
Chapter 99

Restoring the Hunyuan Ding was an attempt Chu Hao had never made before.The most he could make before was a tenth-grade magic weapon, and he had never even touched a magic weapon, let alone a psychic magic weapon.

For the current Chu Hao, everything is as stable as the first time refining a weapon, but it cannot be allowed to fail like the first time refining a weapon.To put it simply, every time the Hunyuan Ding is repaired, failure is not allowed!

If it fails, it means that the Hunyuan Ding will stay in the state before the repair forever!

However, this is the first step of repairing. With sufficient materials, Chu Hao is sure, but he is unavoidably nervous.After all, this is related to the future of Hunyuanding, and it is also related to his destiny to return to the Fifth Heaven!

Moreover, he has already decided to take Lin Yueer as his woman, so she can't just be a mortal. At that time, she will also leave with him, with Hunyuanding to refine those high-end pills , but can provide no small help.

After everything was in order, Chen Honghong said in a deep voice in Chu Hao's mind: "Implicit Dantian, use the purity of weapon fire to burn the entire inside of Hunyuan Ding!"

Now what Chen Honghong said was an imperial decree to Chu Hao, so he was recruiting.After being smoked and roasted by the fire, Chen Honghong seized the right time and injected the golden liquid that had been stored for many days into the Hunyuan cauldron.

In an instant, the runes on Hunyuanding's body seemed to come alive, and the blue light was mixed with brilliant golden light, illuminating the whole room brightly.

Chu Hao had completely calmed down from his initial nervousness.When he really started to refine the weapon and started to face challenges, he seemed to be a different person, and his attention would never be distracted!

Without a firm heart, he would not be able to achieve the same achievements in his previous life on the road of refining weapons.

For him, repairing the Hunyuan Ding now is a challenge that he has never had before, and being able to complete it is also an achievement, an improvement in ability!

The heat in the whole room gradually increased, and the carpet where Chu Hao sat cross-legged gave off bursts of burning smell.Fortunately, the whole yard was strictly ordered by Chu Hao not to allow anyone to approach, so that he could repair it with peace of mind.

Just like that, while Chen Honghong was washing the surface of the Hunyuan Ding with golden liquid, and Chu Hao was urging the Zilonghuo with all his strength, more than half an hour passed before he knew it.

And this step is not to start repairing.On the contrary, this is just a prelude to a restoration.But this prelude is not useless, on the contrary, it is crucial for repairing Hunyuanding.Chen Honghong said that although the psychic magic weapon had a spiritual connection with Chu Hao at the moment of Chu Hao's death in his previous life, he recognized the master with a drop of blood, allowing him to freely activate the Hunyuan cauldron.

But, that was just Chu Hao himself.His weapon fire did not intrude on the Hunyuan Ding when refining magic tools and elixirs, so naturally it would not be resisted and rebounded by the Hunyuan Ding.But if you want to repair the Hunyuan Ding, you have to enter the inside of the Hunyuan Ding!

If Chu Hao was a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage or the Yin-Yang Stage, there would be no problem, but his current cultivation base is too weak. If there is a conflict between Qihuo and Hunyuanding, the one who will suffer the most serious backlash , it must be Chu Hao!

After all, no matter how much it is damaged, it is still a psychic magic weapon from before. Now it has fallen to a sixth-grade magic weapon, but the aura and energy generated by the backlash cannot even be tolerated by a cultivator at the golden core stage, let alone Chu Hao. Kind of an acquired little role.

Therefore, in order to ensure everything was safe, Chen Honghong decided to let Chu Hao's weapon fire slowly react with the Hunyuan Cauldron, while he used the golden liquid to reconcile it.

"Okay, it's almost done, stop the weapon fire!" Chen Honghong's voice came over, Chu Hao's mind moved, and he quickly received the weapon fire into his body.It's just that he still controlled the floating of the Hunyuan Ding, and he didn't dare to be careless before Chen Honghong gave orders.

At this moment, Chu Hao was covered in sweat. Just the step of making the weapon fire and the Hunyuan Ding stick together had consumed a lot of his energy. At this moment, he cheered up and his face was calm and firm.

"Wait for five breaths, I'm going to open the inside of the Hunyuan cauldron now, after five breaths, you immediately cover the inner alchemy of the third-level monster with weapon fire, and then throw it into the cauldron without missing a second! Remember, every second counts!"

Chu Hao was not happy that he didn't answer Chen Honghong's words, so he just nodded his head to express his understanding.

Chu Hao waited intently, one breath...two breaths...five breaths, his eyes shrank immediately, without a moment's pause, the third-order monster beast inner alchemy in his hand was ignited with fire, and it was dragged and flew towards the chaos. Yuan Ding.


The moment the monster inner alchemy entered the Primordial Cauldron, Chu Hao's body began to tremble violently as if being hit by an electric current, and after he calmed down his breathing, he barely stabilized.But Hunyuan Ding was shaking all over at this moment, the whole body of the tripod seemed to be suppressed by some force, and he wanted to break free, but he couldn't.

"Warrior fire, weapon fire, don't stop!" Chen Honghong roared: "This monster's inner alchemy has mutated, and at this moment it has completely stimulated the Hunyuan cauldron! This is better than expected, so hurry up and activate the weapon fire!"

The Zilong fire exploded in the cauldron, and Chu Hao's dantian fueled the fire. The Hunyuan cauldron was like a bottomless pit, continuously absorbing the weapon fire.The Acquired Qi in his whole body was rapidly passing away. This kind of torture was extremely painful for him, but he couldn't stop it.

"Okay, put the black crystal ore in the cauldron and temper it. I'll use the gold liquid to keep it in. The time difference can't be more than one breath!" Chen Honghong's hasty voice sounded again.Chu Hao's face was serious, knowing that this was a critical moment, and he couldn't tolerate any mistakes. He quickly threw the black crystal ore into the cauldron, and then made a handprint with his empty left hand according to Chen Honghong's instructions, and slapped it fiercely out of thin air. On the surface of Hunyuan Ding.

The Hunyuan Cauldron flew away with vigor, and the surface of the Hunyuan Cauldron trembled violently again. Now that Chu Hao had gained experience, without Chen Honghong reminding him again, he covered the black crystal ore with Zilonghuo, and then burned it. Melt it with the Hunyuan Ding into one.

The whole process lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, and Chu Hao already had the illusion of tinnitus. He was covered in sweat, and he gritted his teeth to support himself.

There is one last step left!

Dayu wood!

Use water to overcome fire and smelt it!

A whole piece of Dayu wood is really too long and full of aura, when Chu Hao was about to throw Dayu wood into the Hunyuan cauldron, something went wrong!

Dayumu was actually under Chu Hao's control, a burst of dazzling blue light emanated from his body, as if he was extremely repulsive, he tried to break free.Shocked, Chu Hao quickly grasped it with all his strength, then threw it into the Hunyuan Cauldron with a muffled roar, and then a flame swallowed it away, and the Purple Dragon Fire swallowed it firmly.

Although Dayumu has spirituality, he has not become a spirit after all. He just instinctively felt the danger and wanted to escape, but the trajectories of escape were not many. Being caught and thrown by Chu Hao, he entered the Hunyuan Cauldron .

"Good job!" Chen Honghong's tone at the moment also contained a hint of excitement, and the great work was about to be done!

Chen Honghong said: "Persist for the last half an hour, whether you succeed or not depends on this moment! Brat, if you can't even complete the first step of repairing the Hunyuan Cauldron, then that old man Che Xuanyuan will really miss you. I also misjudged you!"

"Shut up for me!" Chu Hao needed to be quiet at this moment, he yelled, interrupting Chen Honghong's words.I saw that his face was flushed, and he tried his best to control the complete fusion of Hunyuan Ding and the three materials with fire.

Time is passing by every minute and every second, and the atmosphere in the entire space is particularly silent, but this silence seems to be covered with a tight net, which may be broken by this emotion at any time.

Chu Hao's heartstrings tightened, and he looked at the Hunyuan Cauldron for a moment. In the tense atmosphere, it was the most destructive nerve.

I don't know how long it took, but Zilonghuo's heat at this moment actually weakened a little, and Chu Hao felt that he was a little exhausted.He gritted his teeth violently, and a few minutes later, his mind moved.Immediately, a look of great joy appeared on his face.

Above the Zilonghuo in the dantian, at this moment, a few traces of red light fluttered unexpectedly, and the Liehuanghuo moved at this moment!This is not the movement of two fires fighting against each other, but the only vibration!

Lie Huanghuo was actually activated at this time!

Zilonghuo is the flame of Chu Hao's previous life, ranking the third top-grade flame in the entire weapon fire, while Liehuanghuo is the weapon fire of Shizi's body itself, ranking especially above Zilonghuo.

Chu Hao thought of many ways, but none of them could mobilize the Fierce Phoenix Fire. Fortunately, there was the Purple Dragon Fire, which he was very familiar with, otherwise he would not be able to refine magic weapons and elixir at all.But at this moment, the Fierce Phoenix Fire, which he couldn't use after racking his brains, unexpectedly started to radiate flames when Zilonghuo was powerless to follow up!

At this moment, the bright red flames shot out in successive strands. It was not obvious at first, but it just jumped up and down. As the Zilonghuo continued to lose strength, the Liehuanghuo seemed to be stimulated, and the flame burst out suddenly. A large ball came out, and rushed out from the dantian, causing Chu Hao to feel a little ache from the burning.

Each grade of this weapon fire is a level. Chu Hao has never used the Fierce Phoenix Fire, but he also knows that it is definitely much more difficult to manipulate the weapon fire that ranks ahead of Zilonghuo.At this moment, seeing it jumping out of the body uncontrollably, and then lingering on Chu Hao's left hand, it roared towards the Primordial Cauldron!The purple dragon fire is yin, while the fierce phoenix fire is an out-and-out yang flame!

The hot and red flames, like the side flames of the scorching sun, increased the heat of the whole room by a few points.

As if sensing Chu Hao's strangeness, Chen Honghong didn't have time to ask, but seeing Lie Huanghuo rushing away, she was shocked and said, "Liehuanghuo, what's going on!"

Chu Hao didn't know what was going on.It's just that with the supplement of Liehuanghuo, the two colors of one purple and one Yin are constantly washing the fire inside the Hunyuan Ding, and the blue light of the Hunyuan Ding itself and those complicated runes are even more brilliant, filling the whole room. A sense of luxury.

Chen Honghong knew that Chu Hao was not happy, but at this moment, this accident made him overjoyed, and said: "That's it, with the Fierce Phoenix Fire, the chance of success has increased again!"

Indeed, with the voluntary joining of Liehuanghuo, Chu Hao's whole body has become more relaxed now, not as strenuous as before, and the two kinds of weapons and fires alternate between yin and yang, and Chu Hao's dantian is refreshed for a while, and the speed of the derived flames , actually a lot faster than before!

Chu Hao's eyes narrowed. He now has a lot of confidence. He saw two kinds of weapon fires rising rapidly around the Hunyuan Cauldron, as if a purple dragon and a fiery phoenix were intertwined in the air. A living totem, majestic and majestic, while the Hunyuan cauldron in the middle remains motionless, with runes flashing, but it seems to be the host of the totem, entangled them firmly by his side.

chi chi chi...  

The three materials made conflicting roars one after another, but under the control of the weapon fire, they couldn't break free.

Chu Hao knows that now is the most critical moment, success or failure depends on it!

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