
Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Being Slapped With a Knife (This chapter is free)

Seeing this old elegant man, Chu Hao seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with himself, so he hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, but you still have the same demeanor. Just now when the student stood outside the study, he felt a burst of righteousness rushing towards him. It turns out that Mr. has penetrated the legacy of hundreds of schools of thought, and this mighty aura is really admirable to the students!"

Although Wan Lu has listened to a lot of flattery, this is the first time he has heard such praise from the usually careless little prince. He immediately stroked his beard in a dignified way, and said with a gentle smile, "Where is it?" Where, the old man has only peeped at the sage's superficial 'fur', so I can't deserve this praise, I can't deserve it!"

Chu Hao secretly scolded the old guy for being thick-skinned, but on the surface he still acted sincerely, saying: "Sir, you are being modest. As talented as you are, you can't find anyone else in the entire capital. The master's knowledge is like a towering ravine. During the days when the master is teaching, the students have been listening in fear, hoping to get a little bit of the gentleman's morality, but unfortunately the students are dull and difficult to become a master. It is also a smattering of knowledge, from teaching to now, every time the class is over, the students will reflect on themselves for three days, and it has been hundreds of days and nights that they cannot sleep, hey, the students feel guilty, thinking about it day and night, and living up to the high expectations of the master!"

Chu Hao's words were extremely affectionate, and his tone was imitative. Wan Lu was silent for a long time after hearing the words, and then sighed quietly: "Hey, I can't think of the old man's silent sacrifices in the past few years. The little prince has always been in his eyes, and I have been working hard for this! The peaches and plums don’t say anything, and the next step is self-made, the old man finally understands the meaning of the sage’s words!"

Both of them have their own ghosts. When Wan Lu saw Chu Hao's sugar-coated shells, he didn't know what he meant. He paused and said, "The old man heard that the little prince went out to write poems the day before yesterday, and accidentally met a bad person. Is nothing wrong?"

Seeing that this old guy was not pedantic and poor, and he was still going on the road like this, Chu Hao was overjoyed immediately, lowered his head quickly, and sighed: "Thank you for your concern, teacher. A little injury to the student is fine."

"The little prince is the son of the prince of Weiyuan. He is the body of a thousand gold, representing the face of the country! At the foot of the emperor in the capital, there are thieves who are so arrogant. Don't worry, the little prince. When I go to court tomorrow, the old man will represent the Imperial Academy. My lord has sent a note to the emperor, requesting that such restless factors in the capital be rectified!"

Chu Hao thought to himself that this old guy really knows how to write empty promises. Everyone knows that the Ministry of Rites does not help at both ends. If he really plays for the palace with you, the direction of the wind will not change for a day.Although he was pondering in his heart, on the surface, Chu Hao was grateful and said: "Students are nothing to worry about. It's just that the sir's concern makes the students feel the warmth of the cold winter sun. The students will remember the sir's kindness..." After a pause, looking at the old guy's expression of leisurely enjoyment, he wanted to slap him across the face: "By the way, sir, the student didn't finish his homework last time due to injury. Although he wanted to write all night yesterday, the imperial doctor couldn't help it." I was warned to go to bed early, so I went to bed early... Hey, seeing the teacher today, the students really feel embarrassed and ashamed."

"So that's it!" Wan Lu touched the hairs on his chin, shaking his head and saying with a coquettish appearance: "It's okay, since the little prince is injured, the homework can naturally be done." Exemption, I think the young prince's complexion is not very good, he should rest more!"

Chu Hao was grateful: "Thank you sir for your concern!" As he spoke, he supported the handle of the chair, and suddenly said: "Hey, the student is a little dizzy again. Sir, let's give a lecture, the student can hold on."

Wan Lu let out a "huh" and said seriously, "No way! The little prince's body is important, so let's not give lectures today, and the old man will give the little prince a month's rest by the way, homework, little prince Old wounds haven’t healed yet, just memorize it and copy it three times, and I’ll come back to check it a month later!”

Chu Hao was overjoyed, and hurriedly said in fear: "How can this be, hey, that's all, the students should listen to the teacher!" After a pause, he said: "By the way, the student's residence has recently donated some century-old Polygonum multiflorum, Western Region The water lily seeds, and the jade shells sent from Chu Yunguo, the students will send someone to Mr.'s house after a while!"

"Little prince, what do you mean by this? Why are you giving such a valuable gift?!" Wan Lu was upright. , It was just a way to perfunctory the prince, Wan Lu accepted the money, and he was so happy with him.

Wan Lu stepped out of the study first, stopped for a moment, turned his head and said, "Don't make an example, don't make an example!"

"Yes!" Chu Hao scolded the old guy from top to bottom in his heart, and then said loudly, "Send Mr. Wan Lu back home!"

After Wan Lu left, Chu Hao stretched triumphantly.After finishing this Wanlu, one month is enough for him to figure out a way to practice.

Thinking of the old son who often recited and copied the "Four Character Classics", "Lying Words", "Biography of the Great General" and so on ten times and twenty times before, he sighed for a while. Docile post.

Three times "Yun Guo Lun"?How many words can you have?too easy!

Chu Hao turned his head, patted the book boy on the shoulder, and said triumphantly, "Xiao Si, what is this "Yun Guo Lun"? How many words are there in the whole article?"

Xiaosi replied cautiously: ""Yunguo Lun" is the general history of the Yuntian Empire, recorded by different historians, a total of 29 chapters, divided into 58 sections, each section has more than [-] words!"

"What!" Chu Hao's face darkened, and he immediately knew that he had been fooled by the old guy. He hurried out of the study and said loudly, "Wait, sir, the student thought about it for a while, and decided to copy "Biography of the Great General" ten times." Better……"

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