Jagged Warlord

63. Industrial Park

When Zhang Ji and the others ran out of the yard, countless villagers were already running along the way.When those people saw Zhang Ji, they all shouted loudly: "Mr. Zhang, the well you are referring to is pumping water!"

Everyone ran to the well, and the scene was already surrounded by the villagers. Some old people at the scene cried excitedly, "Dragon Lord bless you, thank you Dragon Lord."

A few young people said, "What Dragon Lord? It's not because of the ability of the scholar who came from the county. That Taoist priest cheated on food and drink for so many days in our Qiantingzi Township, but he can get a little bit of water?"

"Excuse me, excuse me, let me go in and have a look." Zhang Ji pulled the crowd with his hands and squeezed into the middle.

Beside the well, the second idiot held a gourd ladle, filled a ladle of water, and came to Zhang Ji with both hands, "Mr. Zhang, please share this first sip of water."

Zhang Ji was a little moved. He took a look at the water ladle, and found that the water was a little muddy, and it seemed a bit astringent after a sip.Originally, Zhang Ji wouldn't drink this ladle of dirty water, but seeing the grateful and expectant expressions of the villagers around him, his heart felt hot, and he tilted his neck and drank several gulps.

"Well, it's delicious." Zhang Ji wiped his mouth with his sleeve

The villagers smiled contentedly

The head of Yangxiang walked up to Zhang Ji and said: "Mr. Zhang is a great talent, he has saved thousands of elders in our Qiantingzi Township. On behalf of the folks in Qiantingzi Township, I kowtow to you." About to kneel down.

"Impossible." Zhang Ji hurriedly supported the head of the village, "Head of the Yang family, this is breaking me. You are also dedicated to the livelihood of Qiantingzi Township and the villagers. Although the method is a bit extreme, the starting point is good. In the future, as long as we uphold science and get rid of superstition, there will be no more sacrifices of innocent children to pray for rain."

The mayor of the Yang village held back his collar and bowed to Zhang Ji, saying: "Mr. Zhang, the water in this well is enough for people to drink. But I need to trouble you for irrigating the farmland and drinking water for livestock. Please open a few more for our Qiantingzi Township." Well."

Zhang Ji said with a smile: "Major Yang is too polite. I came to Tingzi Township to dig wells to combat drought. In addition, I thought we had one more thing to do."

The mayor of Yang asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Ji said: "Tear down those ruined temples that deceive the people."

The first battle in Qiantingzi Township was successful, and the SS Han Yue, who was in charge of the encirclement task of the working group, immediately sent a report to Li Mohan.

When Li Mohan received the telegram, he was in the room of his concubine Xi Que in the back house.Magpie is a country girl, not as good as those hot girls in later generations, and she is very conservative in matters of men and women.Li Mohan wanted to play some fancy tricks, but she was too shy to cooperate, which somewhat dampened Li Mohan's interest.

However, Magpie has its own way of expressing love, which is to wash Li Mohan's feet.When Li Mohan received the telegram from Hanyue, Magpie was washing his feet.

"Okay!" Li Mohan said happily to himself, "This Zhang Ji has both ability and courage. He can be made."

Magpie raised his head and asked with a smile, "Why is Master so happy?"

Li Mohan said: "The well-drilling team I sent down has drilled the well."

The magpie also smiled happily and said, "The folks who suffered from the drought can be saved."

"Yeah." Li Mohan looked forward to it, "With water, you can farm the land, and if you can farm the land, the people will not be the most homeless and make trouble. Only when there is no trouble, the world will be peaceful. Only when the world is peaceful can the country be strong."

With Magpie's cognitive scope, she couldn't understand the logical relationship inside, but she knew it must be a good thing.So she worked harder to massage the soles of Li Mohan's feet and legs, according to what her mother secretly told her, if you take good care of a man's feet, you are taking good care of him.I don't know where it came from~

Afterwards, the working groups dispatched to various places sent telegrams one after another, reporting to Li Mohan the progress of locust eradication and drought relief, which was generally satisfactory.Although there were a few ignorant gentry who obstructed it, they were all small troubles. As soon as the SS came forward to suppress them, they immediately became honest.

At the same time, the 37 rent reduction plan is also in full swing.The plan is carried out in three steps.The first step is "5 rent reduction".The rent is limited by laws and regulations, and the land rent shall not exceed [-]% of the annual harvest of main products, so as to reduce the burden on farmers.The regulations also protect the interests of landlords. Tenants pay rent on time, and landlords who fail to pay rent for two years can be dismissed.

The second stage is the "common land sale". The "common land" received from the landlords who were suppressed for obstructing locust eradication and drought relief and refusing to accept the 2.5 rent reduction is sold to farmers. The land price is the main product of the cultivated land The 10 times of the annual harvest will be amortized by the farmers in 20 years and [-] installments, and there is no need to bear interest.

The third stage is "land to the tiller". Landlords can retain the government's statutory amount of land, and the excess will be requisitioned by the government and resold to farmers who have not yet acquired the land. %) and shares in public companies (2.5%) as compensation.The real land bond is issued by Huashang Bank entrusted by the Guardian Mission Office, with an annual interest rate of 70%, and the principal and interest will be repaid in 30 installments within 4 years; the public enterprise stocks are the stocks of industrial and mining enterprises under construction.

The landlords, especially the big landlords, gritted their teeth and endured the first two, but they couldn't accept the last one.Because those so-called enterprises are still under construction, and it is still a question of whether they can make money after they are completed, so these so-called compensations are all false.But the fields accumulated by his ancestors for generations are real.Only a fool would do such a thing by exchanging real land for illusory stocks.

Li Mohan was a little annoyed by this, and even had the idea of ​​carrying out the land reform completely and carrying out violent land reform by force.

Liu Musheng spoke out to dissuade them, saying that the [-]% rent reduction is definitely a virtuous policy that benefits the country and the people, and the people will definitely support it.But there is no time to rush.

As a result, these landlords are deeply rooted, and there are not a few who have someone to support them in the province or even in the capital.There are quite a few people who have private weapons. Once you use force, the result is likely to be a tug of war.

Second, having just experienced drought and locust plagues, the people in Henan need most of all the food that can survive the winter and sow in the coming year, and they cannot bear a military disaster immediately.If a war is really fought at this time, the little prestige that has been hard-won will probably be lost soon.

Thirdly, the reason why the landlords are unwilling to accept the compensation method of exchanging stocks for land is entirely because our factories are still only on the blueprints.When our factory is built and we have made a lot of money, those local rich people will definitely want to use their land for stocks.That's when they beg us.

Li Mohan felt that Liu Musheng's analysis was in place, so he gave up his original idea.He changed his clothes and took Liu Musheng and Wang Shihua to inspect the construction site.

There are several large construction sites in Shangqiu right now. The first is the SS logistics base, which is a large warehouse directly connected to the railway; It is an industrial park in the north of the city.The industrial park is the core of the current construction plan.

The plan for the industrial park is completely written by Li Mohan himself, and the content is extremely detailed, including the recruitment of equity, the arrangement of three connections and one leveling of water, electricity, roads and underground pipes, various industrial layout plans, management regulations of the board of directors and the board of supervisors, and everything that one expects to find and write. Concise and concise.

On the outskirts of Shangqiu, a large open space was fenced off with wire, and a sign "Shangqiu Industrial Park" was hung on the big iron gate, and a few soldiers stood erect at the gate.

More than a dozen large construction machinery such as bulldozers, road rollers, and excavators are busy.

Li Mohan got out of the car and walked into the construction site of the industrial park. From afar, he saw two foreigners pointing with blueprints in their hands.Of these two people, one is Li Mohan's old acquaintance Strong from Changsheng Foreign Firm, and the other is the newly hired engineer Christine Samuel.

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