speculative business; the less rice they have, the more they hoard and the price of rice soars [

米价的暴涨严重地威胁城乡劳动人民的生活1918年8月报纸刊登了一个女工的來信说她的一家 3口人每月只收入21到22元左右因为米价腾贵在付出米钱和房租后全家的菜金就沒有了信里最后呼吁赶快降低米价就连监狱的看守和城市里的警察也有人控诉物价特别是米价的高涨法生活下去总之米价的飞涨使苦难中的日本人民又增加了新的苦难日本广大人民都大声疾呼要求立即制止地主、资本家的囤积居奇迅速输入外米并降低米价但是日本政府是以保护地主和资本家的利益为第一天职的它哪里会把人民的要求放在心上;它反而说什么国民思想变坏了必须普及宗教观念和发扬道德感等等这使日本人民更加愤慨

Immediately after the newspaper published the news that the Chinese army had seized the Han Yeping Company by force, the Japanese society immediately began to spread the news that the war on "China" was about to start, which caused the price of rice to soar further, and the rice commotion broke out in this context.

Zhengyi's cabinet in the temple is busy suppressing the rice riots in the country, so naturally they don't have the heart to manage Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang

Under the blazing sun in August, Daye ushered in a new day. The miners in ragged clothes were very excited today. Many people came to the mine early to get the number plate. Many people couldn’t believe it when they got the number. The starting salary is really doubled.”

"The old rules start at 2000 catties per person, but the wages per catty are more than doubled than before."

"That's great." The old miners were tearful. Many of them have worked here since they were young for more than ten years for the development of Daye, but the wages have not only not risen, but even the wages have not been exhausted every day since the Japanese came. I can only barely support my family, but today is different. Although the minimum wage is still doubled, how much sweat and how much money do you get? Many people even think about adding new clothes to their children at the end of the year. Everyone cheered and rushed into the mining area. The sound of slogans and the roar of machines seemed to be much louder than before.

Some people are happy, of course, and some people are resentful. Sheng Xuanhuai sold a lot of shares at a low price to a company where the rich and powerful came in through nepotism, in order to win over the rich and powerful and steadily turn Han Yeping into a golden chicken for laying eggs. The annual salary of ordinary secretaries is as high as 50 taels of silver, while the annual bonus of the secretarial department with only four or five people is more than 50 taels.

Therefore, the first thing Song Ziwen, who has been reused, took office, was to drive away all these moths. At the same time, Han Yeping's Japanese employee SS was also driven away. First of all, these people were all controlled. All liquid funds and personal deposits were confiscated, and the machinery and equipment originally used to replace the share capital were also confiscated.

A total of more than 100 Japanese staff stationed in Hanyeping boarded the riverboat at the gunpoint of the SS soldiers. Their departure also represented the complete failure of Japan's dream of controlling Hanyeping. At this time, the war in Europe was almost over. After the pressure from Britain, the United States, France and other countries that changed their strength slightly, Japan only obtained the preferential purchase right of [-] tons of iron ore at an annual price as compensation.

The Japanese were driven away. Li Mohan's Chinese and foreign engineers, headed by Samuel, immediately came to Hankou. After their careful design and planning, in the next few years, Daye Lingxiang Iron Mine will be merged into Hanyeping Company and established in Hankou. Start mining before the end of the year and plan to merge the copper mines of Longjiaoshan, Qifengshan, Tiantaishan, and Chimashan into a copper company. The ore sand railway from Xiangbishan via Zhangru and Xiaopu to the Shenjiaying River will start construction next month. The waterway and the construction of a new wharf have also started. The design requires that large ships with a displacement of [-] tons can travel smoothly throughout the year. In addition, Daye will gradually build a new city centered on iron mines, coal mines, cement factories, and power plants.

Li Mohan is very satisfied with the work efficiency of his engineer team. He is full of enthusiasm and takes the plan. According to the calculation of the engineer team, the transformation and upgrading plan of Hanyeping Company will take 5 years. At this moment, the annual steel output of Hanyeping has reached 7 tons. With 10 tons of pig iron, plus all the equipment provided by the United States and the technical guidance of dozens of steel experts, it is not impossible for Han Yeping to become a giant in the Asian steel industry in five years.

"5 years?" Li Mohan pinched his fingers and couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it 5 after 1923 years? At that time, Little Japan will be enough for them to drink a pot."



"The Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923." Li Mohan looked at the sunset confidently. "The economic crisis, the earthquake, and 5 years later, China's raw silk industry came back again. Little Japan, I'll see how you fight"[

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