
Chapter 103 Became Immortal For You

After bidding farewell to Jiang Yuan, Chu Hao left the barracks and returned to the courtyard.

On the way back, he thought for a while, his identity is the eldest son, it must be too conspicuous to enter and leave Duorui City, wait for Jiang Yuan to call those businessmen over tomorrow, and then see if there are any materials he needs, if not, then I can only let Liu Li and others work hard and go to the surrounding mountains to search for it.

But for them, it's not a kind of exercise for free.

Today's wind is very strong, it's going to be winter, and there are more yellow sandy days in the north. On the way back, Chu Hao frowned as he looked at the lingering wind leaves in the sky.Back at the mansion, as soon as he walked into the courtyard, he saw Lin Yueer talking to Xiaodie in front of the courtyard door, as if he was waiting for him.Seeing Chu Hao coming in, Lin Yue'er smiled sweetly, the wind was lingering around her, her white skirt fluttered lightly, and her misty temples were so thin that nothing could be seen.That amazing beauty made Chu Hao startled for a moment.

After a while, Chu Hao came back to his senses, stepped forward and held her catkin in his palm, and said, "Don't stand outside, the wind is strong and it will be cold."

This time, Lin Yue'er did not break away from Chu Hao's hand, nor did she just let him hold it. Instead, she turned her hand around and grabbed his hand with her white jade hands.Her eyelashes trembled, she raised her head, and said softly, "I'm not cold."

Chu Hao stared at her, and on Lin Yue'er's face, he saw a charming color that he didn't have before.He couldn't help pecking Lin Yue'er's lips, tasting it lightly.The two looked at each other for a long while, then smiled at each other, and a burst of sweetness rose in their hearts...

Xiaodie saw this scene beside her, and her heart was also slightly shocked. The young lady's appearance was so beautiful that she had never seen before, her face was radiant, as if she had changed into a different person!

Is this the power of love? !

Although Xiao Luoli is young, she knows a lot. She is not particularly resentful towards Chu Hao. Now that the young lady has returned to the same appearance, she is also happy in her heart.Seeing the two holding hands, she couldn't help but think of her own identity. She is the young lady's personal maid. If the young lady marries the eldest son, then she will also be married as a dowry, then...

She blushed pretty, then panicked, looked around like a thief, and ran out of the yard.

Xiaosi was about to go in, when she saw Xiaodie coming out with a blushing face, she said: "Miss Xiaodie, what are you doing?"

"Xiao Si... Brother Xiao Si, you... don't go in, the prince has something to do now!" Xiaodie's pretty face turned redder, and she stammered at first, but then she became more and more shy as she spoke, and she couldn't help but pull Xiao Si ran out of the yard.

Chu Hao and Lin Yue'er sat holding each other's hands for a while, feeling the rare tranquility, and Chu Hao didn't talk about it. There were thousands of thoughts in his heart, past and present, elusive.

"Yue'er, do you want to learn martial arts?" Lin Yue'er rested her head on Chu Hao's shoulder, she rarely took the initiative like this, with a peaceful smile on her face.Hearing Chu Hao's question, she raised her jaw slightly, her beautiful black and white eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness: "I don't know, if you let me learn martial arts, I will learn."

"Then do you want to practice Taoism and become an immortal?" Chu Hao continued.

"Changing immortals, can mortals become immortals? Isn't that a legend?" Lin Yueer blinked her eyes, resting her hands on Chu Hao's shoulders and resting her chin on them. Seeing the innocent expression, Chu Hao's heart skipped a beat.

"It's not a legend." Chu Hao thought for a while, and said solemnly, "I'm on my way to becoming an immortal right now."

"Ah..." Lin Yue'er stared at Chu Hao. From his face, he didn't see the slightest bit of laughter and rogue in the usual way. It was serious and serious, with piercing eyes, catching her own sight all the time.

Chu Hao's appearance was quite different from before, but it made Lin Yue'er fall in love with him even more.Her cheeks were a little hot, but Lin Yue'er did not avoid his gaze, looked at each other, and said affectionately: "What's the use of becoming an immortal?"

"I don't know either, maybe it's longevity, maybe it's to meet immortals, maybe it's to prove myself... But no matter how many possibilities there are, you have to find a goal for yourself, otherwise, becoming an immortal or something like that, It's meaningless." Chu Hao also smiled softly, trying to explain in a simple way: "Becoming a fairy means longevity, and the life span can be much longer than that of ordinary people."

With that clean smile, Lin Yueer's heart trembled, her small hands unconsciously clenched Chu Hao's collar, and her bright eyes were instantly covered with a thin layer of mist.Just listen to her nana authentic: "If becoming a fairy is longevity, wouldn't it be to witness the death of the lover and the disappearance of the relatives, how lonely and terrifying it would be..."

After finishing speaking, she raised her red face, opened her cherry lips lightly, her delicate body paused, then slowly closed her eyes, and gently embraced Chu Hao's lower lip...

"... In order not to make you lonely, I will accompany you; for you, I will become a fairy..."


Back in the room, Chu Hao touched his mouth and couldn't help sighing faintly.

To improve Lin Yueer's strength, she had to wait until she was born.Lin Yueer's aptitude is good, and if she wants to step into cultivation at this age, although it is a bit late, but with the support of huge pills, it should not be difficult to improve her cultivation.

But these are not the most important. The most important thing is that he still has the unfinished business here at Ziyunmen. If this matter cannot be completely eliminated, he will live in danger forever.

After meditating for a while, Chu Hao felt that the aura in his body seemed to be thinning, as if he had assimilated the aura because of his increased physical fitness.Chu Hao didn't know in what form the aura would dissipate if it wasn't transformed into innate qi or spiritual power, but now he seemed to understand that --- the aura is gradually improving his body in the meridians, Chu Hao Hao faintly had a premonition that if he continued to absorb Dayumu's aura at this speed, it was very possible that his physique and cultivation would reach a height unmatched by monks of the same rank!

After taking out the Dayu wood again, after about a quarter of an hour, the aura captured by Chu Hao's body was saturated.The spiritual energy of this Dayu wood is equivalent to the spiritual energy of the thirty-ninth grade blessed land, so naturally there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of the spiritual energy when it is absorbed. This level of spiritual energy may be helpful to increase one's cultivation in the innate stage.

After absorbing the aura, Chu Hao's eyes became clearer, and his energy and spirit improved a bit.He tried to call Chen Honghong, but the latter still did not respond, probably still in the process of adjustment.Without Chen Honghong, Chu Hao didn't dare to take out the Hunyuan Ding casually to check.

After going outside to practice for a while, after dinner, Chu Hao lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Jiang Yuan's work efficiency was really fast, and early the next morning, he was the one who found various businessmen in the front hall of Chu Hao's mansion.A total of six people are well-known local merchants, and three of them are merchants from other countries, the Wu Kingdom and the Mayan Empire.Although the Mayan Empire and the Sky Empire are at war, the merchants are all profit-seeking, the greater the risk, the greater the benefit.

Chu Hao's identity naturally didn't need to be introduced too much by them.And seeing the royal family of Yuntian Empire for the first time, these six merchants were also a little nervous, but seeing that Chu Hao was not overbearing, they calmed down a little.

Chu Hao swept over the six merchants, and without being courteous to them, he said straightforwardly: "Now Xiao Wang needs some materials. If you have them, I am willing to pay for them. Of course, if you don't have them, but you know where you can get them." After selling it to Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang can also give you generous rewards."

The six merchants nodded.They made money from the war, and they dealt with the army here, and they could bear the hard-to-serve army ruffians. At this moment, Chu Hao was not only polite, but also had room for negotiation. They looked at each other, and one of the big The Wu Kingdom businessman with a nose said: "I don't know what kind of material the little prince wants. We have also stockpiled a lot of goods in our hands over the years. Maybe there is not necessarily what the little prince needs."

The whole body of this Wuguo man was dark and looked like a piece of carbon, but his eyes were unbelievably bright and turned around. From his appearance, he was really a treacherous person.

Chu Hao smiled faintly. He had already prepared it, and took out four sheets with materials written on them.

The first one is Tiger Tendon Pill. Although the effect of this elixir is not too obvious to Chu Hao, it can be used before the fifth level of skin refining, and Liu Li and the others also need to take it.

The second order is Ningshen Xingshuang Wan.This is the frost dew that heals internal injuries, and it belongs to the third-grade elixir.

The third list is the material of the soft hedgehog armor. Chu Hao has now upgraded to the second-rank human-level weapon refining practice, and with the assistance of Hunyuanding and Jinye, he should be able to make these second-rank magic weapons. , After carving the magic circle, Lin Yueer wears it on her body, at least the warriors around the skinning will not cause fatal harm to her.

The fourth is Yunling Pill.This is a elixir of the pinnacle of the fourth rank, and the formula was also given to him by Chen Honghong.Chu Hao planned ahead. Although he might not be able to do it, he still had to try.This Yun Ling Pill can be regarded as one of the top pills in this world.If it can be obtained, then whether it is for him or Lin Yue'er, the improvement of cultivation base will increase by leaps and bounds!

Of course, this material is also difficult to find. With Chu Hao's current financial resources, it may be difficult to buy it in the secular world. Unless he goes to the unique trading place in the cultivation world, or entrusts Tao Ranju, otherwise he can rely on the remaining [-] taels. Don't even think about it.

And the reason why he took out this list was purely to try his luck.

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