Jagged Warlord

64. Planning scheme

Christian Samuel is a descendant of German immigrants. He has the rigor of the Germans and the casualness of the Americans in his bones.

Seeing Li Mohan, Strong nudged Samuel with his elbow, "Christine, our benefactor is here."

Samuel put the drawing under his armpit, adjusted his clothes, and walked towards Li Mohan with a smile. "Oh, dear General Lee, hello, I'm Christine Samuel, your engineer."

Li Mohan also smiled brightly, reaching out to shake Samuel's hand. "Hi, I'm Li Mohan."

"General Li, Christian Samuel will not let you down." Christian Samuel was recommended by Strong, and Strong said: "The investment proposal has been sent to the United States, I believe it will not be used In a few days, the directors of Morgan, Rockefeller and other large consortiums will see these plans in front of them."

History textbooks tell us that behind every warlord there is an imperialism backing him.As a qualified warlord, Li Mohan is no exception. He did not hesitate to choose the biggest winner of the two world wars - the US imperialism as his backer.Therefore, the investment promotion plan of Shangqiu Industrial Park was sent directly to the United States through Changsheng Foreign Bank, but not to Europe.

This is Li Mohan's innate advantage as a time traveler, and in Strong and Samuel's view, it is because Li Mohan once studied and lived in the United States and breathed the air of a civilized country.This warlord is different from other vulgar Chinese warlords, most of them only know how to buy arms.The few who have some knowledge are just buying some machines and setting up an arsenal.Warlords like Li Mohan who want to build an entire industrial park and establish a complete industrial system are really rare.

What made Samuel even more happy was that this ambitious young general was rich and generous, such as expensive and bulky construction machinery such as bulldozers, road rollers, and excavators, which were directly requested to be shipped from the United States.The workers who operate these machines are also shipped directly from the United States.All the expenses are borne by Li Mohan.

"This will be China's Ruhr in the future." Li Mohan put his hands on his hips

Samuel widened his eyes and said, "Ruhr Industrial Zone? That's not a simple matter."

To establish a modern large-scale industrial zone, the first thing is to do a good job in industrial planning. According to the information in Samuel’s hands, this industrial park is mainly composed of coal chemical industry, metallurgical industry, and machinery manufacturing industry. There is a wealth of coal underground in the industrial park. resource.In addition to the distribution of coal chemical industry, metallurgical industry, and machinery manufacturing industry in the entire industrial zone, the resettlement of residential areas, especially the green space planning in the industrial zone, needs to be considered.

Coal chemical industry and metallurgical industry are industries with high water consumption. From the map, the upstream river in the industrial park can build a reservoir with a storage capacity of about [-] million cubic meters. Although the downstream is not within the overall planning of the industrial park, it can According to the flow of the river mentioned in the information, Samuel’s personal opinion is that a large reservoir should also be built. While ensuring the water supply of the industrial zone in the future, the reservoir can build a power station to provide part of the power for the industrial zone. Of course, this installation The capacity also needs to be obtained after inspection by professionals.

Samuel talked eloquently. From the perspective of planning, the industrial park is also like a complex, which consists of many buildings and facilities with different properties and functions.Since it is an industrial park, the first one is naturally the factory. Taking the factory as a unit, including production workshops and auxiliary workshops, it is an important part of the industrial park.The land area of ​​production plants accounts for about 26% to 50% of the total land.Heavy industries such as coal chemical, metallurgy, and machinery generally occupy a larger area, and it is estimated that they will account for about 40% of the entire industry.The other is the warehouse, including raw materials, equipment, finished products, and semi-finished products.Some belong to factories, and some belong to specialized storage units or higher-level institutions of related industries.

There are also power and municipal facilities in the industrial park, such as oxygen plants, power stations, air compressor stations, oil depots, water plants, sewage treatment plants, and various engineering pipelines. The park must have maintenance and auxiliary enterprises, such as machine repair, tool workshops, etc., which can be jointly built to form professional factories to improve equipment utilization, reduce environmental pollution, increase tax revenue and employment.The discharge of three wastes in this kind of heavy industrial park is astonishing, so it is necessary to plan comprehensive utilization and processing industries, and use industrial "three wastes" to solve production needs, leftover materials, and supporting processing industries for large factories. This not only solves production needs, but also Conducive to the arrangement of various labor.

There are also the most important industrial transportation facilities. The United Heavy Industry Park like this has very high requirements for the input and output of materials. Obviously, ordinary roads cannot meet the requirements. It is necessary to jointly build special railway lines, roads, shipping terminals, continuous Transportation pipelines, cableways, etc. can significantly save investment and speed up construction.There are also public service facilities in the factory area, including offices, hospitals, canteens, bathrooms, childcare institutions, schools, garages, parking lots, etc.When the scale of the enterprise is small, it is even more required to jointly build public facilities in the industrial park, as well as scientific experiment centers, including design institutes, research institutes, laboratories, colleges, technical schools, etc.

Since the development of modern industry mainly depends on the development of science and technology, the establishment of scientific research institutions in industrial parks has become an indispensable content.These scientific research institutions can be arranged in the front area of ​​the factory, or in the residential area or industrial park.Of course, it is also necessary to determine the required width of the sanitary protection belt according to the characteristics of industrial production.These are just general hardware facilities, and it may take some time to come up with a specific plan.

In detail, it is necessary to classify the land occupied in the industrial area according to the industrial category, which can be divided into metallurgical industry, electric power industry, fuel industry, machinery industry, chemical industry, building materials industry, etc. In the industrial layout, it can be classified according to industry The nature is divided into machinery industry land, chemical industry land and so on.

The layout of these industries is divided into isolated industries, industries with serious interference and pollution, industries with certain interference and pollution, and general industries according to the degree of pollution.Isolation industries refer to industries that are radioactive, highly toxic, and explosive.The industries that seriously interfere and pollute refer to the chemical industry, metallurgical industry, etc.The waste water, waste gas or waste residue of this kind of industry is seriously polluted, which seriously interferes with the living and public facilities and other environments.

Industries with certain interference and pollution refer to certain machinery industries, textile industries, etc.This type of industry pollutes with waste water, waste gas, etc., and interferes with living and public facilities. General industries refer to electronics, sewing factories, and handicrafts.Your heavy industrial area like this is mainly the first three types of industries, plus you also need to consider the living area, so the industrial layout must be the most important thing.

Samuel's personal opinion is that it is best to build green belts in front of the heavy industry area and the living bureau, and it is best to build other industries such as food industry, pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, textile industry, electronics industry, sewing industry, and handicraft manufacturing industry. Factories with light interference and light pollution to the environment are used as buffers.

Samuel shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course this is just a preliminary idea. These tasks are too big to be done by me alone. Frankly speaking, I need a whole team of designers."

Li Mohan shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Then you organize such a team for me. My requirement is the planning of the entire industrial zone, just like what you just said, including all of them. The industrial park should increase greening as much as possible." It is best to have a central green island park like Central Park. Of course, there must be a complete sewer system, like the large sewer in Paris. The top of the sewer should be more than 2 meters from the ground. Even if there is a once-in-a-hundred-year rainstorm, there should be no water accumulation on the road.”

Samuel smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Li Mohan, "You get what you pay for, and what you get must be worth the money."

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