Jagged Warlord

67. Reading on the train

The waves stirred up by the high-speed ship on the East China Sea slapped the side of the ship, a line of brown smoke drifted across the sunset sky, seagulls were flying around the ship, and the land was already in sight.

Mu Xiangyue stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the black coastline with a confused expression.The motherland is close at hand, but why can't I still calm down?Is it because of the timidity of being close to the hometown, or is it because of the undying passion, or is it because of an uncertain future?

Mu Xiangyue, styled Ouchu, was originally from Dongting Dongshan, Suzhou. Entered a private school at the age of 6.In the 15th year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty, he joined the Cotton Industry as an apprentice, and in the 23rd year of Guangxu's reign, he went to a night school to learn English.In the 26th year of Guangxu, he entered Shanghai Jianghai Customs as a clerk.In the 30th year of Guangxu, he organized the "Shanghai Society" with Ma Xiangbo and others to support the anti-American patriotic struggle of all walks of life in Shanghai and engaged in bourgeois reform activities.In the 33rd year of Guangxu, he served as the police chief of Jiangsu Railway Company.

Xuantong went to the United States in the summer of the first year, and successively studied agriculture, textiles and business management at the University of Wisconsin, the University of Illinois, and Texas A&M School.In the third year of the Republic of China, he obtained a master's degree in agronomy and returned to China after studying.

After disembarking at Shiliupu Wharf in Shanghai, Mu Xiangyue bought several newspapers habitually, including "Shen Shen", "Zi Lin Xi Bao" and other newspapers with a large circulation in Shanghai.After leaving China for many years, Mu Xiangyue also wanted to know the situation in China.

Looking at it, Mu Xiangyue saw the advertisement of Yudong's guardian envoy.Traditional Chinese culture often pays attention to the smell of wine and not to be afraid of deep alleys, but the Western-style publicity mode of advertising in newspapers is more and more accepted by people, especially in places like Shanghai, which has long been taken for granted.However, it was the first time that a guardian envoy with military power in his hand advertised in a newspaper.

Mu Xiangyue became interested immediately, and he found the reception desk in Shanghai according to the address in the newspaper.This reception is in a facade room along the street on Nanjing Road.Three rooms and three rooms, very spacious.The person who received Mu Xiangyue was a 27-year-old boy with a vigorous head and a straight black military uniform. The double "s" on his arms were very conspicuous.

"Hello, I'm Qin Cheng, the receptionist of the Shanghai Office of the East Yu Township Envoy. Are you here to apply for the job?" The young man asked loudly with a smile on his face.

"I'm just looking at the situation, I haven't decided yet." Mu Xiangyue replied

"Oh, it's okay. This is our information, you can read it first." Qin Cheng presented a thick picture album.

Mu Xiangyue felt more and more novelty, he took the album and began to look through it page by page.The first page of this picture book is a portrait of Li Mohan wearing the uniform of a major general. In today's words, he is extremely handsome.Next is the introduction of Li Mohan's personal experience, then the introduction of the SS, and finally the recent plan and long-term outlook of the Shangqiu Industrial Park under construction.The whole picture album is full of pictures and texts, and the content is intuitive and rich.

"Fresh, really fresh." Mu Xiangyue couldn't help laughing, "It's the first time I've seen such a person." Then he handed the album back to Qin Cheng.

Qin Cheng asked with a smile, "How is it? Is there anything else you want to know?"

Mu Xiangyue said: "There are really capable people in the shogunate of your guardian envoy."

Qin Cheng said with a smile: "Then you are wrong, the method of looking at the picture book first was thought up by the guardian himself."

Mu Xiangyue raised her eyebrows, showing great interest, "I really want to meet this guardian envoy."

Qin Cheng took out a notebook and said, "No problem, please register your name, age, place of origin, education and expertise. After three days, we will send you to Shangqiu. If you want to live in your own home for a few days You can live in your own home, or you can live in our office if you want to, we will cover board and lodging."

Mu Xiangyue smiled, and asked: "If I go to Shangqiu, your guards will look down on me, or I will look down on him, and this matter will become serious, so what can I do?"

Qin Cheng replied, "We will pay for the travel home."

A few days later, Mu Xiangyue and a group of people who went to Shangqiu together sat in several special carriages under Li Mohan's wallet, and embarked on the journey to Shangqiu together.

Mu Xiangyue was sitting on a seat by the window, holding a teacup in both hands, drinking Longjing in small sips, while welcoming the people around him.These people have mixed personalities, ranging from gentle intellectuals with glasses to tough-looking brawny men.Most of them are young students.

"Everyone, there are still a few days left in Shangqiu, so you can feel free." Qin Cheng also took the same train with them.He and a few soldiers in SS uniforms walked into the carriage with stacks of books.

"This book was written by our guardian envoy. If you are interested, you can read it to relieve your boredom." Qin Cheng motioned to give everyone a copy.

Naturally, Mu Xiangyue also took a copy. He wanted to see how much talent the guardian envoy, who claims to study in the United States, still had, and he could actually compile a book.

The book cover is black on a blue background, and the title of the book "My View on Nationalism" is large and eye-catching.At the beginning of the book, it briefly expounds China's national conditions—semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, referred to as Shuangban for short.Mu Xiangyue felt that this vocabulary was very new, so she continued to read.

It is said to be a semi-colony because China only maintains an independent status in name, but is actually under the joint control of various powers. The existence of concessions, spheres of influence, and extraterritoriality has formed a country within a state; the powers stationed consulates and troops in China. , wantonly preaching, infringing on China's territory and territorial waters, and constantly interfering in China's internal affairs; the big powers control the lifeline of China's economy, mastering a series of industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood, such as customs, railways, and salt taxes, which hinder the development of China's national industries .

It is said to be a semi-feudal society because although China has overthrown the royal power of the Communist Party of China.The external form of feudal society has been eliminated, but the feudal consciousness, decadent traditions, and backward theories accumulated over thousands of years are still fettering the minds of the people. This trend is long-term and difficult to reverse in a short period of time.occasionally. **Royal power will even be restored, or openly prevail in the form of dictatorship.It can be said that it is still feudal in its core, at least with a feudal consciousness.

"Well, it makes sense." Mu Xiangyue couldn't help muttering to herself after reading this.

Next, the book began to talk about political economics, starting with the explanation of the names of productivity, production relations, and means of production, and then talking about economics determining politics.

Mu Xiangyue has also read Yan Fu's "Tian Yan Lun", but Yan Fu's "Tian Yan Lun" uses classical Chinese, and Yan Fu struggled with how to translate many words, so he proposed the "faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance" that will be recommended by later generations. translation standards.The content of this book is all in vernacular, but it can be seen that it has some foundation of Chinese studies, which is used for popular but not vulgar. The things in it can be understood even by those who have not read much.

The book mentions that China is extremely underdeveloped economically, and the agricultural economy is dominant.The agricultural economy is dominated by tenancy relations, and there are a large number of proletarians who have no capital or means of production except themselves.Personal dependence is very serious, and the whole society is a self-sufficient internal cycle, and industrial production is dominated by small handicrafts, which mainly meet local needs.Without extensive market awareness, scattered distribution, weak capital strength, backward technology, weak competitiveness, low ability to resist risks, and vulnerable to external erosion and bankruptcy; the only part of modern industries that have integrated into the national or international market have become Produced for a large market, but its production, exchange, and distribution are oppressed by international monopoly forces and are struggling.


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