
Chapter 102 The Power of Four Elephants

The third one!


Chu Hao couldn't believe that the benefits brought to him by spiritual energy could be so obvious!

Although he didn't know that martial artists in the acquired stage could absorb spiritual energy, how incredible this is on the road of cultivation.But vaguely, he still felt the body's reaction and the abnormality after absorbing the spiritual energy.

It's like a feeling of being reborn, people are intoxicated in it, and it's hard to extricate themselves!

The spiritual energy washed away the filth in his body, and the room where Chu Hao was coiled was filled with an unpleasant smell.If someone is standing next to him at this moment, they will be surprised to find that there is a faint blue halo around Chu Hao's body at this moment, which is not strong, just like neon lights, delicate and soft.

In the process of absorbing Dayu Wood's spiritual energy, after about a quarter of an hour, Chu Hao's body finally trembled, and a feeling of nausea and nausea spread from the depths of his heart.Immediately afterwards, the Acquired Qi, which had been pushed aside by the spiritual energy, faintly rioted.

At this moment, Chu Hao quickly stopped capturing the aura. He was sensitively aware that the amount of aura absorbed this time had reached the saturation point, and he could no longer absorb it.

Without rushing to open his eyes immediately, Chu Hao looked inside his body again, and slowly adjusted his breath.

I saw that in the meridians, there is not only one kind of airflow as before, but two kinds of airflow that do not merge with each other.The earth-yellow one is the acquired Qi, which is too heavy in lead, while the blue-green one is the aura that pervades the Dayu wood and has been absorbed into the body by oneself.

Originally, if one's cultivation has reached the innate level, the time to absorb spiritual energy is to enter the dantian from the gate of heaven, and then undergo transformation in the dantian, and transform it into innate qi or spiritual power through cultivation techniques.

But Chu Hao's situation is too weird, the heavenly gate behind his head has not been penetrated, and the aura he absorbed is unimaginably captured by acquired qi.

There is no innate qi in his body, and the spiritual qi has not passed through the Tianmen, so it cannot be transformed at all. It is kept in his meridians in the most primitive posture and flows slowly.

This aura is full of a sense of coolness, but the coolness is not piercing, it is very gentle, it makes people feel refreshed, divinely enlightened, and the Lingtai is clear.A flash of inspiration flashed in Chu Hao's mind, this is the feeling of aura!

Although he didn't know how to transform the aura, Chu Hao was very excited because of this.

Holding Dayu Wood in his hands, Chu Hao opened his eyes with a smile all over his face: "Da Yumu, Dayu Wood, it's really a good thing. Although this aura doesn't seem to be something I can use now, once it reaches innate, Then I benefited a lot!"

Dayumu's body trembled a few times, as if he understood Chu Hao's words, the tendril bent and fell down again.Chu Hao secretly thought that this thing is really intelligent, and quickly put it into the storage bag.

Stretching for a while, although Chu Hao is in good spirits at the moment, and the fatigue from repairing the Hunyuan Cauldron has disappeared, he doesn't know whether the acquired energy will continue to conflict with the spiritual energy, so he still dare not sleep .After smelling the unpleasant smell in the room, Chu Hao wrinkled his nose, then went to take a shower, and then he sat on the bed all night while adjusting his breath and meditating.

The night passed quickly.During Chu Hao's inspection, no matter whether it was exercise or punching, the acquired qi was the same as usual, and the spiritual qi had no effect on it.It's just that with more aura in his body, his body's skin and bones now seem to have surpassed the scope of a first-level skin-refining warrior, and his explosive power is stronger, and his spirit and recovery ability after injury are also several times stronger than before!

This is the benefit of aura!

Chu Hao walked out of the yard, then went to find Liu Li, Huang Hongjin and the others, and told them to stop and practice sparring with him.But after practicing, Huang Hongjin's level of skin-refining cultivation couldn't resist Chu Hao's punch!

The power of one image!

After hitting the fist, Chu Hao was pleasantly surprised to find that his current strength had directly broken through from the strength of thirty horses to the strength of an elephant!

That is the power that only warriors at the fifth or sixth level of skin refining can possess. After absorbing spiritual energy for one night, his body has become so strong!

He was overjoyed and finally brought Huang Hongjin down for the first time. After laughing loudly, he calmed down and told them to practice more and not to be lazy.

After that, Chu Hao pretended to give some pointers, and hurried to find Jiang Yuan, the general who arranged his position.

After Hunyuanding was repaired, Chu Hao didn't have many materials in his hand, so he had to find materials to refine the elixir now!He also knew that his official position was just an idle job, and taking advantage of the six months, it was a buffer period for him to return to the capital!

Originally, on the way to Duorui City, Chu Hao never thought that he could break through to his innate cultivation base, but now that he has Dayu Wood, he can even absorb spiritual energy with his later body, and with the restoration of Hunyuanding Success, within half a year, he has a strong confidence to break through to the innate realm!

There is no doubt about this!

Apart from himself, Liu Li and the nine people, at least Liu Li must be promoted to Xiantian, and the other eight people, at least the acquired Dzogchen, this is also Chu Hao's new goal now!

I found Jiang Yuan, who was training soldiers. When he saw Chu Hao approaching, he thought there was something wrong, so he quickly stopped and came to ask.After Chu Hao explained his intentions, Jiang Yuan was a little surprised, a little confused, and said: "Why is the little prince asking this? There is no auction house nearby, but there are mountains on all sides. Apart from the official road, there are many ferocious beasts. There should be some Rare materials exist, if the little prince is sick, he will be able to send someone to look for it."

"Xiao Wang is not sick." Chu Hao waved his hands quickly, and said, "I'm just asking casually, which mountain has more beasts near here? Also, this is the border. Although there are fewer civilians, there are merchants who replenish supplies. There are quite a few, you can find some businessmen for Xiao Wang to come to my mansion, I have something to look for them."

Although he still didn't understand what Chu Hao was going to do, Jiang Yuan didn't think too much about it, nodded and agreed.

Seeing Jiang Yuan going to give orders, Chu Hao called out to him again. Under the surprised gaze of the latter, Chu Hao took out ten [-] taels of silver bills, and then said: "These silver bills are for brothers to use." , I will come to Xiao Wang again in the future.”

"This..." Seeing such a large bank note, Jiang Yuan's eyes became a little straight. He is just a partial general. Although his position is not low, his monthly salary is only five hundred taels. One hundred thousand taels, when will it be!

Although Jiang Yuan was shocked by Chu Hao's magnanimity, he was only stunned for a moment, and then returned to normal, with a little more coldness between his brows, and said: "Little prince, what do you mean, we are all together What is the use of this bank note for a soldier whose life and death are unknown in this war?! Please take this bank note back, the little prince, we cannot accept it."

Chu Hao knew what he was thinking, he thought he was bribing him to win people's hearts.

Although Chu Hao really wanted to win people's hearts, he would not be such an idiot. Seeing Jiang Yuan's cold tone, he was not angry, but raised his brows and said, "Xiao Wang asked you, what is the duty of a soldier?" ?”

Jiang Yuan was startled, and then said: "Obey!"

"That's right, Xiao Wang is now the supervisor of the army. In terms of rank, even though he is the third rank, in the army, my position is higher than yours! What do you think Xiao Wang is doing by giving you this silver ticket, to buy you?" Chu Hao smiled coldly, and said: "You also know that I only stay here for half a year, in order to find some achievements and return to Beijing for appointments, and as the eldest son, you are far away on the border, and the military department is also controlled by my father, what is it worth?" I'm easy to buy?"

Jiang Yuan was speechless. What Chu Hao said was true, but he couldn't answer it embarrassingly.

Chu Hao continued: "My [-] taels are for my brothers to replenish their bodies as a supervising army."

Jiang Yuan wondered: "Replenishing the body? Could it be that the young prince bought the materials just for the sake of the brothers?"

Of course not!If yes, don't eat poor me!Chu Hao thought in his heart, but said on his mouth: "What good supplements can I buy for one hundred thousand taels? As a supervising army, before the brothers go to the battlefield, the fire in their bodies cannot be released. How can they have enough supplements?" Use your strength to defend your home and country!"

Chu Hao said seriously: "I heard that there are flower houses in Duorui City and several surrounding towns, so I'll give the money to the brothers to put out the fire. If it's not enough, come find me again!"

"Enough is enough, it must be enough!" Hearing this, Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up, and an expression that any man could understand appeared on his face, and said: "I thank the little prince on behalf of all the brothers!"

He didn't expect that the little prince would be so thoughtful, that the hundred thousand taels were actually used to go whoring!

If the money was used to buy supplements and medicinal materials, although Jiang Yuan would be grateful, he would not feel how close Chu Hao was, but at this moment, both of them smiled, and everything was said without saying a word!

Soldiers used to go to kilns because they were short of money and had very strict military regulations. Now Chu Hao is the biggest official here, and he is willing to spend one hundred thousand taels to put out fires for the soldiers here. This bribe is for the men in the barracks , more direct than anything else!

This kind of bribe by Chu Hao is even more murderous!

After laughing a few times, Chu Hao patted Jiang Yuan on the shoulder, and said, "Work hard, General Jiang, Xiao Wang's future future depends on all the brothers."

"Please rest assured, little prince, we will never let him down!" Jiang Yuan hastily promised.At the wine table welcoming Chu Hao before, he lost to the former. Now that Chu Hao has [-] gold, he is extremely considerate to them. Therefore, Jiang Yuan spoke solemnly and firmly. At the end, he said: "We will never embarrass the Lord Supervisor!"

Chu Hao nodded, very satisfied. Although it still hurts his heart to squander a hundred thousand taels of silver like this, it is not a small price to make these soldiers completely convinced and agree with him.

After all, he has lived here for the past six months. Whether it is refining elixir or practicing, he needs to be careful and talk. If he buys Jiang Yuan and gives some sweets to the soldiers of the Yaohu Army, at least it will be a lot of insurance.

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