
Chapter 130 Breaking through the Heavenly Gate, Innate Realm!

Tianmen refers to the independent one of the seven orifices in the human body. It is located in the back of the head, just like the two channels of Ren and Du in martial arts. Once opened, it can enter the innate realm of Taoism, which is the limit of monks. !

After reaching the gate of heaven, the air is overflowing, and the energy is at the top.It is the ability to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, condense and transform it into innate qi, sublimate and wash the dantian, expand and strengthen the meridians, and build the golden pill in the future, which is an important foundation.

Breaking through the gate of heaven and reaching innateness is the first hurdle a monk will cross!

Known as the gas eater!

Without spiritual roots, one will never be able to reach the innate realm!Because the Tianmen Yiqiao is like an obstacle stuck in the back of the head. Without the spiritual root, it is impossible to break through it with the acquired qi, and it will never be able to transform the aura and advance to a higher stage.

Many warriors spend their entire lives unable to break through to innate, this is because of the problem of spiritual roots!

After all, innateness is a complete monk, which is a symbol different from warriors and mortals!

A powerful innate monk, without reaching the fifth level of Qi training, can fly with a sword, kill enemies with a sword, perform magical powers, swim freely in the world, and make mortals stop looking up!

But for Chu Hao, he has enough confidence to break through to the innate realm!

The restriction imposed by the master of the golden core period was broken by the spiritual energy, and his body recovered that extremely strong posture. The heavenly spiritual root is a top-grade spiritual root that truly possesses the fate of immortality. , Man and God share the wrath!

This was Chu Hao's previous thought. Although it was a bit arrogant, it was true.

Now after Li Beihong's incident, although Chu Hao's confidence has not diminished, he will no longer be as casual and cynical as before. At least he will no longer be slack and lazy when it comes to improving his cultivation!

Live, and then protect those who love you!

Two days passed quickly. During this period of time, Chen Honghong did not wake up and did not talk to Chu Hao. Although Chu Hao was anxious, he knew that Chen Honghong would not be wiped out like this. He I believe Chen Honghong will be fine.

And he also found Li Beihong's storage bag in the storage bag, but his cultivation level is not enough, he can't open the storage bag of a congenital monk, so he can only wait for Chen Honghong to come.In addition, he also found the third-grade Bolan Sword and the fourth-grade Yin-Yang Magical Moon Mirror. Neither of these two magical artifacts could be refined by his current cultivation level, and they were very good magical artifacts.

Regarding these, Chu Hao did not appear very happy. If he got these things at the cost of losing Lin Yueer, he would rather choose not to.Therefore, he just glanced at it and put it back in the storage bag.In his spare time, he has been thinking about how to penetrate the Heavenly Gate and completely achieve the innate state of breaking away from mortals.

And in the past two days, the battle at Sanxieguan began to intensify. For Chu Hao, the supervisor, who left for no reason, Military Adviser Sun Meixiang used her energy to suppress the matter, and only sent people to Duorui City to check. The safety of the son, and then go back to report.But after the son's departure, there was no talk of disordered military morale.

As for the incident of being attacked by Li Beihong, Jiang Yuan was ordered not to reveal anything. Even Long Xiangjun didn't know that on a rainy day three days ago, such a thrilling life-and-death battle took place, almost killing the prince. !

And if this matter is not reported, Jiang Yuan will also be under great pressure. Chu Hao is well aware of this matter.He didn't have such a deep grudge against the team that he only sent [-] people at the beginning.After all, the prince is not around, and what he is in charge of is the entire army and the war on the entire border.

Liu Li rushed back on the second day and stood guarding Chu Hao at the door. Even the brothers who were seriously injured, that is, Huang Hongjin and others, just went to see him for a few times, and then returned with allegiance.

For this, many people in Yaohu Army respect and admire Liu Li.

In the entire military camp, although the incident that day was bizarre, fortunately, no one died. Except for a few soldiers and guards in the palace, the death was not serious. Huang Hongjin and others survived.

Chu Hao went to see Li Meng and others. They were severely injured by the self-destructive worms and bone-eating worms. The injuries made his heart ache.

When Chu Hao went to see them, everyone was silent. Huang Hongjin must practice later, but was stopped by Chu Hao. Can't Iron Man?"

Seeing that Chu Hao didn't blame him, Huang Hongjin burst into tears and said, "My son's kindness to us is like the blue sky and the bright moon. We are ashamed of your Highness, and ashamed of your new appointment... Don't worry, Your Highness, we will definitely train hard and won't do it again." Let His Highness down!"

"You're the only one who talks a lot of bullshit!"

Chu Hao glanced at the nine people's steadfast expressions, turned his head, and wiped the corners of his eyes.

But in the past few days, due to the full-scale outbreak of war, the Longxiang Army and the Mayan Army fought hand-to-hand, and the fierce battle was fierce, so Duorui City was more tense than it was during the New Year.

As for Xiaodie, after learning of Lin Yueerxiang's death, she passed out several times, and now she is still thinking about Miss Miss, and her spirit is very negative and in a trance.

Two days later, four days in a row, Chen Honghong didn't show up. Chu Hao gritted his teeth and felt that the attempt during this period was almost done, and he was ready to really start to break through the heavenly gate!

After the ban was issued and no one was allowed to approach, at this moment in the attic, Chu Hao was sitting cross-legged on the soft blanket beside the bed.

He raised his hands flat, his fingers crossed to form a seal, and the yellow robe began to bulge rhythmically from the inside to the outside, as if it was surging with huge energy. "Huhu——" Suddenly a strong wind blew outside, making the windows and doors rattle, but the strong wind still couldn't get within three feet in front of him, as if he was isolated like this generally.

"Breathing out of the heart is better than a hundred destiny; breath in the chest can break through the gate of heaven..." Chu Hao faintly murmured a cumbersome and obscure sentence. Following his words, a faint wave of light began to rise from his body. The mist lingered around his body, so ethereal that it made him look like a fairy.

All major sects, or small sects of cultivating Taoism, will have specially taught formulas and methods that can break through the gate of heaven. For Chu Hao, these formulas are unknown in his mind. Although the methods are complicated, after screening, it is not difficult to choose and break through !

In his previous life, as a major disciple of the Artifact Refining Sect, Chu Hao could not practice, but he had read a lot of classics and books in his spare time. Now he knows what he is doing, and with the four days of trials and experiments, he broke through the Heavenly Sect, and today is the day!

There was more and more mist on Chu Hao's body, and the air clusters condensed from spiritual energy and acquired energy lingered around Chu Hao's body incessantly, and finally even Chu Hao's body became blurred and unrecognizable. .

The whole process of condensing the qi lasted for a stick of incense. Finally, Chu Hao activated the acquired qi in the dantian, then circulated all the meridians, and went towards the brain!


Like the muffled thunder, Chu Hao's body trembled imperceptibly.

The vibration from the heart and the trembling of the body caused tangled nerves in his brain, and Chu Hao almost fainted.

The power of the counter-shock is incomparably huge!

Failed to break through the gate of heaven!

Tianmen is also an acupoint, and it is extremely difficult for warriors to rely on internal force to attack the acupoints. Like Ren Du's two channels, but one is the realm of warriors, and after breaking through Tianmen, it is the realm of monks.

With previous experience, this failure did not have much impact on Chu Hao. He took a deep breath, then rested for a while, and started to attack Tianmen again!

The aura in his meridians is wrapped in acquired energy, and under his urging, like a raging tide, it bombards towards the Tianmen wave after wave. Driven by Chu Hao's concentration, he hits the Tianmen again and again!


I don't know how long it took, the flow and speed of Chu Hao's internal energy gradually slowed down. He didn't feel impetuous because of many failures.


This time, the Acquired Qi and Spiritual Qi rushed towards the Heavenly Gate again. When Chu Hao reached the acupuncture point, he suddenly started to activate the Artifact Casting Gate's Kung Fu, and with the countercurrent of the meridians, he performed a small circle of heaven!

Lingtai is clear and bright!

boom! ----

As if the sound of heaven and earth ripping apart, Chu Hao's body shook, and his consciousness went black, as if he had fallen into an endless dark space. In the continuous shock, a white light suddenly burst out from the black curtain!

The white light is very small and weak, but it exists completely in the consciousness of the mind!

Chu Hao suppressed the excitement in his heart, gritted his teeth, and his internal energy flowed smoothly again!

Wow--the white light is like a clear spring poured into a dry well, flowing endlessly. At this moment, the spiritual energy in Chu Hao's body seemed to come alive, and he began to jump up excitedly. expand……

A brand new world appeared in front of Chu Hao...

Cool, refreshing, and refreshing, this subtle feeling is like a sweet drink from someone who has been hungry for days...

Tianmen acupoint, broke through...

The mist on Chu Hao's body began to rise irregularly above his head. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, full of energy!

Congenital period!

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