
Chapter 12 Mr. Wanlu

Chapter 12 Mr. Wanlu (this chapter is free)


After practicing a set of boxing techniques five times, Chu Hao's body was covered with sweat at the moment, he was lying on the ground, and he was a little out of breath.

This body has been pampered for too long, and the functions of the body can no longer keep up with the movement of the fist. Chu Hao tried his best, and he was exhausted after half a day.

It's still the bone refining period on the second floor, shit!

Chu Hao is very dissatisfied with everything about this body at the moment. Although it is his dream to be a rich young master, he also needs the capital of body and strength. Bullying is something that must be done, and it must be done to make people speechless!

After receiving the water from Xiao Si, Chu Hao said, "Is she awake?"

Xiaosi is not very old, only 16 years old.At this moment, after seeing Chu Hao's "strength battle" all night, he is still so spiritually cultivated during the day, and his face is full of envy. You know, his butt is still hurting now!

Hearing the master's question, Xiaosi hurriedly said: "Miss Lin has woken up and is taking a bath right now."

"Bath?" Chu Hao's eyes lit up, and he said, "Her maids have also come over, let them live in the east wing of the other courtyard. Xiao Wang remembers that there are still a few vacant rooms there, so let's assign a few maids to go there." .”

"Little prince, isn't she your lowly maid?" Xiao Si asked incomprehensibly.

"Why do you care so much!" Chu Hao gave Xiao Si a dissatisfied look, and thought to himself that if you hadn't made it clear yesterday, I wouldn't have made such a low-level mistake.

Seeing that Xiao Si didn't dare to say more, Chu Hao said: "Okay, go and give Xiao Wang hot water. He's covered in sweat. After taking a bath, call Miss Lin to have dinner together. Remember, she can come whenever she wants."

"Yes!" Xiao Si hurriedly retreated.

Chu Hao sat on the stone bench, holding the 'medicine' bottle that Xiaosi had given him before, and looked down at his knee. The wound had already healed, and it seemed to be itching to grow new flesh.

Martial artists in the bone refinement stage on the second floor don't seem to be considered bullshit, barely!

As Chu Hao expected, Lin Yue'er did not come over for lunch.However, Chu Hao didn't care about it. After the meal, he took a rest for a while, then went to the backyard to practice boxing, and only lay down to sleep at night.

In the early morning of the next day, Chu Hao was in the backyard thinking about how to use firearms, but Xiao Si rushed over and said, "Little prince, Mr. Wan Lu is here!"

"Mr. Wanlu?"

Chu Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then recalled that Wan Lu was the teacher in name of this body. Speaking of which, this Wan Lu was a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy at that time. Although he had no official rank, he had extraordinary knowledge and was quite famous in the capital. Wan Lu himself also made good friends with the Ministry of Rites and many civil servants. It took a lot of trouble for the prince to invite him to be the teacher of the eldest son three years ago.

It's just that at that time, the son's temperament changed drastically, he failed in martial arts, and he didn't have the heart to focus on learning, and this Wanlu had nothing to do with him, but from the previous three-day class to now it's half a month. Classes, and rarely care about him, let him study by himself.

But although Wan Lu doesn't care about the prince, the homework assigned each time is extremely heavy, and after each class, he has to inform the prince, so even if Chu Hao wants to be lazy, he can't do it!

Forget it, today is indeed the day when Wan Lu visits and gives lectures.

Chu Hao responded, remembering that the old guy hadn't finished the homework assigned last time, although he didn't want to go, he hesitated for a while, and decided to go and have a look.

He went back to the room and changed his clothes, and when he came out with Xiaosi, he happened to meet Lin Yueer and her maid, Xiaodie, who were sitting at the door of the wing room, talking in a low voice.

From the main courtyard to the study of Lingyueyuan, you have to pass through the east chamber, so it is not surprising to see Lin Yueer and Chu Hao.However, at this moment, Lin Yue'er is wearing a gown in palace attire, with pale eyebrows, Danfeng eyes, and in a slight smile, two dimples on her cheeks are faintly exposed. Under the bright sun, she is as ethereal as a clear smoke and light willows Well, even a pervert like Chu Hao, who claims to be beheaded by thousands of beauties, had to lose his mind for a moment.

When Lin Yue'er heard the footsteps, she also found Chu Hao. Her face, which was smiling just now, suddenly seemed to be covered with frost. She turned her head away and didn't even look at him.And Xiaodie also closed her mouth, secretly looking at Chu Hao with hatred from time to time.

Chu Hao didn't mind either. He turned his head to the book boy and said, "Little Si, have you noticed that the sun seems to be particularly fond of this place today. I didn't realize it just now, but only when I came here did I realize that God is really unfair!"

Xiaosi is also a clever person, and when he heard that the little prince had something to say, he quickly nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, yes, Xiaonu also found out, little prince, why is that?"

Seeing that Lin Yue'er also secretly pricked up his ears, Chu Hao secretly smiled, but sighed calmly: "Because there is a beautiful woman here, she is here, like a piercing hole in the dark. The lightning in the night sky is like the sunshine tearing apart the dark clouds; Xiao Si, you see, this is just a back view, which already makes people feel like drinking nectar, refreshing and throbbing. Under the incomparable beauty of this peerless beauty, there is no desire or desire. The begging sun has moved all hearts, it pours down such a large amount of luster, just to get a little bit of beauty! What is a closed moon, what is a shameful flower, I have read countless famous flowers, and I finally learned this sentence today The meaning of the words. The so-called peerless beauties who live in seclusion in the palace...the ancients really did not deceive me..."

Chu Hao's words were so disgusting that they were disgusting.

Lin Yue'er wanted to get angry, but on the contrary, his outlandish vocabulary made people find it extremely funny. She could only snort in dissatisfaction, and said, "Shameless villain!"

Chu Hao asked strangely: "Yue'er, who are you talking about? You don't mean me? Oh... I think you misunderstood. What I just said didn't describe you, but the girl next to you. Oh , I'm sorry to make you feel sentimental!"

Lin Yueer's pretty face darkened, and said: "Xiaodie, there are rats making noise here during the day, it's really disgusting, let's go back to the house."

Xiaodie covered her mouth, looked at Chu Hao strangely, and nodded hastily after listening to the young lady's words.

"Yes, Miss is a millet, and I love her like a mouse." Chu Hao was not angry, and said something with a smile, and walked away with Xiaosi laughing and shaking his sleeves.

Lin Yue'er stood at the door for a long while before she suddenly understood the meaning of Chu Hao's words. She couldn't help but flushed with anger, and stomped her feet angrily, "This scoundrel, this rascal!"

When Chu Hao came to the study, he saw a white-haired old man in Confucian shirt standing on the desk.

Seeing that Chu Hao walked in empty-handed, Wan Lu frowned, but he also knew that Chu Hao didn't think about poetry and books, and didn't like articles, so he didn't bother to talk much, and said, "Young Lord, sit down when you come. .”

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