
Chapter 108 The Monk Trading Bazaar

The second change, continue to ask for tickets


On the border of the sky and the sky, Duorui City.

There are still eight days until the end of the year.The mansions inside the city and the barracks outside the city were not festive at all, but the number of scouts and sentries going to and from Sanxie Pass increased. It seemed that a vicious battle was about to begin, and even the air could smell a few traces of it. tense and tense.

Today, after practicing against Liu Li in the courtyard of the mansion, Chu Hao went back to the room in a row, and then took out the Dayu wood to absorb spiritual energy.In one month, the restriction will be completely eroded and broken by the spiritual energy, and he seems to be able to see that Xianxian is striding forward with a graceful body, coquettishly lifting the bottom of his skirt and beckoning to himself.

After calculating the time, the monk's trading place that Chu Hao checked last time will open again tomorrow.The location was built extremely secretively, and it was in the mountains at the pass of Yuntian Sanxie Pass.

But those who can enter are mostly monks who have been born with Qi training and acquired Dzogchen. The secular army is nothing in their eyes, so they don't have to worry about it.Also because of the geographical location here, monks from the two countries are gathered in the trading place, which is opened once a month, and there are many types.

If Chu Hao wanted to find the leftover materials of the Soft Hog Armor and Yun Ling Pill, it would definitely be difficult to find in the world, unless it was an auction house like Tao Ranju.However, even Tao Ranjuli may not always have what a monk needs. After thinking about it, Chu Hao decided to go to the trading place to exchange things.

He has a lot of tiger tendon pills in his hand now, but for the congenital monks, it has little effect.The only ones that could be obtained were Ningshen Xingshuang Wan, and the second-grade flying sword, low-grade Lingshi, and some exercises that were snatched from Li Jie's storage bag.

Except for Ningshen Xingshuangwan, the rest of the things would still take up space in the storage bag anyway. Chu Hao decided to go to the trading place tomorrow to take a look. With his mouth, even if he didn't have a guide, he would definitely be able to enter.

And now he is also a martial artist at the fifth level of leather refining.Although it is still a bit awkward.

After preparing everything, Chu Hao felt that it was not too safe, so he asked Xiaosi to get a set of clothes to cover his face and body.As for Chu Hao's outlandish requests, Xiao Si was already used to them, and soon he was ready.

The next day, Chu Hao changed into his robe early in the morning, and then controlled by Chen Honghong, he walked in the sky.

Now that he has Chen Honghong's supernatural power, he basically can no longer use the Yukong Talisman.Although the persistence of this supernatural power is shorter than the quarter of an hour of the Yukong Talisman, it is more flexible and changeable than the Yukong Talisman. The fluctuation of the formation talisman.

Due to the subtle and tense border wars recently, Duorui City has also begun to be on guard. It took a lot of trouble for Chu Hao to go out this time.After leaving Duorui City, Chu Hao hurried towards Sanxie Pass.Soon, the mountain at the border was reached.

Although it was not the first time he came here, Chu Hao was still a little shocked. The majestic atmosphere of Sanxie Pass and the vastness outside the pass, against the backdrop of the surrounding mountains, all brought a great visual impact.

In his previous life, Chu Hao had no chance to see such things as war, and even though he didn't see it in this life, just feeling this breath is shocking.It's no wonder that after the men went to the battlefield, they were like wolves and tigers, showing their fortitude.

Chu Hao was flying in the sky, and his spiritual consciousness was also wide open. With Chen Honghong around, he could feel even a congenital monk flying with his sword.At this moment, Chu Hao's whole body is covered in a black robe, and his body is exuding aura outwardly, obstructing the viewer's sight and consciousness. At this moment, he is flying in the air, like a real golden core stage master generally.

Cultivators generally do not take the initiative to get in touch with disputes and incidents in the secular world, and because the trading place of the monks is in the pass, most of the congenital monks fly very high, and the speed of the sword and the flight are extremely fast. When you arrive, you will only think that it is a ray of light flying by, and you can't see it clearly.

Most of the transactions between cultivators are carried out among casual cultivators who have no background or sect.This kind of activity is called the monk trading market.If you want to barter things, or use Lingshi to exchange what you need, you will choose to do it here.

After all, Sanliu is not as good as the disciples of the sect, with so many sufficient spiritual energy supplies and treasures bestowed by the elders and masters.Everything can only rely on oneself.As for those who have become scattered, some are due to aptitude problems, some are because they are too late to start cultivating Taoism, some are because they disdain the great sects of cultivating Taoism, and some are expelled disciples of the great sects.

All in all, no matter what kind of casual cultivator it is, as long as they go to the cultivation market, there will be no conflicts, because such activities are usually held with a powerful casual cultivator sitting in charge.

It is also because of the unsatisfactory mixing of scattered streams that those powerful monks are more willing to help these backgrounds who are also scattered streams, and are willing to protect this kind of transaction.

This kind of market is not only found in the world of the second heaven, but also existed in Chu Hao's previous life. Although casual cultivators are not as powerful as the big faction, they are also a group of monks that cannot be underestimated. Not inferior, even stronger.

Arriving at the sky above the mountain range of the market, Chu Hao was about to go down, when his mind moved, he saw a man in blue shirt with a sword flying from a distance, with a smile on his mouth, a warm breath, and a young face, ---- "Senior!"

Feijian's speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Chu Hao in a short while.

At this moment, Chu Hao's whole body was covered by the mist created by spiritual energy. Even people who were familiar with him might not be able to recognize him, let alone others.This casual cultivator seemed to recognize Chu Hao as a powerful cultivator protecting the market.

Chu Hao lightly hummed, and then fell from the sky.

The young man respectfully followed behind Chu Hao, and when Chu Hao landed in the mountains, the young man withdrew his flying sword, and his eyes revealed a look of astonishment and shock.

There is no fluctuation of the talisman, nor any flying magic weapon!

The black-robed casual cultivator in front of him was actually a cultivator at the Golden Core stage!

In the entire Sky Continent, there are only five known Golden Core Stage cultivators, three of whom are members of the Great Sect and two of the casual cultivators. Could it be that this Golden Core Stage cultivator is actually presiding over the market transactions this time? Senior monk? !

The congenital monk who received the flying sword was excited!

Golden core monk, that is the existence that the whole world has completely stood at the top of the pinnacle!Two of the casual cultivators are not in the Sky Empire, could it be that Golden Core stage casual cultivator from the Mayan Empire came here? !

Although the congenital monk knew that these powerful monks were usually moody, he couldn't help it, and said, "Dare you ask me, are you from the Mayan Empire?"

Chu Hao glanced at him indifferently, guessed the latter's thoughts instantly in his heart, laughed a few times with a dry voice, and said: "This old man has always been traveling around, it is very strange for you to ask such a question, junior."

Chu Hao now has experience in pretending to be a master. This sentence is plain, but it is mixed with a bit of power, which made the innate monk break out in a nervous cold sweat, and said: "The junior is reckless."

"Meeting is fate, you should go in first." Chu Hao looked at the gap on the hill, where the two first-level Qi training monks he saw last month were guarding them.A simple formation was obviously arranged at the door, but I just didn't know how to enter.In this way, he said to the innate monk.

The innate monk originally thought that Chu Hao was extremely difficult to speak, but he was overjoyed when he heard this sentence.You know, it was the first time in his life that he saw a monk in the Golden Core stage, and he could treat him with such a pleasant face. He was so excited that he couldn't refuse, so he nodded quickly and respectfully said: "Young man can wake up."

Chu Hao narrowed his eyes as he watched the innate cultivator walking forward.This person is a monk at the third level of Qi training, which is comparable to Lu Ruhua's cultivation level.But Lu Ruhua is much younger than him, and he has a large group of disciples, whose comprehensive strength is much stronger than these casual cultivators.More importantly, if there is no adventure, it should be said that there are very few casual cultivators who can achieve innate talent at this age. This young man should be a person with a lot of opportunities.

It can be seen from the fact that he dared to speak up when he met him, and he was not even afraid of offending the Golden Core stage monks.This innate cultivator can have such a cultivation level, he should have faced danger and never let go of any opportunity.

And people with this kind of heart should know more things.

Therefore, Chu Hao let him go first.He saw the cultivator took out a copper-colored square token and handed it to the two innate guards. Immediately afterwards, the two nodded and stepped aside to allow him to enter.

Chu Hao was surprised, the aura in his body instantly gathered in his eyes, and then he clearly saw the appearance of the sign. On it was a monster that looked like a turtle but not a turtle. Its head was huge, its shell was exposed, and its eyes were ferocious. , and two fangs.

What the hell is that, so weird?

While Chu Hao was thinking, he saw the cultivator turned his head and walked towards him again, and said respectfully, "Senior, won't you go in?"

Although Chu Hao didn't particularly like this person's personality, but as a casual cultivator, this was the only way to become stronger. He understood this person's psychology, and said, "Then what is that little sign that you took out just now? "

Although it was a bit strange, the Xiantian monk still said: "This is the pass token in the Sanxiu market. It was made by an expert who established the market at the beginning. Don't seniors know?" After a pause, he thought of Chu Hao's cultivation base, hurriedly said: "Senior's mana is so powerful, there should be no need for this kind of thing."

Chu Hao didn't know what a token was or was not. Now that he heard the words of the innate monk, he immediately understood.It turns out that you need a token to enter this place.

He nodded, then walked towards the door, and from the storage bag, he threw the token of the Craftsman God Sect that Wu Lang gave him to the two innate monks: "Can this thing go in?"

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