
Chapter 123 Rainbow in the Rain

Chu Hao carried Lin Yue'er into the attic, and the noise outside had nothing to do with him now.

When the door on the second floor was closed, Chu Hao's mind was in a trance again, and his body fell towards the door lattice next to him, barely supporting his body.Chu Hao gritted his teeth, and then gently placed Lin Yue'er's body on the bed.

Chu Hao's hands trembled. Looking at Lin Yue'er's drenched body and peaceful face, he felt grief from his heart, and Zilonghuo stirred up in his body, raising the temperature in the whole room rapidly.

"Don't do stupid things." Chen Honghong finally spoke, with a dignified voice, "You should be very clear about the attribute of weapon fire. It is the fire of chaos. How can you use it to heat up and smoke people." After a pause, he said: "For Wipe your body, girl, she is not hopeless."

Chu Hao took a deep breath, nodded, picked up a cotton handkerchief, and gently wiped Lin Yueer's body.His expression became more and more painful, from the gentleness at the beginning to the trembling all over in the end, he couldn't continue anymore.


Chu Hao turned his head suddenly, coughed several times in a row, and spat out another mouthful of blood before covering his chest.He was bloodshot, and the corners of his mouth were clearly visible.

"Don't waste time, the longer you delay, the weaker Lin Yue'er's life will be!" Chen Honghong knew that Chu Hao was feeling very uncomfortable, but from his standpoint, he couldn't give him space to be quiet!

"Is there help?" Chu Hao's eyes lit up, and the lifeless person seemed to come back to life, and then he said, "Can I really come back to life?" After finishing speaking, his head was in a trance again, and then he staggered a few steps and stopped down.

The innate six-level dynamic art is really powerful!

Chen Honghong said: "Do as I said, you don't have much time, and there will be a fierce battle at Li Beihong's place in a while! Whether you can regain Lin Yueer's imprisoned 'two souls and four souls' depends entirely on you alone, you At this time, don't fall down!"

Chu Hao sat cross-legged on the side of the bed, adjusted his breath, and then opened his eyes, the spiritual energy in his whole body was floating outwards, and he only heard him say: "Tell me, how to do it?"

Chen Honghong said: "Just now that kid from the Li family used a magic weapon like the Banner of Forbidden Soul, and at least it is close to Xiaocheng's Banner of Forbidden Soul, which can block the three souls and six souls of mortals." Speaking of which, Chen Honghong was afraid of Chu Hao Unable to understand, he said again: "The soul-suppressing flag and the soul-suppressing mantra are one of the most vicious methods used by monks. Unless there is a mortal enemy, no one will use this vicious method to restrain people." Soul. Even if you kill a person, it’s just the reincarnation of the heavens, and life and death are rewarded. As a master of crafting in your previous life, you should know the extraordinaryness of this Banner of Forbidden Soul.”

"En." Chu Hao nodded, and said slowly: "The refining of the Forbidden Soul Banner is quite complicated, and I haven't done it before. It's not that I don't have enough attainments, but it's impossible to do it."

"His evil soul-suppressing flag, at least used the blood of more than [-] resentful spirits to sacrifice, and then washed it with the blood of more than a hundred virgins, so that it could have the power it is today. If Lin Yue'er hadn't had the ice attribute The mutated spirit root, I am afraid that the three souls and seven souls will be absorbed by him." Chen Honghong sighed, and said: "It is just the forbidden soul banner, which is easy to earn, but it is too difficult to take out the soul unless it is the host of the forbidden soul banner gone."

"People have three souls and seven souls. Now Yue'er girl has been sucked away by the Banner of Forbidden Souls. Two souls and four souls are still left in her body. Up to Xiaocheng, it is only useful to ordinary people, I am afraid that Yueer girl is really in danger now, her body is exhausted. After all, she is not a monk."

Chu Hao said: "Tell me the method."

"Introduce the qi from the center, wrap the inner energy of the dantian, form a seal, follow me to recite the formula, use the four directions to worship the formation, and revive the soul..." Chen Honghong slowly uttered an obscure formula, Chu Haomo Keeping that in mind, then flipped his hands in front of his chest, the phantom swayed, forming several empty palm prints.

The spiritual energy was churning in his hands, and then Chu Hao let out a muffled growl, and began to recite the mantra of resurrection, a glaring milky white light radiated from his whole body and converged on the top of his head.Chu Hao sat cross-legged on the ground, his figure didn't move, and he exuded a holy aura. As long as he pushed with both hands, the spiritual energy covering his head enveloped Lin Yue'er's body.

chi chi chi chi chi ----

There was a crackling sound in the air, and Lin Yue'er's body moved slightly imperceptibly. Chu Hao was overjoyed and didn't dare to neglect. It covered Lin Yueer's body.

Seen from a distance, Lin Yue'er seems to be a wrapped chrysalis at this moment, with strands of aura providing her with vitality.

The whole process continued, Chu Hao's forehead overflowed with sweat, and his strong body, which was soaked by the rain just now, was also lifted by the heat from his body and dispersed in the air. There was a faint fragrance in the milky white halo.

"Stick to the Lingtai, and do it one more time at the end, and you will be able to keep Yue'er girl's three souls. As long as this soul and three souls don't dissipate, then Yue'er girl will have a chance to recover!" Chen Honghong said.

As soon as Chu Hao gritted his teeth, he opened his eyes suddenly, the aura in his body cascaded out as if desperately, the halo was even more dazzling, and Lin Yue'er's arm also moved slightly.


After doing all this, Chu Hao collapsed. After Jie Yin received his work, he sat on the ground and panted heavily.And his eyes were fixed on Lin Yue'er who was being nurtured by spiritual energy.

"Two souls and four souls, that member of the Li family is vicious and cunning, damn it!" Chu Hao's anger swept through his body and mind again, his fists were clenched tightly, his veins were bulging, and his hatred for Li Beihong had reached the peak of his life!

Lin Yue'er is the person he loves the most in this life, the person he promised to protect for the rest of his life, but now, he has become a "living dead", and even his soul is sucked away!

Chu Hao couldn't forgive himself, nor could he forgive the Li family!

The tyrannical emotions raged wildly in Chu Hao's mind. After silently reciting a few heart-cleaning mantras, Chu Hao gradually calmed down.Standing up, Chu Hao came to the bedside and touched Lin Yue'er's elegant and peaceful face, but the tenderness and sweetness in his heart could not be dissipated, and what was trapped was such a sad scar.

A tree loses a leaf, it can grow again, and a person loses his favorite, how can he get it back?

Chu Hao didn't know that in his previous life, he had never experienced such pain!

After staring at Lin Yue'er for a long time, Chu Hao suppressed his sore nose, and after covering Lin Yue'er with a blanket and quilt, he walked to the side again, and then sat down, cross-legged.

Another hour...

Chu Hao's eyes shone with a menacing light like a beast. He punched his chest hard, and after forcing himself to calm down, he adjusted his breath and slowly closed his eyes.


Chen Honghong, I can only rely on you for a while.

no problem!


The mountains beside Duorui City are endless and endless.

At this moment, the heavy rain is about to stop, only the occasional drizzle, sad and cold.

There was no rumbling thunder in the rainstorm just now. Although everything was quiet after the rain, there was no sense of comfort.

I saw a figure flying out of the sky above Duorui City, Chu Hao hugged Lin Yueer's body, and Li Jie's body was dragged behind him, all the Yaohu Army soldiers below saw it.

"General, do you want to follow His Highness Shizi? If something happens..." Shizi was able to fly, which shocked everyone. Amidst the discussions, one of the commanders was quite calm and turned to Jiang Yuan and said.

"No need!" Jiang Yuan waved his hand, his eyes were unusually deep, thinking of Chu Hao's kick just now and the strength he displayed now, there was a suppressed emotion in his heart that could not be dispelled.

"Little Overlord, you're back..."

Chu Hao flew to the mountains, and he knew where Li Beihong was without looking for it.Because from the moment he left Duorui City, a breath locked on him firmly, needless to say, it was Li Beihong's crazy murderous aura.

Lock yourself in and force yourself in that direction!

The Yukong Talisman could not be used for a long time, Chu Hao accelerated with all his strength, and came to the top of the mountain that was over six hundred feet high.This is the tallest mountain in the vicinity, overlooking the clouds.

Landing on the top of the mountain, Chu Hao dragged Li Jie's body like this, allowing him to slide on the ground, and slowly stood still.

The whole mountain is not too big, but because of its high height, the wind blows loudly here, and it is like a knife cutting, and the icy coolness makes people's cheeks hurt.

Chu Hao used his spiritual energy to isolate the surrounding hurricane and light rain from Lin Yue'er's body.

In fact, he didn't want to bring Lin Yue'er up, but he had to carry Lin Yueer up because only the body was there.

At the top of the mountain with a diameter of less than twenty chapters, at this moment only Li Beihong was sitting on a high rock.Seeing Chu Hao approaching, his eyes shrank. Li Jie's body was dragged in the rain with a rough scar, which made him still angry!

"Good time!" Li Beihong was deeply stimulated by this scene. He is an elite of a high-ranking cultivation family, a disciple of the Ziyun Sect of the three major gates, and a super monk at the sixth level of Qi training, but his younger brother is treated like this Trapped and ruined!

He only heard a cold snort, but his figure didn't move, but a gust of wind came howling, trying to snatch Li Jie's body!

Chu Hao let out a loud roar, and stepped on Li Jie's body, no matter how raging the gust of wind was, he couldn't move him a single bit!His eyes were also cold, staring at Li Jie who was on the sixth level of innate level, without the slightest hint of fear!

Li Beihong was slightly surprised. It was indeed unexpected that Chu Hao could persist under such coercion as his own.And what's even more strange is that this child now doesn't have the angry and expressive look before, and there is only one word all over his body, that is cold, bone-piercing ice-cold!

Did he think he could fight me? !

Li Beihong kept sneering in his heart, and his gaze towards Chu Hao was mixed with deep disdain. Not to mention him, but Tao Ranju, an expert who came to help in the foundation-building stage, as long as he had the opportunity, Chu Hao would absolutely Impossible to survive!

And Tao Ranju's monk, it is impossible to kill himself, against the entire Purple Cloud Sect!

Chu Hao said coldly: "Li Jie's body is here, give me the Banner of Forbidden Soul, and I will give you his body!"

Li Beihong also responded with a sneer, and said: "You have no right to negotiate with me now, give me Li Jie's body now, and I can let you live a little longer!" Mie looked at Chu Hao, "I've been forgetting to introduce myself, I'm sorry, but you still don't know the name of the person who killed you..."

Li Beihong's eyes were bloodshot, and he said, "Remember, my name is Li Beihong, and I am Li Jie's eldest brother. You died at the hands of me, Li Beihong!"

Chu Hao took a deep breath, and the name Li Beihong was deeply imprinted in his heart for an instant, and then slowly said: "Li Beihong, another unqualified name, just like your damn brother Li Jie, who is as unproficient as you!" He Stepping on Li Jie's corpse, he said these words, but he refused to lose the slightest momentum.

"I didn't intend to ask you that question just now, I just want to know, how did you find me?"

Chu Hao's actions made Li Beihong almost unable to suppress the anger in his heart. When he was about to explode, he sneered again when he heard this, and said, "This sentence, wait until you enter reincarnation, and then ask about the impermanence of reincarnation!"

After all, Li Beihong's purple robe suddenly swelled up, and within a breath, a streak of purple awns flashed across his hand, and immediately - the wind rose, and the wind was fiercer than a knife!

In an instant, dense wind blades rolled towards Chu Hao in a roll!

This is the Great Wind Curse, one of the most offensive spells in the innate stage!

Facing Chu Hao, and seeing Li Jie's corpse being dragged miserably on the ground and trampled under his feet, Li Beihong finally couldn't stand it any longer. He no longer cared about the latter's mortal status, and used a spell for the first time!

Puff puff puff----

The air seemed to be scratched by these curling wind blades. They buzzed loudly and made great momentum, leaving no room for Chu Hao!

At this moment, Chu Hao was still holding Lin Yueer. Under such a harsh attack, with his innate physical body, he would definitely be seriously injured, and Lin Yueer's body would not be safe.But if he backed away to dodge, the damage would naturally be minimized, but in this way, Li Jie's body would be empty under his feet, giving Li Beihong an opportunity to take advantage of it!

And this is exactly Li Beihong's goal!

He has no intention of killing Chu Hao now, at least he has to torture Chu Hao to death, so that he can vent his hatred!

Facing so many wind blades, enveloping him in all directions, Chu Hao did not dodge or dodge, nor did he use any internal force and spiritual energy to resist, but roared out of thin air!



This burst of sound waves tore apart the wind blade in front of it in an instant, forming a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye. Among the brilliant blue light, the attack of the Great Wind Curse was actually eliminated invisibly!

The aura, the compelling aura, the moment Chu Hao opened his mouth, it was like a dam bursting out, venting out!

Chu Hao often plays cards unreasonably. Ever since Li Beihong saw him, this mortal has never surrendered under his own pressure. It was not until he saw Lin Yueer's soul taken away that he lost his composure and became furious. Even if he was restrained, he could still Yelling, not knowing what to be afraid of!

Coupled with this move now, it completely exceeded Li Beihong's expectation!

Even the majestic aura mixed in that sound wave shocked him even more!

The blue light came and dissipated quickly. Li Beihong had been focusing on Li Jie's body just now. Now that the Gale Curse was removed, he would no longer be able to see it, but he felt a little more suspicious in his heart.

Just after the wind dissipated, there were scattered raindrops on the mountain peak, but it still continued.Li Beihong was about to speak, but Chu Hao suddenly stepped on Li Jie's body again, and he suddenly laughed.

This smile was cold, accompanied by the blood on his face, and an indescribable aura.

"What are you laughing at?" For some reason, the moment Li Beihong saw this smile, an unspeakable coolness arose in Li Beihong's heart, and his hair shuddered!

But after only a while, he put the ridiculous emotion aside, stood up from the big rock on the mountain peak, then looked at Chu Hao coldly, and said with a sneer: "It seems that you still have some magic weapon on you. The Great Wind Curse that can block [-]% of my innate energy, but you think you can defeat me? Are you still laughing? How naive!”

Chu Hao didn't care at all, he lowered his head, looked at Li Jie's corpse at his feet, withdrew his smile, and said, "Li Beihong, right? I can guess what you want to do! Li Jie's body is here, you There are evil things like soul-forbidden banners. I think your Li family is not a good bird. There should be soul-absorbing banners and the like. What you want is Li Jie's complete corpse, with a soul in it, and a great supernatural power casts spells for Li Jie. Resurrect..."

Li Beihong was taken aback by one sentence, and then sneered, "Unexpectedly, you know quite a lot."

"Your Li family really has a lot of money for a magic weapon that can absorb souls and prevent them from dissipating." Chu Hao continued: "You have seen my method just now, I can tell you clearly, if you don't want Li Jie In this way, her soul is scattered and she cannot be revived, then you should immediately hand over the Banner of Forbidden Soul to me and release her soul!"

As he said that, the aura on Chu Hao's body was accompanied by a burst of blue light, and rushed towards Li Jie's corpse. A strange thing happened, and there was a painful expression on the dead Li Jie's face!

He was already dead, how could he have a painful expression? !

Li Jie is a martial arts master who is close to the innate stage, and he almost didn't open the Tianmen acupoint on the back of his head to enter the innate, and his soul is considered the most powerful in the postnatal stage!His soul has been imprisoned in the Primordial Cauldron, and after three full months of refinement of spirit energy and gold liquid, his soul has long been scattered, and there is no trace of wisdom to speak of.

It's just that in order to frighten Li Beihong, Chu Hao had to use the spiritual power of Hunyuan Ding to simulate Li Jie's pain, making the latter think that Li Jie's soul could be easily destroyed!

"You!----" Li Beihong's eyes widened. Seeing this scene, he never expected that Chu Hao could really control Li Jie's soul. The blue light was so wicked that he couldn't see it through at all!After speaking halfway, Li Beihong stopped, holding back his rage, and said in a cold voice, "Don't act recklessly!"

Chu Hao ignored him, and then stepped down again, crackling——

This time, the painful expression on Li Jie's face was even worse. Chu Hao's feet were shining blue, his figure was tall, and he sneered menacingly. He looked extremely evil, "As you said, I am a dying man anyway , it might as well let Li Jie be buried with him!"

Li Beihong gritted his teeth, hating Chu Hao to the bone, for a mortal to come to negotiate terms with him, this is an insult!

However, even if there is only one tenth chance of bringing Li Jie back to life, he has to fight for it. After all, there are only the two of them in the Li family's direct lineage!

"Alright, I have released the girl's soul, and you hand over Li Jie's body to me!"

Li Beihong gritted his teeth and finally compromised!


Two chapters in one.

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