Jagged Warlord

73. All have scruples

"Either there is a gap, or there is still a need to adjust." Li Mohan shook his head in disappointment, "In this case, how can I rest assured to take over Qingdao?"

Liu Musheng raised his head and said in surprise: "Master, are you really going to send troops to Qingdao?"

Ma Qian'an said: "President Yuan dare not disobey the Japanese, let's stand up, in case the Japanese army comes to attack~"

"Are you afraid?" Li Mohan said abruptly

"Grandma, who is afraid of who is this?" Ma Qian'an gestured with both hands to look like a tortoise shell, "However, how can we fight a country with our military strength?"

Li Mohan smiled confidently, and said: "I can say for sure that even if Japan sends troops to Qingdao this time, the number of troops will not exceed [-]. Because they must take into account the feelings of Britain and the United States. If they send more troops, Britain and the United States, especially the United Kingdom, will worry about whether Japan will take the opportunity. To monopolize China, it will not be able to deal with the thousands of German troops in Qingdao with fewer troops. Therefore, I affirm that Japan will never send out a large army, let alone expand the scale of the war.”

Liu Shijie asked: "But what if President Yuan disagrees with our sending troops?"

Li Mohan replied: "I have thought about it a long time ago, we will go to Qingdao in the name of the volunteer army."

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Due to different cultural traditions, the West respects parliament, while the East favors strongman politics.China is like this, Japan is also like this.In the Meiji period, this five-phase imperial meeting was almost a form.Emperor Meiji met privately with a few elders to determine the country's policies and policies.The Imperial Council of the Five Prime Ministers was nominally the highest power meeting of the cabinet during the Meiji period, but in fact, because of the strength of the old brand at the root of the Meiji Emperor, although the system was noble, it was just a formality.

This situation finally changed in the Taisho era. Since Taisho ascended the throne, the emperor with a Prussian beard did not have the control ability of his father.Usually he talked less, and his interest in national affairs did not seem to be as strong as his father's. Therefore, during the Taisho period, the government and parliament were the most active.Of course, with the rise of the military and the fascism of the country, the government and parliament were in an absolutely weak position.At this moment, the meeting of the Five Prime Ministers is the most important meeting that can really determine the direction of the country.

"Absolutely~absolutely~you must not miss this god-given opportunity." Army Minister Okaichinosuke used three "absolutely" in a row to strengthen his tone, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The reason why the Great Japanese Empire can rise is because we Can seize the opportunity." Oka Ichinosuke sat upright and said: "Nissing war, Japan and Japan war, every war is the prosperity of the Great Japanese Empire. We should declare war on Germany and Austria, and at the same time take the opportunity to send troops to Jiaozhou Bay. China has always been rich, and Shandong has German people who have been operating it for many years, which is not much worse than Manchurian Railway’s hard work to maintain the harvest.”

Minister of the Navy Yatsushiro Rokuro said: "The navy can take the opportunity to occupy all of Germany's possessions in the Pacific Ocean, but Qingdao is a port. Does the army plan to rely on its own strength to launch an attack from the sea?"

"Of course the people in the army are attacking from land." Oka Ichinosuke said with certainty.

"Land? China is a neutral country. If you want to pass through China's territory, are you ready to fight the squadron?" Yatsushiro Rokuro said bluntly.This man who is a clean and honest official is using the "Siemens case" to carry out drastic rectification of the top Japanese navy. Although he offended the two veterans of the navy, Yoshikazu Inoue and Heihachiro Togo, he has now established himself within the navy through various means. His prestige can be said to have mastered most of the power of the navy.He is not opposed to the occupation of Shandong, on the contrary, he is one of the most solid militants.

"I acted without considering everything. This is a very complicated action, and I can't just be so reckless." Yatsushiro Rokuro deliberately picked the fault of Oka Ichinosuke.

"The Imperial Army is ready to face all possible situations." Okashinosuke roared: "It is impossible for the cowardly Chinese to stop the expansion of the Great Japanese Empire."

Unlike the blushing Okaichi Nosuke, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kato Takaaki said unhurriedly: "Our country has not joined the Allied Powers. This time the troops must be based on the Anglo-Japanese alliance! Without an invitation, it is difficult to have a name." Yes! There will be problems with the support of the people.” Kato Takaaki is an Anglo-American politician in the family of the Duke of Saiyuanji. Before becoming the foreign minister, he served as the Japanese ambassador to the UK for a long time. clever,

The Minister of Finance Wakatsuki Reijiro coughed and said, "Well, if this is the attitude of the Army and Navy, I would also like to share my opinion. It's very simple~~ Where does the money come from? How many troops does the Army Department use? How much does the Navy need? Funding? The fiscal deficit last year reached 900 million yen~”

Everyone was speechless.The atmosphere of the meeting suddenly fell silent.

Okuma Shigenobu scolded: "Hey! In front of His Majesty the Emperor, everyone is so inappropriate, do you still have the demeanor of an imperial minister?" The three looked at each other, and lowered their heads to apologize to Emperor Taisho.

Okuma Shigenobu glanced at the Emperor Taisho who was sitting upright, and there was no reaction on his face. If there is any similarity and difference between him and a statue, it is that he can breathe.Emperor Taisho sat there without even changing his expression, listening indifferently to his courtiers arguing there.

Emperor Taisho, whose real name is Yoshihito, is the 123rd emperor of Japan.Grandfather of the present Emperor, father of Emperor Showa, and mother of Aiko Yanagihara.Emperor Taisho was arrogant, irritable and easily agitated since he was a child. When he was upset, he would beat his attendants with a horsewhip.Emperor Taisho was a Western admirer, with a Kaiser Wilhelm-esque horned beard smeared with Vaseline; he dressed like a German cavalryman, often rampaging through the palace on his tall horse.Emperor Taisho was also sickly since he was a child. He suffered from meningitis and had sequelae. Because he suffered from encephalopathy, his mental state was very bad. He once rolled up the imperial edict and used it as a telescope in the National Assembly Hall (1913). "Famous all over the world.

Okuma Shigenobu knew that he could not count on the emperor, so he could only find a way by himself.He said in a deep voice: "The basic national policy of the empire cannot be changed! If we miss this opportunity, we will all regret it for life. But standing on the solid foundation of the empire's diplomatic relations, we have to consider Kato-kun's opinion. We have to send troops , without excessively stimulating China and Britain and the United States.”

Kato Takaaki said: "The UK is also wary of us, especially when it comes to developing the interests of the Yangtze River Basin. It is precisely because of this that we need to obtain the understanding and cooperation of the UK. Otherwise, our actions will only push the UK to support China and counterbalance China. The expansion of our national prestige. Although the army paid sacrifices at that time, there will not be much results! Now Britain needs our empire more than the empire needs them. The sea power in the Far East and the Pacific needs the empire to help them maintain. They are officially declaring war After that, our country will definitely be invited to send troops, there is no doubt about it!"

Okuma Shigenobu nodded and said: "Your lords and I are all for the future of our empire. I believe the House of Nobles and all the elders will agree. It is imperative for the empire to declare war on the independent country. Jiaozhou Lianggang is the last port for our navy to enter the mainland of China. It is a good choice, and Shandong is a rich land. I will then inform the Minister in China, Ri Zhijun, and he will convey the meaning of the empire to Yuan Shikai on his behalf."

"In addition~" Okuma Shigenobu said: "Kato-kun, you have to monitor day and night. Once there is news of a declaration of war in Europe, please go to the British embassy immediately and discuss with the British minister to send troops to China. This time, the British-Japanese alliance must be used as the basis for sending troops. Base!"

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