
Chapter 107

First more.


Entering the valley, Qin Bo was amazed, and said as he walked, "As expected of the Yuntian cultivator's aristocratic family, the aura is abundant. It seems pretty good to be able to practice under such conditions. No wonder you don't want to go back to the mountain gate, Brother Li."

"Qin Bo, shut up!" Hearing these words, Li Beihong's face became even more ugly.

Qin Bo frowned, sneered a few times, and stopped talking.

Li Beihong took Qin Bo outside a bamboo house somewhere in the valley.The place is surrounded by green bamboos, surrounded by layers, enveloping the entire bamboo house.

Staring at the creek at his feet, Li Beihong squatted down and took a hand of clear water, and then sprinkled it.The water drop in his hand fell directly on the bamboo on one side, and the moment the water drop touched the bamboo, the bamboo began to tremble slightly, and then two bamboo leaves fell abruptly, and were picked up by Li Beihong. hands.

He took three steps forward, and then placed the bamboo leaves on the branched branches of two green bamboos that were about the same length. Then, muttering something in his mouth, he put his hands lightly on the wooden poles of the two branches. superior.

A flash of light----

I saw that the clusters of green bamboos in front of me disappeared without a trace in an instant, and what opened in front of me was actually a pool of water.The water in the pool is quiet and clear, and several exquisite oval stones are arranged on it for walking to the bamboo house on the other side.

But there were so many bamboos, there were only about ten of them.

"Brother Qin has spent a lot of time creating illusion arrays in the family. If the master and the old know about it, he will be very happy." Qin Bo said something yin and yang behind his back, and then he went straight without waiting for Li Beihong to greet him. Stepping on the stones on the pool, with an elegant figure, he floated down in front of the bamboo house in a few spots.

Li Beihong snorted coldly, and then landed on the other side as well.

After entering the bamboo house, Li Beihong didn't invite Qin Bo to drink tea. He sat on the mat and brewed a cup by himself, then tapped it lightly on the small table, and drank it on his own.

After taking a few sips of tea, Li Beihong finally couldn't bear it anymore when he saw Qin Bo's calm and calm appearance. He lowered his face and said, "Qin Bo, where did you get that yellow paper? You got it so badly." Any news about Jay?"

"Aren't you his big brother? You don't know, how can I know." Qin Bo was unmoved, then smiled lightly, stretched out his hand, and stopped talking.

"You call it taking advantage of the fire!" Li Beihong snorted unhappily.

Qin Bo sneered and said: "This is what we agreed, otherwise do you think that you are popular in the sect, and there will be true disciples willing to do things for you? You can't even compare with He Gongming."

Li Beihong choked on the words, his face was full of anger, but he couldn't get angry.After his body froze for a few seconds, he still slapped the storage bag, a golden light flashed inside, and a small and exquisite ring appeared in his palm.

The whole body of this ring is blue, with a few petals engraved on the two rings, and a faint spiritual energy emanates from it.

"This is the 'clear water ring', which will benefit monks who practice five-element water spells." Although Li Beihong was reluctant, he could only throw it on the table at the moment.

"Tsk tsk, a magic weapon of the third rank of the human rank, it's an eye-opener, an eye-opener." Qin Bo's eyes lit up, he picked up the clear water ring, then he praised it endlessly, stroked it for a while, and put it back into the storage bag.

Since Li Beihong was rarely so forthright, he didn't hold back anymore, but took out the yellow paper, placed it gently on the table, and said to Li Beihong, "Junior Brother Li Jie hasn't returned to the sect for three months. Yes, there are three juniors from the Li family with him. This yellow paper is related to your Li family's secret technique, you can check it yourself."

Li Beihong's face became serious, and then he took the yellow paper in his hand, and with a burst of energy, he slit his index finger, and slowly rubbed the blood on the dried blood on the yellow paper.

Immediately afterwards, a light yellow halo flashed on the yellow paper, Li Beihong lifted his chin and closed his eyes slightly.

After about a cup of tea, Li Beihong spat out a mouthful of blood, and suddenly opened his eyes.I saw his eyes were red and bloodshot, and he looked a little frightening.And the body exudes the unique coercion of innate monks.

Qin Bo's expression also changed, and he said, "What's wrong?"

"Li Jie is dead..." Li Beihong's face was dark, and there was a slight tremor in his voice.

Qin Bo was silent for a while, although he already knew the result in his heart, but seeing the extremely painful expression of his previous arrogant opponent, he didn't have any intention of ridiculing.

"Where did you find this yellow paper..." Li Beihong took a few deep breaths, suppressing the burning anger in his heart, but his voice seemed to be filled with cold wind, shivering from the cold.

"Outside Jiangjin Province, in the dense forest on the side of the official road." Qin Bo said indifferently: "There is a tea shed not far from there. Li Jie got the qualification to be promoted to a true disciple, but he never returned. There are also voices of speculation."

"En!" Li Beihong's face calmed down again.This expression appeared on him, but it was the embodiment of extreme anger.

Li Beihong gently placed the yellow paper on the table, then placed his hand on the warrior's own forehead, tilted his head back, and said slowly: "On this yellow paper are the blood of the three members of my Li family, and Li Jie is among them."

"You mean, the murderer is at least congenital or foundation-building?" Qin Bo's eyes flashed a gleam, fleeting, without leaving any traces: "Who would be so disregarding identity?"

Li Beihong didn't answer him, but said to himself: "In the ancestral hall of my Li family, there is a special yellow flag. Paper, connect the souls of my Li family's children! After the death of my Li family's descendants, the souls will return to the yellow flag, let our Li family find the murderer!"

Li Beihong's words touched on the secrets of the Li family. This was the first time Qin Bo heard about it. On the surface it was nothing, but his heart was full of shock.No wonder that although the Li family is arrogant in the Purple Cloud Sect, very few people dare to provoke them. It turns out that the whole family is a generation who will take revenge, and even their ancestors have long used this secret method to deter other cultivation families.

"Do you know why since Li Jie died, and no one in my Li family knew about it, I entrusted you to help only after you came to tell me that Li Jie was missing?"

"What?" Qin Bo came back to his senses, he was a little confused when he heard the words.

Li Beihong raised the yellow paper and said with a ferocious expression: "Because that person not only killed the three concubines of my Li family and my second brother Li Jie, but also imprisoned their souls and even their bodies in a special space." Here, Li Jie's soul will never be able to return to the yellow flag of my Li family!"

Qin Bo was startled, if it was true what Li Beihong said, then the opponent should be extremely strong.But the news that I have detected is not the case.Could it be that Tao Ranju behind that person came forward to help him?

Qin Bo thought for a while, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Could it be because Junior Brother Li Jie's cultivation level is too low, he hasn't reached the innate level yet, and his soul can't return?"

"Impossible, every direct lineage of the Li family has been planted with this secret method by the ancestors of the Li family since birth, so there will be no problems." Li Beihong said coldly: "Qin Bo, since you found the yellow paper, That must mean that there is a result, I have given you the 'Clear Water Ring', don't you feel satisfied?"

"The investigation has indeed found out, but about Li Jie's death, don't you tell the head of the Li family? This matter is not only related to your family, Li Jie is also a disciple of Ziyun sect, Ziyun The disciples of the sect were killed during the trial, which is also a stain on Ziyun sect." Qin Bo said.

Li Beihong stood up suddenly, and then looked at Qin Bo coldly. The smile on the corner of his mouth was cold, mixed with some sarcasm and even anger, "Qin Bo, don't think that I don't know what's in your heart. For Lu Ruhua, You have been fighting with me in Ziyunmen for so long, others don't understand you, don't I understand you? You have always been a decent and despicable person, you should know why I didn't inform my father, why bother This question, as for Ziyunmen's face, hehe, you should be more clear about my thoughts!"

Qin Bo already knew in his heart that Li Beihong would say this, and he had a very thorough understanding of this person's character.Hearing this, he feigned embarrassment, then calmed down again, a burst of energy shot out from between his fingers, and he picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip in his hand, and said with a smile: "Sure enough Only Brother Li understands me."

"Qin Bo, I'm not in the mood to play tricks on you right now, who did it!" Li Beihong's eyes were full of murderous intent.Li Jie is his younger brother, and as an elder brother, if he can't arouse anger and grief even when his own younger brother is killed, then he is not worthy of being an elder brother at all!What's more, the relationship between him and Li Jie is not like the occasional disputes in those families, on the contrary, it has always been relatively good.

Seeing Qin Bo still wanted to use him, that's why he couldn't bear it any longer, and the aura on his body pressed towards Qin Bo.Feeling Li Beihong's anger, Qin Bo calmed down his face slowly, and then said: "I haven't investigated the specifics, but I used insanity to control the boss of the tea shed. At that time, there were four purple The young man in robe had a conflict with a group of convoys that seemed to be from Yuntian officials, because there was a beautiful girl in the official team. This incident happened just three months ago."

"Be more specific." Li Beihong took a breath, then sat down on the blanket again, and drank the tea in his hand like wine.

"The convoy, I went to Yuntian Palace for a walk. I don't think there was anyone else who left the city at that time and brought the army with them, except Yuntian, who is a disliked prince." Qin Bo said lightly: " Counting that period of time, the convoy heading to Duorui City happened to enter that area."

"You mean...the murderer is Prince Weiyuan, the genius who was abolished by the master?" Li Beihong was startled for a moment, then laughed, looked at Qin Bo in a cold voice and said, "You think I'm Can he be an idiot? Can he have the strength to kill my second brother Li Jie? Even the other three concubines of my Li family cannot be dealt with by ordinary people like them."

Seeing that Li Beihong didn't believe him, Qin Bo said in a stiff tone, "You don't believe me, so why ask me? Let me investigate for you?" The thing that angered the master, and he was temporarily driven out of the mountain gate, many things happened during this period, you don't know..."

Li Beihong took a deep breath and stared at Qin Bo.But seeing Qin Bo's expression was natural, without any clues to follow, he suppressed his anger, narrowed his eyes, and snorted coldly: "I will be able to return to the mountain gate once the years in this world are over, don't be too happy! "

After a pause, Li Beihong asked with a sullen face, "What's the matter, you said..."


The last day of the Billboard, nearly [-] words have been updated today, begging for a red ticket!

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