Jagged Warlord

68. Welcome address

"The words in this book are really wise and famous."

"That's right, if Mr. Li is in power, China will definitely not be what it is now." Some young students were obviously influenced by the theory in the book, and began to discuss with each other.

"That's right, only by concentrating our limited resources in China can we achieve great things and concentrate our strength to fight a bloody way for our nation in the face of the encirclement of the great powers! It is nothing more than the Second Reich of Germany, Use iron and blood, and a unified will, to stand firm for us descendants of the Yellow Emperor in such a world of the jungle!"

"That is, the people of the whole of China need a voice, a will, and a leader! Yu believes that only young heroes like Lord Li Mohan can shoulder the important task of national rejuvenation!"

"Master Li said in the book that unity is strength, so let's organize and unite all young people who are interested in the great cause of the rejuvenation of the motherland. With our blood, enthusiasm, and life, we will continue to grow and develop under the leadership of Master Li. Let's use our strength to make a career out of it!"

"Okay, count me in!"

"Count me in too~!"

Mu Xiangyue has already lived this passionate age. Looking at the excited young students, he just smiled noncommittally, and thought to himself: After all, he is a young man, and he is not stable enough.Nevertheless, it is true that this book is both persuasive and provocative, and no one will be indifferent to reading it.

After the train entered the boundary of Shangqiu, Mu Xiangyue looked out through the window. The farmland was full of busy farmers, and all kinds of machinery, big and small, were on the construction site like an exposition. The dust was flying, and the workers were busy going back and forth in an orderly manner.

After the train arrived at the station, when Mu Xiangyue and the others got off the train, they saw a drum band playing on the platform. Qin Cheng, who was in charge of the reception, introduced that this was a band specially arranged by the Guardian Envoy to welcome you. Everyone was flattered.

After leaving the train station, several Dodge trucks had already parked there, and Qin Cheng arranged for Mu Xiangyue and others to get on the trucks.The truck did not enter the city, but drove to the military camp in the outskirts.Qin Cheng explained that the Guardian Envoy was going to receive them there.

The truck quickly entered the barracks. After getting out of the car, everyone was arranged to watch the SS drill. Mu Xiangyue was deeply impressed by the steel-like discipline of the SS.Afterwards, they were led by Qin Cheng to the auditorium. According to Qin Cheng, the guard envoy was going to give a welcome speech.

This welcome speech is a well-prepared speech. In order to achieve the desired effect, Li Mohan also learned from a well-known person who is famous for speeches in later generations.

First of all, the podium for the speech should be close rather than far away, high rather than low.The podium should be set in the middle of the audience, but higher than the audience.Visually, it produces a close-up look-up effect.In this way, not only the atmosphere of the venue is good, the interaction is sufficient, and the effect of sound transmission is good, but also psychologically, the audience will feel that the speaker is not only a member of their own group, but also a standard bearer who can lead the crowd.

The second is the process of the speech, which is divided into details and content.The detail is that the speaker always pays attention to his hands, eyes, body and steps during the speech. The speaker is the protagonist, and he must master the basic skills of the stage.Among the five skills, gestures are the first. If you hold the manuscript paper for a long time during a speech, or stand on both sides of the podium, your hands will shake.This is not necessarily a relationship of guilty conscience or nervousness, but more of a physiological reflex, just like agility. If a speaker stands upright at 90 degrees for a long time, he will actually be unable to stand.

It's all about self-regulation with little tricks.When standing, the body should not be at 90 degrees, but should be slightly tilted forward. When a person leans forward, the waist will naturally straighten. This is a mechanical relationship.In this way, not only can you stand for a long time, but you can also stand upright, strong and well-shaped.

Gestures are the same, don’t put them in a fixed position all the time, have confidence, and those who have practiced, can move according to the content of your speech, sometimes humorous, sometimes passionate, retractable and retractable, and integrated.If you are not confident enough and have not practiced too much, then you have to hide your clumsiness. The easiest way is to hold your right hand with your left hand, press the palm of your right palm with your left thumb, and place it in front of you. This will not only avoid attracting attention, but also achieve self-psychological hints. , Give yourself more confidence.You can also cross your chest, flip the manuscript paper from time to time, and you can also put one hand on your hips and make moves with the other, but remember not to put your hands on your hips. That's a shrew cursing, not a leader.

Eyes are also very important. Eyes are easy to reveal inner emotions. They should not be erratic or too lively. The former will appear unconfident, while the latter will appear dishonest. Focus on one point, be firm and powerful.Easier said than done. Specifically, you can adjust your focus secretly with a certain direction or object off the stage. Of course, you can’t stare at a reference object for a long time, and you have to change the focus every once in a while.

Steps and footwork are also very important. For example, the basic skills of getting on and off the stage. When stepping on the podium and stepping up the steps, you must be calm and powerful. Beginners are most taboo. Three steps and two steps, rushing up the stage, I feel pretty good, in fact This will be looked down upon by the audience, and the expectations for the leader of the speaker will be lowered, and the effect of the speech will not be good afterwards.

Everyone waited in the auditorium for about 10 minutes. Qin Cheng took the stage, tested his voice into the microphone, and then said loudly, "Everyone, next, please invite Li Mohan, the guard envoy of Eastern Yudong and Army Major General." After that, Qin Cheng Applause vigorously.

There were also a lot of people in the audience who agreed, and Mu Xiangyue took a few symbolic shots.

A young man in a white suit came out from behind the scenes, walked up to the podium steadily, and said to everyone with a smile: "Everyone, hello, I am Li Mohan."

"Really so young?" The audience, including Mu Xiangyue, even though they had read the album before, were still surprised by the army major general who thought he was so young.

Li Mohan first expressed his welcome and thanks to everyone for their willingness to come to Shangqiu, and then began to talk about his political views.The first is the comment on Sun Wen's Three People's Principles. Li Mohan said that the Three People's Principles have at least the following three flaws:

First, separate the theoretical base from the superstructure.The theoretical basis of the Three Principles of the People is the national standard in traditional Chinese culture, but the western ideas such as liberalism introduced by it are all based on individualism.This approach simply puts the theoretical foundation and the superstructure together, but in fact, there is no connection or vitality between them.

Second, separate the material and the moral in culture.Sun Yat-sen believed that although the material civilization of the East is not as good as that of the West, the morality of the East is much higher than that of the West.However, the spiritual and material aspects of a culture complement each other, and cannot be completely separated.

The third, and most fatal point, is to separate the theoretical content from the reality in China.Sun Yat-sen believed: "The disease that the Chinese people are suffering now is not a lack of freedom. If a piece of loose sand is the essence of the Chinese people, the freedom of the Chinese people would have been sufficient long ago." Therefore, Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles are based on the Chinese Designed on the basis of too much freedom, it is necessary to give up individual freedom and strive for group freedom.However, the reality in China at that time was not like this. Chinese people have always been shackled by traditional ideas and have never obtained real individual freedom, so how can they know how to give up freedom and pursue group freedom.

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