Jagged Warlord

86. In person

"Annoy his sister~!" Li Mohan scolded: "I haven't lost my temper yet, how can it be his turn?"

Liu Musheng raised his eyebrows, wondering what to do with Zhang Xun's sister?

Li Mohan opened the telegram, looked at it, and smiled, "Xiao Wenlong is very good at handling things, and he picked a lot of artillery and engineers from the braided army."

Liu Musheng said: "I'm afraid that their bad roots will be hard to get rid of."

"Bad roots?" Li Mohan said lightly: "If you can't get rid of the bad roots, then get rid of them as well."

Liu Musheng smiled, noncommittal, and took out a telegram from his sleeve, and handed it to Li Mohan, "This is a telegram from Zhang Xun, asking us to return Dangshan County and the captured soldiers and supplies immediately."

Li Mohan was taken aback, then laughed, "Is he confused? Can you spit out the meat you eat?"

Liu Musheng said: "Zhang Xun threatened in the telegram that he would sue President Yuan Da about you."

"Complaint?" Li Mohan laughed even harder, and blurted out, "Yuan Shikai is busy proclaiming himself emperor, how can he have the time to pay attention to him, a braided general from the previous dynasty?"

"Proclaim the emperor?" Liu Musheng was startled, "Master, how do you know?"

"Uh~!" Li Mohan realized that he had slipped his tongue, and thought for a while that instead of telling a lie, it would be better to simply describe himself as a young talent with a long-term vision and foresight, which is more capable of bluffing people.So, Li Mohan cleared his throat and started to perform.


In 1909, Yuan Shikai was dismissed by Prince Regent Zaifeng because he suffered from foot disease and returned home. When he lived in seclusion in Zhangde, he was obsessed with fortune-telling and fortune-telling.It is said that a well-known local fortune-telling master also said that Yuan would not exceed 58 years old. Yuan was very anxious and asked if there was any solution?

The master said: It is difficult! Only the dragon robe can be resolved.

Secondly, Yuan Shikai was confident that he could become emperor.Yuan Shikai's self-confidence comes from his ability to control people.In order to make his subordinates work hard for him, Yuan Shikai paid special attention to winning people's hearts. According to Yuan Jingxue's recollection: Ruan Zhongshu and Yuan Shikai had a deep friendship. Ruan met a prostitute named Xiaoyu in a brothel in Tianjin and wanted to take him as a concubine. Yuan Shikai thought it would damage the military's reputation. Ruan Zhongshu was sternly refuted face to face.Soon, Yuan said that he was going to Tianjin on business and invited Ruan to go with him.After getting off the car, the two of them walked into a courtyard gate, and saw that the room was very ornately paved, red candles were shining brightly in the hall, and a rich banquet was set up, and when they entered the back room, they saw a maid dressed as a bride pretty lady.Ruan Zhongshu didn't know, so he took a closer look, hey! Isn't this the Xiaoyu he wanted to marry? It turned out that after Ruan Zhongshu discussed the matter with him, Yuan Shikai secretly sent someone to redeem Xiaoyu's body. Come.Since then, Ruan Zhongshu has always been loyal to Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai is really good at controlling people and scheming. In 1909, he was driven back to his hometown by Zaifeng to live in seclusion. In order to let the world know that he was indifferent to the world and detached from the outside world, he sent photos of himself and his third brother Yuan Shilian fishing on a boat wearing bamboo hats and coir raincoats to Shanghai. "Oriental Magazine" published that this is the famous "Huan Shang Fishing Picture", which is completely for show, showing the Manchu nobles to see.He wants people to believe: I, Yuan Shikai, have no fighting spirit, and I no longer care about current affairs.However, many people think that it is Yuan Shikai who is wearing a coir raincoat and sitting on the bow of the boat. In fact, Yuan Shikai is standing and holding a pole to touch the water, while the one sitting is Yuan Shikai's elder brother. How can there be any reason why the elder brother stands while the younger brother sits? ?As Li Zongyi said in the book "The Biography of Yuan Shikai": Yuan Shikai once set up a boat on the pond and stood at the stern with a pole, while his brother Yuan Shilian sat on the bow of the boat in a coir raincoat. A photo studio in Tianjin took pictures and sent them to "Oriental Magazine" in Shanghai Post it to show that I am devoted to mountains and rivers, happy with fishing and woodcutters, and will no longer interfere with politics.

Yuan Shikai can be said to be a capable minister in governing the world and a traitor in troubled times.

The third point is that Yuan Keding, the son of Yuan Shikai, has a dream of being a prince.The reason why Yuan Keding advocated that his father be the emperor is because he would be the crown prince.Yuan Shikai had one wife and nine concubines, 17 sons and 15 daughters. Yuan Keding was Yuan Shikai's eldest son and the only heir.Yuan Shikai attached great importance to Yuan Keding and had ardent expectations, which can be seen from Yuan Keding's name.Yuan Keding's breast name was "Jiguang". Yuan Jingxue said: "When my eldest brother was born, he had a dimple on his forehead, so his nickname was Jiguang, also called Xiaoji'er. This piece of diary will grow up when he grows up." It’s gone.” That’s not true.As for the meaning of "Jiguang", in Yuan Shikai's original words: "Jiwu ancestor's light also", which means inheriting Everbright, which has nothing to do with birthmarks.

Due to Yuan Shikai's intentional training, Yuan Keding not only has a solid foundation in his old studies, but also is quite good at German and English. When Yuan Shikai negotiated with foreigners, Yuan Keding often acted as an interpreter.In his study, there are piles of German and English books.Therefore, Yuan Keding is very ambitious.After the Revolution of [-], he tried his best to promote the monarchy, and he did everything possible. The most representative activity was to fabricate "Suncheon Times" for his father.

"Suncheon Times" is a newspaper run by the Japanese in Beijing. During the First World War, the great powers had no time to look around. Therefore, Yuan Shikai paid close attention to Japan's attitude. "Suncheon Times" was an important source of news for Yuan Shikai.Because the newspaper often published some news that was unfavorable to the imperial system, Yuan Ke made up his mind to make a living, determined to hide the truth, and used his own money to fabricate a fake version of "Shuntian Times", which often published some articles advocating the imperial system. After Yuan Shikai read it, I was very happy and thought that there would be no problem with Japan, so I accelerated the pace of the imperial system.

Liu Musheng frowned, put away the folding fan with a huff, and asked strangely: "The first and second points are reasonable if you think about them carefully, but how did you know about Mr. Yuan's fabrication of the "Suntian Times"?" ?”

Li Mohan's clothes looked mysterious, lowered his voice, and said, "I have someone by Yuan Shikai's side."

Liu Musheng gave a meaningful "Oh" and said, "In that case, what does the young master mean to fight that old man Zhang Xun?"

"If you don't really fight, do you pretend to fight? Our SS has more than 4 soldiers and horses, and only a small half have actual combat experience. Using fighting instead of training is more useful than any other training." Li Mohan tore up Zhang Xun's telegram and said to him Liu Musheng said: "Master, I handed over Shangqiu to you."

Liu Musheng was taken aback, "What? Young master, you want to go out in person?"

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