Jagged Warlord

52. Shangqiu takes office

The guardian envoy was established as a temporary military official during the Beiyang government of China, and its functions and powers were similar to those of the former Qing general army, similar to the current provincial military division commander.Its official office is called the guardian envoy.The source of the law for the establishment of guard envoys is the "Provisional Regulations on Guard Envoys" implemented on December 1913, 12.If the official position is located in a province with a military and political chief, it is the military establishment under the jurisdiction of the military and political chief and is subject to the control of the military and political chief.If there is no military and political officer in the province, the official or institution is directly under the jurisdiction of the central government in principle.Guardian envoys are generally set up in frontiers and important cities, such as Longdong guardian envoys and Shanghai guardian envoys.

Later generations often classify the guardian envoys of this period as one of the Beiyang warlords.It was not until 1928, when Fengtian leader Zhang Xueliang returned to the national government and Fengtian Province changed to the blue sky, white sun and red flag, symbolizing the unification of China, that the ranks of guard envoys were gradually abolished.

It is said that after Li Mohan was promoted to major general of the army and guard envoy of eastern Henan, he did not go directly to Shangqiu, where the envoy was located, but returned to Jiaozuo to do a few things.

The first thing was to move the workers and engineers from the small power plant near their backyard to Shangqiu together with their family members and their bags.

The second thing is to transport the machines, weapons, and materials purchased by ourselves in the Jiaozuo warehouse to Shangqiu.Gao Xiang and a group of fellows could not leave their homeland, so they could only stay in Jiaozuo.

The third thing is to relocate the teachers and students of Jiaozuo Road and Mine School to Shangqiu as a whole.The Jiaozuo Road and Mine School was originally invested and opened by the British, but in December 1913, after the first students of the Road and Mine School graduated, Fu Company unilaterally tore up the contract and closed the Jiaozuo Road and Mine School.

Just when the teachers and students were at a loss, Li Mohan appeared like a savior. He promised that there were quite a few teachers and students in the school, and anyone who was willing to follow him to Shangqiu could follow him.I have already planned to build a larger school with more complete facilities for them in Shangqiu.

Most of the teachers and students of Jiaozuo Road and Mine School had helped Li Mohan in that small power plant, and they had a good impression of Li Mohan, so they followed Li Mohan to Shangqiu.

In addition, Li Mohan also sent Ma Qian'an to northern Henan to gather the SS troops scattered in various counties and towns.

The last thing to do was to take his father-in-law Huang Dashuan's family from the valley to live in Shangqiu city.On the day Huang Dashuan moved, the whole Bailang Village was in a commotion.Everyone murmured enviously: "Huang Dashuan is really lucky, he moved to live in the city with his son-in-law who is a high official."

After everything was ready, Li Mohan came to Shangqiu with a mighty team to take up his post.

Shangqiu originally belonged to Guide Mansion. During the Republic of China, Guide Mansion was abolished and changed to belong to Kaifeng Road.The origin of Shangqiu comes from Yan Bo, who was the son of Emperor Ku Gaoxin. According to legend, Emperor Ku’s concubine Jian Di swallowed swallow eggs and was born. Therefore, "The Book of Songs and Shang Song" says: "The mysterious bird of destiny descended to give birth to Shang." .

"Zuo Zhuan" contains: "Tao Tang's Huozheng Yanbo lived in Shangqiu, worshiped the fire, and the fire period was in time. Because of this, the merchants were in charge of the fire." Yanbo lived in 2800 BC, the legendary Yao and Shun The era invented the calendar based on the fire period, built a platform to observe the stars while managing the fire, and used this as a basis to determine the natural changes of the year and the quality of the year, making contributions to ancient astronomy in our country.Yan Bo was a fire leader in his fief "Shang" (now Shangqiu), and was deeply loved by the people, so people respected him as the "God of Fire".After his death, Yan Bo was buried in the feudal land. Since Yan Bo's title was "Shang", his tomb was also called "Shangqiu", which is the origin of today's Shangqiu.

Xiangtu, the grandson of Uncle Yan, first invented the carriage, and Wang Hai, the sixth grandson, invented the ox cart.This is the record in the history books that "set up a prison, serve horses and cattle, and think that the people benefit".With the rapid development of agriculture and animal husbandry, the Shang tribe quickly became stronger, and their production was surplus. Therefore, the Shang ancestor Wang Hai used cattle and horses to develop production in Shangqiu. , created a precedent for commercial trade in China. Over time, people called the Shang tribesmen engaged in trading activities "merchants", the items used for exchange were called "commodities", and the occupations of merchants were called "commerce". Culture is called "business culture".

Don't underestimate the small Guide Mansion. At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, there were only eight families of officials above the third rank, Shen, Song, Hou, Ye, Yu, Zhou, Gao, and Yang were behind.In addition to the Eight Great Families, there are also seven major families: Chen, Cai, Mu, Chai, Shang, Meng, and Hu.Up to now, there is still a saying that "the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are half Jiangxi, and the four ministers of Guide are small".

It is said that Li Mohan led the team into the boundary of Shangqiu, and the large army was temporarily stationed in the camp outside the city. This camp was the garrison of the green battalion soldiers in the former Qing Dynasty.The SS soldiers had strict discipline and committed no crime to the civilians.This made Wang Shihua, the county magistrate, a little relieved.Immediately, he called the big households in the county to discuss, and offered to take a sum of money to help the salary. The newly appointed guardian envoy of the province spoke loudly.

Naturally, the eight major households and seven major households in Shangqiu County will have to spend money on this kind of thing.Shen, Song, Hou, Ye, Yu, Zhou, Gao, Yang, Chen, Cai, Mu, Chai, Shang, Meng, and Hu each sent a representative to the county office.

When Wang Shihua, the county magistrate, talked about the matter, everyone understood, isn't it just money?

Although the Chen family in Shangqiu could not enter the Eight Great Families, it was the head of the Seven Great Families.Master Chen of the family is old and has long since stopped asking about trivial matters.Therefore, the representative of the Chen family is named Chen Guozhi, who is the eldest son of Master Chen.I am 40 years old this year, and I used to be the company commander of Cao Kun, the third Beiyang Division. Later, I was injured and became disabled, so I retired and returned to my hometown.

He said: "According to Beiyang's rules, a soldier is ten yuan a month, a squad leader is 12 yuan, a second lieutenant platoon leader is 32 yuan, a lieutenant platoon leader is 40 yuan, a company commander is 60 yuan, and another 20 yuan is for public expenses. One hundred yuan. He has more than 120 people, plus the one given to the battalion commander himself, I probably calculated, at least tens of thousands of oceans."

Wang Shihua nodded and said, "Well, as the county official, I should set an example. I pledge 300 yuan." A year's salary away.County Magistrate Wang spoke up, and other people naturally pledged to donate.

At dawn the next day, county magistrate Wang and Chen Guozhi went to see Li Mohan.

Li Mohan's residence was the green barracks in Shangqiu County during the Qing Dynasty, and the battalion headquarters was located in the largest main room in the middle of the barracks.County Magistrate Wang, Chen Guozhi and others came to the gate of the camp. The sentry on guard took a step forward, swiped the rifle in his hand, and asked loudly, "Stop, who's here?"

County Magistrate Wang stepped forward with a smile, and said to the sentinel standing guard at the gate: "I am Wang Shihua, the county magistrate of Shangqiu County. I heard that the guardian envoy is stationed in our county, and he specially led the local gentry to pay a visit."

The sentinel looked up and down, and shouted to another sentinel: "Xiao Cui, go and report that the magistrate of Shangqiu County has come to see you."

The sentry trotted in. Not long after, the soldier came back, followed by a few people dressed as officers.The sentinel opened the railing, and county magistrate Wang and others filed in.

When they got closer, County Magistrate Wang looked at the three officers. A young and handsome officer walked in the front, followed by two mighty men.Then he stepped forward and bowed: "I am Wang Shihua, the magistrate of Shangqiu County. May I ask who is the guardian envoy?"

Li Mohan smiled and stretched out his right hand, "Hi County Magistrate Wang, I am Li Mohan."

Wang Shihua tutted his tongue and said: "Sure enough, a hero is born in a young age. I didn't expect the guard to be so young." After presenting a tall hat, Wang Shihua pointed to Chen Guozhi beside him and said, "This is Chen Guozhi, the representative of the gentry in this county, Young Master Chen. On behalf of the county gentry, he prepared some small gifts and came to pay a visit."

Chen Guozhi smiled and presented the gift list. Li Mohan took the gift list, looked at it briefly, and smiled.When Wang Shihua and Chen Guozhi saw it, their hearts were also relieved, thinking that the guard seems to be quite satisfied with this gift.

Li Mohan smiled and said, "You two are too polite, please sit inside."

After Wang Shihua and Chen Guozhi entered the room, Li Mohan had some polite conversations with them again.Finally, Chen Guozhi said: "This county has Battalion Commander Li sitting in the town, and the people of Shangqiu County are blessed. Tonight, the gentry of this county will hold a banquet in the humble house to welcome the battalion commander and invite the battalion commander to honor him when the time comes."

"Yes, yes~" Chen Guozhi also echoed

Li Mohan smiled and said: "The elders in my hometown are so enthusiastic, I, Li, will definitely come. I also ask the county magistrate Wang and Master Chen to send a message to the people of Shangqiu County. If you support me, Li, you will have the same blessings and the same difficulties.”

"Master Guardian Envoy really has lofty ambitions~!" Wang Shihua gave a thumbs up

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