
Chapter 119 The Outbreak of War

Three Xie Pass, at this moment, the war finally broke out on the eighth day after Chu Hao arrived at San Xie Pass.As expected by the staff, the army of the Mayan Empire did launch an attack from the east. This time the attack has a large impact and is very fierce. It is basically the most difficult battle in the spring of this year!

Everyone in the entire Sanxie Pass had solemn expressions and heavy hearts. Of course, that heartless eldest son Chu Hao was not included.As the supervisor of the army, it has been two days since the outbreak of the war. Except for occasionally going up to the pass to see the scenery of the plains in the distance, looking at it and feeling life, the rest of the time is only when the army needs it. Come and walk around, and then go back to the room to practice in seclusion.

For Chu Hao, there is no special sense of hatred for wars in this secular world. After all, he is a cultivator. If he can't let go of these things, then he is asking for nothing.

Of course, this is only his official explanation for his indifference.

The senior officers of Longxiang Army and Yaohu Army naturally knew what Chu Hao's purpose of joining the army was. General Sun Lei didn't say anything, so they naturally wouldn't meddle in their own business and make the prince unhappy.And during this period of time, Chu Hao also met Yao Hujun, that is, the general of the Wang family, named Wang Hao. Although he looked pretty, but it gave the impression that he was not as full of slaughter as Sun Lei.

After all, the nickname Butcher is not for nothing.

Chu Hao is very eloquent. After meeting Wang Hao, he just bragged about himself, and after talking about himself in a cloud, Wang Hao finally believed that Shizi was indeed an idiot fighting the war, and let him go.

After lunch that day, the sky began to change. "Boom----" a thunderous sound suddenly exploded in the sky, and the strong wind hit the entire plain without warning. In the cloudless sky, overcast clouds suddenly gathered, densely covering the entire Sanxie Pass, the sky began to gradually darken, and there was an aura of wind and rain all around...

It is going to rain!

This should be the first spring rain since the beginning of spring!

The thunder roared, and in a short while, the water poured down and the rain poured down. The raindrops gradually became bigger, and finally they were as big as pearls, and they fell down in a "crackling" way!

Chu Hao was in the room, listening to the muffled thunder in the sky, his heart couldn't help but feel a little blocked.If you want to ask the monks what they are most afraid of, there must be nine out of ten, and they will answer Dujie and Lei!

Crossing robbery, and thunder, that is, sky thunder!

Thunder is the source of the destructive power of heaven and earth. It is made of a mixture of water and gold. It is so powerful and the energy is so crazy that it can almost make the immortals lose their souls and leave their bones!

Therefore, whether it is crossing the catastrophe or thundering, it is a terrible thing for monks!This is also why people with mutated spirit roots of the thunder attribute are so shocking. The reason why He Gongming is so powerful is because the thunder spirit roots can use the thunder gang!

That is the power of heaven and earth!

Hearing the rumble of thunder, Chu Hao's back felt hairy, and then he walked out of the room, looking at the gloomy sky above, speechless.The wind started to blow harder, and in this cold winter, and it was still the northern border, it really made people feel a chill.Outside the Sanxie Pass, there is no snow falling. Because the plain in front of it was the former site of Aodong Kingdom, and Aodong Kingdom has always been known as the four seasons like spring, so the climate change here is not as good as the winter snow and summer in the capital.

Walking towards the city wall at the pass, Chu Hao always felt a little flustered.

Standing on the tower, Sun Meixiang still kept that indifferent and confident smile on her face, but at this time, there was a little shock in that smile.The guards opened up a big umbrella, and put it high on her head, protecting her from the wind and rain.The pouring rain falls along the edge of the umbrella, like a curtain of water, it is difficult to see anything from a long distance.

Sun Lei quietly came behind Sun Meixiang and stood there with his hands down. Despite the rain, his face was solemn like never before. He shook his head, and Sun Lei sighed: "The sky doesn't help me, it's changing at this moment! Now The roads in the plain are muddy, making it difficult for people and horses to move, and this is a perfect opportunity to attack the Mayan thieves, but how can such a heavy rain destroy the other party's food and grass!" Sun Meixiang also thought of this, and when she stepped out of the umbrella, the raindrops splashed wildly on the ground. On her head, on her body, but she didn't feel the slightest bit, she was silent for a while, and said, "Where is Lord Supervisor?"

Chu Hao brought Liu Li up at this moment.Seeing high-ranking officials discussing affairs on top of the city wall, he hurriedly laughed when he heard this, waved his arms and said, "Here, here."

Recently, everyone has gotten used to Chu Hao's sloppy appearance. Although he is occasionally serious, it is difficult for people to feel awe.Seeing him waving his arms and walking over with a smile on his face, everyone wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

Liu Li held an umbrella for Chu Hao, and Chu Hao stood still in front of Sun Meixiang, and said with a smile, "Just now, I heard that the military commander said one supervisor to another, so I don't know why you are so anxious to see the supervisor, what's the matter?"

When Chu Hao spoke, his expression was very ambiguous, and even Sun Lei laughed, sweeping away the depressed mood just now.But Sun Meixiang turned her head away, pretending not to hear, and said to herself, "Does Master Supervisor have any suggestions?"

This remark made a partial general couldn't help but chuckle, but immediately restrained his smile.

Sun Meixiang really asked the right person.Chu Hao chuckled, then leaned against the wall and looked down. The Mayan army in the distance looked hazy in the rain, but even in this cold world, there was a rush of blood and killing.Chu Hao was determined, and said: "I suggest that we wait until the rain is over before making any plans. What do you guys think?"

Everyone was stunned. Although they didn't expect Chu Hao to give any good advice, it was too childish and funny to say these words.But seeing Chu Hao's serious face, no one laughed out loud.

Sun Lei stared at him, then shook his head and said, "The supervisor's suggestion is good, what do you guys think?"

Good idea?

Everyone felt a little surprised. Now that the dead soldiers are ready, it is only a matter of the army pressing down to cover up the situation and igniting the opponent's food and grass. Although it is raining, as long as there is oil, it should not be a problem. Give up at this time? !

Not only were everyone surprised, Chu Hao was also taken aback, and said: "General, this is just a random word from the supervisor, don't take it seriously, you discuss yours, the supervisor will go down and have a look." Said Then, without waiting for Sun Lei to agree, he walked down.That girl Sun Meixiang kept looking at me, damn it, why does it feel like the roles are reversed now.

Chu Hao walked down the city wall in bewilderment, hearing the occasional thunder, he couldn't help shivering all over his body.Fortunately, he is only at the day after tomorrow stage. If he reaches the foundation building stage and his soul becomes stronger, he will not be able to stand the thunder.

Chu Hao was startled. He felt someone was behind him. He turned his head and saw Sun Meixiang following him. He said, "Mr. Sun, what are you doing with me?"

"Why doesn't your son continue to call me Mei Xiang?" Sun Meixiang swept away the indifference on the city wall just now, her bright eyes were like stars in a rainy night, extremely crystal clear, firmly catching Chu Hao's sight.

Damn, I used to call you Mei Xiang and you didn't like it, but now I don't want to call you Meixiang, and you're even more upset. It's not a bitch, it's what!

Although Chu Hao was slandering in his heart, it was impossible to express his thoughts. Seeing Sun Meixiang staring at him, he smiled, pointed to the city wall, and said, "Didn't Master Sun say that this is a military camp?" , indecent."

Sun Meixiang seemed to have not seen it, and said, "I like to hear you call me Meixiang."

xx, don't do this, if you do this again, I can't guarantee that my spear will go crazy!

Seeing Sun Meixiang's determined face, Chu Hao felt a little guilty, and said, "That's all, Meixiang, what are you doing with me, Xiao Wang doesn't have time to practice guns with you right now." At first, he spoke more seriously. When it comes to the word practice gun, it is wretched again.

Sun Meixiang approached Chu Hao, her graceful figure in the rain was like a dose of poison, Chu Hao's eyes immediately went straight, he coughed, and said: "Men and women don't know each other, Mr. Sun, please be more careful. "

Sun Meixiang smiled sweetly, and said: "Didn't the prince say just now that this is a military camp, and there is no distinction between men and women. Could it be that the prince still has such a childish temper when he talks?" She sighed again, and said: "My prince, you Are you blaming me?"

Her eyes are bright and clear, especially agile, comparable to the Yao Mengchi I saw on the flower platform back then, but in this woman's eyes, there is a bit more brilliance of wisdom.

Chu Hao felt dizzy for a while, and couldn't help but regret the nonsense he said to Sun Meixiang that night.


That night, he was bullied by Sun Meixiang with a dagger. Seeing Sun Meixiang's calm face, but with a hint of murderous cold eyes, Chu Hao couldn't help shivering at that moment.

But now he remembered the scene where the son and Sun Meixiang met, as well as the Overlord Gun's moves, and he didn't seem panicked at the moment.Staring at the cold dagger, as if it could give him a fatal blow at any time in the dark night, he suddenly smiled and said, "Mei Xiang, why are you doing this?"

"I'm asking you something!" Sun Meixiang frowned involuntarily when she heard Chu Hao calling herself so ambiguously, and then moved the dagger closer. As soon as he touched Chu Hao's side face, the scent from his mouth sprayed onto Chu Hao's face one after another.

Chu Hao was distracted for a while, but at this moment he didn't want to think about it. He looked at Ruhua Jiaoyan who was close at hand, and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about. In this world, except for Xiao Wang who is so handsome and handsome Apart from the handsome face that everyone is angry with, can anyone else have it?"

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