
Chapter 113

Lin Yue'er's efforts made Chu Hao feel distressed.But he also knows that in this cruel world, he is not strong enough to truly protect a person.

"Little prince!"

Upon Chu Hao's arrival, Liu Li and the others immediately stopped and saluted Chu Hao respectfully.Now Liu Li is a warrior of the seventh level of leather refining, and he is also a powerful existence in the acquired period.To be able to raise his cultivation to such an unbelievable level in less than five months is something he never even dared to imagine before.

But he also knew that all of this was given by Chu Hao, the strength given by the prince.

Chu Hao nodded at them, taking a full view of the meaning in everyone's eyes.Lin Yue'er also came over there. She was wearing a black tight-fitting military uniform, and there was a heroic look on her beautiful face.In front of his subordinates, Chu Hao would not take his eyes off Lin Yue'er's exquisite body, but coughed and said, "Yue'er, why is it so early."

"Is it still early?" Lin Yue'er took advantage of Liu Li and others not paying attention, rolled her eyes at Chu Hao, she was charming and charming, and then walked up to him, saying: "Yue'er has seen the little prince."

Chu Hao nodded slightly to Liu Li, and the latter understood, and led the eight of them to train again.

"You villain, you locked yourself in the room for another three days!" As soon as Liu Li and the others left, Lin Yue'er became savage again, raised her eyebrows, and said, "Tell me, what are you going to do again?" Something weird?"

"You'll know when you come here." Chu Hao turned his head and kissed Lin Yue'er's left cheek. The latter quickly wiped his face and looked in the direction of Liu Li and others with a guilty conscience, coquettish and unwilling.

Chu Hao smiled lightly, took Lin Yueer's hand, and went back to her other courtyard.Little Lolita went somewhere, Chu Hao looked around, sat on the stone bench, took out the soft hedgehog from the storage bag, and put it in Lin Yueer's hand.

"What is this?" Lin Yue'er was surprised. The soft hedgehog armor was wrapped in a layer of oily yellow paper. She touched it with her bare hands, and then raised her eyes to look at Chu Hao.

"Open it and take a look." Chu Hao said, "This is the result of Xiao Wang's three days."

Lin Yue'er opened it and saw the close-fitting shape of the soft hedgehog armor, she couldn't help but spit at Chu Hao, her face was a little hot, and said, "You... you villain, why did you give me such a thing... "

Seeing her reaction, Chu Hao couldn't laugh or cry, feeling that Lin Yue'er regarded this as obscene clothes.No wonder, the soft hedgehog is sleeveless, and the neckline is a bit wide, which looks a bit unbearable for women in this world.

Seeing Yue'er thinking like this, Chu Hao simply smiled and said, "How about it, do you like it?"

Seeing Chu Hao's mean smile, Lin Yue'er became angry from embarrassment, "The ghost likes you, take it away quickly." After finishing speaking, she threw it to Chu Hao.Chu Hao shook his head and sighed: "Yue'er, this is a work of art, how I wish you could look at it from the perspective of appreciating art, hey, if you don't wear it, I'll let Xiao Die wear it to see, That little girl has no idea, she definitely won't look as good as you in it..."

Seeing Lin Yue'er's sturdy nails, he was about to attack her, Chu Hao quickly grabbed her hand with one hand, restrained his laughter, and said seriously: "Yue'er, who do you think I am? How can a pure person give obscene clothes to girls? You are thinking about it!"

Seeing that he didn't admit it, Lin Yue'er snorted, "Then what do you think it is!"

Chu Hao smiled, then took Lin Yue'er's long sword, and put it in her hand, then spread out the soft hedgehog armor to stick to his chest, stood up and said to Lin Yue'er: "Come on!" I stab a sword."

Lin Yueer blinked her beautiful big eyes and said in surprise, "Are you crazy? I was just talking casually just now, I'm not angry with you!"

Chu Hao said with a straight face: "But now I'm already full of scars."

Without any explanation, he pulled Lin Yue'er's hand, and then dragged the long sword, and stabbed the sword on the soft hedgehog armor close to his body.

"Ah!" Lin Yue'er exclaimed, her face full of horror and nervousness, then she threw away the long sword recklessly, took Chu Hao's arm, and said, "The villain...the villain..." Her heart Chaos, before he closed his eyes, he didn't notice that the sword didn't leave even the slightest trace on the soft hedgehog armor.

"I'm fine." Seeing her like this, Chu Hao also felt that he had gone too far. He quickly held her face in his hands, looked at her closed eyes, his eyelashes were trembling, and said distressedly: "I'm sorry, Yue'er, I'm fine."

Lin Yue'er slowly opened her eyes, feeling weak and palpitating. Seeing Chu Hao standing in front of her safe and sound, she finally cried out, and then pinched Chu Hao's belly tightly, "Let you Scare me, let you scare me!" While speaking, tears flowed.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Chu Hao held Lin Yue'er in his arms. Lin Yue'er's love for him made him feel regret and heartache.The reason why he asked Lin Yueer to compare himself with the long sword just now was all because of the stubborn memory in his mind, but now he suddenly woke up, but he accidentally hurt Lin Yueer again.

After comforting Lin Yueer for a while, Chu Hao picked up the soft hedgehog armor, put it on Lin Yueer's lap, and said, "Look, the long sword was poked on it just now, and there was no trace left."

Lin Yue'er was pear-blossoming and delicate, but she put her hand on Chu Hao's abdomen and rubbed it gently.Hearing this, she raised her head and glanced at the soft hedgehog, her beautiful eyes were amazed: "This dress is so amazing?"

In a blink of an eye, she understood Chu Hao's intentions. After the tension ebbed, love burst forth again, filling her body and mind.It turned out that the villain disappeared for three days just to make this thing for himself...

"Yes, Yue'er, your cultivation base is too low, I don't worry." Chu Hao lovingly kissed Lin Yue'er on the forehead, and said seriously: "This is a monk's defensive magic weapon, at least it can Let you also have the power to protect yourself when facing monks below the fifth level of innate."

During this period of time, Lin Yueer also heard from Chu Hao that a monk became an immortal. Although she didn't know how strong Chu Hao was, she also knew that he must not have reached the level of a congenital monk. She hadn't received the soft armor. Instead, he thought about it, shook his head, and said:

"I do not want."

Chu Hao said: "Why not?"

"Anyway, I just don't want it!" Lin Yue'er sat on the stone bench, and then said with a smile: "I think this is ugly, you can wear it, I don't want to wear it!" Then she said: "Evil Thief, come and teach me, what kind of swordsmanship did you use earlier? I feel like I'm about to break through to the bone refining stage recently."

Chu Hao didn't wait for Lin Yue'er to finish speaking, he grabbed her and kissed her delicate red lips without any explanation.

Shout out ----

Lin Yue'er opened her beautiful eyes wide, feeling Chu Hao's enthusiasm, and slowly closed her eyes.The two entangled their lips and teeth, until Chu Hao almost suffocated, he let go of the blushing Lin Yue'er.

"Have you forgotten what I said before?" Chu Hao stared at Lin Yueer, the tenderness and affection in his eyes almost made people melt, "I said, I want to give you something better than Hongyan Pill." You must put on this soft hedgehog now." As he spoke, seeing Lin Yueer was about to speak again, he closed his mouth and blocked the words for her.

After parting, looking at Lin Yueer's embarrassed face, he said: "I know you are worried about me, but I am no less worried about you than you are. You are the only person I am worried about now. I don't wear clothes. Soft hedgehogs also have the ability to protect themselves, but you can't. If something happens to you, then what's the point of me living in this world alone?..."

"I..." Lin Yue'er was deeply moved, seeing Chu Hao's serious expression, just about to say something, but Chu Hao gagged again.After half a quarter of an hour before they separated, Chu Hao said firmly: "No need to say more, whether you wear it or not, just nod or shake your head, I don't want to hear anything else."

Lin Yue'er was already dazed by Chu Hao's kiss, she nodded subconsciously.After a few breaths, he came back to his senses, but found that Chu Hao was pulling him towards the room.

"Since you have agreed, then put on the soft hedgehog armor. Change it earlier, and I will feel at ease earlier." Chu Hao said firmly, "This is worn next to the body, and it is made of yellow and silver soft silk. It is cold and heat-resistant, and invulnerable , there will be no uncomfortable feeling."

At this moment, Lin Yue'er only listened to Chu Hao, and she nodded when she heard what he said, her heart was filled with suffocating emotions, and the feeling of being favored made her limbs weak, allowing Chu Hao to pull her into the room.

"Okay, put it on." Chu Hao put the soft hedgehog next to the bed, turned around and closed the door: "I'll guard you here."

After that, Chu Hao turned his head to look at the stunned Lin Yue'er, and said righteously: "If you don't know how to wear clothes, you can also ask me. Of course, you know who I am, and I definitely look at it from the perspective of a doctor. Appreciate and correct your attire. The viewer's parents will never have any dirty thoughts."

Lin Yue'er just woke up now, she was ashamed, then annoyed, and finally understood Chu Haola's purpose for entering the room by herself!

The tide of passion and desire in the sea of ​​heart receded in an instant, "Go to hell, villain!"

After a while, the door of the room opened wide, and Chu Hao was kicked out in a panic.


The refining of the soft hedgehog armor made Chu Hao's refining skills seem to be a little more refined.Now Chu Hao is already a second-rank human-level craftsman, if he can be promoted to third-rank, with the assistance of Hunyuan Ding, he can also try a fourth-rank magic weapon!

Every day is still like this, making alchemy, absorbing spiritual energy, practicing, and joking with Lin Yueer.After ten days, Yuntian's new year was finally ushered in, and it was also Chu Hao's first year when he came to this world.

In Dori City, on the first night of the new year, the atmosphere was still tense.Chu Hao, the supervising army, issued the first order since his appointment today, which is to let the soldiers light a bonfire around the square and have a carnival all night.

His spiritual consciousness is huge, at least he can feel some turmoil outside the city, and there is no scout at Sanxie Pass to report, so Jiang Yuan also passed this proposal.But only for two hours.

Although it was only two hours, this proposal was unanimously cheered by the whole Yaohu army, and they even more supported Chu Hao, the prince.After all, it has been several years since an officer who can invite them to drink flower wine and make them celebrate the New Year has not appeared.Even if the son is a genius who has been reduced to trash, his moral character is noble.

You know, these soldiers of the Yaohu Army haven't returned to their hometown for a long time.Most of these people come from all over Yuntian, from all directions, and they have been stationed here for several years.Some of them retreated from the three evil gates, and the life and death they witnessed almost made people numb.There are comrades-in-arms who came from the same country but died in battle, and there are men who survived and persisted in their beliefs. On this night, they can finally indulge, let those who miss and love themselves feel this festival that belongs to Yuntian.

This night, the feeling of night is particularly strong.Although there are no lanterns filled with red ribbons in the sky, nor crackling firecrackers in Duorui City, everything here is strangely sad. This is an unprecedented Chinese New Year atmosphere.

At least that's what Chu Hao felt in his heart, looking at those resolute and jerky faces in the distance from the square, listening to those hoarse shouts, and various songs from his hometown floating over the entire city.

Lin Yue'er gently leaned against Chu Hao's side, put her little hands on Chu Hao's shoulders, and just leaned her head on her head, her black hair scattered.

The villain's shoulders were really generous, Lin Yue'er closed her eyes, her heart was full of happiness.

"Are you homesick?" The firelight in the distance shone on Lin Yue'er's beautiful face, exuding a strange attraction.There was no ordinary desire in Chu Hao's heart, only peace and serenity, and a trace of sadness spreading like an undercurrent.

"En." Lin Yue'er snorted lightly, without looking up lazily.

Chu Hao hugged Qin Yuelou's soft and boneless willow waist with his right hand, and the faint orchid-like fragrance penetrated into his nose, and he took a deep breath.After a long time, Chu Hao said: "Yue'er, I want to drink the tea you made."

Lin Yue'er propped herself up, her bright eyes were like stars in the sky in the dark night, dotted on this flawless face, it was thrilling.She smiled, wrinkled her lovely nose at Chu Hao, and said, "I want to hear you recite poems."

"No problem." Chu Hao stroked Lin Yue'er's hair, looked up at the strange sky, the sadness in his heart made his nose ache.

On the square opposite, a loud singing voice came over. It was a man singing loudly with the strength of wine:

Rice fields in my hometown, my dream

But boy, you have to pack your bags

Defend the family and defend the country, I came to Dori

Hasty, hasty wheat fragrance

Can I smell the girl who waited with the wheat again

The noise of the battlefield, my childhood dream

One day when I set foot on this road

I miss my parents

golden and blue sky

You wait for me to come back and smell our orange cellar...  


The singing is high-pitched, like an eagle hovering high in the sky, but full of loneliness, like a dark and lonely desolation.

His singing made everyone quiet. In the entire square, only this song was slowly wandering in the man's hoarse voice, wandering into the corner of everyone's heart.

It's not hysterical, but it's full of hysteria.

Chu Hao turned his head without leaving any traces, wiped the corners of his eyes, then he took a deep breath, pulled Lin Yueer to the corner of a low room, and quickly formed a few fingerprints on his hands, and saw a Blue light flickered faintly on his chest, illuminating his whole body as if it were transparent.

Chu Hao smiled slightly at the surprised Lin Yue'er, then poked his hand and said, "Yue'er, it's Chinese New Year."


A red light shot out from Chu Hao's hand, and the fiery red flame rushed into the dark night sky with a bang, and rippled instantly, forming a huge ripple of fireworks.Like the spurt of Xia Huo, it illuminated the entire mid-air.

The brilliance is brilliant, like fiery red vermilion tearstones, dotted in the night sky, beautiful to the extreme.

Everyone turned their eyes to the sky at this moment, everyone in the Yaohu Army was amazed, but there was no warning, this was just the fireworks of the celebration.

Lin Yueer's eyes were full of astonishment, as if she had found a surprised child.Chu Hao lightly pecked her red lips, and hugged her tightly with both hands.

"This is the firework of love..."

The projection of the firelight illuminated the two people in the corner wobbly, shadowy...

There are no vows, nor sweet words, but only the sympathetic emotions and the splendid fireworks of witnessing.

At this moment, in a new world.

New Year's Eve.


The year has passed.Finally, on the third day, there was a secret report from Sanxie Pass that [-] troops of the Mayan Empire stationed on the border would come from the south to attack Sanxie Pass and close the gate. Duo Rui City was fully prepared.

Since there is going to be a war, Chu Hao, the hands-off shopkeeper, naturally cannot escape. Although he will leave Duorui City in less than three months, he has no military achievements at this moment, and he has not gained any benefits from coming to experience. The high-level officials in Ruicheng naturally did not allow it.

What's more, the son's performance over the past three months has moved them and admired him. Although he rarely appeared in front of people, it can be said that he is quite popular among the Yaohu Army. If he returns to Beijing empty-handed, Jiang Yuan and the others I will not agree either.

Therefore, even though Chu Hao was reluctant to do so, he had no choice but to be settled. He left Duorui City two days later, and went to Sanxie Pass with the logistics troops who delivered supplies.

Chu Hao has no idea what to prepare in two days. He only has one set of military uniform here, and he only wore it once when he first came to Duorui City for an appointment. For the rest of the time, he didn't even have the interest to take a second look.

Of course, Lin Yue'er couldn't go with Chu Hao, even though the former wanted so much, but Chu Hao would not agree, so, on the fifth morning after the New Year's Eve, Chu Hao was going to Sanxie Pass.

Only Liu Li was traveling with him, and the rest of Huang Hongjin and others were naturally arranged by Chu Hao to protect Lin Yueer.As for Li Meng and the others, they were released by Chu Hao on the second day after they came to Duorui City. Now they wanted to follow, but Chu Hao refused politely. After thinking about it, they were transferred to protect Lin Yue together. Son.

Although she has a soft hedgehog armor, Lin Yue'er has just reached the bone refining stage after all, and Chu Hao is very worried.

This point made Chen Honghong laugh out loud.

Outside the west city of Duorui City, waiting for the people from the Dragon Subduing Army of Sanxie Pass to lead them, Chu Hao was bored while waiting.Riding on the horse, while yawning, Chu Hao silently recited in his mind the mentality and formulas of the "Dispelling the Body Outside the Body" that Chen Honghong taught him yesterday.At this moment, he is not far away from Xiantian, and the forbidden energy in his body is only a little bit. Most likely, he will be able to completely crack it after he returns from the military exploits this time!

So first memorize the formulas and mental methods, and then it will be easy to use them.

The four corpses of Li Jie and Li Mao were still absorbing the aura and golden liquid of the Hunyuan Ding every day in the Hunyuan Ding.Up to now, their physical bodies have also been washed and tempered to become stronger, and they are all innate physical bodies. As long as Chu Hao reaches the innate state, after being soaked with secret methods, it is equivalent to having four external incarnations, which are extremely powerful!

Not long after, the sound of galloping horseshoes came from a distance. Chu Hao came back from his slumber, looked over, and saw a team of about a hundred people walking between the mountain roads in the distance. .

Oncoming was a giant red horse.The whole body of this horse was red, and every inch of its fur seemed to be burning with raging flames, and it was majestic.Its body is more than one-third larger than that of ordinary horses. Its hoofs are strong, its head is proud, and it runs and snorts loudly. It looks like a thunderbolt wrathful.

On the fiery red horse, there was a figure sitting on it.This person is wearing armor, holding a black red spear in his hand, and looks heroic. The head armor covers the entire head, only revealing a pair of cold and beautiful eyes.

It is the figure of a woman.

"It's actually Junshi Sun!" The fiery red color in his eyes spread like flames, and Jiang Yuan let out an exclamation, his strong body trembled, and he seemed very excited.

"What is Junshi Sun?" Chu Hao felt a little strange, and when he heard this, he found that the soldiers of the Yaohu Army around him were a little excited, and they also looked excited.

Beside him was a commander and general Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan rode his horse to report back to Chu Hao, and then asked for instructions to greet him.Chu Hao nodded, looking at the beautiful figure on the big red horse, he felt a little nervous.

If the guess is correct, this person is Sun Haoran's sister, Sun Meixiang!


Two chapters in one.

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