
Chapter 127 Yin-Yang Phantom Moon Mirror!

The Yin-Yang Illusory Moon Mirror is the famous magic weapon of Ziyunmen Yun Laodao!

In this second heaven plane, the fourth-grade magical artifacts are already close to the top-level existence, and the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror is even a high-end treasure of the fourth-grade magical artifacts!

Old Taoist Yun once used this thing to kill monks who were close to the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment Stage, which can be seen from this!

This time he lent it to Li Beihong. Although he didn't know who Li Beihong was going to attack, it could be seen that he treated this apprentice really well.When he was driven away from Ziyunmen, it was entirely because of the pressure of other elders that he chose Chu Dongliu as the master of the fifth-grade treasure, Mountains and Rivers Map, and made a helpless compromise!

Since the Yin-Yang Illusory Moon Mirror has such a reputation, it is impossible for it to be a vulgar thing. Li Beihong smiled grimly. Although he did not completely refine it, he can at least use the power of six or seven layers!

For a son, it should be enough!

Facing the beam-like white awn, which was about one foot wide, Chen Honghong also felt the tremendous pressure of space, and it was pressing towards him.

"A fourth-grade magic weapon dares to be called yin and yang. It really doesn't know how to live or die!" Chen Honghong also roared in response. Then, he quickly formed a seal with both hands. In his solemnity, the blue light overshadowed the golden light on his body. Before the white glow struck, the Hunyuan Ding appeared amidst the roar, vibrating like a beast's roar!

The eighth-rank treasure vessel vs. the fourth-rank magic weapon!

The appearance of Hunyuan Ding only took a moment, and the complex carvings were accompanied by blue light, like a beast out of trouble, rising between the heaven and the earth, roaring and roaring--the muffled sound continued, when Baimang approached, He stood in front of Chen Honghong's body without missing a second!

The collision of the two instruments made the entire mountain seem to collapse, and there were bursts of cracking sounds in the air, which made people mad!

Li Beihong was floating in mid-air, relying on the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror to support the big wings of Ziqi, and at this moment it was gradually fading!Just now, the attack of the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror was blocked by a burst of blue light, he was inexplicably shocked, only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a burst of body, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!

He staggered to the ground, and the gesture of the seal still controlled the floating of the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror, but there was a little more shock and disbelief in his eyes!

I saw that there was an extra cauldron furnace with blue light in front of Chen Honghong, exuding amazing aura!

It should be this thing that eliminated the attack of the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror just now!

Li Beihong stared closely at the Hunyuan Ding, his face was unpredictable, he saw Chen Honghong floating in the air, and then his gestures changed, the Hunyuan Ding, which was originally only the size of a person, gradually began to grow bigger, and the blue light on his body gradually became dazzling !Immediately afterwards, after the size of the Hunyuan Ding became the size of three people, Chen Honghong moved his body and sat on the lid with his buttocks, his hands were overflowing with golden light, and he stared faintly at Li Beihong below, "The Forbidden Soul Banner ,take it out!"

Such a lofty attitude, just like Li Beihong's appearance just now!

The grievance and anger in Li Beihong's heart could not be vented at all. It was the first time he saw the appearance of Hunyuan Ding at this moment, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of fear in his heart. Even, the vast aura made him pay homage to it. !

This feeling is the same as when he was promoted to a true disciple, he glanced at the mountain gate and saw the exquisite bell of the Supreme Elder Xiao Chen!And now, this feeling is even worse!

But, that was Linglongling, a fifth-rank treasure!


Could this oddly shaped tripod also be a treasure? !

Magical artifacts are the same as human beings. The status of the two is so different that it is impossible to have any thoughts of resistance!

Even though Li Beihong didn't believe it, the Yin-Yang Huanyue Mirror was trembling under his control, and that terrifying aura all showed the extraordinaryness of the Hunyuan Ding!

"What are you thinking?" Chen Honghong frowned, the blood on his face had already dried up, but the bright red did not dissipate.

"If you want the Forbidden Soul Banner, unless I die!" Li Beihong forced himself to suppress the throbbing in his heart, and the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror was turned in his hand, his face turned pale again, I saw another white light shot out from the mirror, containing his innate aura, attacking Chen Honghong who was sitting firmly on the Hunyuan cauldron!

"With your ability, you still can't use [-]% of this thing's ability. A single attack has no effect on me!" Chen Honghong sneered: "If you want to die, I can help you!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Honghong slapped the Hunyuan Ding, and the booming sound shook continuously on the top of the mountain. A certain rune on the Hunyuan Ding seemed to come alive. The animal head came out out of nowhere, the animal head was extremely fierce, with round eyes and swaying eyes, as soon as Pu appeared, it exuded a cold bloody aura!

It raised its head and roared, its big blood-colored eyes stared at the white light, then opened its bloody mouth, and devoured it!


Li Beihong's eyes widened, and he instantly recognized the appearance of the beast head!

Ancient fierce beasts are only depicted in certain classics!It turned out to be a kind of totem rune on this weird tripod!

Before Li Beihong recovered from the shock, he saw Taotie swallowed the attack of the Yin-Yang Magical Moon Mirror into his mouth in an instant!After taking a bite, Taotie seemed to be unsatisfied, he smacked his mouth, and then fixedly stared at Li Beihong with big eyes, revealing a gnawing fierceness!


The attack of the Yin-Yang Huanyue Mirror and Li Beihong's innate qi were closely connected. At this moment, Baimang was swallowed up again, and Li Beihong was hit again, with even worse internal injuries!He has no spiritual power, and his cultivation is still at the sixth level of qi training, so he can't use spiritual power to drive the fourth-grade magic weapon. The consumption of innate qi, coupled with the current trauma, he has no stamina anymore!

"Gluttony!!!?" Li Beihong was inexplicably horrified, and even took a few steps back. At this moment, the Bolan sword also flew around his body, looking at the beast transformed by blue energy nervously!

This kind of creature, only existed in ancient times, is a famous devouring beast among high-level monsters!

It is impossible to say that I am not nervous or shocked!

The continuous shock made Li Beihong gradually numb and desperate. This Chen Honghong's strength was beyond imagination, even in his opinion, he was much stronger than his master!And that tripod makes people feel powerless!

Even my own fourth-grade magic weapon is hard to shake!

"Some knowledge!" Chen Honghong's eyes gradually turned cold, and said, "I have only one of the top ten fierce beasts, and you are so afraid that you will look like this. You are really useless! ... What other spells are used together, otherwise I will be killed by Lao Tzu soon!" If you kill the refining soul, you won't have this chance!"

The look in Chen Honghong's eyes made Li Beihong feel flustered. He repeatedly used the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror, but he used all his strength in the move just now, and now he can't use it again at all. It is his limit to be able to use the Bolan Sword again!Hearing Chen Honghong's words, he was even more frightened!

Among the top ten fierce beasts, this fierce-eyed Taotie, who wanted to choose someone to devour, was actually only the first fierce beast!

What is that tripod?Seventh, eighth grade treasure? !

"You...you can't kill me!" Li Beihong's heart was about to burst, and a small blood-colored flag flew out of his storage bag, which was the Banner of Forbidden Souls!He held it in his hand, calmed down for a while, then held it high, and the Bran sword hovered around it, and said in a voiceless voice: "If you kill me, you will never be able to get the soul of that woman just now, and you will not be able to use it again Come to absorb the soul and bring it back to life!"

He paused, swallowed his saliva, controlled the feeling of fear in front of him, looked directly at Chen Honghong and the gluttonous beast, and continued: "Your name is Chen Honghong, right, you haven't appeared just now, it must take some time Or only certain energy can appear, and you will definitely not appear for too long, if I don't give you the Forbidden Soul Banner, you can't revive that woman, so how about we make a deal?"

"What deal, let's hear it?!" Chen Honghong looked at Li Beihong with great interest, then waved his hand, wrapped in a golden light, took the Taotie back, the rune dissipated, and attached to the Hunyuan Ding.

Immediately, the pressure in the space dissipated in an instant, and Li Beihong's shoulders, which were as heavy as a thousand weights, lightened, and he breathed a sigh of relief.Gathering his mind, Li Beihong slowly took a step back without leaving a trace, "You let me go, I will give you the Forbidden Soul Banner, and within fifty years, you are not allowed to trouble me, how about it?!"

Saying this, Li Beihong undoubtedly lowered his haughty head and compromised with Chen Honghong!

Just like his younger brother Li Jie!

It's just that he made such a gesture because he felt Chen Honghong's strength personally!

Just before, whether it was Chen Honghong flying into the sky, or the golden and blue Hunyuan Ding appeared, he did not feel any regret or fear, but after the phantom of Taotie appeared, the power that almost swallowed the world made him feel He knew that Chen Honghong was definitely not just talking about it. The powerful aura of this beast shouldn't have appeared in this world at all!

"A person from the upper realm? He took away the son?"

At this moment, the regret in Li Beihong's heart flooded him like a tide, he could only calm down and propose such a compromise!As long as Chen Honghong agrees, he will go back immediately and report the matter to the family and the teacher!

"Oh?" A gleam flashed in Chen Honghong's eyes, but Li Beihong couldn't fathom the deep meaning of his face. At this moment, the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror had lost the support of his innate energy and fell into his hands. The soul-suppressing flag in the other hand has been controlled by Bo Lan's sword. If there is any mistake, he will destroy the soul-suppressing flag!

The Forbidden Soul Banner is also a special magical weapon. If Li Beihong wants to destroy Lin Yueer's soul, he must go through a series of refining methods, and there is no time for him to refine it right now, so destroying the magic weapon, It is the perfect threat!

"I promise..." Li Beihong's eyes lit up at the first half of Chen Honghong's words, but after that, he just couldn't be happy.Because after Chen Honghong finished saying this, a monstrous power descended from the sky, Li Beihong raised his head in shock, and saw a large handprint with golden light flowing above it, which appeared in the sky!

Hunyuan Mahamudra!

"I promise...you shit, your grandma is a bear, threaten me!"

"Go to hell!"


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