Jagged Warlord

254. Deserving of its name

It is said that after Terauchi Masaki resigned, the person who took over as prime minister was named Yuan Jing

Hara Kyoko, named Kenjiro, was born on February 1856, 2. He was the grandson of Hara Naoki, a retainer of the southern clan of Honnomiya Village outside Morioka Castle, and his father's name was Hara Naoji.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.Kenjiro lost his father at the age of ten. At the age of 9, he entered the school of the feudal clan to study for three years. In 12, at the age of 1871, Kenjiro went to Tokyo to learn English at the Kogyo School.After the feudal clan was abolished and the county was established, his family was poor, and he worked as a schoolboy for his elder Jiangbanwulou in the same township while studying hard. Then he transferred to Jizuo Linxiang's family school, learned French, and accepted the baptism of Catholicism.Later, he successively served as the delivery minister, the interior minister, and the prime minister of the cabinet.Break the politics of the Sacho feudal lord, become Japan's first civilian-born prime minister, and organize Japan's first political party cabinet.

Why was Hara Kei's political party cabinet able to replace the vassal bureaucratic regime that has been in power since the Meiji Restoration?One of the backgrounds is that after the First World War, communism at home and abroad rose, forming a general trend of the times when citizens demanded to participate in political and social life.Terauchi's cabinet was criticized due to rice riots and troops dispatched to Siberia. The desperate Terauchi Masaki resigned as prime minister on the grounds of his illness, and entrusted all the question of the successor prime minister to Aritomo of Yamagata, known as the "Prime Minister Maker". .Xiyuan Temple, one of the elders of Shan County, was expected to be the prime minister, but Xiyuan Temple resigned due to illness and persuaded Shan County to accept Yuan Jing as the prime minister.Yuan Jing immediately began to approach Yutomo of Yamagata, who actually held the power to appoint the prime minister, and exchanged views on the political situation at that time.Although Shan County supports the cabinet in the temple, it adopts a matter-of-fact attitude, and has adopted a cooperative attitude with the largest party, the Political Friends Association, on many issues.Yuan Jing firmly believes that the bureaucratic cabinet of feudal lords has come to an end, and the era of political party cabinets has arrived.On the surface, Yuan Jing approached Shan County to please him, but in fact Yuan Jing was making careful preparations for the handover of power.

After exchanging views with Yuan Jing constantly, Shanxian gradually gave a high evaluation of his character and strength.Yamagata realized that there were no figures who could adapt to the times among the feudal lords and bureaucrats, and finally accepted the opinion of Saiyuanji and agreed that Hara Kyoshi would be the prime minister.The situation at that time worried Yamagata, and domestic rice turmoil, popular movements demanding universal suffrage, and communism were on the rise.Internationally, the international situation has undergone drastic changes after the First World War. The United States has begun to rise, revolutions have broken out in Russia, and Chinese nationalism has risen under the leadership of Li Mohan.The calm Shanxian had to realize that the feudal lords, bureaucrats and politicians could no longer take on the important task of coping with the times.

By the second half of 1918, World War I was drawing to a close, and tens of millions of lives were lost on both sides.Maybe God also felt that the war should be over, so it sent the Spanish flu as a catalyst.

The "Spanish flu" was also called the "Spanish lady" (spnshly), but it was a bit of a misnomer.First, it doesn't seem to have originated in Spain.Second, this flu is definitely not as gentle as its name suggests.

The available medical data show that the "Spanish flu" first appeared in the Funston military camp in Kansas, USA. Before lunch on March 1918, 3, a soldier in this barracks suffered from a fever, sore throat and headache. He went to the army hospital to see a doctor. The doctor thought he had a common cold.However, what happened next was unexpected: by noon, more than 11 soldiers had developed similar symptoms.A few days later, there were more than 100 "cold" patients in this barracks.

In the ensuing months, traces of this "cold" appeared across the United States.The influenza epidemic in the United States seems to be less serious at this stage. Compared with previous years, the death rate caused by this influenza is not much higher.In the midst of a world war, few in the military took notice of the flu outbreak—even though it spread to nearly all American barracks.

Subsequently, the flu spread to Spain, killing a total of 800 million Spaniards, and this flu was named "Spanish flu". In September, influenza appeared in Boston, which was the beginning of the worst phase of the "Spanish flu". In October, the U.S. domestic flu death rate hit a record 9%.The large-scale movement of troops during the war fueled the spread of influenza.Some suspect that the disease was caused by germ warfare by the Germans, or by mustard gas. [


Germany's collapse was the result of many factors: the massive losses accumulated by the war of attrition on the Western Front; bloodshed on multiple fronts; the slow but relentless economic pressure of the blockade; food shortages and war weariness; Bolshevik sabotage and propaganda; liberalism The dissatisfaction with the German monarch Zhunzh.Last but not least: the impossible demands of a goal-limited Napoleonic strategy formulated by the German General Staff; "The idea of ​​self-importance.Germany was at war with half the world, and its army displayed bravery, discipline, and unrivaled tactical skill, with a tactician like Ludendorff, a visionary general like Huthier, a strategist like Hoffmann. But the great and glaring weakness then and later was the impossibility required of the German soldiers, a goal born of the disdain of the sovereign zhunzh clique, of an almost contemptuous underestimation of the enemy.

In the second half of 1918, Li Mohan, China's nationalist ruler, did only one thing: observe in isolation.As early as March 1918, Li Mohan ordered that all people who came to China from the United States, regardless of Chinese or foreigners, must live in a special isolation area for 10 days after disembarking, and observe whether they have cold symptoms.Later, it developed to the point that all people who came to China from abroad had to be quarantined.

In the first month or so, both Chinese and foreigners felt very inconvenient and felt that they were discriminated against.Most people, including Liang Qichao and others, questioned Li Mohan.There were quite a few people who cursed in newspapers and public opinion, and people from Britain, the United States, and Japan also sent people to protest.

Although Li Mohan warned Nanjing and Guangzhou at the same time, both the Beiyang warlords and the southern military government ignored the warnings.

Some people began to die of illness in the port areas of Shanghai, Hangzhou and other concessions, and the world's epidemic situation came one after another, and the voice of doubts became quieter.By October, 10 people had died in the United States, and the cumulative number of deaths from the world epidemic in November had exceeded 20 million.

Because Li Mohan's isolation measures were taken very early and enforced through administrative orders, although there were fish that slipped through the net, the overall epidemic situation was much lighter.At this time, the public opinion turned again, and began to praise Li Mohan to the sky, praising him as the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara who rescued the suffering, and at the same time scolding the northern warlords and the southern military government for disregarding the lives of the people.

Losing foreign aid and being hit by the flu, the Beiyang Army couldn't hold on at first.The SS and the Wehrmacht were flat all the way, and soon took over most of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian and Hunan.Duan Qirui, Feng Guozhang, Cao Kun, Li Chun, Zhang Huaizhi, Qu Tongfeng and others died, and those who were captured were captured. The Beiyang warlords completely collapsed.

In the process of going south, Li Mohan specially issued an order, announcing that the surrender of any Beiyang army is acceptable, but Zhang Jingyao's department that caused the Pingjiang tragedy must be wiped out under any circumstances.People in Hunan hated Zhang Jingyao very much, and they strongly supported Li Mohan's order. They all said that Li Mohan was Li Qingtian.

After that, Li Mohan hooked up with Sun Wen through Song Ziwen's relationship, and proposed the idea of ​​a peaceful reunification between the north and the south.Although Sun Wen is well-known, he has never had his own territory and military power, and has been squeezed out by the Southwest Warlords in the southern military government.After weighing things up, Sun Wen felt that he was pulling his fellow brothers northward and doing it with Li Mohan.

In Zhongnanhai, Beijing, Li Mohan received Sun Wen, and the conference hall was hung with blue sky, white sun, red and five-color flags.Sun Wen was dazzled as soon as he entered.In a daze, there was a burst of excitement in my heart.

Li Mohan greeted him with a smile, went up to support him with a smile, called him the father of the nation, and invited him to stand side by side with him so that the reporters below could take pictures.

Sun Wen was a little flattered, and he quickly said: "Sun Wen is ashamed to be praised and praised."

Li Mohan didn't care, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Sun's revolution has gone through untold hardships, and with the sacrifices and dedication of countless comrades, he finally succeeded in creating the Republic of China. Although there was a Yuan thief who stole the throne, Beiyang took power later. However, Mr. Sun's achievements are well known, so I call him the father of the Republic of China. You deserve it, and you must never resign."

The title of "Father of the Nation" was only proposed after the death of Sun Dapao.But in fact, it might not be what he thought.There was a passage that was said to be Sun Wen's self-report, saying: The Republic of China is like my child, and he is now in danger of drowning.I'll try to keep him from sinking while we're carried away by the rapids in the river.I begged for help from England and America, and they stood on the banks laughing at me.At this time, the straw of Soviet Russia floated, and because I was about to drown, I had no choice but to hold on to it.I know it was a straw, but it's better than nothing. [

From this passage, we can see his positioning of himself and the sadness in his heart at that time.And seeing how he worked so hard for the Republic of China and also for his own ideal fame and power, Li Mohan decided to dedicate his title eight years in advance, so that he could enjoy this feeling before his death. After all, this is his deserved.

The ensuing talks were of little substance.It was just Sun Wen talking about revolutionary ambitions, the prospects for China's future construction, and so on.Li Mohan responded with a smiling face, gushing out flattery, many of which were extracted from the textbooks of later generations.This compliment big lng rushed to Sun Dapao, the former lng, and made him almost die on the beach. evening.At this moment, Sun Dapao suddenly realized that his previous views were completely wrong. It turned out that among the warlords, there were such good people who were so sensible, so sensible, and so understanding of my brothers and my ideas and policies.

However, Li Mohan's so-called so-called title does not mean that no one minds it.After sending Sun Wen away, Liang Qichao and Zhang Taiyan found Li Mohan, and Zhang Taiyan asked Li Mohan directly: "How can Sun Wen be worthy of the title of father of the nation?"

Li Mohan asked: "Why isn't Sun Wen worthy?"

Liang Qichao said: "Sun Dapao is not qualified to be called the father of the nation. He is just waving the flag overseas, defrauding overseas Chinese, and raising money. I think he is a liar who deceives people and sends them to death."

Zhang Taiyan also said: "If we really want to judge the father of the nation based on merit, I think only Huang Keqiang can be called. Huang Keqiang organized the revolution and participated in several battles in person. He often went to the front line to die and die. He has made great contributions to the founding of the Republic of China."

Li Mohan smiled and said: "It is precisely because of this that I call him the father of the nation. Think about it, these parents naturally love their children. But what did the parents do when they raised their children? Cannon, shake off the job twice, and then become a shopkeeper. The mother has to be pregnant for ten months, go to the house and go to the field with a big belly, and has to endure labor pains, and go through all kinds of hardships and go through life and death before she can give birth to her child. From this point of view, comparing the contributions made by Sun Wen and Huang Xing, it is well deserved to call Sun Wen the father of the nation."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Taiyan laughed so hard that he almost rolled on the ground, and Liang Qichao also laughed so hard that he burst into tears, leaning back and forth.

Li Mohan also laughed a few times, and then said: "You two, our major event of unifying China is going well, but the European war is about to end, and the Westerners who have recovered from their gods are about to make a comeback. Everyone should fight Twelve spirits."

Liang Qichao said confidently: "Germany's defeat is a certainty. Fortunately, Mohan, you were far-sighted at that time. Now we can participate in the talks as a warring country anyway, and we can always recover some national rights." He took out a document he had drawn up and said, "I've already drawn it up, take a look."

Liang Qichao planned that Chinese representatives propose to the Western powers to cancel their privileges in China. First, abandon the sphere of influence; Return the leased land; six, return the concession; seven, the right to freedom of customs duties.

Li Mohan shook his head and said: "The wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. If I guess correctly, the Japanese will definitely propose to take over all the rights of Germany in Shandong."

Zhang Taiyan shouted: "This is unreasonable, we are the victorious nation."

Li Mohan smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, you imagine foreigners are too kind. This world follows the law of the jungle, and justice cannot defeat power."

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