
Chapter 120 Crisis!

Chu Hao waved his hand, and said seriously: "How dare I blame you, Junshi Sun is a calming pill for the army. If I blame you, the tens of thousands of troops here will definitely scrape Xiao Wang's skin off."

Sun Meixiang smiled and said, "Is the little overlord still afraid of this?"

"I'm not a little overlord. Of course I'm scared." Chu Hao said, seemingly authentically, he looked up at the thunderous sky, then stared at Sun Meixiang, and said, "Mr. Sun, I'm very curious. I have never seen you practice, how did you ascend to the innate realm?"

And there are so many good things like low-grade spirit stones and lady petals.

Chu Hao naturally didn't ask for the next sentence.He didn't believe that rough man Sun Lei would patiently teach his daughter, after all, even that kid Sun Haoran couldn't make skin.

Although she knew that Chu Hao was diverting the topic, Sun Meixiang didn't point it out, she smiled slightly and said, "If your son is interested in this, I don't mind sharing it with you." As she spoke, her eyes were full of affection, her lips were bright, He said softly: "As far as I know, if you practice together as a Taoist couple, your progress will be faster."

Damn, this chick is trying to seduce me!

The little prince was furious, wishing he could go forward and eat this daring little white rabbit who dared to provoke in front of the big bad wolf.This chick is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, she looks very intellectual, and when she becomes hotter, she is even worse than that Xia Jixing, I will bear it, and continue to bear it!

Chu Hao smiled awkwardly, and said with a stern face: "Mr. Sun, this is a military camp. When a war breaks out, how can you be so frivolous and disturb the morale of the army!"

"Frivolous?" Sun Meixiang didn't take it seriously, her beautiful eyes stared at Chu Hao for a moment, her soft figure stretched out in the rain, her arms stretched out, her beautiful figure, her alluring waist. The curve of the buttocks, the heroic air mixed with a few traces of lazy temperament, like a lotus without lotus blooming in the rain, Chu Hao's eyes straightened.

Sun Meixiang lowered her head, just in time to see Chu Hao staring straight at her, and immediately smiled slyly. Chu Hao quickly looked away, looked up at the sky at forty-five degrees, and looked up at loneliness.

Sun Meixiang said slowly: "Even if it's frivolous, I'm only for you, my son. Can you represent the entire Longxiang Army? I'm just disturbing your heart."

What a terrible woman!

Chu Hao didn't dare to continue talking to this woman, otherwise he would give Lin Yueer a cuckold. He said seriously: "Mr. Sun, I think General Sun Lei is calling for you. Go over quickly, there must be a change in plan. .”

Sun Meixiang suddenly started giggling. Chu Hao was puzzled, and greedily glanced at the trembling and charming body of the flowers and branches, and then without squinting, he said seriously, "Why is Junshi Sun laughing?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't found out that the bully is so interesting." Sun Meixiang blinked at Chu Hao, then turned around gracefully, turned her head away from Chu Hao's direction, pursed her lips, blew, and said : "However, I like you more and more!"

Although after saying this sentence, Sun Meixiang restrained her expression and walked towards the city wall after plastic surgery, but that touch of amorous feelings, like a clear spring, poured into Chu Hao's heart, moistening for a moment, I'm afraid it will never be forgotten up...

DAMN DAMN!Chu Hao couldn't remember the first time he complained. He found that he had met an opponent, and he was also a very difficult opponent!This Sun Meixiang is really an ever-changing fairy. Before coming here, Chu Hao thought she was a pure chick, even if she was wise, she was no match for him.

But now, he realized that he was wrong, and it was outrageous. It turned out that not only was this chick not a quiet and reserved master, but she was so enchanting that even he couldn't stand it.If it wasn't for the fact that she only had a son in her heart, and Chu Hao didn't want to take advantage of others, he would have been unable to bear his animal nature long ago, so how could he let Sun Meixiang do whatever he wanted!

The old man has endured you a few times, monster, don't think that I won't accept monsters because I'm not bald!

Chu Hao hummed and chirped a few times, then walked into the room.At this moment, the heavy rain was getting heavier, and there were bursts of thunder. Chu Hao sat cross-legged on the bed, and looked out the window after a few minutes.For some reason, he always had some bad premonition in his heart, which made him very irritable...

Dori City.

At this moment, the heavy rain came suddenly, without any warning, and in an instant, it blurred the eyes.

Lin Yue'er ran to the window at this moment, then looked at the heavy rain outside the window, then ran to the bed, took out a floral sheep blanket and put it on her body, just staring at it in a daze It's raining.

Xiaodie opened the door and walked in. Seeing Miss's appearance, she asked curiously, "Miss, aren't you going to practice today?"

Lin Yueer heard the sound of the door opening, her delicate body trembled, she turned her head and saw Xiaodie came in with a water basin, her eyes were a little disappointed, then she straightened her expression and said, "It's Xiaodie, it's raining today , I don’t want to practice much anymore.”

"Miss is missing someone..." Xiaodie pursed her lips and smiled, put the water basin on the table, then tried the water temperature, twisted the veil for Lin Yueer and handed it to her, saying: "Miss wash Wash your face."

Lin Yue'er was ashamed, and then spat: "Damn girl, chewing your tongue." As a result, Xiu Pa gently wiped her face, turned her eyes to the window, and was speechless.

Xiao Die looked a little funny from the side, and said: "Miss, you still say no, you see, you are almost obsessed now, your highness has been gone for a few days, you can't eat well, and you can't sleep well ..."

"Damn girl, you're talking nonsense!" Lin Yue'er became furious and wanted to catch Xiaodie.But as soon as she got up, the sheep blanket on her lap was about to slip off, she quickly clenched it tightly with her hands, and then angrily glared at Xiaodie who ran to the side.

Xiaodie giggled, then tilted her head and said: "Miss, if the maidservant remembers correctly, this sheep blanket should have been put on by His Highness himself last time, I don't think it has been so long, and she is reluctant to throw it away." .”

This time Lin Yue'er didn't bother her anymore, snorted softly, and said, "So what, I just like him." Resting her chin with her hand, she looked at the rain curtain outside the window, and said, "That villain, That bad guy hasn't come back after so long, he's mad at me, really mad at me."

Xiaodie looked at Miss like this, sighed faintly, and said: "Miss, does Your Highness have such a big influence on you? I think Miss seems to have changed now, but... such a Miss, let Xiaodie Butterfly is sometimes happy and sometimes heartbroken.”

Lin Yueer stretched out her hand in a daze, her white wrist stretched out in the wind and rain, as if she had merged into the whole world.

"You don't understand, this is love, no one can not fall..."


A winding electric snake tore through the sky, followed by a deafening thunder.The whole world was completely white, and the sound of rumbling spread throughout the wilderness. This small county town seemed to start to tremble from the thunder.

"Why don't you be a thief!" At this moment, a loud roar pierced the rain curtain. After the thunder, the voice became even louder and louder, mixed with powerful internal force, howling like a strong wind raging!

"It's Huang Hongjin!" Lin Yue'er stood up, grabbed the sheep blanket, and then exchanged glances with Xiao Die. They were about to go out when a loud roar came from the door, "Miss Yue'er, please don't come out!" , we promised His Royal Highness, to protect your safety, please stay in the room, Miss, and leave everything to us!"

Lin Yue'er was also very familiar with this voice. It was also one of the few guards around Chu Hao, a warrior named Tie Dun, a fourth-level leather-refining warrior, whose strength was comparable to Huang Hongjin's!

"What the hell happened?" This kind of atmosphere made Lin Yue'er involuntarily feel a little uneasy. In the yard outside the window, a house could be seen collapsing amidst the crackling sound.

Lin Yue'er panickedly put the sheep blanket and quilt on the bed, forced herself to calm down, took Xiaodie's trembling hand, and said, "Don't be afraid, Xiaodie, there is a lady here, there is a lady here."

She didn't have the confidence to speak, at this moment, she could already imagine that some masters were entering Duorui City, and had conflicts with Huang Hongjin and others!

In this unease and anxiety, the sound of fighting outside became more and more intense. Hundreds of people surrounded the courtyard in an instant, and the soldiers and guards of the palace, Li Meng and others were among them. At this moment, he stared nervously at the sky.

"Who the hell are you!" In the torrential rain, it was just like when we met Li Jie and the others, except that the location and person were changed, but the other party's surname did not change.

Li Beihong stepped on the flying sword and floated in the air less than six feet from the ground.There was no trace of rain on his body, and when the rain was about to get close to him, it split the two sides, making it difficult to get close.He looked coldly at the soldiers gathered below, without fear.Indeed, he is a super expert on the sixth floor of the innate stage, and a monk who cultivates Qi!

These people are just mortals who can be killed with just a single breath, the gap is too big!

The warriors below were all guarding a courtyard, but Li Beihong's heart skipped a beat, and a cruel smile appeared on his violent face.He slapped the storage bag, and immediately, the self-demolition worms refined by him flew densely in the space at this moment, and began to compete with the warriors on the ground.

A monk has the arrogance of a monk, so naturally he will not lower himself to attack these mortals who have no innate talent.Seeing Huang Hongjin and the others in a state of embarrassment after being exploded by the self-destroyer, his smile became more obvious.

In the heavy rain, Li Meng's roar clearly passed through the rain curtain. Li Beihong looked at him indifferently, and then, with a gesture of his hand, another series of self-destructive insects rushed towards the guards of the palace!He took out the yellow paper, put it on his nose and smelled it carefully, and said lightly: "You also have that kid's breath on you, damn it!"

As soon as these words were said, there was another burst of earth-shattering explosions one after another. The soldiers of the Yaohu Army turned their backs, and the soldiers surrounding the yard were soon blown out of a gap. Not only that, but there were also many people in these Under the power of the Baneling Worm, it turned into shredded meat and died coldly.

This scene made Xiaodie and Lin Yue'er in the room hold each other's hands tightly.They had never seen such a cruel scene in their life of rich clothes and fine food, and they couldn't help feeling a little nauseated, but the fear swallowed back the nausea forcefully!

That purple-robed figure in the sky is cruel and terrifying. He can fly. Could it be that he is the fairy that the villain said?Are immortals so ruthless? !

Lin Yueer's heart was in a mess, and she couldn't bear to look at it, but she couldn't help casting her gaze away.It's just that her hand covered Xiaodie's eyes, preventing her from looking any further.

Huang Hongjin and the others are the most powerful among a hundred people at the moment. Although Li Meng is also at the fourth level of leather refining, his overall strength cannot be compared with Huang Hongjin and the others. harm.

However, although they knew that the person in charge was the man in the sky, and these bugs were just his tools, they were not strong enough, and they couldn't survive the rain for so long, so they could only stare blankly!

"Very good, these eight mortals are a bit interesting to be able to hang out with my self-demolition bug for so long." Li Beihong was not in a hurry to go to the yard first, because when his consciousness was opened, he already felt that there were only two women inside. There is no son.

But he was not in a hurry, because that woman had a very strong aura of Chu Hao.

"Go, Bone Eater!" Another slap on the storage bag, Li Beihong gave a ferocious smile, and then, a series of golden green wings, smaller than the self-destructive worm just now, flew away again. out.

The vibration of their wings became more intense, and in an instant, they were heading towards Huang Hongjin and others.

This bone-eating worm is stronger than the self-destructing worm. As soon as it got close to the soldiers on the ground, it made a screeching sound and screamed endlessly. Under the attack of the worm, many soldiers were torn off in an instant The flesh and blood on the body, and then those bugs took advantage of the situation to drill into their skin and bones. The feeling of devouring the heart is like the bite of thousands of ants. This kind of inhuman torture makes people feel so painful. They were all strong men, but such a domineering pain still made them pass out!

But at this time, the self-destructive insects roared, carrying rain lines, boom----

After several muffled bangs, the soldiers who had lost their combat effectiveness were blown to bloody flesh by the self-demolition bugs!

Li Beihong didn't feel distressed at the loss of these self-destructive insects. There were many of these things in their Li family's secret method.Moreover, he carried a female worm on his body, not to mention the team of more than a hundred people in this area, even if there were tens of thousands of people, he would not pay attention to him at the sixth level of Qi training.

Can a mortal fight against himself?


Li Beihong felt extremely happy in his heart, watching the soldiers of the Yaohu Army suffer heavy casualties in the successive cooperation between the bone-eating worm and the self-destructive worm, he had no mercy, only abnormal pleasure in his heart.

His eyes turned to Huang Hongjin and the others, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, these people can still fight with his bone-eating worms, a few acquired mortals can have such strength!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps from the street outside the courtyard, and another thunderstorm passed by, which was still clear in the rainstorm.

Li Beihong sneered, and turned his head to look, but it was the other soldiers of the Yaohu Army who had heard the news and were coming to support.A group of mortals!

Li Beihong smiled proudly, and then a gust of wind blew up in his hand, and the innate qi was like a tide, spreading out around it centered on it!He took out a piece of yellow paper, then quickly drew a sigil on it, then changed his gestures three times in succession, and threw it in mid-air!

Puff puff puff----

The yellow paper ignited a large group of flames in the rain. The blue-yellow flames burned the yellow paper and slowly curled it up. After two breaths, it completely disappeared in the rain.But Li Beihong's expression did not change, and then he gathered the middle finger and index finger of his right hand, and pushed forward fiercely!

Suddenly, a dwarf made of stones suddenly appeared from the place where the yellow paper disappeared, appearing out of thin air!

The stone man's body was extremely strong, with his arms outstretched, like an orangutan hunting for prey, his figure cut through the raindrops, and then he squatted with his legs, and with a dull sound, he fell heavily on the street floor!

Get away from the stone man!

This is also the deepest spell not handed down by the Li family, which can only be practiced and refined by innate fifth-level masters!

With Li Jie's cultivation base, he can only drive the two heads away from the stone man!

After landing on the ground, the Duli Stone Man, who was only a little over five feet tall, rushed towards the attacking soldiers involuntarily!Those Yaohu soldiers were stunned, watching the Douli stone man descending from the sky, completely unresponsive, but when it rushed forward, someone yelled, and one of the commanders gathered the crowd and began to resist!

The Douli Stone is extremely powerful, but it was shaped according to the supernatural powers of the Kuafu clan in the legend. Although the body has been shrunk by an unknown number, it is more than enough for a congenital monk to use against mortals!

Under the blow of the Douli stone man's arms, all the leading soldiers of the Yaohu Army were blown away. In the heavy rain, the Douli stone man alone was able to stop more than a thousand soldiers!

"These soldiers have nothing to do with that person. If you kill them, the master will never let me go." This thought flashed through Li Beihong's mind, and he suppressed his murderous intentions, and then sacrificed another piece of yellow paper, just like before The handprints were formed quickly, and as a pinch of blue-yellow flames ignited, another Douli stone figure appeared again!

Li Beihong's cultivation can only drive two Douli stone men, each of which has a physical state equivalent to the tenth layer of skin refining, that is, the acquired Dzogchen, and there are two Douli stone men, these mortal soldiers, how can coming!

After finishing all this, Li Beihong's body quickly descended, ignoring Huang Hongjin and others who were unable to move surrounded by bone-eating worms and self-demolition worms, and rushed to the yard.

"Stop!" Huang Hongjin roared, blasted a gap in the surrounding bone-eating worms with a blow with all his strength, and then ran towards the yard.But how could his speed be comparable to Li Beihong who was stepping on a flying sword? In the blink of an eye, Li Beihong flew into the yard!

Tie Dun stood outside the room, his face was solemn, his palms were full of sweat, and his whole body was drenched by rain. He nervously looked at Li Beihong who was flying by, and he also yelled violently, stepped on the eaves, and jumped towards the Li Beihong attacked and left.

"Mortal, get out!" Li Beihong snorted coldly, his hands didn't move, but his anger burst out instantly.The dynamic Qi Jue was used by a congenital sixth-level master, and the invisible ripples seemed to tear the air apart, opening the rain curtain layer by layer, and hitting Tie Dun's body hard!


Tie Dun vomited blood, his body and limbs seemed to be falling apart, his internal organs were writhing in his body, causing him to scream out in pain, his body lost his balance immediately, turned backwards, and then fell heavily on the tenth floor. On the wall of the house more than a meter away!

I don't know life or death!

A bolt of lightning tore down, piercing the gloom of the sky again. Li Beihong turned his gaze, and immediately laughed out loud.

In the white world, the window of the room showed the panicked and pale face of the beautiful woman.


Two in one chapter

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