
Chapter 14 The Status of the Craftsman

Chapter 14 The Status of the Craftsman (this chapter is free)

Chu Hao counted the days. This is already the third day he came to this world. During the three days, he failed to do any serious business. He was holding back in the yard either practicing boxing, or hiding in the room thinking how to use it. Weapon fire.

However, these recent performances of his have spread throughout the entire Lingyue Garden. Many servants and guards here know that the little prince has changed his temper, and he starts practicing boxing early in the morning every day and doesn't stop until night. .

The power of the crowd is great, and the curiosity of gossip is also strong. Afterwards, Chu Hao discovered to his dismay that when he went to the training ground to practice, almost every time, there would be servants or other guards passing by the door pretending to be inadvertent. Looking at himself secretly, his face was full of disbelief.

This made him extremely annoyed, I just practiced punches, not guns, what a fart!

Of course, he occasionally took the time to think carefully about the inexplicable assassination incident that led to his time travel last time.

To be honest, there are many doubts about this matter, but the person to be suspected has been searched several times from Shizi's memory, but he still cannot be determined.With Chu Hao's heart, he has always been a person who will take revenge, and he can't suffer at all.Since that cheap father promised to recruit a murderer for him, he has to let him do it, but once Chu Hao has his own strength, he will definitely not make it easy for him.

After all, if he died right after transmigrating, it would be better to die directly in the previous life!

However, during this period of time, Chu Hao tried to use "sex" to activate the Liehuanghuo a few times, but the effect was minimal. Because he was afraid of touching the Zilonghuo under the Liehuanghuo, every time he read the formula, he would Be cautious.

And it is precisely because Zilonghuo was the weapon fire used by Chu Hao in his previous life, so he is quite familiar with the attributes of Zilonghuo. Otherwise, if he were replaced by someone else, the two fires would have clashed and died. up.

However, Chu Hao is quite satisfied with the result. Give him some more time, and he will have the confidence to separate the two weapons and fires, and then he can really use the weapons and fires!

At that time, I will definitely build an armor like Iron Man, which will not be pierced by swords and guns, and will resist the thunder!

Chu Hao was angrily 'pornographic' in his heart.

Just after noon that day, Chu Hao was practicing boxing when he suddenly saw the commander Chu Mo walking towards him.Chu Mo has come here several times in the past few days, presumably it was his father's order to come to see if he has changed recently.

Chu Hao thought for a while, then stopped quickly.His boxing technique is quite special, Chu Mo is a real master who is about to step into the realm of congenital at any rate, so he can't let him see any clues.

"General Chu Mo." Chu Hao suddenly remembered something, and quickly stopped him.

"Little prince." Chu Mo stood in front of Chu Hao neither humble nor overbearing.

"I want to ask you, what is the identity of the refiner in our Yuntian Empire?" Qin Yuelou sorted out his words, and then asked.

"A craftsman?" Chu Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "The little prince should be asking about craftsmen."

"Craftsman?" Chu Hao thought for a while, and felt that the meaning was almost the same, and said, "It's the craftsman. What is the status of the empire's craftsman now?"

"What does the little prince ask this for? Does the little prince want to learn the art of refining weapons?" Chu Mo was a little puzzled.

"I'm just asking casually. Some time ago, Xiao Wang met a craftsman on the street. He said that Xiao Wang had good bones and wanted to accept Xiao Wang as an apprentice, but Xiao Wang refused. It was only when he saw the general that he remembered this. That's why I asked." Chu Hao spoke nonsense.

"Ah!" Unexpectedly, Chu Mo yelled in surprise, his expression fluctuated and nervous, and he said, "Little prince, you mean you met a real craftsman? Why did you refuse? That is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Seeing that this ancient and calm soldier lost his composure, Chu Hao wondered, "What do you mean? Could it be that a craftsman is so precious, and his status is higher than that of a warrior?"

Chu Mo calmed down for a while, and then said seriously: "You can't say that, after all, warriors are the foundation of the empire. If the empire didn't have the [-] Longxiang army composed of my warriors, why would other countries in the entire continent be so afraid of our country? , even the Mayan Empire in the north only dared to 'harass' and dare not suppress the army. This is the reason. And..."

"Well, general, please tell me the main point..." Chu Hao saw that Chu Mo was going to talk endlessly, coughed a few times, interrupted him, and said, "Xiao Wang naturally knows that the status of warriors is transcendent, but I didn’t care much about the profession of craftsman before, so I want to ask the general.”

"If the little prince is asking someone else, he may not get an answer, but the general followed the prince before and entered the palace many times." Chu Mo's face became serious, and said: "In the folk, the name craftsman It may be unfamiliar to many warriors, but in the palace, the last general saw with his own eyes the current emperor giving a great gift to a craftsman! It is even said that a blacksmith is a humble occupation for refining ordinary weapons, but a craftsman is a continuous It is a noble profession that congenital masters must respect!"

"Great gift from the elder?" Chu Hao thought for a while, and then he understood, that is, the emperor bowed to the craftsman.However, the king of a country respects craftsmen so much, Chu Hao's mood suddenly became a little excited.

"Yes." Chu Mo nodded affirmatively, and said: "This matter is not only known by the general, but also by many people in the court. One of the emperor's servants in the palace is a craftsman. But This craftsman not only has a detached status, but also has great power, and he can even use the imperial gift token to mobilize the National Guard, which is extremely beautiful."

Chu Hao never imagined that a craftsman would be so popular in this world that even the emperor would be afraid of it.Although he was puzzled, he still asked: "Then what does this craftsman usually do? Drinking tea and singing ditties in the palace? Roaming around the capital relying on his status? A fox pretends to be a tiger?"

"The little prince was joking." Chu Mo, who is so dull, naturally couldn't understand Chu Hao's joke, and said seriously: "It is said that the noble profession of craftsman is for refining high-quality weapons. Practicing Qi Senior experts at the level or even the foundation level, the excellent weapons they use are from the hands of craftsmen, otherwise, they would not have such a respected status."

Chu Hao was speechless inwardly: "Smelting weapons for so many people? He's tired enough."

"The last general is just an example. In the entire empire, although there are mysterious craftsmen, there are not too few of them. And the craftsman in the palace may be more outstanding in refining weapons, so he can be so respected by the Holy One. "

Chu Mo's answer was quite satisfactory, exuding the taste of an imperial general. For some reason, his answer made Chu Hao uncomfortable.He thought for a while, asked a few more questions and let Chu Mo leave.

Standing at the same spot, Chu Hao thought for a while, and felt that the future of the craftsman profession was extremely bright, and his own experience was considered seasoned. If he could abduct a few strong men with the things produced by craftsmen, he wouldn't care if he could. It's a question of cultivation.

But it's a pity that he has the fire control talent that makes the world covetous, but he can only sigh and cannot use it.

Thinking of this, he felt dizzy.

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