
Chapter 128 Summoning the Soul

Following Chen Honghong's roar, Hunyuan Mahamudra descended from the sky!

Li Beihong's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of horror. Before he could dodge or pierce the Forbidden Soul Banner with his long sword, the Hunyuan Great Handprint enveloped him and hit him hard!


There was a muffled sound, and at the critical moment, Li Beihong circulated the purple qi to the east, and the purple qi shot out from the top of Tianmen's head, but the big golden handprint was as powerful as a bamboo, and it didn't stop for a moment, pressing him down fiercely!

Under this slap, the body of the congenital stage was actually broken!

Li Beihong vomited blood wildly, his face was full of pain!


Chen Honghong sat on the Hunyuan Ding, with Erlang's legs crossed, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then the Hunyuan Ding came over Li Beihong!Chen Honghong waved the big Hunyuan handprint with one hand, and stretched it with the other. Li Beihong was seriously injured at the moment, and he didn't have any extra strength to hold the Forbidden Soul Banner, so Chen Honghong put it in his hand!

"I promised you brat, I will cut you into pieces!"

Chen Honghong's face was full of violence. He hadn't been angry for a long time. Seeing that Li Beihong was in pain, but still wanted to climb up the Bolan sword, he groaned cruelly, and then slapped the Hunyuan cauldron!


While the runes were shining, Taotie reappeared!

I saw it let out a bloody aura, and then opened its bloody mouth, ripples and vibrations, and bit at Li Beihong's left hand!

Puff——The sound of separation of flesh and blood was heard, and only Li Beihong screamed. The innate qi could no longer circulate, and the Bolan sword lost control and fell to the ground, while Taotie let out a wild roar, severing his arm. He shook his head and vomited on the ground!

Drenched with blood, the flesh was scarlet.

Li Beihong's eyes were bloodshot, his veins were bulging, and his muscles were bulging, making his heart tremble.

Taotie didn't pay attention to Li Beihong's feelings, it continued to growl, and then the phantom condensed its feet, and with a "bang", it pressed Li Beihong's legs firmly to the ground, then pressed its big mouth, biting again, Li Beihong The other arm of his body is also inevitably torn!

Even though Taotie was only an illusion and had no sense of heavy impact, its sharp teeth torn apart were formed by the wind and existed for real. Even with its innate sixth-layer body, it couldn't resist, and in exchange for it, two arms were broken!

With Li Beihong's disposition, at this moment, the pain is so painful that he almost faints!

Blood continued to leak from the gap between his teeth, he bit it tightly, and gasped for air.And Taotie just stepped on his legs, unable to struggle at all!

He is so miserable that he can't see the majestic appearance before!

Chen Honghong sneered and said, "Do you want to faint? Don't worry, it won't happen as you wish!" He shot out a golden light from his hand, and then hit Li Beihong's male acupoints heavily. Feeling, but it seems to be magnified ten times!


Finally unable to bear it any longer, Li Beihong screamed out, the sound of hissing and gasping spread throughout the space, and his face began to distort!And under such pain, his nerves were so tense that he couldn't even pass out!

Li Beihong's embarrassment now made him think of the joy and magnificence he had when he came to Duorui City. He thought that with the strength of the sixth level of qi training, and the fourth-grade magic weapon, he would be enough to kill the prince before the monks in the foundation building period made a move , but unexpectedly, there are no foundation-building monks at all, and there is only this even more terrifying Chen Honghong!

Chen Honghong!

Who the hell is this!

Chen Honghong's face was cold, and there was no kindness or pity in his eyes. Li Beihong's miserable appearance was nothing compared to the pain and heartbreak that Chu Hao had suffered!

"I'm sorry for you just now, this bastard, I use his soul to pay homage to Yue'er girl."

Chen Honghong didn't have the patience to consume any more, two golden lights flew away from her fingers, one left and one right flew away, Taotie let out a sharp roar, then bent down, hissing hissing—the sound of skin being ripped apart and flesh being shredded, Both of Li Beihong's legs were torn off by him!

Just in time, the golden light came crashing down!

Li Beihong has never been so eager to die as he is now. Chen Honghong's methods are extremely cruel. Under the infinitely expanding pain, he can't be comatose, can't escape, and can only endure it forcefully!

The feeling that life is worse than death, the current experience is undoubtedly the most profound for Li Beihong.

These two golden lights carried the air of death, and Li Beihong had no fear at all. Even under the torture of Chen Honghong and the threat of a murderer like Taotie, he wished he could die sooner!

Yes, I have never felt that death is so urgent!

"You are a dying person, I have no interest in you!"

"Your Excellency, I am looking forward to your words, but unfortunately, it will never happen..."

The first dialogue, when Li Beihong thinks about it, is so ironic, and ridiculous!

----Boom! !

The sound of explosions resounded on the entire mountain peak, and Li Beihong's body was blown to pieces in an instant. Amidst the flying flesh and blood, Chen Honghong slapped the Hunyuan cauldron, only to see the gluttonous face full of ferocity, and then opened his mouth wide, The two groups of gray gas that were about to fly towards the sky were swallowed!

Immediately afterwards, Taotie flew back towards the Hunyuan Ding, a burst of blue light flashed on his body, and several runes transformed around his body in the space, golden light shot out from the Hunyuan Ding, covering the phantom Taotie, He sucked those two groups of gray gas into the cauldron!

Chen Honghong didn't even look at Li Beihong's dead body, and then patted the surface of the Hunyuan Ding three times one after another, paw!Snapped!Snapped!Every time he struck, his face became paler.

Following Chen Honghong's movements, Taotie showed pain in the air, and then began to struggle unceasingly. At this moment, there seemed to be a suction force from the Hunyuan cauldron, trying to suck it back onto the cauldron!

Taotie's struggle did not last long, Chen Honghong let out a muffled cry, then pointed his two fingers towards the void, a golden light shot out from between the two fingers, and rushed fiercely at Taotie's body.Taotie wailed, and in the pain, his figure gradually faded, and then turned into a blue light, accompanied by the runes that glowed all around, and returned to the Hunyuan Cauldron wrapped around it.

Chen Honghong let out a long breath, then got off the Hunyuan Ding, floating in the air, chanted the mantra silently in his mouth, and lifted his hands upwards, just now Li Jie's body was lifted up by him, and the Hunyuan Ding was covered , Take it back!

After doing all this, Chen Honghong felt dizzy in his mind.He shook his head, the Hunyuan Ding gradually became smaller in the air, and then flew back into his hand.Staring at the densely packed runes around the Hunyuanding, Chen Honghong couldn't help showing a wry smile, "Damn it, brat, if I hadn't been ashamed of you first, it would be a shame to undo the seal of the ten fierce beasts at this time." Looking for a way to die. That's all..."

He put the Hunyuan Ding back into his body, and then waved it away. The Yin-Yang Mirage Moon Mirror, Bo Lan Sword, and the storage bag that fell to the side beside Li Beihong's body were all received by Chen Honghong and put into the storage. bag.

Now Chen Honghong has little time to control Chu Hao's body. He gritted his teeth, and then the spiritual energy dispersed in his right hand, and then he hammered down fiercely. The big Hunyuan handprint appeared again, completely smashing Li Beihong's body into pieces. The powder was scattered in the space.

Then he picked up the golden light and cut off a piece of the mountain without leaving any traces.

With a sigh, Chen Honghong floated down from the mountain.The mountains and forests below are humid and very humid.Finding Lin Yueer's body was already an unsightly scene.

Feeling a little regretful in her heart, Chen Honghong managed to pull herself together, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and thrust the soul-forbidden flag in her hand towards the ground, next to Lin Yueer's body, and then surrounded her hands with golden light and aura, and started It slowly circled around its corpse out of thin air.Chen Honghong chanted strange and awkward spells, and black mist gradually began to ooze from the Banner of Forbidden Soul.


There was a sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves from the Forbidden Soul Banner, and the refined unjust souls wailed and cried on it. Inspired by Chen Honghong's spiritual energy, they re-existed in the space in the form of black energy.

"There are more than [-] unjust souls in a thing devoid of conscience!" Chen Honghong grimaced, let out a muffled growl, his eyes flashed, and he put his hands flat on his knees, allowing himself to be enveloped by black air.And every second passed, Chen Honghong's face turned paler, and as the golden light raged, his hands closed towards the black air!

tuk tuk ----

The screams and wailing stopped abruptly, and with the invasion of the golden light, everything seemed to freeze!

"The soul-forbidden flag that is almost a small success... Brats can't use these things, this thing can't leave ghosts, or it will get deeper and deeper!" Chen Honghong's arm was tensed for a while, and then he made up his mind. The golden light formed by the golden liquid will All the ghosts were shrouded in it, silently chanting the detachment mantra, and changing gestures. After about half an hour, those ghosts finally turned into nothingness and calmed down under Chen Honghong's supernatural power...

Chen Honghong raised her head and sighed, "With my current magical powers, I can't send you to the Dao of Reincarnation. I can't use the power of the six main roads. In order not to increase the number of innocent ghosts, I can only detach you... ..."

After all, Chen Honghong's face gradually became serious, there was another soul on the soul-forbidden banner, and that was Lin Yue'er's!

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