
Chapter 97

The next day, the prefect outside Luosheng City and others sent Chu Hao's convoy outside the city in person. The prefect patted his chest and assured Chu Hao that he would give orders after a while, ordering the city defense army to go to the mountain to search, and they would definitely catch the rumored monster. , please don't worry about Chu Hao.And the protector was also unwilling to show weakness and echoed again and again.

Seeing their appearance of not killing monsters, Chu Hao nodded regretfully, spoke in an official tone, and then waved away from the largest city in the north.The eunuch bid farewell to Yiyi, but if they knew that the monster had already been put into the storage bag by Chu Hao as a material, they would definitely spit blood.

The convoy rushed towards Dori City.On the way, they passed a place called "Lishuigou". One day later, the whole convoy arrived in Duorui City on fast horses.

When passing through a pavilion earlier, some scouts saw the convoy of the young prince and his party, and one of them went back to the city to report, while the rest led Chu Hao and others to Duorui City.

Looking at the outline of Duorui City from a distance, it can't compare to the grandeur of Luosheng City, after all, it's just a county town.But because it is also a strategic city, and it is located on the border of Sanxie Pass, so when passing by, you can see many soldiers of the Yaohu Army and scouts galloping around on horseback.

A total of [-] Yaohu troops were stationed in Duorui City.As for the Three Evil Pass ahead, there are more than [-] Longxiang Army and [-] Yaohu Army.The entire city of Duorui and the Three Evils form horns and are dependent on each other. When a war breaks out, they can arrive within two hours with a fast horse.

At the same time, Duorui City is also a location for combat preparation and logistics. Prince Weiyuan's original intention was to send Chu Hao here to hone and accumulate military exploits, but Chu Hao didn't put his mind on it at all. What I hate the most is war, and I came here to avoid Ziyunmen and concentrate on cultivation.

Therefore, it was inevitable to disappoint Chu Yunfei's good intentions.

It's just that he will be a cultivator in the end, how can a small Yuntian Empire be his end?If you let these trivial matters entangle you, how long will it take to wait until the Nascent Soul Stage?

Chu Hao didn't have that much time to spend.

There were more than [-] people who greeted Chu Hao's convoy. In addition to the local county magistrate, a partial general and three commanders of the Yaohu Army came, as well as some other miscellaneous officials.

Chu Hao is not familiar with the military system at all, but his ignorance is usually not shown in front of outsiders. After some exchanges, everyone welcomed Chu Hao in.

After the evening banquet, Chu Hao was not drunk for a thousand cups. After drinking a large number of disobedient soldiers, he returned to a courtyard specially set aside for him.

The yard looked pleasing to the eye. It used to be lived by a local wealthy businessman. Later, when the war broke out, the wealthy businessman ran away. No one lived there for a long time. Chu Hao's status is different. Temporary residence.

On the first day of coming to Duorui City, naturally there will be no appointments, after eating and drinking, there is nothing else to do.When the carriage came to the yard, Chu Hao fell on the bed and fell asleep.

It's not that he's relaxed, but because he drank too much before, all those army ruffians didn't regard themselves as human beings, and they all came to toast.Of course Chu Hao knew what this group of people meant, and they all refused to refuse anyone, showing their boldness, which surprised Chen Honghong repeatedly, expressing that it was not his style at all.However, even though Chu Hao was still drunk in the end, he got in the way of this dismount, and he won many people's opinions and attention.

Although he fell asleep on his side, those dazed Yaohu Army high-level officials in Duorui City had to cheer up and gather in the barracks to discuss.

After all, the son of Prince Weiyuan came to Duorui City to hone his training, which was a big deal for the whole border.But how to arrange his military position, and how to use this military position to gain military merits, also baffled the generals, staff officers and others.

Someone proposed to give Chu Hao the position of a centurion, but it was quickly rejected by everyone.How can Prince Weiyuan be allowed to do the battle on the front line? If something goes wrong, who can afford it.Someone suggested that Chu Hao should be an ordinary school captain and train normally.

But this proposal is also very inappropriate, he can't even go to the battlefield, and he still earns a fart of military merits. If Prince Weiyuan blames him, who can afford it.At the moment in Duorui City, the two great generals of the royal family are not there, and everyone is helpless.

In the end, after much discussion and discussion, it was still decided to let Chu Hao take the position of supervising the army and win a couple of battles. It can be said that the supervising army has meritorious service. He will bear it, and he is usually free, which is just right for this world's appetite.

Although the position of military supervisor needs to be ordered by the emperor himself, but here the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and everyone is following the prince of Weiyuan, who cares about the emperor's wishes, so Chu Hao's position as military supervisor was finalized in this kind of discussion .

On the second day after arriving in Duorui City, there was another glamorous appointment ceremony, and the general named Jiang Yuan solemnly put the letter of appointment into Chu Hao's hands.Chu Hao stood on the military platform, behind him was the Yuntian battle flag flying high and fluttering.And when he heard the position of Supervising Army, he was even more delighted, and he quickly praised Yaohu Army's achievements in these years. He was so eloquent that he praised the soldiers so much that they were embarrassed, so Shi Shiran stepped down from the stage with his fists clasped.

And Liu Li, Li Meng and others who came with Chu Hao and others were also assigned positions. Li Meng and Liu Li had the highest positions, and they were Sili captains in the army. and spies.Of course, although this official position is high, it is only an empty position, without any real power.

But just like this, Liu Li was already very excited. When he returned to the barracks again, although he was not the leader of the three armies, the Longxiang Army, for them, his mood was indescribable. a bit.

Among the nine people, two were former soldiers of the Yaohu Army. Now that they returned to the original army, their identities and circumstances were quite different.

After the appointment ceremony was over, Chu Hao took a symbolic look at the Yaohu Army's battle line, said a few words, "Very good, not bad, I'm optimistic about you, keep going" and other innocuous nonsense, then hurried back to the mansion .

In the courtyard, I saw Lin Yue'er bought a set of female military uniforms from nowhere, with her hair tied in a bun on the top of her head, and she was dancing a sword in the courtyard in a decent manner.And little loli Xiaodie was sitting on the side, propping her chin with her hands, blinking her eyes from time to time, very focused.

Looking at Lin Yue'er's slender body, swaying in shock, the long sword in her hand is like a colorful ribbon, not only does it not have the slightest chill, but it is full of a pleasing softness.Lin Yue'er was dripping with sweat, but she didn't stop. Her beautiful body curves followed the direction of Jianfeng, making Chu Hao, a villain, wide-eyed and feasted his eyes.

"Ah!" After half a stick of incense, Lin Yue'er was a little tired, and was about to stop, but saw Chu Hao standing outside, and immediately knew that the latter saw everything just now, and cried out in surprise out.But at this moment, her face, which was already a little flushed because of the sword dance, was even more blushing, very charming.

Then, she glared at Chu Hao bitterly, and tilted out the long sword that was brought from the capital to Duorui City, raised her white chin, and said, "My lord, let's compete."

Chu Hao laughed loudly, and said, "Yue'er, you are not my opponent, but it's still okay to give pointers to you."

Lin Yue'er ignored him, scolded softly, tapped her lotus feet, flicked her bright wrist, and stabbed towards him with a sword.

Lin Yue'er is only a martial artist on the fifth or sixth floor of the body training stage, and her body skills and martial arts are even more ordinary, so she will naturally not be Chu Hao's opponent.This sword looks fancy, but it is full of flaws, without any threat.

However, seeing Lin Yueer making tea and making poems, and Xiaojiabiyu occasionally being a little savage, seeing this appearance at this moment refreshed Chu Hao's heart and brightened his eyes.

He shouted: "Good swordsmanship!" After saying that, his feet didn't move, but his waist swung down, his body fell obliquely, hanging in the air, but he dodged the sword lightly. up.

Lin Yue'er snorted softly, she was not discouraged when the sword failed, and then slashed towards Chu Hao's center again.

Chu Hao squatted down, dodged it, and moved behind Lin Yueer with his steps. He blew on Lin Yueer's pink neck overflowing with sweat, and teased: " Yue'er, your swordsmanship is pretty good."

Feeling the hot air between the neck and neck, it seemed to pour into the body in an instant, turning into several flowing heat streams, Lin Yue'er's heart trembled, and she almost couldn't even hold the sword steadily.She was ashamed at first, then angry again, and swung a sword with her backhand.

Chu Hao yelled and dodged away.

After several moves like this, Lin Yue'er was covered in sweat, but she didn't touch Chu Hao with a single sword. Instead, Chu Hao took advantage of him in dodging, and even took the hairpin on her head into his hands.At this moment, her long hair fell down her shoulders, Lin Yue'er was panting, her pretty face was flushed, her brows were slightly frowned, her exquisite and delicate body exuded amazing beauty and temptation.

"I won't come, I won't come! You're such a rascal!" Lin Yue'er beat the villain for a long time, not only did she fail to teach the villain a lesson, but she was touched and made fun of by the shameless villain, so she didn't want to Fight Chu Hao again.

Chu Hao fought well, his martial arts were sharp, and he had more interest in flirting than before. How could he give up, with a straight face, he said: "Yue'er, you are wrong. As a warrior, you should first What should come to mind should be how to defeat the enemy, not his gender! On the battlefield, there is no gender at all!" Chu Hao said awe-inspiringly: "Look at Xiao Wang's attack just now, although it looks ugly, it's not very effective. Well, this is the embodiment of realm. Your aptitude is good, you must not give up halfway, come here, Xiao Wang will teach you a few tricks, so that you can learn."

Lin Yue'er heard Chu Hao talking nonsense there, and immediately got angry: "I don't want to learn."

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