Jagged Warlord

87. Patriotic Milk

Li Mohan's reaction to Liu Musheng was a little strange, "What? Is there any problem?"

Liu Musheng shook his head and said, "I don't think it's appropriate. Only Ma Qian'an and the others take care of things like marching and fighting. Young master, you should spend more time on strengthening the roots."

Liu Musheng then cited the example of Zhuge Liang, saying that there are no generals in Shu, perhaps it cannot be said that Zhuge Liang is intolerant, but mainly because Zhuge Liang is too strong.If the master is strong and the weak is weak, the subordinates will often appear to be mediocre—anyway, the prime minister has his own tricks, and everyone only has to obey, so he loses his initiative. Once something happens, it will be reported. Only Zhuge Liang was doing things alone, and in the end even he himself felt that no one was available, so that when he left Qishan, Kong Ming personally asked about matters with more than 20 army sticks, and even the duties of a small official such as "school booklet" were used. The prime minister actually did it himself, wouldn't the positive performance of other people be affected?After a person is always right for a long time, it is difficult to listen to other people's opinions.

When Sima Yi was attacked, the army was originally in Hanzhong. If Wei Yan's strategy was followed and the best soldiers were selected to take the path out of Ziwu Valley and march northward, they would be able to reach Chang'an in less than ten days.This strategy is a bit risky, but it is a clever strategy. It is not just a big battle with a small one.But Kong Ming couldn't listen to it, thinking it was not a perfect strategy, denounced it as a risky strategy, and dismissed Wei Yan. Qi Shan, or Jiang Wei's nine expeditions to the Central Plains, all returned in vain.

Li Mohan smiled and said: "Master, you compare me with Zhuge Liang, you are really flattering me. But what you said is also reasonable, I should let the newcomers exercise."

Immediately, Li Mohan mobilized a group of officers to form the General Staff of the SS Army with Han Yue, Jiang Haoran, Liu Shijie, Xiao Wenlong and others as the core, responsible for the unified deployment of the SS manpower and material resources, and unified deployment of the battle plan against Zhang Xun.Li Mohan's goal is to fight for the elimination of Zhang Xun in the First World War, and capture Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and Haizhou; ensure the capture of Xuzhou, Haizhou, and at least capture Xuzhou.

After arranging the military operations, Li Mohan started to do what Liu Musheng called strengthening the roots and strengthening the foundation.Li Mohan sorted out the materials and his thoughts in the study, and found that there are still many things to do.

The first is education. At present, China's education is very backward.First, the coverage of education is not wide. Among the 90 million people in China, less than one tenth of them can read and write, and about [-] percent are illiterate or semi-literate. Second, the education system is out of touch with the times. In Chinese universities, liberal arts The proportion of undergraduates and science students is extremely unbalanced, and liberal arts students who study grammar and arts are the top ones, reaching more than [-]% of the total number of students!There is a shortage of science and engineering talents for the continuous development of the country.Of course, the things left by the ancestors cannot be attributed to decay and dross, but the constraints of traditional culture and thinking on ideas of change and progress still exist.Don't say anything else.Shen Kuo and Zu Chongzhi understood mathematics.How many people understand now?Another example is that Song Yingxing wrote "Tiangong Kaiwu", how many people know now?

Li Mohan believes that there are several countermeasures: The first is to increase investment. If education funds do not increase and teachers' salaries do not improve, it will be difficult to develop the level of education.Teachers are human beings too, and they have families to support.Words of praise alone are not enough, and hard currency of real gold and silver is still indispensable.Although the conditions in Shangqiu are not as good as in big cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, and Wuhan, many teachers and teachers have stayed, and high salaries and high benefits are important reasons for this.

The second is to make the best use of the situation. The whole society must form a learning atmosphere. Government departments and public opinion must vigorously speak out to encourage people to learn, and government departments in particular must set an example.Li Mohan boldly recruits and reuses young talents who have real skills and have received modern education.Although they are not as sophisticated as Lao You Tiao, they are also not as smooth as Lao You Tiao.

The third is to go all out. On the one hand, we must encourage those who have property to start schools and teaching assistants, such as naming scholarships and teaching buildings after them.On the other hand, special assessments must be conducted on government officials, and a good education system is an important indicator of performance assessments.

The fourth is to provide free meals for school students, imitating the Japanese student feeding system.School feeding in Japan has a history of more than 22 years since the 1889nd year of Meiji (120).It started with the rice balls and pickles distributed to children in elementary schools in the mountains.From the relief of poor and underfed students and serving the political purpose of enriching the country and strengthening the army, to the comprehensive education of students, the current Japanese school food system not only provides students with nutritionally balanced food, but also emphasizes the use of food as a means to educate students educate.

First, it is particularly important to let children eat scientifically and cultivate their nutritional concepts.But just going through classrooms and books will be very boring, which is not conducive to students' understanding and application.Through the implementation of the school feeding system, let children know the main nutrients contained in the food, what benefits this nutrient will have for them after eating, or what problems will arise if the nutrient is lacking.The students eat the food scientifically formulated by nutritionists every day, which not only ensures the growth and development of the body, but also enhances the understanding of balanced diet knowledge during daily eating.

The second is to use school food to promote traditional food culture, and then carry out traditional culture education through traditional food culture, which is an important way for schools to promote traditional culture.First of all, promote the traditional culture of the country through food.How to imitate the West without losing the national characteristics.Let children have a deeper understanding of the local traditional food culture through the ingredients." This skillfully combines the general education of nutrition with the traditional education of culture.

The third is to cultivate students' awareness of equality.School feeding is to provide students with the same food, stipulate a uniform eating time, and implement the same eating norms.In other words, no matter what family background, children eat the same food at the same time, in the same place, and perform the same after-dinner labor responsibilities, regardless of high or low.The habit of eating the same food and obeying the same rules with everyone is very helpful to guide students to establish the awareness of performing the same obligations as others and obtaining the same rights after entering the society.

The fourth is to cultivate students' social communication ability.Eating activities are a condition of survival and a kind of management of life.School feeding successfully conveys social and group norms to individuals, and effectively improves students' social adaptability and social interaction ability.

What these little devils did more than 100 years ago, it is a pity that our country has not yet done it.

Li Mohan doesn't know much about nutrition, but he knows that there is one thing that can indeed strengthen the body - milk.

In modern times, there used to be a patriotic act called drinking milk.

In 1834, Shanghai was opened for trade and foreign nationals flocked here. At that time, drinking milk had become a daily habit of urban residents in Europe and the United States, but there was no special breed of dairy cattle in Shanghai.

In 1901, the Xujiahui Catholic Church Nunnery in Shanghai introduced a Dutch-bred "black-and-white cow" to Shanghai. This kind of cow was also called the Holstein cow, which was the original population of the later Shanghai Holstein cow.Even today, Dutch dairy cows still have the highest yield per unit area and the largest number of dairy cows in the world.

There were also many milk advertisements in the newspapers at that time, and the advertisements fully expressed the pursuit of a modern country.Liberty Farm, Animal Farming Milk Company, Huade Milk Company, Jieyuan Farm, and Parker Milk Company jointly launched the advertising banner of "drink more milk, develop healthy people, and carry forward the national spirit", calling for regular drinking of milk on the same day, "cultivating healthy people" Body, work hard and be a healthy and brave citizen."Foreign milk companies also came to join in the fun, and Ke’s company advertised, “Drinking Ke’s milk makes healthy parents, raises healthy children, and leads to healthy citizens.”

At that time, drinking milk was not just drinking milk, but I had the pride of drinking milk for the motherland.Therefore, Li Mohan decided to promote drinking milk in the ruled area.Introduce Dutch Holstein dairy cows and start a breeding farm.Starting with school students, a bottle of milk per person per day is provided free of charge.

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