Jagged Warlord

72. New weapons

Wang Qinian, who was sitting in the back row, replied: "It's going very smoothly."

Li Mohan nodded, turned a page, and asked again: "What about the training of light machine guns, mortars, and grenades?" The light machine gun is a Madsen machine gun, and Li Mohan entrusted Changsheng Yangxing to order a hundred 7.92mm caliber from Denmark After the arrival of the goods, Li Mohan copied them with a counterfeit mobile phone in the arsenal. Now each squad of the SS is equipped with a Madsen light machine gun, and each battalion is also equipped with an additional light machine gun class.

As for the mortars, they were also purchased from the United States through Changsheng Foreign Firm.

The world's first real mortar was born during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. The inventor was Russian artillery captain Leonid Nikolaevich Gobyato.At that time, Tsarist Russia and Japan fought a fierce battle for China's Lushunkou.

The Russian army occupied the fortress of Lushunkou, and the Japanese dug trenches and approached to a place only tens of meters away from the Russian army's position. It was difficult for the Russian army to kill the Japanese army with ordinary artillery and machine guns.So Nikolaevich tried to refit an old-fashioned 47mm naval mortar on a gun mount with wheels, and fired a long-tailed shell at a high angle of elevation. The result was that it effectively killed the Japanese army in the trench. Withdrew many attacks by the Japanese army.This gun uses long super-caliber mortar shells, with a total mass of 11.5kg, a range of 50-400m, and a firing angle of 45°-65°.This kind of artillery, which was born in an emergency on the battlefield, was called "Thunderbolt" at that time. It was the earliest mortar in the world.However, the mortar invented by Gobbiato was modified from a naval mortar. Although it had a short range, it could not be disassembled into portable parts. It was still inconvenient for small infantry units to use in combat, so it was not widely used.

Li Mohan used to play with mortars when he was a mercenary, so he drew a rough drawing based on his memory, and put forward some design requirements, and asked Changsheng Foreign Bank to bring these to the United States to invite professional engineers to design and develop them. After that, it applied for a patent in the United States, and then processed and produced in the United States.This kind of mortar consists of a seat plate, a barrel, an adjustable bracket, a shell with a tail, and a shock absorber. There are two types of caliber:

The first is a 50mm light individual mortar, which adopts a new principle of airtight gunpowder gas launch. There is a plug in the tail pipe of the grenade, and there is a primer and propellant in the plug.After the firing pin fires the primer, the propellant burns rapidly to form high-pressure gunpowder gas, which pushes the grenade forward and accelerates.When the grenade moves forward, the plug moves down the tail tube and is stopped by the bottom screw of the tail tube, and flies out of the ejector with the grenade.During the entire firing process, the plug keeps the powder gas sealed in the tail pipe, so that the weapon is soundless, smokeless and flameless when fired.There are four range marks on the strap and scale: 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters, and 400 meters. In actual combat, the target cannot always be exactly at these four distances. The terrain and other factors can flexibly control the setting of the shooting angle.The total weight is 3 kg, and the maximum range is 400 meters. The special shell can produce more than 80 pieces of killing fragments, and the killing radius is 3 to 5 meters.It is also compatible with the latest infantry grenades, with a killing range of about 3 meters.


Referring to the naming method of later generations, these two mortars were named Type 14 14mm mortar and Type [-] [-]mm mortar.

The grenade is also designed and developed by American professional designers based on the rough drawings drawn by Li Mohan. It is also patented and produced in the United States.

Before this, Li Mohan had been struggling with which kind of grenade to choose, one was the wooden handle grenade and the other was the oval grenade.

The wooden handle grenade seems simple but there are many processes.In particular, this wooden handle has to go through more than a dozen processes. The log is processed into a wooden handle with a certain thickness and length, and it has to be hollowed out. On the contrary, it is not as convenient as the production of an egg-shaped iron shell grenade.

The handle grenade is relatively simple in structure, and its main components are: wooden handle, shell case, protective cover, pull match, pull ring, pull fire tube, fuse and detonator, explosives, etc.Most of these parts are cast or stamped parts, such as bullet casings, which are generally cast, and the production process requirements are relatively low, even small workshops can produce them, suitable for large-scale production in war.

The structure of the handleless grenade is relatively more complicated, and the process of the shell case is basically the same as that of the handle grenade, but the structure of the fuze is much more complicated, and the cost is correspondingly increased.However, most of the old-fashioned handle grenades do not have prefabricated fragments, and a few of them add a fragment sleeve outside, while the handleless grenade, even the older models, will cast grooves on the cast body to produce more fragments.

In terms of safety performance, the handle grenade is far better than the handle grenade.The handle grenade has almost no safety devices other than the protective cover.If the string is pulled first and then thrown, the grenade is already fired before it is thrown.And if you hook the ring with your little finger and throw it, the grenade will be ignited the moment you take the shot.If the grenade fires prematurely, the bomber will be injured at least, and may lose his life if it is serious.It's just that the handleless grenade cannot be thrown on a sloping slope or roof, otherwise it will roll to the thrower's side, while the handle grenade does not have this restriction.

Generally speaking, the handleless grenade is powerful, light in weight, easy to carry, and has a high safety factor, while the handle grenade only has a slight advantage in structure.Therefore, in the end Li Mohan chose the oval grenade.This kind of grenade is named Type 14 grenade, and it uses an inertial safety device. Before throwing it, it must be knocked on a hard object.The projectile body has a prefabricated fragment slot, which can produce 48 fragments in the most ideal explosion state, with a delay time of 4 seconds and an effective killing radius of about 6 meters.

At the same time, the Type 14 grenade can also be used as the launch ammunition for the Type 14 [-]mm mortar.

This project is mainly in charge of by Liu Shijie and Jiang Haoran.Jiang Haoran was still on the training ground, so Liu Shijie came to the meeting.Liu Shijie coughed and said, "My lord, these weapons are very good, but they have only been issued for more than three months, and the soldiers still need more time to get used to them."

"How long?" Li Mohan asked

"At least three more months." Liu Shijie replied

Li Mohan frowned slightly, and He Feng and Han Yue asked, "How about the progress of the artillery?"

"Uh~" He Feng paused, and replied: "Artillery is a technical arm, and it will be rushed for a while, but I have been urging it all the time. Han Yue can prove this."

Han Yue looked at He Feng, then turned to Li Mohan, and replied: "The artillerymen have made great progress, but there is still a big gap from the ideal state. After all, there are many recruits in the artillery."

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