Jagged Warlord

53. Clean the dust and catch the wind

Since modern times, with the opening of coastal treaty ports, Henan’s commodity market has been gradually integrated with the world market, and the number of merchants engaged in commercial activities in the province is increasing. Although it is lower than the population engaged in agriculture, it exceeds the number engaged in industrial activities. .

In the early years of the Republic of China, under the background of the gradual decline of traditional Henan merchants, modern Henan merchants gradually developed; their representatives include: Mao Yucen, Wang Yanqing, Jin Fahui and so on.Although the representatives of these modern Henan merchants were all giant merchants, they were not the main body of modern Henan merchants. The main body of modern Henan merchants should be tens of millions of small and medium-sized merchants.

There is a restaurant near the Confucian Temple called Huibinlou, which is one of the best in the county regardless of its appearance, dishes, and drinks.

On this day, the Huibin Building cleared away the individual guests early, cleaned the inside and outside of the restaurant carefully, and prepared to welcome the new Lord Guardian.

Some prominent figures in the county town arrived early, and all kinds of people spoke various Shanxi dialects, Henan dialects, and southern and northern Anhui dialects. When they met, they bowed and greeted each other, but most of them had bad faces.

As long as they talk to each other about the current situation in the world, everyone seems to have taken ecstasy, only shaking their heads but not nodding!This world has become a mess, business routes are cut off everywhere, the money released by ticket offices and banks cannot be recovered, and the deposits brought in are run on by depositors. It is no wonder that they are not happy.

blah blah blah

There was a sound of horseshoes stepping on the stone road, and there was an immediate commotion in the Liu family courtyard. Everyone stretched their necks and looked towards the door.

The first thing that came into view were two groups of proud soldiers in black, with the double "s" marks on the sleeves very conspicuous. When the soldiers arrived at the door, they listened to their footsteps, picked up their rifles and stood straight along both sides of the street.Then slowly came a handsome man who rode a tall white horse and wore military uniform all his life.

This man is in his 20s, his military uniform is well-fitting, his trousers are ironed straight, his military boots are shiny, and his hair is short and energetic. He is holding a whip with his right hand in a white glove, and gently pulling the rein with the other hand. The corners of his mouth looked like a smile but not a smile.

"This is Lord Guardian? Even more beautiful than a big girl~" Some of the onlookers praised

At the gate of the Huibin building, Li Mohan got off his horse, threw the whip to the horse, and entered the door with a smile on his face.

There were nearly a hundred guests in the restaurant, all at a loss, some greeted, some bowed, some beat thousands, and some stretched out their hands waiting to hold hands!

Li Mohan took off his white gloves, smiled and held hands with everyone one by one, and the others quickly extended their hands, waiting for him to shake hands.

"Li Battalion Commander, your presence here really makes us look good~" Chen Guozhi hurried over to greet Li Mohan

"Master Chen is too polite." Li Mohan agreed with a smile, then cleared his throat lightly.

Chen Guozhi is also a clever person, so he immediately shouted: "Everyone be quiet, the guardian envoy has something to say." Everyone immediately silenced, and the restaurant was suddenly silent

Li Mohan nodded with a smile, coughed lightly and said: "Masters, bosses, brothers, I have been traveling in the West for several years. I have seen all countries in the West, and they all built their country with industry and commerce, and ruled the country with codes. That's why the country is rich and the people are strong, and then build strong ships Cannons are rampant all over the world. The stronger the country, the more developed the industry and commerce, and the more developed the industry and commerce, the stronger the country. This is mutual cause and effect!"

The businessmen present had never heard such thoughtful words, and they nodded in agreement frequently.

Li Mohan said loudly: "I, Li Mohan, am here to make a statement. I can't control other places, but on the ground under the jurisdiction of the guarding envoy, all kinds of likin, tax, carriage tax, bed board tax, etc. have been exploited in the past. All kinds of exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes for merchants will also be abolished. In this troubled time, the brothers overestimate themselves and want to keep one side peaceful and benefit the elders in their hometown. Now that the Qing Dynasty has been overthrown and the Republic of China has been established, I hope you can actively participate in industry and revitalize industry. Revitalize the country."

As soon as these words were uttered, all the people present were amazed. Since the establishment of Lijin, this piece of income has always been the fat of local powerful officials.Is this courageous or silly?Everyone is unpredictable, but it must be good to follow along and applaud.

After talking about the scene, Li Mohan took the seat and began to exchange drinks with a group of rich businessmen and country gentry from the county.

"Come, come, drink, drink~!" Li Mohan raised his glass, "I toast everyone."

After pushing and changing glasses again, Li Mohan coughed, and several soldiers walked in, unfolding a large map in the hall.

Li Mohan said: "This blueprint is my blueprint for Shangqiu in the future. Please read it~!"

Li Mohan used a chopstick as a pointer, pointing on the blueprint.The blueprint includes a large coal mine, a large iron mine, a large airport, a gas coking plant, a soda plant, an acid plant, a steel plant, an arsenal, a power plant, a water plant, a municipal halls, racetracks, schools, dozens of main cement roads connecting Shangqiu and its subordinate counties, as well as electric lights, telephones, water lines, and gas lamps in all counties.

These big projects have opened the eyes of the gentry in Shangqiu, and they are constantly speechless.Li Mohan drew a big delicious biscuit for the gentry in Shangqiu, and some younger gentry were already getting a little excited.However, someone interjected and asked, "Where does the money come from for such a large investment?"

This question is like a basin of cold water, which immediately calms everyone down.

Li Mohan looked at the person who asked the question, and asked with a smile: "What's the name of this man?"

The man replied, "My name is Mu Zhiyong."

Li Mohan nodded, and replied: "Part of the funds will be allocated by the guarding mission, and part will be raised through the bank's issuance of stocks. At that time, I still hope that the business community will actively subscribe and contribute to the construction of my hometown."

At this time, someone stood up, cupped his hands at Li Mohan, and said, "I am Wang Jiang, the manager of the Shangqiu branch of the Bank of Communications, and I can help the guardian envoy."

Li Mohan shook his head and said, "I appreciate Manager Wang's kindness, but I am preparing to establish a new bank. I hope Manager Wang will support me a lot."

Wang Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "The guardian envoy also knows how to run a bank?"

Li Mohan said with a smile: "In the West, a loan is an investment in a company. Banks get benefits from the profits of the company. It is a long-term cooperation. But domestic banks value interest. This approach is too naive. Chinese banks cannot be called banks, they can only be called money houses, which are very elementary financial institutions. Compared with the Qing Dynasty, there is not much progress. The reason why China's national industry develops slowly is also related to this bank management method It matters a lot."

Wang Jiang greatly agreed. He said: "I once studied in Japan, and I know a little bit about Japan's financial history. Japan's Meiji period was not as rich as the Qing Dynasty at that time, but they did not borrow a lot of foreign debts when they started businesses. Why, Because Japan has thoroughly discovered the secret of bank credit. Under the modern banking and credit currency mechanism, legal tender will never be scarce, and currency can be created by its own banking system. If so, there is no need for foreign capital to enter Japan Banking system. The only purpose of Japan’s need for international hard currency is to introduce foreign technology and equipment and resources that Japan does not have! Therefore, the Japanese did not have the debts of the underworld like the Qing Dynasty.”

Li Mohan nodded and said: "Under the circumstances that the foundation of industrialization has not been completed and the ability to repay debts is insufficient, borrowing from foreign countries can only mortgage tariffs and other government revenues, thereby losing fiscal and taxation sovereignty. China is now in such a deep mud."

Wang Jiang complained: "The shareholders of our bank have a certain status in the society. They think they are very capable and often interfere with the bank's operations. People come to us to save money for the purpose of high interest. I have mentioned it several times. It doesn’t work. They said that the interest rate is high, and the loan interest rate has to be raised accordingly. The current situation is that if you have money, you don’t lend, and if you don’t have money, we don’t dare to lend.

Li Mohan smiled and said: "Since our ideas are compatible, if Manager Wang is interested, you can come to my bank. There must be a world for you to show your ambition."

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