
Chapter 100 Dayu Mu's Anomaly!

Today is the third update, the first update arrives.Ask for a red ticket!


Accompanied by the violent trembling of the Hunyuan Ding and the dazzling brilliance, the three materials finally began to gradually fuse together under the smelting of the weapon fire, blending with the Hunyuan Ding...

Chu Hao held his breath, and did not blink his eyes, which were covered with sore and bloodshot eyes.

He knew that right now was the most difficult and stressful time, as long as he survived, the first step of Hunyuanding's restoration would be successful, and Chen Honghong's strength would be a little stronger!

Sweat seeped into Chu Hao's eyes, but he still didn't blink.At this moment, Chen Honghong roared: "No, Dayumu is going to run away again!"

Oh shit!

Chu Hao was furious. Such a situation happened at this time, it would be fatal!Seeing the Dayu wood in the cauldron that was about to be pulled away from the fire, the purple flame followed fiercely and hit the roots of the Dayu wood, directly knocking off a large piece.I saw that the blue light on Dayumu's body was even worse, and even amidst the hissing sound, there were a few discordant crackling sounds, it seemed extremely unwilling, and then its body was cut off in the cauldron furnace , and the remaining two-thirds flew towards the outside of the Hunyuan Ding.

Chu Hao was shocked. Although he was extremely angry, he could no longer control Zilonghuo to beat it down.He could only watch helplessly as it pulled away from the fusion point of the black crystal ore and inner alchemy, and left the Hunyuan Ding.

At this moment, a bright red flame spurted out from the Primordial Cauldron, and the phoenix fire howled and took off as a pillar of fire, burning hot in the space, and instantly hit the part that escaped Dayu Mu's body.

Dayumu trembled all over, and let out a cry that seemed to be a living thing, and then lost his vitality, and fell slumped on the carpet, motionless.

"This Dayu tree has lived for five hundred years, and it's just a little bit close to becoming a spirit. Fortunately, it's a good thing!" Chen Honghong's voice came with a lingering fear, and then he said solemnly: "Don't be distracted, it will succeed soon!"

Chu Hao quickly withdrew his thoughts, and then tried his best, his nose let out a low hum, and the color of the weapon fire increased greatly.

Finally, after half an hour passed, the three materials were successfully fused by Liehuanghuo and Zilonghuo, and Chen Honghong continuously injected gold liquid, and the Hunyuanding finally let out a roar!

The Hunyuan Ding was originally connected with Chu Hao's blood and mind, and at this moment Chu Hao felt its abnormality personally. At the same time, he was also shocked, feeling the completely different level of aura of the Hunyuan Ding, and then said pleasantly: "Chen Honghong, you succeeded, you succeeded!"

He was almost going to collapse, but with so much effort, he finally lived up to expectations and successfully repaired the Hunyuan Ding!Although it was the first step, Chu Hao's heartbeat involuntarily accelerated because of the much more aura than before, and the powerful feeling that it was close to the eighth-grade magic weapon.

"The restoration of the treasure at the peak of the seventh rank has really exceeded expectations..." Chen Honghong's weak voice came over. Although it was full of exhaustion, it could not conceal the excitement and excitement in his tone, "Variation For the inner alchemy, Dayu wood was used instead of Mingshui grass. These are all unexpected materials. It is normal to be able to achieve such an effect! If Dayu wood hadn’t jumped out two-thirds of the time , I am afraid it is not impossible to restore it to the eighth grade!"

Before this, Chen Honghong also mentioned that with the aura of Dayu Wood, if the restoration is really completed, it must be much better than expected, but now it seems that although it is not a failure, it also lost some Dayu Wood. .

Chen Honghong continued: "But the seventh-rank peak treasure, brat, now, except for the cultivator of the Nine Heavens Pagoda, it is enough for you to walk sideways in this world!"

Chu Haoqiang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said modestly: "Let's wait until I reach the foundation building." He was about to take back Liehuanghuo, but found that Liehuanghuo was not under his control at all. Then it returned to the previous appearance, motionless in the dantian, and the bright red flame on the Hunyuan cauldron dissipated instantly.

After urging it continuously, the seeds of Liehuanghuo just trembled in the dantian, ignoring Chu Hao's driving at all.Chu Hao had no choice but to give up, and then put Zilonghuo away, panting heavily.

He took off his drenched coat, threw it aside, and then sat in the same posture, while his hands followed Chen Honghong's reminder to form handprints, and then stretched out his right hand, fingers together As soon as it came out, an invisible force shot out and hit the Hunyuan Ding that was merging.

The sound of Jin Ming's shaking was endless, and under Chu Hao's soft roar, the Hunyuan Cauldron slowly became smaller in the air, and then quickly returned to the sky above Chu Hao's head.Chu Hao stretched his strength, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and it was held in the palm of his hand.

After the restoration, the appearance of the Hunyuan Ding has not changed in any way. After all, it is only in the category of treasures, but the aura contained in it is indeed stronger than before.

Before Chu Hao had time to examine it carefully, he swept the Dayu tree on the ground, and there seemed to be signs of restlessness again. His eyes froze, and he grabbed it with his other hand.Chen Honghong's voice just said: "I'm going to sleep, this time it only takes a day, by the way, this Dayu wood is a bit weird, it can struggle out of the Hunyuan cauldron, you have to take good care of it."

Nodding his head, Chu Hao heard the exhaustion in Chen Honghong's voice.Chen Honghong not only wants to rest now, but also wants to familiarize himself with some of the supernatural powers or functions after the repair of Hunyuanding.

With a move in Chu Hao's heart, he recited the spell silently, and the Hunyuan Cauldron disappeared in his hand and completely merged into his body.

Now that he was extremely exhausted physically, in order to prevent Dayu Mu from running around again, he put it in the storage bag and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.Two hours later, Chu Hao slowly opened his eyes. It was almost dark at this moment.

Repairing the Hunyuan Cauldron was too expensive this time, and even after two hours of breath adjustment, he was still a little dizzy.Standing up and stretching his body, Chu Hao looked at everything in the room and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Obviously this room can't stay any longer, so I can only find someone to clean it up first.

After feeling the Fierce Phoenix Fire in his body, he still couldn't use it, but Zilong Fire was more refined than before.After a repair, Zilonghuo was sublimated the moment Hunyuan Ding succeeded. At this moment, Chu Hao's refining level was undoubtedly promoted to the second-rank human level.

After walking out of the room, Chu Hao went to see the cultivation of Liu Li and others, and ordered the servants in the yard to clean up the room.After dinner, Chu Hao was very tired, he just teased Lin Yueer a few times before returning to the room.

Right now, the first step of Hunyuanding's restoration is temporarily resolved, and the second step is definitely not considered by his cultivation level. It can be said that he has understood a matter in his mind for the time being, and he only waits for Chen Honghong to recover.

After thinking for a while, Chu Hao took out the Dayu Wood. This thing was able to break free from the control of the weapon fire and Hunyuanding just now. It was the first time in Chu Hao's weapon refining career that he encountered such a strange treasure. Want to check it out.

Dayu's wood is a rare treasure, but Chu Hao has never heard of it, and he doesn't know if it's because it is too rare. He also didn't see any records in the ancient books of the Artifact Refining School.If Chen Honghong hadn't accidentally discovered it on the Monkey Mountain that day, I'm afraid Hunyuanding would not have been able to restore the first step so quickly.

Looking at this Dayu tree now, although nearly half of it has been broken, there is still a soft spiritual energy all over the body, holding it in the hand, it even seems to be beating slightly like a heart, and the tentacles are cold, which is extremely magical.

After being ruthlessly shot down by Lie Huanghuo, the Dayu Wood was truly honest at this moment. Chu Hao looked at it repeatedly, but couldn't figure out the essentials, and tried to talk to it a few words, but saw no response, Slightly frustrated.

After pondering for a while, Chu Hao's weird idea on Monkey Mountain rose again.

Is this thing a portable celestial paradise? It stands to reason that such a huge spiritual energy, used to refine it with my current ability, must be a waste of money. Although Chen Honghong said that it is just a rare material, it has not yet been cultivated into a monster.

But Chu Hao would not be reconciled if he didn't try it himself.

Anyway, my current cultivation base is only the day after tomorrow. Even if the aura on Dayu Mu's body can't be absorbed, it's impossible to kill him, right?

What's more, this Dayu wood is full of weirdness. Just now, it seemed to have a sense of wisdom. It ran on its own, and almost caused the restoration process to fail.

It's Chu Hao's character to do whatever he wants, he made a quick decision, walked out of the room and gave instructions for a while, saying that after he learned the art of war, he didn't allow anyone to disturb him, and then he closed the door, leaving him alone in the whole yard.

Although Li Meng and the others felt that Chu Hao's behavior was extremely weird, they had seen too many weird things along the way, and even Liu Li, the son's entourage, and the others didn't ask much, and he wouldn't make fun of himself.

In the room, the candlelight was turned very dark by Chu Hao.Taking a deep breath, he sat cross-legged on the ground and put the whole Dayu tree on his lap. Chu Hao pressed his hands against the skin of Dayu tree, and then slowly injected his inner strength.

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