
Chapter 118 Li Beihong

Sun Meixiang's expression was calm, and finally she simply closed her eyes and ignored Chu Hao.All the way silent.

Soon, they came to a school field in the east. There were not many people here, and after nightfall, it was even more deserted. The lights couldn't illuminate the place, and it was very dim.

Chu Hao's heart was very dirty, and he couldn't help but remember Sun Lei's tough words again, and he felt a battle between heaven and man.

However, Sun Meixiang didn't notice Chu Hao's struggle. Maybe she did, but she would pretend not to see it.She moved lightly with lotus steps and came to the edge of a row of weapon racks, then pulled out a red spear, turned around, threw it to Chu Hao, and said, "Master Superintendent, do you still remember?"

"Remember what?" Chu Hao took the spear, which was not too heavy for him, weighed it in his hand, and asked strangely.Sun Meixiang's beauty in the darkness had a thrilling attraction, Chu Hao didn't dare to look at it, and quickly turned his eyes away.

"It's nothing." Sun Meixiang's words made Chu Hao puzzled. She was silent for a while, and then continued: "Your Highness, can you practice dancing in the open space of this school?" As she spoke, her voice was a little low: "Like that time Same……"

Chu Hao obviously didn't hear what Sun Meixiang said at the end. Hearing this, he shyly said, "This--it's not very good, practicing this... gun in front of Ms. Sun, it's not very elegant. I'm not good at it either!"

Seeing his indescribably wretched expression, Sun Meixiang immediately raised her vigilance: "It's just practicing guns! Why is it not elegant?" Chu Hao laughed twice and said, "Then do you want me to practice with my left hand or my right hand?"

Sun Meixiang only felt that his expression was indescribably weird, but she didn't know where the problem was. After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't find anything wrong, so she said: "Your Highness is used to using whichever hand, then use whichever one." Chu Hao Seriously said: "I'm actually not very good at this kind of difficult technical work. However, Mr. Sun, since Ms. Mei Xiang has spoken, I'll practice it to see, alas, dancing in front of such a beautiful lady." Long spear, Xiao Wang is really a little embarrassed." He tried his best to hold back his laughter, then waved the long spear, and pretended to practice in the open space.At first Chu Hao didn't feel anything, but as he practiced, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He turned his head and saw Sun Meixiang staring at him with beautiful eyes. true.

At this moment, a memory in his mind seemed to be suppressed by the dam for a long time, and it swept towards the blank space in Chu Hao's mind in an instant, overwhelming!

Little Overlord... Overlord Spear...

The first time I met Sun Meixiang was in the early spring when the son was fifteen years old, brandishing the Overlord Spear in his hand...

Chu Hao's heart skipped a beat. He finally knew what this feeling of palpitation was. It turned out that the rumors in the capital were all false. It was impossible for Sun Meixiang to fall in love with the prince for no reason. It turned out that they had met each other a long time ago!

Not only that, but the reason why he likes Shizi is this set of overlord marksmanship!

Damn it, this son's memory is so complicated that he actually locked up this memory, and he didn't recover until he touched the red spear!

At this moment, Chu Hao knew the purpose of Sun Meixiang calling him to practice the spear. Several thoughts flashed through his head, and then he planned to change the non-routine marksmanship and use the Overlord marksmanship.

But Sun Meixiang didn't give him this chance anymore. The latter lightened his lotus feet, then rose into the air, and jumped in front of Chu Hao. His calm eyes were mixed with a little bit of excitement at this moment. With an icy look, her dagger appeared on her right hand, and she said in a stiff tone: "Tell me, who are you..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the fifth day after Chu Hao left Duorui City for Sanxie Pass, he was at Li's house in Nanlin Province.A ray of light flew out from the valley, and I saw Li Beihong with a cold expression on his face, stepping on the flying sword, and began to sprint towards the north.

He had just returned from the sect, and his pleading for acquittal was approved. At this moment, he has returned to Ziyun sect and regained his status as a true disciple.He went to the mountain gate just to borrow a fourth-grade magic weapon from his master.Returning to the family at this moment is to refine it and communicate with myself so that it can be used.

What Qin Bo said to him that day was really shocking.Moreover, it is not allowed to do anything to that person in the sect. During the two-year agreement, all the disciples of the Ziyun sect must make a detour when they see the eldest son Chu Hao, to avoid conflicts!

The person who killed his younger brother Li Jie was either the prince or Tao Ranju!

A colossus like Tao Ranju, not to mention Li Beihong, even the entire Li family could not be shaken. Even the Ziyun Sect was afraid of his strength, and gave them face and let the prince relax for two years.

Therefore, it is not very realistic to ask Tao Ranju to understand how to get back the soul, so Li Beihong's goal is naturally set on the eldest son Chu Hao.

Although there are sect rules, Li Beihong is not afraid of punishment, and he will be able to bear whatever comes at that time, and it will not drag down the family and sect.And if he can't even avenge his own younger brother, is he still worthy of being an older brother?

Li Beihong is a proud and arrogant person, but what he has to face is Chu Hao, and the possibly powerful mysterious monk behind him, so he has to make sure of everything.And this fourth-grade magic weapon is his trump card!

When fighting, it is definitely the key to turning the tide of the battle!

He has been refining this fourth-grade magic weapon for five days, and he can use some supernatural powers. At this moment, his time is very tight. If the teacher finds out that he is going to trouble the son, he will definitely not let himself go .Thinking of Qin Bo's reminder before, Li Beihong snorted coldly, chanted Duo Ruicheng, and flew out precariously.

Qin Bo would make a special trip to send a letter to himself. Li Beihong didn't think he was doing it for some shitty friendship between teachers. On the contrary, among the true disciples of Ziyunmen, in order to improve their strength and cultivation, fighting openly and secretly was an indispensable element of determination. He and Qin Bo Bo Su never got along with each other, this time he will report for himself, all because the person who killed his younger brother may be the eldest son Chu Hao.

As long as he takes action against Shizi, the best result is that he will be locked up on Siguo Cliff for [-] years without going out. This is undoubtedly the best time for Qin Bo to pursue Lu Ruhua.

But even so, Li Beihong also knew that the consequences would be serious, but he still insisted on going his own way, for nothing else, just for his younger brother, for the reputation of his Li family, he would kill Chu Hao, and then asked for the corpse And the whereabouts of the soul!

Li Beihong knew that Qin Bo didn't have any background, and he was not born in the Yuntian Cultivation Family. Because of this, even if he was talented, it was impossible for him to rise to a high status. His only way out, and only in this way, is that he can hope to be promoted to the elder of Ziyun Sect after he enters the Foundation Establishment.

Being an elder means that one can obtain the sect's deep-rooted Dao classics and Yunling Pill, which is quite a temptation for any monk who has been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage.With Qin Bo's ambition, it is impossible to let it go, and he himself is the obstacle in his pursuit of Lu Ruhua, whether it was the competition for the map of mountains and rivers last time that fell into the hands of the junior brother, or the information of Chu Hao's whereabouts this time, They are all manifestations of his ambition.

And even though Li Beihong knew that Qin Bo was using him, but with his character, he would never give up.

"Qin Bo, after I kill Chu Hao and avenge my brother, I will also take back your blue ring." Li Beihong flew in the air with a cold smile on his face.

His aptitude is the best among the younger generations in the Li family, and after he was promoted to a true disciple, the elders of the Purple Cloud Sect taught him the exercises himself. Cloud Gate is considered an outstanding existence!After all, there are only less than [-] true disciples above the sixth level of congenital, and he is one of them.

As for Qin Bo, he just reached the fifth level of innateness, so to him, it's nothing to worry about!

A state is a world!

Flying on the road to Duorui City, Li Beihong stepped on the flying sword, as if startled. According to his cultivation base and the consumption of innate energy, if he flies with all his strength, even if it is one south and one north, it will take three at most. It will be there in a day.Of course, he also had to forge a fourth-grade magic weapon on the way, so at the latest estimate, he would arrive at Dori City on the fifth day!

After thinking about it, Li Beihong's heart surged with hostility, he roared loudly, and disappeared into the blue sky!


Today's small envelope, the third watch is nearly [-] characters, and the first letter will be delivered, please ask for a red ticket.

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