
Chapter 104 Chen Honghong Wakes Up

However, to Chu Hao's surprise, the ingredients for Tiger Tendon Pills were not difficult to find. Almost all of the six people had these ingredients, so it was very easy to buy them.As for Ningshen Xingshuang Wan, a businessman from Wu country had two kinds of materials in his hand, and a businessman from his own country agreed to look for it for Chu Hao.The material of the magic weapon soft hedgehog armor is more difficult. The black-eyed snake skin, soil-eating hedgehog shell, and yellow silver soft silk needed inside are relatively rare things in the world, and five of them have never heard of them. However, only a businessman from the Mayan Empire said that he seemed to have seen an auction of black eyed snake skin at an auction, but he did not buy it.

Although Chu Hao was a little disappointed about this, these things belonged to monsters. This is the border of Yuntian. If you go to the deep mountains, there should be no fewer monsters. The monkey mountain was an example last time, so it doesn't matter. Don't worry about the material problem.

But when he took out the list of ingredients for the Yunling Pill, several merchants showed surprise at the same time.

Chu Hao looked strange, and hurriedly asked.Several people hesitated for a while before saying: "Little prince, don't you know that although these kinds of materials are difficult to obtain in other countries, they are simply impossible to obtain in Yuntian Empire!"

Hearing this, Chu Hao was very surprised. The ingredients in the formula of Yunling Pill were indeed very rare, but for mortals and the secular world, these ingredients were of no use at all.Rare and rare are two concepts. Difficult to obtain means that this group of businessmen know these materials, but they cannot get them.

"How do you say that?" Chu Hao condensed his attention and asked.

"Actually, this is not a secret... Except for the grassroots 'Yunyue Beiluo' on this list who have never heard of it, the other materials are all materials that are prohibited from being sold by colleagues in the Yuntian Empire. Even in the empire The auction house is also not allowed to conduct auctions. If you find these materials and hand them over to the court, you will be rewarded." After a pause, the businessman from the Wu Kingdom continued: "Of course, these materials are also very rare, and we have never seen them before. However, we didn’t know until the ban came down.”

Chu Hao was taken aback by the merchant's answer.Then he remembered that on the previous night of the Lantern Festival, two old Taoists from Ziyunmen tried to use Yunling Pill to buy the old man in green shirt.

He said calmly, "When did this ban come down?"

"It has been implemented since the second year of the current emperor's ascension to the throne."

Hearing this, Chu Hao confirmed the guess in his heart. This ban should have been made by Ziyun Sect. Otherwise, since Yuntian is just a secular royal family, how could it be possible to ban these refining materials, and they are all Yunling Dan's material.

It seems that the formula of this Yunling Pill should only be available in Ziyun Sect at present, and they have mastered the production method, otherwise the old man in green shirt would not have hesitated that day.

The efficacy of Yunling Pill, Chu Hao was only a craftsman in his previous life, so he doesn't know how powerful it can be, but since Ziyun Sect has issued such a ban, in his heart, he is even more eager to use this pill. A kind of thing is refined.

I believe that with the help of Hunyuanding and Chen Honghong, even if it cannot be refined in batches, one or two should not be a problem.If the Fierce Phoenix Fire can also be used, the success rate will increase even more.

Hearing such news by accident, Chu Hao felt relieved. After discussing with the six businessmen for a while, he let them go down. Jiang Yuan personally sent them out, which made the six people flattered.

Chen Honghong still didn't show up today, Chu Hao sorted out his thoughts, and was a little worried, something happened, right?But thinking of the scene that day, Hunyuanding was indeed successfully repaired, and there shouldn't be any problems.

After absorbing Dayumu's aura, Chu Hao ate three more tiger tendon pills, and then practiced with Liu Li and others for a while. He felt that the growth of acquired qi had also accelerated, and he was slightly satisfied.

The next day, Chen Honghong's voice finally rang in his mind, and Chu Hao heaved a sigh of relief, "Didn't you take a day off? This is the third day."

"Stinky boy, it's really useless!" Chen Honghong naturally felt Chu Hao's worry, but even though he scolded and scolded, for some reason, he felt a warm feeling in his heart, so he said something, and then said: "Hunyuan cauldron Although the repair was successful, there was an accident in the middle, so it took a long time."

Chu Hao wondered, "What accident?"

"Take it out and have a look yourself." Chu Hao heard the words, closed the door of the room, and then summoned the Hunyuan Cauldron, looked at it, but found nothing wrong. Before he could ask again, Chen Honghong said He snorted and said, "Stupid boy, you don't know how to feel its aura."

Chu Hao frowned, and then his face showed ecstasy, and said: "This... Hunyuan Ding has reached the eighth-rank treasure!"

"Not bad!" Chen Honghong said: "Dayu wood is worthy of being the top material among the rare treasures. At that time, it even escaped a part. If it was used to repair the Hunyuan Ding, then I really don't know how far it can be repaired. Hunyuan Among the five elements of the Yuan Ding, it belongs to water and soil, which can produce thunder and gold liquid. Dayu wood is the best among the rare treasures of water, and it has survived for five hundred years. Naturally, it is different. I have underestimated this thing before. "

Speaking of this, Chen Honghong paused for a moment, and continued: "However, although the Hunyuan Ding has recovered to the realm of the eighth-grade treasure, it is only at the beginning level, and its supernatural powers can only be used by you at least at the fifth level. If it’s just the seventh grade, you can use it innately.”

Chu Hao nodded, but his tone did not change at all, and said, "The restoration of the Hunyuan Cauldron is one level higher than expected, and it will naturally be improved if there are restrictions on the use of cultivation. This is nothing."

"Eh----" Chen Honghong wondered: "This doesn't fit your character, how can you be so calm." At the end, Chen Honghong was silent for a while, and then said in disbelief: "There is aura in your body ,How is this going?!"

Chen Honghong's tone was no longer ridiculed like before, and revealed a hint of shock.

Chu Hao was slightly proud of himself. It was not easy to shock the famous Hunyuan Cauldron, "Of course, you don't even look at who I am. These auras will choose the master, and they all came to me by themselves. From the body."

Chen Honghong was too lazy to bother with his nonsense at all, but said solemnly: "Stinky boy, have you absorbed Dayumu's spiritual energy?"

Chu Hao was a little surprised, and said, "How do you know?"

"Nonsense, the aura here is thin, except for Dayu Wood, where can you absorb the aura! You probably don't know how to use those two low-grade spirit stones, and you don't have such a high level of aura!" Chen Honghong said:

"Also, how did you absorb the spiritual energy of Dayu Mushang? What's going on?? You're only at the acquired stage. How can you let the high-end heaven and earth energy and the acquired energy exist together without mutual exclusion?"

Chu Hao could hear some urgency in Chen Honghong's voice, knowing that the latter was worried about him, so he stopped talking nonsense, and said seriously: "I have been wanting to ask you this question for the past two days. After repairing the Hunyuan Cauldron that day , Dayu wood broke, and I had the idea of ​​absorbing spiritual energy, and used the acquired energy to capture the spiritual energy and store it in my body, but as for how the spiritual energy is safely stored in my meridians."

"You didn't penetrate the Heavenly Gate, yet you were able to capture the spiritual energy from the Heavenly Qi. It's unbelievable..." Chen Honghong was a little surprised when he heard Chu Hao's statement. , You recklessly used the acquired energy to capture the spiritual energy, but you didn't explode and die. It's really a blessing. Thinking about it, your Liehuanghuo should have done you a big favor."

Chu Hao also felt that this was the only reason. He himself was reckless, and being able to absorb spiritual energy was indeed beyond some specific rules of cultivation.

"Although the pure aura in your body cannot be converted, it can change your physique, and even make you speed up before you were born. This is a happy event." As he spoke, Chen Honghong remembered something, and said: "Yes Now, check the restriction on your body. The restriction hinders the absorption of spiritual energy and the operation of exercises, now that you can absorb spiritual energy, does it mean that the restriction is invalid?!"

Chu Hao hadn't thought about this question at all before. Hearing Chen Honghong's reminder, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, looking inside his body with his spiritual sense.Immediately after tens of seconds, Chu Hao's eyes widened, and his face was instantly filled with ecstasy!

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