
Chapter 114 Sun Meixiang Arrives

"Mr. Sun actually came to supervise the logistics in person!"

"What, my God, this is exaggerated!"


Everyone in the Yaohu Army gasped in amazement, feeling a little unbelievable, or even flattered.Chu Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and Sun Meixiang's heroic figure, with a resolute and heroic demeanor hidden in her tenderness, although she couldn't see her face clearly, she had an air of a woman who would not give way to a man.

Chu Hao glanced sideways at Liu Li and found that the latter was the calmest.Chu Hao suddenly wondered: "Why didn't you respond at all? Didn't you belong to Longxiang Army before?"

Liu Li firmly said: "Mr. Sun is admired by everyone in the three armies, and his subordinates also admire him very much. It's just that it was in the past, and now his subordinates have long since left the army. They are just the pawns of His Highness. And Junshi Sun is Coming in front of your subordinates in person is not worth a look from His Highness!"

Chu Hao was extremely satisfied with Liu Li's words, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "That's right, Liu Li, you're so good at talking."

Liu Li said embarrassingly, "Your Highness, I actually learned this from you."

Chu Hao laughed loudly, and said: "This is a fine tradition, and it is worth carrying forward!" After finishing speaking, seeing the team coming towards this side, he also went up to meet him, then reined in the horse, and looked at the opposite side from a distance woman, did not speak.

The matter between the eldest son and Miss Sun Meixiang was not only rumored throughout Shenglong City, but it was also tacitly clear in the hearts of these soldiers.The reason why Miss Sun Meixiang joined the military camp was also because of the prince? !

So after learning that the hundred-man cavalry who came to dispatch this time was actually led by Sun Meixiang, everyone showed excited and excited expressions, and looked secretly at the son from time to time.

This kind of reunion was once only in the misty rain, and I heard about it from the sisters in the kiln. Now I can see the scene with my own eyes, even for these strong soldiers, it is something that I look forward to.

Chu Hao didn't know what was going on in his mind. He looked at Sun Meixiang, who was covered in military armor, and looked so heroic, as if he were two different people from the weak woman he imagined.

Although Chu Hao had never met Sun Meixiang, this woman was the most worthy of his heart since he crossed to the present, other than Prince Chu Yunfei.

"Dream lingers in the quiet old capital of spring, mandarin ducks are in love, and phoenix urges the overlord.

Heartbroken and startled by the news, Xiang Wan was the saddest.Acacia is longing for a bosom friend, the lotus color is beautiful, and the little lotus is condensed.

Thousands of miles, but the words are in harmony, tears and rain torrentially wet the cloud clothes. "

Chu Hao still remembers this phrase.

This woman who has deep affection for the world is really admirable and admirable.

"Sun Meixiang, Sun Junshi." Chu Hao smiled lightly, his face did not have the usual scorn, and his gentle smile was like the warm sun in winter, which made everyone startled.

Chu Hao's reaction was beyond everyone's expectation.He cupped his hands in such a calm manner, his words were flat, and he didn't even reveal the excitement of meeting his friends. Could it be that he has no affection for Junshi Sun?

Jiang Yuan was also a little puzzled, but he still introduced to Sun Meixiang: "Mr. Sun, this is His Royal Highness, and his current position is the supervisor of my Yaohu Army."

"Hmm." Sun Meixiang's reaction disappointed all the army ruffians who were looking forward to the tearful and heart-warming scene. She just hummed lightly and nodded at the people behind Chu Hao. , Then reined in the horse, turned around, and shouted softly: "Time is running out, start the journey immediately, there can be no delay! Otherwise, military law will be dealt with!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around after she had already folded her body, looked at Chu Hao, and said, "Master Supervisor, let's go together."

"It's a great honor!" Chu Hao chuckled, not minding Sun Meixiang's indifference at all, and waved to the people who were seeing him off behind him, saying, "Everyone, Xiao Wang has gone to Sanxie Pass. Good news for Xiao Wang to beat the crap out of me!"

Everyone laughed, but thinking of Sun Meixiang's presence, they immediately suppressed their smiles.

Sun Meixiang chatted with Jiang Yuan for a few words, and then the team of hundred cavalry took the lead and returned to Sanxie Pass.As for Chu Hao and Liu Li, he and Sun Meixiang were at the forefront.

When the war came, princes and marquises had to listen to the arrangement of the military adviser. Chu Hao didn't pay much attention to etiquette, so he didn't mind if everyone in the Longxiang Army didn't dismount to salute.

The encounter between the two was not as sad and touching as those written in those gossip and romantic novels. All the soldiers of Hu Yaojun watched the logistics team leave, shaking their heads and sighing, not knowing why.

Jiang Yuan roared, and said: "Go back and start practicing. If the war becomes serious, each of you must show ten times your strength. Step up training, there is no delay!"

"Yes!" Everyone was very excited when they saw Junshi Sun, whom they had been fascinated for a long time, and they hurriedly trotted towards the training ground outside Duo Rui City.


Walking on the speeding road, Chu Hao didn't open his mouth to speak. He looked at the surrounding scenery boredly. The dust was flying lightly and splashing on both sides. The cold winter condensed into frost on the road to the north. On the paved road, the horses did not Dare to go all out.What's more, there are logistics materials behind it.

As the wind whistled, Chu Hao let out a sigh of relief, thinking of Lin Yue'er a little bit.He shook his head and left for less than half an hour.He glanced at Sun Meixiang who was also silent beside him, but kept a subtle distance. The latter's bright eyes did not squint, and he kept staring at the front in the distance, as if he didn't see Chu Hao's gaze.

Chu Hao said: "Mr. Sun, if you are cold, Xiao Wang still has a sable robe here."

"Your Excellency Supervisor, the two countries are at war now, please don't pretend to be a prince and disturb the morale of the army." Sun Meixiang's words aroused Chu Hao's interest.Could it be that after three years of walking, Sun Meixiang's feelings for the son have faded?

Chu Hao is now a veritable gentleman. After all, there is still a huge enemy waiting for him in this world. Although flirting with flowers and grass is his strong point, he cannot be used as a backing.Of course, if the monk in the Nine Heavens Pagoda was a woman, it would be a different matter.

Furthermore, based on Sun Haoran's or Sun Meixiang's feelings for the son at the beginning, Chu Hao didn't think that he could be ruthless enough to provoke the other party. If Sun Meixiang's feelings for the son faded, that would undoubtedly be the best result.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Hao said with a smile and flattery: "Mr. Sun's instruction, Xiao Wang, no, this supervisor has remembered it. Since the military situation is urgent, let's hurry up."

"Master Supervisor, this road is not as good as that of the neighbors in the city. We have scouts reporting back at any time. It is good to hurry up, but if there is any problem on the road, we will die." Plainly: "So, it's better for us to wait."

Chu Hao felt that Sun Meixiang's tone was very unfriendly, so he refuted what he said, and wondered to himself, could it be that the relationship has not faded in the past three years, and it is only because of love that hatred has arisen?

Chu Hao doesn't want to have hatred, it's more maddening than love.

Since Sun Meixiang didn't want to talk to him properly, Chu Hao didn't make fun of himself.Pulling his voice like howling ghosts and howling wolves, he sang "Indifferent people, thank you for despising me..." But he stopped talking to Sun Meixiang and got ahead of the red horse.

But Sun Meixiang didn't know if she heard what Chu Hao was singing clearly, so she ignored it anyway.

A group of people set off from Duorui City at noon, and arrived at Sanxie Pass in the evening, and the closed gate and the barracks could be seen from a distance.

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