
Chapter 126 Chen Honghong goes crazy!

In his previous life, as the spirit of the psychic magic weapon Hunyuanding, it can be said that Chen Honghong should basically have the widest knowledge in this world of the second heaven, except for the monks of the Nine Heavens Pagoda!

Even Chu Hao is determined to be inferior to him!

The purple dragon swordsmanship in front of him is really ridiculous to Chen Honghong. Now that he is occupying Chu Hao's body, although he can't exert his domineering strength at his peak, how can Li Beihong's moves be in his eyes! ?

Therefore, Chen Honghong sneered, and saw that when the four flying swords were about to approach him, his body suddenly shone with golden light, forming a circle of shock-like ripples, and scattered in all directions!

Clang clang clang!

The sound of Jin Ge colliding gradually resounded, when the four flying swords approached the golden strange circle, the purple air above was swallowed up in an instant, and the body of the flying sword trembled violently, and was also thrown out by the bounce. The flying swords backed up vertically in the air, and joined together in an instant. Li Beihong's fierce move was easily blocked just like that.

That kind of feeling can even be described as a child throwing mud at an adult, no harm, no effect!

Seeing this scene now, Li Beihong felt such an aggrieved feeling in his heart!

Bran's sword was connected with him, and after this move failed, the golden light did not push back, but wrapped itself around the body of Bran's sword, and retaliated fiercely.I saw the golden light forming a huge palm in the air, and at the gap where the four flying swords closed, the palm was pressed down from the sky!

Boom boom boom... As if the sky and the earth were collapsing, the flying sword was slapped by the golden palm, and there were several gaps in the sword body, and it fell directly to the bottom of the cliff, losing its aura!

Li Beihong's face was filled with astonishment, Bo Lanjian suffered such a heavy blow, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!This was the first time he was injured on a mortal, but the anger on his face couldn't overshadow the deep trembling in his heart!

A third-grade magic weapon, my own magic weapon is a third-grade flying sword!

How can it be!This kid didn't even sacrifice a magic weapon, just ruined his attack like this!That strange golden light and blue light, what kind of weird thing is it, it is definitely not an acquired skill!

Several thoughts flashed across Li Beihong's mind, but right now was not the time to hesitate, so he held back the churning qi and blood, circulated the innate qi, and then spewed out a purple qi, entangled the Nabran sword, and dragged With a pull, it flew back into his hand!

As soon as he turned around, Li Beihong's pupils shrank again!

I saw Chen Honghong running the golden light, exuding a compelling aura from his big hands, which instantly condensed into fingerprints, and slapped Li Beihong's head again!

Boom boom boom!

There were bursts of vibrating sounds in the air. Li Beihong had seen the weirdness of the handprint just now, so he didn't dare to touch it head-on, so he quickly pulled away and dodged to the side! ----boom!

A dull roar echoed between the heaven and the earth, and Li Beihong looked at the huge deep pit in fear, as if the entire mountain was shaken by this blow!

Looking up at Chen Honghong, I saw the latter floating in mid-air, and said with a sneer: "Unexpectedly, you are quite proficient in the Pingsha Luoyan Rolling Ground style. How does this Hunyuan Mahamudra taste for me?"

Hunyuan Mahamudra?

Hearing the name, he knew it was extraordinary. Li Beihong's body shook, his spiritual sense was on full display, but he couldn't feel what kind of cultivation level Chu Hao had!This situation made Li Beihong even more shocked and horrified!

If he had hidden his strength back then, how could he have watched his beloved woman fall off the cliff?If not, then how to explain the current situation, his strength cannot be possessed by the day after tomorrow!Hunyuan Mahamudra, which can be used by mortals the day after tomorrow?A spell that can destroy a third-grade magic weapon? !

Holding the flying sword in his hand, Li Beihong's face was uncertain. To be honest, he is also very afraid of Chen Honghong in his heart now. He rushed towards Chen Honghong who was in mid-air!

Chen Honghong smiled contemptuously, put his hands together, and then turned around. This time, a blue light shot out from his chest. Before the two stone figures approached him, they were blown away and fell to the ground staggeringly!

"The two acquired Dzogchen physical bodies, although they are just talisman papers, are still useful." As she spoke, Chen Honghong's eyes were cold, her body floated down and stepped on the ground, puff puff——the ground instantly bulged The pangolin crawled across the general crack, and instantly shook the gravel from the left to the right, wrapping the two Duli stone figures in it!

In an instant, the golden light formed two gas flying swords, swishing and swishing into countless ones, the blue light ignited in the outer circle of the golden light, and the two pocket stone figures were wrapped in the flying swords, instantly turning into two Zhang talisman paper!

Chen Honghong stretched out his hand and held it in his hand.He raised his eyes to look at Li Beihong who was stunned, and smiled coldly: "Take out the Banner of Forbidden Soul, I will give you a good time!"

At this moment, Chen Honghong's aura has skyrocketed, and the blue and golden lights on his body are shining, which makes people dare not look at him closely!

Li Beihong suddenly remembered something, and said in horror: "You, are you Chen Honghong?!"

Chen Honghong's body paused, and then a fierce look appeared in her eyes, "I really have a good memory, what a pity!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Beihong was shocked!Just now Chu Hao called Chen Honghong loudly, but he didn't take it seriously. Now that he heard Chen Honghong's affirmation, he realized that the Tao Ranju cultivator should be a fake, and the one who killed Li Jie should be the one in front of him who occupied the body of the prince Chen Honghong!

One body, two consciousnesses?

Even Li Beihong, who is a monk, felt a little unbelievable, but Chu Hao had changed too much before and after, so he could only guess like this, but he didn't expect that this guess was the truth!

Li Beihong is not a sloppy person, not in the past, and now when life and death are unpredictable, he is not!

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Li Beihong roared and said ferociously: "It doesn't matter who you are, but if you kill my second brother, I will avenge this revenge, and you will pay the price!" Winding out from his back, it seemed to form two huge wings, one on the left and the other on the right. He soared into the air with a solemn and pale face, and a round magic weapon with white light flew out of his cuff in an instant, floating in the air. His chest!

"Fourth grade magic weapon?" Sensing the level of aura, Chen Honghong groaned faintly, but she was a little surprised that Li Beihong actually had a fourth grade magic weapon!

"That's right, this is the Yin-Yang Illusory Moon Mirror. Whether it's you, Chen Honghong or that son, go to hell!" Li Beihong laughed wildly. After seeing Chen Honghong's strength, he had to sacrifice his last trump card!

Fourth Grade Magical Artifact!

On the way to Duorui City, he has been refining this thing, just to resist Tao Ranju's Foundation Establishment monk!At this moment, even though he didn't see Tao Ranju's cultivator, something even more heart-shattering happened!

Chen Honghong, the son actually has a powerful soul in his body!

Definitely much stronger than myself!

Therefore, he no longer hesitated, and sacrificed his master's Yin-Yang Illusory Moon Mirror, and the purple energy came from the east!

Chi Chi Chi... The space seemed to be stirred up by the appearance of this magic weapon, and I saw the crazy colors on Li Beihong's face flashing one after another. Spirit snakes stirred in front of the round mirror like spirit snakes, and a dazzling white light rose from the mirror amidst the brilliance, accompanied by Li Beihong's loud shout, ----boom----

The majesty tearing apart the heavens and the earth, the white awn that pierced the sky, shot towards Chen Honghong!


My head is very dizzy, the cold has happened for less than a week, and another tragedy, the evil electric fan...

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