
Chapter 98 The First Step of Restoring the Hunyuan Ding

Chapter [-]: The First Step to Restoring the Hunyuan Cauldron

After all, Lin Yue'er was just a weak woman, how could she escape the thick-skinned attack of Chu Hao, the villainous pervert.After hearing that Yue'er didn't learn, Chu Hao was furious immediately, and then rubbed his body, forcing Lin Yue'er to fight back with his sword.

Xiaodie's face was red as she watched from the side, she really had no words for this shameless prince.

The two teased for a while before Chu Hao gave up contentedly. Regardless of Lin Yueer's objections, he picked her up and put her on the stone bench. Then he took out a handkerchief and gently wiped her sweat.

Lin Yue'er's pretty face was flushed, feeling this delicate warmth, although she wanted to push him away, but her whole body was limp, and she couldn't exert any strength.

This hateful villain, if I hadn't lost the strength of the sword just now, how could I make you so frivolous.

Looking for excuses in her heart, Lin Yueer also relaxed her heart, lowered her eyelids, and let Chu Hao wipe her face.

Xiaodie pursed her lips and snickered, her little face was flushed, she took a few glances, and then backed away with a racing heart.

After Chu Hao wiped off his sweat, he put his arm around Lin Yueer's willow waist without any explanation, and sat directly beside her.Smelling the faint scent of the latter, Chu Hao calmed down rarely, and rested his head on Lin Yue'er's shoulder.

Lin Yueer's delicate body trembled, and Chu Hao softly blew in her ear, "Don't move. I'll just lean on it for a while."

"Then don't make any moves." Lin Yue'er withdrew the hand that was about to pinch Chu Hao, then hesitated for a while, and said.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not the kind of person you think."

Chu Hao gently embraced Lin Yue'er, resting his head on his shoulders, and there was silence in the air.

After a while, he turned his head away from Lin Yue'er's shoulder, pulled her hand to his chest, looked at her and said, "Yue'er, I know what you're worried about, even if you don't improve your strength, I won't leave you behind." You, I will take care of you for the rest of my life!"

When he said this, he was decisive, his tone was firm, and his eyes were even more menacing.This is not only his promise to Lin Yueer, but also a declaration of his love for her.

Lin Yueer raised her head and looked at Chu Hao.Although she usually called Chu Hao "thief" and "rascal", seeing that he was so affectionate at the moment, and the passion in his eyes seemed to melt her, her heart trembled violently, and a mist rose from her eyes, full of one slice.She let out a "hmm", rested her head on him, closed her eyes and enjoyed the rare warmth.If time can stop, this moment is undoubtedly the most beautiful.Neither of them moved, they only hoped that this beautiful moment would last forever.

Lin Yue'er finally straightened her body reluctantly and stood up, raising her head to face Chu Hao.

With a sweet smile, Hua Fang showed her full potential.Neither of them spoke, but they seemed to have spoken a thousand words. When they looked at each other, any words were superfluous.

This moment seems to be the beginning of everything, and it seems to be the end of everything.Lin Yue'er no longer had any doubts in her heart, and she no longer had any resistance to Chu Hao as before. Just when Chu Hao said that sentence to herself for the first time, she knew that she would be Can't do without this villain...

Love is an adventure. If you don't invest, how can you get rich returns.If you don't give your sincerity, how can you get the other party's sincerity?

Lin Yue'er had made up her mind, she put everything aside immediately, and wholeheartedly regarded Chu Hao as her husband-in-law, and she never let him take advantage of her and gave herself up to him.

I thought, if I could spend my whole life with this person, even if I died, I would have no regrets.

At this point, she no longer concealed her affection, and Chu Hao's unprecedented ecstasy bloomed in her eyes. Although she was shy, she became bolder.Her pretty face was full of the unique brilliance of a woman in love.Even if he was stabbed with scars and bruises all over his body, he had no regrets.

Just like the moth that rushes to the candlelight, knowing that the beauty will burn itself, it still throws itself into it without hesitation.

When the silkworm is dead, the silk will be exhausted, and the torch will turn into gray and tears will begin to dry.

If you haven't loved, how can you know the sweetness after love!

For a long time, although Lin Yueer fell in love with Chu Hao, she also followed Chu Hao.But because she was afraid that Chu Hao hadn't shown her sincerity to her, and because she didn't understand when she was possessed for the first time, she was very conflicted about the relationship between men and women.And even though she has true feelings for Chu Hao, she can't let him take advantage of her and become anxious about gains and losses.

But at this moment, after receiving Chu Hao's guarantee, Lin Yue'er untied her knot, and her sad mood was swept away.Thinking of the scene where she was bullied by Chu Hao so much that she couldn't fight back along the way, she felt ashamed for a while.

She secretly said: I gave my whole heart to this villain, and I was also bullied by him... If he dares to betray me, I will definitely not let him go, I will definitely not allow him to take advantage of me again, I will not allow him... Hmph, I, Lin Yueer, am not so easy to bully...

Just as she was thinking about the fierceness, she heard Chu Hao softly call out "Yue'er". Her heart trembled, she panicked, and immediately threw all those unbearable thoughts aside.

Chu Hao couldn't help but be attracted by her lacquer-black eyes and bewildered by her flimsy skin. He couldn't help lowering his head to kiss Lin Yueer's rosy mouth.

With incomparable firmness and incomparable affirmation, Chu Hao lowered his head lower and lower.

Although Lin Yue'er had already affirmed his affection for her in her heart, seeing Chu Hao's resolute and handsome face getting closer and closer to her, and all the heavy breath sprayed on her face, she suddenly seemed to be on fire. Generally, the whole body is hot.

Even though this was not the first time she was kissed by him, Yue'er seemed more helpless and flustered than before.

Wanting to push him away, I had some anticipation in my heart.

Amidst her shyness, anticipation and eagerness to try, Chu Hao finally succeeded in possessing her cherry lips again, carved a mark that belonged only to him on her cherry lips, and branded a man's affection.

This kiss was neither warm nor violent, just pure.

Sweeping away Lin Yueer's confusion and sadness for many days, her mind seemed to fly ten thousand stars, she couldn't help herself to think for a moment, she even forgot to breathe, she was so intoxicated.

If he didn't have to breathe, Chu Hao would never leave her soft lips.He raised his head reluctantly, and seeing the blurred expression in her eyes, he couldn't help but bend down again.

Ten thousand stars went out one by one in her heart, Lin Yue'er finally came to her senses, pushed Chu Hao away abruptly, and she also backed away from his embrace.Although she already regards him as her husband in her heart, the girl's face is extremely thin after all. She quickly picked up the long sword and scolded softly: "You villain and scoundrel, take your life!" The long sword stabbed out. , has already fought hard.

This scene was so similar to a certain scene at the beginning. The corners of Chu Hao's eyes were moist unconsciously. He was shocked. From Lin Yue'er, he seemed to see the shadow of the woman who sent him to this world.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Hao said with a playful smile, "Okay, murder your own husband!" He blocked it.


After playing with Lin Yue'er for a while, watching her return to her former appearance in the palace, Chu Hao returned to the room contentedly only when both of them were completely tired and rubbed each other's ears for a while.

He didn't want to eat lunch either, and he had to do a big project right now.

After ordering that no one should disturb him, Chu Hao drove Xiaosi to other courtyards by the way, and then took a deep breath.After closing the door of the room and adjusting his state to the best, he took out all the materials from the storage bag one by one.

Black crystal ore, the mutated inner alchemy of the third-order monster, Dayu wood.

After chanting the incantation, Chu Hao immediately summoned the Hunyuan Ding, and after slowly getting bigger, a pinch of dark blue flames rose from his fingertips.

At this moment, Chu Hao was extremely nervous. If the restoration of the Hunyuan Cauldron was successful, not only the quality of the Hunyuan Cauldron would be improved, but also Chen Honghong's strength would be improved. Even his own refining level would be completely restored to the second human level. Taste.

And these are not the most important. The most important thing is that after the repair is successful, you can re-refine high-level pills and magic tools, which will be of great help to the early promotion to innate and fight against Ziyunmen!

Propelling the Hunyuan Ding, it slowly coiled and grew larger in mid-air, and when Chu Hao's weapon fired, the Purple Dragon Fire rolled towards the whole body of the Hunyuan Ding.The heat in the entire room was instantly increased several times.

Chu Hao spat out a few mouthfuls and said firmly, "Chen Honghong, let's start."

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