Jagged Warlord

65. Talent bottleneck

Strong is also very happy. Li Mohan will need a large number of machinery and engineers to build a complete industrial system, and Changsheng Yangxing and himself will get rich returns from it.Strong secretly rejoiced that he didn't neglect the young man, so he hugged the golden chicken.

At this time, Li Mohan suddenly said something that made both Strong and Samuel baffled, "There is still one month left, and the First World War will break out, right?"

"World War?"

"the first time?"

Strong and Samuel scratching their heads

Li Mohan's eyes rolled, and he thought about it, just in time to show off his grasp and control of the international situation in front of these two foreigners.So that those consortiums in the United States who have so much money know the benefits of cooperating with themselves.

"It's like this~" Li Mohan coughed and started his speech, "The matter has to be traced back to the Franco-Prussian War."

"Franco-Prussian War?" Both Strong and Samuel felt that this was a very distant thing.

In order to unify Germany and compete with France for hegemony in continental Europe, Prussia broke out the Franco-Prussian War with France from 1870 to 1871.In this war, France was defeated, Prussia won a complete victory, and the German Empire was established.The Franco-Prussian armistice agreement was extremely harsh. The agreement stipulated that France cede Alsace and Lorraine to Germany and pay 50 billion francs in compensation.The result was an enmity between Germany and France that became the cause of World War I.

After the Franco-Prussian War, Prussian Prime Minister Bismarck was worried about French retaliation, so he adopted an alliance policy to encircle France.He originally made Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russia form the "Three Emperors Alliance", but at the Berlin Conference in 1878, Russia had a conflict of interest with the Austro-Hungarian Empire due to the Balkan Peninsula issue.Germany finally chose Austria-Hungary as an ally in 1879, forming a secret German-Austrian alliance with Austria-Hungary.In addition, Bismarck turned to an alliance with Italy, facing isolation, because of its conflict with France over colonial affairs and its failure to seize Tunisia in North Africa in 1881.Therefore, the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy concluded the "Triple Alliance".

After Russia learned that Germany and Austria had signed the "German-Austrian Alliance", Russia was very angry.But Bismarck was a seasoned statesman.In order to maintain a good relationship with Russia, in 1887 signed a "re-guarantee treaty" with Russia.But when Bismarck stepped down in 1890, Kaiser Wilhelm II allowed the treaty to end.On the French side, after France financially supported Russia's industrialization, it formed an alliance with Russia in 1892, which was the "French-Russian Alliance".

In 1904, Britain signed an "Agreement of Good Faith" with France.This agreement is not a military alliance, but an agreement to resolve the disputes between the two countries concerning the colonies.Under the mediation of France, Britain and Russia finally ended their colonial disputes in 1907 and signed the "British-Russian Understanding".That same year, France, Great Britain, and Russia, threatened by German power in the Ottoman Empire, formed the Triple Entente.

At the beginning of the 20th century, imperialism rose.In the Bismarck era, in view of the establishment of the unified German Empire, there was less participation in the struggle for colonies.Later, in view of the rising influence of domestic businessmen, businessmen asked the German government to strive for overseas resources and markets.Wilhelm II ascended the throne and Bismarck was dismissed just like that. However, the Kaiser believed that Germany had too few colonies, raw material production areas and commodity markets, so he implemented a "world policy" and demanded a re-division of the global sphere of influence.So it violated the respective interests of the old colonial powers-Britain and France.In the first and second Moroccan crises, Tsarist Russia gained benefits, which also intensified the conflict between the two camps, and the possibility of war breaking out became more and more likely.

Li Mohan thought for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and continued: "In general, there are three major contradictions among European countries."

The contradiction between Britain and Germany, and the contradiction between Britain and Germany on the issue of re-dividing the world, was the main contradiction in the capitalist countries in the early 20th century, and this was one of the main reasons that led to the outbreak of World War I. The evolution of Anglo-German relations since the 18s shows that although the role of the Anglo-German conflict in the outbreak of World War I was not the only important one, it cannot be underestimated.Naval competition and the formation and development of the Allied Powers are the two main manifestations of the conflict between Britain and Germany. The two are interrelated and affect each other, and finally become the main factor leading to the outbreak of World War I.

The contradiction between France and Germany, from the actual situation, "the theory of the main contradiction between Britain and Germany" is not comprehensive.Britain regards Germany as its main opponent, while Germany does not regard Britain as its main enemy in terms of national policy, but only regards Britain as its main opponent in terms of specific policies and naval competition. Therefore, the contradiction between the two countries does not constitute the main contradiction.Germany's greatest enemy is France, no matter from the hegemony of the European continent or the development of Germany.

The contradiction between Russia and Germany, "the theory that the contradiction between Britain and Germany is mainly" is completely inconsistent with historical facts.Before World War I, there were no irreconcilable conflicts or serious conflicts between Britain and Germany on the colonial issue. The contradictions between Russia and Germany were far more acute and prominent than those between Britain and Germany.If the First World War was caused by the struggle for colonies and spheres of influence, then obviously the contradiction between Russia and Germany was the more direct cause.

Li Mohan said: "What is missing now is a flash point, or a trigger. I think it will explode in the Balkan generation."

"It will be a terrible war," said Samuel to himself

Li Mohan smiled and said: "Business opportunities always coexist with crises. Just imagine, once a large-scale war breaks out in Europe, they will not have enough industrial products to sell to the Far East, and Japan will be the only one left to dominate the huge Chinese market." .”

"Japanese? Japanese products?" Samuel said disdainfully, "Those are defective products."

Li Mohan said: "But when the time comes, Chinese people will not be able to buy European products, they can only buy Japanese products. Even defective products will be rushed for."

"This is a great opportunity to enter the Chinese market." Strong immediately understood what Li Mohan meant.

"Without the competition from European products, China's domestic industry will have a chance to develop. China can't produce large machinery by itself and can only rely on imports. I don't like to see the Japanese face of being a villain~!"

Strong and Samuel felt a little strange that Li Mohan always hated the Japanese, and of course they could never understand.

"Mr. Strong, thank you for helping me to rush the goods recently. Once the war breaks out, sea transportation will be much more troublesome." Li Mohan said

"No problem." Strong made an ok gesture

After leaving the industrial park, Li Mohan went to the construction site of Huaxia University.There is no problem with the funds and equipment needed to build a large number of factories, but where do the technicians come from?

During the period of the Republic of China, China's technical talents in science and engineering were very scarce.Speaking of elite figures in the Republic of China, such as Zhang Taiyan, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Yinke, Liang Shuming, Mei Lanfang, Xu Zhimo, Wen Yiduo, Lu Xun, Zhang Ailing, Liang Qichao and so on.Although they are indeed famous, admirable and awe-inspiring, they are basically cultural people engaged in social sciences, studying and researching education, literature, foreign languages, history, philosophy, art, etc. But it is difficult to find talents in engineering and science.

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