
Chapter 115 Three Evil Levels

Sanxie Pass, as the entrance guarded by the Yuntian Empire to the north, is naturally famous for being impenetrable and indestructible.This road is difficult for soldiers and horses, and it is sad for wings!It is said that when the Sanxie Pass was being rebuilt, the Yuntian Empire spent a huge amount of money and invited some advanced monks to design the building.

Of course, it remains to be verified whether this matter is hearsay or not, but it is undeniable that Sanxie Pass is indeed majestic and exudes a century of vicissitudes.

Chu Hao looked at Sanxie Pass from a distance, and felt his blood boil.I have also passed over it two or three times, but there is no positive effect and it seems to be magnificent and domineering.

The scouts had already gone to report, and when a group of people came to the closed door, the closed door suddenly opened, and a group of light cavalry galloped towards the army, blowing away a burst of cloud and mist.

But a general from the Long Xiang Army came to greet him in person.The Longxiang Army is the direct army of General Sun Lei. It has guarded the frontier for many years. The Three Evil Gates are unbreakable, and it has a great relationship with him.

As the only descendant of King Weiyuan, the son is naturally qualified to be greeted by a general. If Sun Lei came out, then his status would be wrong, and Chu Hao couldn't afford it.

However, he didn't have any biased thoughts about fighting, which seemed normal to him. Although monks were divided into nationalities according to their place of birth, their sense of belonging was not as important to ordinary people.This is the case in the world of the second heaven.

Glancing at Sun Meixiang, he found that the latter really had a high reputation in the Longxiang Army. Almost all the soldiers who passed by treated her with great respect, and occasionally there was a bit of fanaticism and admiration in their eyes.

It's not simple, it's not simple.

Chu Hao had long heard that Sun Meixiang was a talented woman and capable person in the capital, but when he saw it this time, he did not expect that his position as a military adviser seemed to be worthy of his name, and he was recognized and affirmed by these elders.

Chu Hao, a soldier of the Long Xiang Army glanced at them, and was slightly surprised. They were indeed all warriors in the bone refining stage. To have such a strong team, he was indeed worthy of being the leader of the three armies.Chu Hao didn't bother to remember the name of the partial general. Anyway, he was just going through the motions. During the war during this period, he could easily absorb the spiritual energy to break through the restriction, and then go back to Duorui City to prepare for the Liutian Ruins.Whether you can get Xianyuan or not depends on your own chance.

The interior of Sanxie Pass is not big, with mountains on both sides, and the interior is like a triangular box surrounded by towering mountains. There are few buildings and houses. There are nearly [-] troops of Longxiang Army and the vanguard army of Yaohu Army stationed inside.

After entering Sanxie Pass, he went directly to the Guan Mansion.The Guanfu was built in a very simple and simple way, with gray flowing tiles, solemn pillars, and stone and iron gates.At a glance, Chu Hao felt as if he was in a marching mansion in the midst of war, giving people a sense of grandeur and stability.

Sun Lei and the others were on the front line, so Chu Hao was naturally invisible at the moment, and he and Liu Li were settled down, and Sun Meixiang left without saying a word.

"Young lady, do you remember?" Just as Sun Meixiang left, Chu Hao was taking a sip from his teacup when Chen Honghong's voice rang in his mind.

Chu Hao was surprised when he heard the words, put down the teacup, glanced at Liu Li beside him, then lay back on the chair with his eyes closed, and said, "What do you mean? If Shizi's memory is correct, this should be me and Liu Li. Sun Meixiang should be the first to meet."

"Of course it's not the first time, this should be the second time." Chen Honghong smiled wickedly, "I won't tell you who it is, but tsk tsk, this little lady is really not simple."

Seeing that Chen Honghong started to play tricks again, Chu Hao snorted, turned around in his mind for a while and still couldn't figure out why, so he could only say: "You are the only one who is amazing."

After all, he returned to the room arranged, and while waiting for the arrangement, he took out the Dayu wood to absorb the spiritual energy.And Liu Li stood outside the room, guarding for Chu Hao.

With Liu Li's cultivation as a warrior at the seventh level of leather refining, he is considered one of the best existences in the Longxiang Army, and his comprehensive strength is definitely not only that, at least he can also face the undefeated warrior at the ninth level of leather refining.

In the room, Chu Hao looked around. The defender's room was really simple, but it was good, and it saved the trouble caused by the destruction.Chu Hao took out Dayu Wood and began to absorb spiritual energy.It took about half an hour before it stopped, and then took out a few more tiger tendon pills and ate them.

Now he is very close to the sixth level of skin refining. His physical body is comparable to that of a congenital monk. As long as he does not encounter too strong opponents, with the help of Hunyuanding, he can basically deal with those below the fifth level of congenital.What's more, there is still Chen Honghong, so far, Chen Honghong's supernatural powers have not been shown.

Feeling that the restriction in his dantian was loosened again, Chu Hao was overjoyed. He estimated that it would take no more than ten days to completely remove the restriction, and then concentrate on practicing!

In the barracks, there is usually nothing for a busy man like him to deal with. Chu Hao, the hands-off shopkeeper, is naturally very comfortable. He has been in Sanxieguan for six days, and Chu Hao also asked the boss who drove away Liu Li and others before. What is the name of the lawsuit, and then I asked some spleen questions.Although Liu Li didn't know why, he still told the truth.

In six days, that girl Sun Meixiang hadn't visited once, which made Chu Hao a little puzzled.In the evening of that day, someone came to report from outside. Liu Li stopped him and learned that it was General Sun Lei who wanted to summon Chu Hao.

As a supervising army, Chu Hao is not a prince at this moment, so he must obey orders. Although he still wanted to learn about the "External Body Exorcism Technique", he had no choice but to give up at this moment.

Putting all the things into the storage bag, Chu Hao tidied up his luggage before walking out of the room, led by the soldier, and walked towards the discussion tent with Liu Li.

At this moment in Sanxie Pass, the vegetation is full of soldiers, and the whole atmosphere is extremely dignified. Although the sky darkened very early and became gray, but while watching and walking along the way in the past, there are soldiers who are practicing defense everywhere.Chu Hao was very satisfied with the integrity of the Longxiang Army, and he had a bright face as a supervisor.He took the time to ask Liu Li, "Which military account did you tell me before?"

Liu Li pointed to the east and said, "This subordinate used to be a centurion in the barracks where Chief Zhao Kai was sued."

"Very well, the chief judge should come to this meeting." Chu Hao asked.

Liu Li nodded and said, "Yes, the chief will attend the lawsuit."

Chu Hao was certain in his heart that Liu Li had been sent to the school grounds, and he would get back his face in a while.The position of Chief Law Officer is equivalent to the highest official position in Sanxie Pass.However, it is not military.Of course, even if he was a military officer, Chu Hao would not pay attention to it, and he would never report any grudges overnight.

When they came to the gate of the military tent, a guard went in to report, and Liu Li was outside, so Chu Hao went in.

I saw that in the hall, there were already thirteen people around, either sitting or standing.The person sitting in the top seat is naturally General Sun Lei.In Shizi's previous memory, he had seen this person more than once or twice, so he recognized him at a glance. The beard was extremely dazzling in the entire military tent.Chu Hao smiled and said, "The supervising army is late, please punish the general."

When he said this, his eyes swept over to Sun Lei's side, where the military adviser was located, and behind him was a map about half a foot long.

At this moment, Sun Meixiang was not wearing the heavy armor that day, the candlelight in the military tent was casting on her face, although she was wearing light armor, but her hair was pulled back in a bun, almond eyes and peach cheeks, snow-skinned lips, willow waist was slender, delicate and pretty His face was even more attractive by the light of the fire.

Chu Hao glanced at it, and was suddenly amazed.Sun Meixiang is worthy of being a well-known beauty in the capital. Although she is no longer in her twenties, she has a more mature charm.

And this military uniform looks very heroic, and the exquisite and plump body makes people have an impulse to conquer.

Seeing this scene, Chu Hao hesitated whether to overthrow the previous promise.

Sanqing is above, Xiao Wang is in too much pain now.

Sun Lei sat in the upper seat, and when he saw Chu Hao come in and say something, he stared straight behind him.He naturally knew what Chu Hao was looking at, so he burst out laughing and said, "His Royal Highness, oh no, it should be the supervising army. You should watch it later. My daughter has been with you for a long time. After the meeting is over , take your time talking about the old days!" He said, "Okay, okay, sit down, if I punish you, Mei Xiang won't turn against me as a father!"

In one sentence, it was full of heroism. This straightforward words made everyone's eyes focus on Chu Hao in an instant, and they all contained deep meaning.Even with Chu Hao's face, he couldn't take it any longer, he smiled embarrassingly and said, "The general is joking, Xiao Wang will sit down now."

Only then did he really sit in the corner of the corner, waiting for the speech, without squinting.

Originally, Sun Lei was very prejudiced against Chu Hao. After all, he caused his daughter to remain unmarried for so many years, and even went to the army to stay for three years.Although Sun Meixiang did have the talent to lead the army, she was a daughter after all, and it was not easy to get into such a high position as a military adviser, but what Sun Lei wanted more was to push this bowl of water to Chu Hao.

After all, the old man in the family had already spoken, and if he wanted Sun Meixiang to stay in the army, he would have to skin himself.

Although Sun Lei holds great power and is a monk of the third level of congenital status, General Sun Gu still respects and fears his father, so naturally he can't disobey his will.This time the son came down to practice, and he just took this opportunity to let his daughter follow him.Even if the son really has no interest in Sun Meixiang, he still has to design Chu Hao to put Sun Meixiang to sleep, and then think that because of his status, even if he doesn't want to marry, he can't do it.

Thinking of the depths, Sun Lei was naturally excited.

I also have an explanation for the stubborn old man at home.

But now seeing Chu Hao enter the army tent, he kept his eyes on Sun Meixiang. Although he felt a little disdainful, his daughter liked it anyway. He was very satisfied with such an effect, and he didn't even think about it. Made a joke.

Sun Meixiang didn't react at all, but her delicate body trembled, her pretty face remained calm, but her beautiful eyes passed across Chu Hao's face without leaving a trace, and she didn't know what was going on in her heart.

Chu Hao, the military supervisor, was nothing more than a hands-off shopkeeper.The meeting started in the camp, and he was yawning all over the place, wishing he could go back to sleep right now.But because of Sun Lei's face, he still kept his spirits up to prevent himself from falling asleep, but the voices of these army ruffians were like a roar, echoing in this small space, it was extremely uncomfortable.He glanced at Sun Meixiang, who was listening and examining the map, thinking of something.

The candlelight swayed, and a strand of blue hair slanted down on her forehead, making her look even more intellectually beautiful.

Chu Hao's heart beat a little faster. This Sun Meixiang was really a rare beauty, and what was even more rare was her temperament. She was almost the best woman Chu Hao had ever seen since he came to this world.

"Haoran, if you want me as your brother-in-law, I'll help you with your sister. In fact, everyone knows that sometimes it's difficult for someone as handsome as me." Chu Hao thought brazenly, in a daze , as if he heard Sun Lei calling his name, he raised his head, saw that everyone was looking at him, and quickly put away his wretched expression; even wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, he said: " General Sun, what's the matter?"

Sun Lei said: "Is the superintendent thinking about a strategy, so engrossed?"

Chu Hao nodded, and calmed down, "I didn't expect General Sun's sharp eyes to see it."

What Sun Lei likes most in his life is people who don't stick to trifles. Seeing that Chu Hao speaks without rules, doesn't stick to etiquette, and can talk nonsense with himself, he is very happy, and said: "Then tell me, if the [-] army of Mayan thieves came How will we defend against the attack from the plain on the left?" With that said, Sun Lei pushed the mountain shape and map on the table to Chu Hao.

Originally, there was no need to ask Chu Hao, a dude, these things, but Sun Lei has always been a person who doesn't play by the rules, and he thinks that Chu Hao is his daughter's default husband, so he throws the question to him. ask.

Chu Hao looked at the dense black dots and the occasional red circles on the map, and felt that his head was getting bigger for a while, and it was not so dark for ants to move.He had been distracted before, and he was listening to a few people's conversations.Seeing that everyone's eyes were coming together, with a look of listening attentively, Chu Hao took a peek at Sun Meixiang, then coughed, pretending to point to a few incomprehensible dots on the map, and then patted the table , swept the crowd, and said solemnly: "Among you, is there a soldier named Zhao Kai?"

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