
Chapter 122 Rage

The heavy rain showed no signs of stopping, and the wind was howling. It was the coldest when the winter was not warm.

The gloomy sky made Chu Hao's uneasiness even stronger, Duo Ruicheng! ! ! !

As soon as he arrived at the sky above Duorui City, Chu Hao saw the chaotic scene. Although there was no change in the barracks outside, there were quite a few soldiers of the Yaohu Army gathered on the roads of the city. Flying in the direction of the mansion, the eye-catching scenery made his pupils shrink!

The courtyard wall of the mansion is in a mess at the moment, especially around Lin Yueer's courtyard, it is extremely dilapidated, and one can tell that it has been the scene of a big battle.Chu Hao's heart was tightened in an instant, and the heavy rain fell on all sides of the yard, and the sound seemed to be amplified several times, and it penetrated into his ears.

He swept over, and saw that Huang Hongjin and the others' bodies were lying on the ground covered in scorched black at the moment. A short but extremely strong stone man was stopped abruptly.The bodies of many soldiers were also piled up beside the street, and their life and death were also unknown.

"What is that?" Chu Hao's heart trembled violently, the stone man gave him the same feeling, each of them was almost a congenital monk, and every time he punched, there would be one or two punches. A soldier fell, terrifying to the extreme!

The soldiers of the Yaohu Army also showed fear in the face of such a strange thing that was tireless and unafraid of death, and the momentum of charging gradually began to weaken.

There was no Jiang Yuan in the crowd, only the two commanders, their voices hoarse.

The air was filled with the smell of burnt smoke after the explosion. Li Meng's twenty royal guards were lying on the ground in ragged clothes, the scars on their bodies seemed to have been exploded by gunpowder.

My subordinates, the soldiers and guards of the palace, and Lin Yueer...

A monstrous anger surged in Chu Hao's heart, like a raging flame swept by a prairie fire, burning his muscles, bones, heart, feeling, he was in pain!

"Is it Prince Weiyuan's son..."

The sound of fighting in the rain was endless, and the two stone figures were like two gods of war, refusing to give an inch.

Chu Hao didn't know how long this fight had passed, because the scene around here was too weird, and there were no traces of the innate monk's attack. Chu Hao narrowed his eyes, but saw many small cyan bugs. When he was about to go down, a loud roar came from the room and rushed straight to Xiaohan.

This voice is mixed with seven points of hatred, two points of murderous intent, and one point of joy!

Innate monk!

The reason why Chu Hao didn't dare to go down rashly just now was because he wasn't sure where that person was.Since he arrived in Dori City, his spiritual consciousness has been spreading, but it has covered the surrounding area, but he still can't feel the other party's existence at all.It can be seen from this that the opponent must be a monk above the fifth level of innateness!

Therefore, Chu Hao could only force himself to calm down.Although he can't wait to go down immediately to check the life and death of Huang Hongjin and others, and to find the whereabouts of Lin Yueer, but he knows that the price of his impulsiveness is to give up hope!

He can't do this now, otherwise, not only will he not be able to save people, but he will also get involved!

Chen Honghong's teleportation made his mind clearer, even if he was blindfolded by anger, he couldn't fall into the enemy's trap!

And this loud roar came from Lin Yueer's previous yard!

Accompanied by these affirmative questions, there was a bang above the eaves, and the ceiling of the house was smashed in the rain, revealing the scene inside instantly!

In that room, Xiaodie was lying on the outermost floor, her hair covered her beautiful face, she couldn't see her expression clearly, but it could be imagined that she passed out.And in front of the coffee table in the center of the hall, a purple-robed young man with open beard and hair was sitting in front of him. He was holding a pot of wine in one hand and drinking himself in the other.Whether it was his expression or his aura, he exuded an extremely arrogance. His eyes were as sharp and arrogant as a falcon, like the blades of a hot smelting blade. The torrential heat wave broke through the heavy rain and hurt Chu Hao's eyes.

Chu Hao tried his best to open his eyes wide, endured the soreness, and slowly moved his gaze away from the man's body, then to the other side, his breathing seemed to be stagnant.

I saw Lin Yue'er resting one hand on the edge of the bed, her delicate body slumped on the edge of the bed, her black hair covered her entire head, her clothes were disheveled, and there were some bruises on the exposed half of her white wrist.


Chu Hao's cold eyes were like lightning, his whole body was raging with anger, and he said sharply, "What did you do to her?!"

"You're here before you can do anything. You're not slow." The man's expression didn't change a bit, but his tone was full of playfulness and sarcasm. sorry."

Chu Hao resisted the thought of rushing down, took a few breaths, and said, "Let her go."

"Aren't you curious, who am I?" Li Beihong was a little surprised by Chu Hao's reaction, and he glanced at Lin Yue'er beside the bed, feeling rather regretful in his heart.

"You are a dying person, I have no interest in you!" Chu Hao's eyes were red and bloodshot, like a trapped animal, suppressing it in order to accumulate the last burst of power.

"Hahahaha!" Li Beihong couldn't help laughing, it was the first time he saw such an arrogant guy when he was about to die.Li Beihong stretched out his index finger, waved it lightly a few times, and then said, "Your Majesty, I am looking forward to what you said, but unfortunately, it will never happen..."

"Let her go, what's the matter, come to me!" Chu Hao clenched his teeth, anger hit his mind, his joints were crackling, and his fists were tightly clenched.

"Let her go?" Li Beihong sneered, and said, "You didn't break your head, did you? Don't worry, I'm here for you, and you can't dodge even if you want to."

With that said, Li Beihong looked at Lin Yue'er, then stretched out his hand, a suction gathered in his palm, Lin Yue'er's body rose from the ground out of thin air, and flew towards him.

"Bastard, I'm going to fuck your whole family!" Chu Hao roared angrily, and couldn't hold it any longer, moving against the wind, his body flew towards the bottom!

"Hmph, mortals in the Houtian stage are worthy of fighting with me!" Li Beihong laughed loudly, and saw that he pressed Lin Yueer's body on the table, and then stretched out his hand to grab it. Immediately, Lin Yueer's clothes instantly changed. The skin on Ruyu's back was broken by the rain, and it was white and dazzling, revealing the soft hedgehog armor inside.

"I will definitely kill you!"

A few bone-eating worms flew out of Li Beihong's storage bag. Accompanied by a group of self-destructive worms, Chu Hao was intercepted before approaching the yard.Seeing this scene, Chu Hao was about to burst into tears, his fiery red eyes were filled with palpitating flames, and blood burst from the skin of his lower lip. He didn't realize it until a self-destructive worm exploded beside him , blasting his body to the ground, Chu Hao raised his head, his hair spread wildly, and let out a heart-piercing roar!

"Kill me?" Li Beihong's icy smile was like a gust of cold wind, and with a wave of his hand, the bugs enveloped Chu Hao in the face: "I will say this after I have tortured enough."

"Brat, calm down!"

Chen Honghong shouted violently in Chu Hao's mind. Although his voice was very weak, he had no choice but to speak at this moment!

Chu Hao's whole body was shocked, and the Lingtai regained some clarity. He didn't have time to speak, because at this moment those weird bugs were already flying towards him!

"The self-destructive worm and the bone-eating worm, your subordinates should have been injured by these two spirit worms!"

Chen Honghong's words made Chu Hao calm down a bit, but seeing Lin Yue'er being pressed on the table, even though Li Beihong hadn't done anything yet, the torn dress made him unable to suppress his emotions.


Buzzing buzzing sound surrounded the surroundings, Chu Hao shouted loudly in the rain, the aura in his body erupted at this moment, his fingers bent, his hands condensed into claws, and he grabbed at the bone-eating worms and self-destructive worms around him !

The aura gathers in Chu Hao's hands, which is different from acquired energy. The level of the two kinds of spirit insects is not high. In addition, Chu Hao's aura is too pure, so the spirit insects are afraid of it instinctively. heart of!

Hearing a hissing sound, Chu Hao swiped a few times, and within three breaths, he wiped out all the self-destructive worms around him. Although the bone-eating worms were stronger, they were still Unable to withstand the blockade of spiritual energy, after a while, those few bone-eating worms were also grabbed by Chu Hao and crushed to death!

Li Beihong's face became a little shocked, and he said, "Aren't you an acquired mortal? How could you have aura?" He was about to reach out to take off Lin Yueer's soft armor at this moment, but seeing Chu Hao so fierce, his hand It just stopped in mid-air.

"This woman should be wearing a Magical Artifact, which can withstand my three attacks just now. It is set at the peak of the second rank or even the third rank. It seems that Qin Bo has hidden a lot of things from me!" Although Li Beihong was a little surprised by Chu Hao's strength, even so, he could not pose a threat to him, so he was not worried.

I saw Li Beihong smiled coldly, looked straight at Chu Hao's gaze, and did not stop the movement of his hands, ----swish----Lin Yue'er's back was completely exposed in the air, the soft hedgehog Armor was pulled into Li Beihong's hands, and even left two harsh and glaring red marks on Lin Yue'er's back.

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