
Chapter 129 Prepare to break through the innate!

Lin Yue'er had two souls and four souls taken away by Li Beihong before, but when Li Jie's body was exchanged, she was tricked by Li Beihong, and she still had one soul and one soul. Chen Honghong was very clear about this.

"Girl Yue'er, I'm sorry..." Chen Honghong shook her head, but her tone was extremely firm: "Don't worry, no matter if you go to the third heaven, the fourth heaven, or return to the fifth heaven, I will take you Resurrection, unfortunately, will definitely not be in this second world..."

Thinking about it, a look of sadness flashed in Chen Honghong's eyes, and then he put his hands together, and pushed forward fiercely, the Forbidden Soul Banner trembled below, and Lin Yue'er's body was instantly lifted from the starting point. It has a gray halo, but it looks much weaker than those ghosts before.

Fortunately, there was still time.

Chen Honghong breathed a sigh of relief, and then concentrated on reabsorbing Lin Yueer's soul onto the soul-forbidden flag, and then the handprints changed, blue light and golden light matched each other, and the last handprint was stamped on the soul-forbidden flag out of thin air, shining brilliantly In the meantime, Lin Yue'er's dead delicate body also trembled a few times, and then slowly dissipated.

Chen Honghong had just completed all these steps, and her whole body was covered with sweat. At this moment, the Forbidden Soul Banner no longer had the gloomy and gloomy feeling it had before. Although it was still black, it had a bit more spirituality that it didn't have before.

Sighing again, Chen Honghong stood up from the ground.His energy and spirit were almost exhausted, and it was the golden fluid of the Hunyuan Cauldron that maintained his appearance, not the spiritual energy, so it could not be replenished.He chanted the mantra and stretched out his hand, and the Hunyuan Cauldron appeared again, recalling Lin Yueer's bloody corpse back into the Hunyuan Cauldron, and finally put the Forbidden Soul Banner inside.

Glancing at the top of the mountain, Chen Honghong floated up, and all the funeral affairs were dealt with almost. The soul of the damned Li Beihong didn't have time to escape, and only waited for Chu Hao to wake up before dealing with it.

Stepping on this mountain ruthlessly, the ground shook, Chen Honghong had no pride in her heart, only desolation, and then flew back in the direction of Duorui City.


When Chu Hao woke up again, it was the second day after the rain, and the sun was blinding his eyes.

The warm sun in winter covers the body, but there is a chill of coldness.

"This is..." Chu Hao's head hurt and was in a mess. He raised his head in a daze, but what he saw was a tent.Looking at the sculptural ceiling above, black and black are intertwined, just like his mood at the moment.

"Little prince...Little prince..." The voice of Xiaosi next to him came over nervously, Chu Hao turned his head reluctantly, and saw Xiaosi in the green hat squatting next to him, his nervous appearance made his eyes tingle Tears flowed.

Chu Hao lowered his head and murmured something, but his throat tickled, and he coughed before he could finish speaking.Xiao Si stood up in a panic, poured a glass of water, and handed it carefully to Chu Hao.

After taking a sip, Chu Hao forced a smile, and then said, "Xiao Si...is this?"

"This is the second floor, little prince, don't you remember?" Xiaosi was crying, but kept stretching as much as possible, not looking so ugly, but in Chu Hao's view, it was just ugly.

Chu Hao stretched out his hand, but he didn't feel pain or stiffness. The chaotic memories in his mind finally swarmed in, and after engulfing him, his emotions became extreme again!

"Where's Yue'er?" Chu Hao propped himself up, grabbed Xiao Si's collar, panting heavily, with a stern look on his face.

Startled by Chu Hao's expression, Xiao Si didn't know how to answer. Under Chu Hao's gaze, he was stunned for a while and said: "Yesterday... It wasn't the little prince who came back first yesterday, saying that Miss Lin Yueer has... Already by the wicked..."


Chu Hao suddenly felt dizzy, tears were wrapped in his eye sockets, his eyes widened, and he said, "You, what, what?"

It was the first time for Xiao Si to see Chu Hao so excited. His body trembled, his neck was tightened, his face was full of fear, and his face gradually turned blue.

Chu Hao's body trembled, he came back to his senses, let Xiao Si go, turned his head away, and said, "Get out!"

Xiao Si coughed a few times, and said with concern: "Little Prince..."

"I told you to get out!" Chu Hao yelled, Xiaosi was shocked, and then he stumbled out of the room.

There was silence in the room.

Chu Hao was in a daze in the room, and he didn't know how long it took before he came back from his loss, stared at the ceiling, and said, "Chen Honghong...Chen Honghong..."

No one answered him, and there was still silence.

Chu Hao resisted the soreness in his heart. The icy warm sun shone into the whole room, covering his body with a tear-ridden emotion spreading in the space.

After taking a few deep breaths, Chu Hao cursed loudly, "I'm so stupid!" His gaze was full of sadness.In his memory, he couldn't remember what Chen Honghong did after occupying his body. Back then, he promised to recall Lin Yueer's soul for him, but now?Is Lin Yueer really dead?Have you forgotten the rivers and lakes...

Thinking of this, hope rose in Chu Hao's heart, he hurriedly lowered his head, found the storage bag, his consciousness spread, and after searching, he saw a black banner!

It's the Banner of Forbidden Souls!

With a look of joy on his face, Chu Hao couldn't help but choked up a few times in a low voice, and then the spiritual energy radiated out, wrapped the soul-suppressing flag, and closed his eyes.A quarter of an hour later, Chu Hao's face was pale, and he suddenly opened his eyes. His body trembled violently, his face was full of pain, and he couldn't help spitting out a stream of blood!

His divine sense can't break through the restriction of the soul-forbidden flag no matter what. On this soul-forbidden flag, there is no such gloomy feeling of heart palpitations that make you cry, and there is a bit more of the diametrically opposite compelling aura and Holy feeling.

This restriction is definitely not something that may be caused by an evil thing that cannot be tolerated by heaven, such as the Forbidden Soul Banner. It should be a restriction created by Chen Honghong!

Thinking of this, Chu Hao stared at the Forbidden Soul Banner for a long while, and then took a deep breath. All of this can only be done when Chen Honghong wakes up and says to himself, Yue'er, Yue'er, you will be fine.

Putting the soul-forbidden flag solemnly beside his pillow, Chu Hao got up from the bed with a firm face, checked his injuries, and was surprised again.The severe blow he received yesterday did not leave any bruises in his body.Not only were those internal injuries completely healed, but even the skin and flesh didn't show any traces of trauma!

It's just that the internal force is a little suffocated when it reaches the chest, but it's not a serious problem.

It must be Chen Honghong!

This thought flashed across Chu Hao's mind.

After repairing the Hunyuan Ding to the eighth rank, Chu Hao didn't know what kind of supernatural power Chen Honghong possessed, even if it was one piece day and night. Except for the spell of flying against the wind, which can gradually increase the height, the rest of the supernatural powers and secrets, from Chen Honghong couldn't get it out of her mouth at all.

Thinking about it, Li Beihong should have been killed by Chen Honghong independently, but he didn't know what method was used, and what kind of strength Chen Honghong had reached.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Chu Hao's thoughts were confused, but he gradually calmed down from the nervousness just now.As long as the Forbidden Soul Banner is there, there should be hope for Lin Yueer's resurrection!

After staring at the Forbidden Soul Banner exuding aura at the pillow for a while, Chu Hao slowly closed his eyes and adjusted his acquired aura.Now the damned restriction in his body has been broken long ago, and the acquired qi that has been suppressed for a long time is infinitely derived from his control and operation. At this moment, he has broken through from the fifth level of skin refining to the tenth level of skin refining, which is the state of acquired Dzogchen !

This speed of improvement is appalling and unimaginable, but it actually happened to him.

Chu Hao was not surprised by this. The Heavenly Spiritual Root in his body has been suppressed for too long, and with the help of spiritual energy and elixir, once it erupts and breaks through the restriction, what kind of growth rate will his physique reach? Realm, even he himself does not know!

At this moment, the day after tomorrow is perfect, just wait for the last step, break through the gate of heaven at the back of your head, and reach the innate world!

Chu Hao was not happy in his heart. The two people who can share this joy with him are not here. One of them...

Taking a breath, after Chu Hao adjusted his body, he slowly stimulated the acquired qi in his dantian. At this moment, the internal force in his body had reached a bottleneck. If he wanted to break through, he had to advance!

After Li Beihong's time yesterday, it was even more impossible for Chu Hao to waste any more time!Even though he is extremely worried about Lin Yueer's life and death, and is extremely anxious about Chen Honghong's deep sleep, it is impossible for him to sit here and wait for nothing!

Strength, I need strength!

An hour later, Chu Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and then a force of energy was thrown from between his fingers, and then he patted the storage bag, took out the Dayu Wood, and laid it flat on his knee.

After half an hour----

Peace of mind!

No distractions!

Everything was ready, Chu Hao began to try to break through the heavenly gate behind his head!

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