
Chapter 117 Do You Have a Gun?

Since Chu Hao was useless at all, everyone stopped asking for his opinion.The meeting continued, and Chu Hao closed his eyes and meditated by himself, thinking about "Exorcism Drive".

After about another stick of incense, the meeting finally came to an end.Chu Hao didn't understand a word after staying in the military tent for a long time, but Sun Meixiang sent a few words during the period, Chu Hao quickly calmed down and began to appreciate it seriously.As soon as Sun Meixiang finished speaking, he was so dazed that he couldn't die.

Hearing that the memories were over, Chu Hao shook his head. Seeing that everyone saluted him and left, he also pretended to bow, and then he was about to walk out of the military tent quickly.At this moment, Sun Lei stopped him.Chu Hao turned around and saw that the bearded man had a malicious expression on his face. After everyone left, only Chu Hao and Sun Lei were left in the entire army tent.

Sun Lei squinted his eyes, his rough face was no longer as dignified as before, and then said with a hey, "Supervisor, you are so courageous, you dared to report your own interests just now!"

Chu Hao knew that Sun Lei was also a reckless person who disregarded etiquette and law, so he chuckled, showed his dull and tired appearance in the capital, shook his head and said, "General, you are the number one master of military art in the world. But it is purely fabricated out of nothing, please have a clear eye, the general, and don't listen to the villain's slander."

Sun Lei's eyes lit up, and then he smiled, and his sturdy body came to Chu Hao, grabbing his arm.Sun Lei was a master in the Qi training stage, so Chu Hao couldn't escape naturally, and he was a little surprised when he grabbed his arm.

Damn it, this Sun Lei is more courageous than I am, but I am the son of the world, I am capable, I am so fucking capable!

Sun Lei didn't care about Chu Hao's expression at all, and laughed loudly: "My son, I used to think you were a piece of shit, but now it seems that you are better than shit, and the smell is not so sour! Good! Even if you It's favoritism, I won't say anything, anyway, we will be a family in the future! Hahaha... Well, my daughter is here, you must have a good communication later!"

As he said that, Sun Lei turned down his face and said, "Remember, don't leave any tricks or bad impressions on the army. My daughter is a big girl. When you do things, you must pay attention to your surroundings. She Low face, women should be reserved, but if you want to be strong, I don't object!"

These vulgar words made Chu Hao dumbfounded. You know, Sun Meixiang is still in the army tent!

Bold enough, refreshing enough!The idol is really Xiao Wang's disgusting image!

A blush did not bother to fly across Sun Meixiang's flat, pretty face. This was not from embarrassment, but from anger.At this time, she couldn't stand Sun Lei's nonsense here, so she quickly scolded: "General Sun, if you continue to talk nonsense, this military advisor has the right to report your actions to the court and give you another copy! "

"Look, look, my daughter really grows up and doesn't want to stay, she's going to drive me away now!" Sun Lei didn't mind, and laughed loudly, then patted Chu Hao's shoulder and winked. : "Okay, my son, you have a good chat, don't worry, I will immediately order this place, no one is allowed to pass by!"

Seeing that Sun Meixiang was about to run away again, Sun Lei quickly let go of Chu Hao's arm, and then fled out of the military tent in a hurry.Just when the two of them thought he was gone, Sun Lei's voice came from outside again, saying: "My lord, remember to blow the lamp, it's easy to handle!"

Chu Hao was completely conquered by Sun Lei's boldness, and he had no more words.

He turned his head and looked at Sun Meixiang, who was angrily grabbing the edge of the table and crackling, and his heart shuddered again. This chick looks coquettish and weak, but he didn't expect that she was also a warrior, and it seemed that she was not strong enough. will be lower than yourself.

"Brat, that Sun Lei didn't just hold your arm and say a few words just now." Chen Honghong's voice sounded, and said, "He was testing your cultivation just now."

"En?" Chu Hao was startled, and said, "I didn't feel that. After all, Sun Lei is still a master in the Qi training period. I thought he was a rough person, but now it seems that he is rough and fine."

Chen Honghong said with a sneer: "Judging people by their appearance is a taboo no matter what you do. You boy, you still have a lot to learn."

Chu Hao was used to being beaten by Chen Honghong, so he ignored him, but turned his head to look at Sun Meixiang. Looking at a beauty under the lamp, naturally, the more beautiful he looked, the more beautiful he looked.Her father is a congenital master, so it is easy to understand that his daughter has such a cultivation level, Chu Hao is not surprised, thinking about Sun Lei's words before, his gaze is even more presumptuous.

At this moment, he was so frightened that he had long forgotten the promise he made on the way to Sanxie Pass.

Sun Meixiang was stared at by Chu Hao, and there were only two people in the military tent at the moment, so she was a little embarrassed.She gave Chu Hao a hard look, and the red glow on her cheeks receded a little. She didn't know if she was pretending to be calm, or if she really calmed down. She only heard her say, "Master Supervisor, let's go out."

"Mei Xiang, the first time we met, you were so indifferent, which made Xiao Wang feel a little sad." He sat down on the stool, and continued: "Don't worry, what your father said just now, I'm sorry. I won't take it to heart."

Hearing that he called Mei Xiang, who was extremely affectionate, and then repeated the old saying to take advantage of himself, Military Master Sun snorted and let out a long breath, but his eyes calmed down, as if he didn't hear his nonsense, With a calm expression on his face, he nodded and said, "If Master Supervisor takes it seriously, it would be ridiculous." Chu Hao always felt that this chick's attitude towards him seemed to be very wrong, whether it was love or hate, this behavior was not relevant. .Could it be that she has been pure-hearted and ascetic in the past three years, and her mind has become so peaceful that she can treat the son like an ordinary person?

He originally wanted to let go of Sun Meixiang, after all, the son she liked in the past was not himself, and there were many crises around him, so it was impossible to waste on the love of his children.But seeing Sun Meixiang's indifference now, it aroused Chu Hao's arrogance instead. He thought to himself, how could it be possible for me to be killed by thousands of beauties? I really can't help it!

After thinking about it, Chu Hao said to Sun Meixiang solemnly: "Xiao Wang doesn't understand Mei Xiang's words. Although Xiao Wang always thinks he is humorous, it is still far from reaching the highest level of being ridiculous. But since Mei Xiang If you want to go out for a walk with Xiao Wang, let's go for a walk together. Although there are no mountain streams here, where you can drink tea and compose poems, there is still a beautiful scenery beyond the Great Wall, the Scarlet Plain."

As he said that, Chu Hao couldn't help but take a step forward, ready to shake Sun Meixiang's slender hand.

Chu Hao's brazen behavior caused Sun Meixiang to shrink her hands immediately, her brows turned cold, and she said, "Master Supervisor, what do you mean!"

She is not shy or angry like ordinary women, but her calm and calm gaze is the most trembling.

As expected of the daughter of that old ruffian Sun Lei, it was really hard to figure it out, Chu Hao smiled, and said softly: "Mei Xiang, you sat here for too long just now, Xiao Wang was afraid that you would be so bloody when you stood up, that you wouldn't be able to grasp it." You fell off your balance, look at you, where did you think, could Xiao Wang be the kind of person who takes advantage of you?"

Sun Meixiang admired the son very much in the past, but now that she heard Chu Hao's slanderous words, she didn't know what was going on in her mind, so she just said thank you, and I will do it myself.He stood up and blew out the lamp on the table.

The appearance of her blowing the lamp made Chu Hao laugh again.

Walking out of the military tent, the surroundings were extremely quiet, and the sporadic fires in the distance were like stars in the dark night, exuding a faint psychedelic atmosphere.A gust of cold wind blew by, although Chu Hao couldn't feel the cold, he still shrank his neck.

Liu Li was still loyally guarding the door, and when he saw Chu Hao approaching, he saluted.

There is a hint of gratitude and firmness in his tiger eyes.Before Zhao Kai was released from prison, he naturally saw it standing outside.He didn't expect that Chu Hao had just arrived at Sanxie Pass, and he helped himself and his brothers get rid of the evil spirit that had been suppressed for a long time!They are bound to be more loyal and devoted to Chu Hao!

Chu Hao also understood what Liu Li was thinking. Instead of saying a word, he patted his shoulder, and continued, "Liu Li, you go back, Xiao Wang has something to discuss with Sun Junshi." He turned his back to Sun Mei Xiang had a serious voice, but her expression was indescribably wretched. Liu Li took a look, shivered immediately, and said, "Your subordinate obeys!"

Just go down.

Chu Hao nodded, then turned to Sun Meixiang and said, "Meixiang, where are we going?"

"School ground." Sun Meixiang said lightly, and then headed towards a certain school ground in this camp.Chu Hao followed her slowly, and when he saw the curious eyes of the soldiers around him, he just smiled ambiguously and rubbed his waist in embarrassment.This move even drew tacit laughter from everyone.

Naturally, Sun Meixiang didn't know about Chu Hao's small actions, but seeing the hostile expressions of the soldiers around her, she immediately felt vigilant, raised her eyebrows, and turned to Chu Hao, "Master Supervisor, what did you do just now?" What?"

Chu Hao said blankly: "Xiao Wang is walking behind Mei Xiang, is there any problem?"

Although Sun Meixiang was smart, she was definitely not Chu Hao's opponent when it came to obscenity, and she couldn't think of that. She stared at Chu Hao for a few seconds, and seeing the latter's innocent face, she gave him another look, turned around and continued. go ahead.

Chu Hao shrugged, suddenly feeling a little funny.Obviously, he led Sun Meixiang out of the military tent by himself, but now she led him away instead.

"Mei Xiang, what are we going to do at the school?" Chu Hao asked shyly.

"Practice the gun!" Sun Meixiang replied without thinking.

Gun practice? !Chu Hao's eyes widened. What kind of school field did he use to practice guns? I always have a gun on me.

Seeing Chu Hao's silence, Sun Meixiang was a little uncomfortable, then turned her head, her eyes flicked across Chu Hao's cheek, seeing his strange expression, and said, "What's the matter? Do you have a gun?"

"No. Where does Xiao Wang have a gun?" Chu Hao shook his head hastily, but his expression was extremely wretched.

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