
Chapter 131

Chapter [-]

The congenital stage, the dream Qi practitioner!

At this moment, Chu Hao finally achieved it!

The whole room was silent for half an hour, and after the fog cleared, Chu Hao slowly stood up. Immediately afterwards, he raised his arms and shouted, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The voice was bleak but full of heroism. In the end, it was like a cold knife after being refrigerated in an ice cellar.

The whole roar stopped after only ten breaths.

But this roar spread throughout the entire barracks, reaching the ears of all the soldiers of the Yaohu Army who were training or guarding.In the sky above Duorui City, there seemed to be an invisible air current in the center of the attic, spreading crazily towards the surroundings, covering everyone's heart!

After shouting, Chu Hao panted heavily, feeling extremely happy in his heart!And the feeling of aggrievedness that has been suppressed has been released at this moment!

This roar, he must roar out!

He wanted to shout out a long time ago!

The dantian violently circulated the acquired qi, and those spiritual qi swarmed towards the dantian crazily. When it reached the innate, it meant that it could eat qi. Now the acquired qi in Chu Hao's body was gradually transforming into the innate qi. gas!

His physical body has long been equivalent to a monk in the innate stage, and the aura that has been suppressed in his body for so long at this moment is also like a mountain torrent.

The whole process will take at least two or three days to complete, but in the current situation, Chu Hao's level of cultivation is producing innate aura at an incredible speed, slowly climbing towards the second-level innate realm!

At the beginning, he was a martial artist who could eat Qi at the acquired stage. After breaking through the restriction, his cultivation reached the state of acquired great perfection in an instant. Start the initial stage of his physique volatilization!

Chu Hao stared at the soul-forbidden flag placed on the bed, with a smile on his face.

Very bitter smile.

Yue'er, don't worry, I will definitely resurrect you, I will!

Taking a deep breath, just after the roar stopped, there was a knock on the door, and Liu Li's voice came in: "Little prince, are you alright?"

"No..." Chu Hao came back to his senses, said, then walked to the door and opened it.

At this moment, his body is full of viscous filth after breaking through to the innate stage. After being washed by the spiritual energy, his current physical body can be regarded as the real innate stage physical body!

"Xiao Wang wants to take a bath, Liu Li, go down and have a look." Chu Hao's eyes were so bright that men like Liu Li didn't dare to look at each other.Hearing this, he lowered his head, made a promise, and stepped back.

For a long time, Liu Li and others thought that Chu Hao was an innate monk, and Chu Hao was happy that they thought so.As for Chu Hao's retreat this time, Liu Li didn't think much about it at all, but felt that after Chu Hao came out, the aura on his body became different from before.His heart shuddered. After this incident, His Highness's cultivation has actually increased significantly!

Xiao Si still lives in this courtyard. Although it was completely devastated by Li Beihong, at least there are still several courtyards in the attic, which have not been completely destroyed.Seeing Chu Hao come down, Xiao Si hastily obeyed the orders and went to prepare bath water.

Standing in the courtyard for a while, Chu Hao's vision suddenly felt much wider, and he could see far away. That profound feeling, whether it was breathing or luck, was a characteristic of the innate stage!

After taking a bath, Chu Hao concentrated his mind, and then began to look inside his body, switching between internal forces.In order to transform acquired qi into innate qi, in addition to relying on the dantian and meridians, the accelerated operation of kung fu can provide more efficacy.

Back in the attic, Chu Hao sat cross-legged on the ground again, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Zixian Gong" is one of the introductory formulas for qi practitioners after reaching the innate level of the casting gate, and it is one of the exercises that is still fresh in Chu Hao's mind.And Chen Honghong also gave him a set of exercise secrets, called "Baopuzi Cultivation Technique".

Although the name is too vulgar and does not contain fairy flavor, it is a truly amazing skill!According to Chen Honghong, it was also one of the secret books that Che Xuanyuan obtained unintentionally.

Chu Hao admired that patriarch who had vulgar tastes very much. The "Baopuzi Nourishing Skills" and "Zixian Skills" are naturally two kinds of skills that he must practice after reaching the innate. Master and assistant.

As for "Transforming Form Outside of the Body", Chen Honghong did not wake up, and even Chu Hao and Hunyuan Ding seem to have lost contact. They don't know what kind of state the bodies of the four members of the Li family have tempered to, how to cultivate, and what they need to do. Chen Honghong came to teach.

You must know that Chu Hao has never practiced any exercises since he came to this world. The reason why he did this is to make his body like a rough jade, and slowly use advanced techniques to carve it!

After silently reciting the mantra on the first level of the outer chapter of "Baopuzi Nourishment Skills" in his mind, Chu Hao began to slowly circulate the innate qi in his body, and then slowly flowed through the expanded meridians.After running for a few weeks, Chu Haodun felt refreshed, and his energy and energy reached an abnormally full state.

"Baopuzi Nourishing Skills" is divided into outer chapters and inner chapters, each with ten layers.Of course, as a method of practicing Qi, it has never been particularly important.The strength of the monks relies on the supernatural powers that conform to the spiritual roots of the five elements, and the practice of qigong is only an auxiliary function to put it bluntly.And good exercises can only help the speed of cultivation growth, nothing more.

However, "Baopuzi's health cultivation skill" is an exception.Different from "Zixian Gong" and other qi training methods, the qi training method that Chen Honghong gave him is a qi training method that can gradually become stronger with the improvement of the cultivation level!

That is to say, from the first floor to the tenth floor of the outer chapter, there will be different experiences and magical powers!And to reach the inner chapter, at least the cultivation bases of the Foundation Establishment and Golden Core stages!

This set of exercises was once hailed as the art of golden elixir!

There is nothing special about the first five floors of the outer chapter, but once you reach the sixth floor, there will be an extra supernatural power called the Storm Curse!This is a supernatural power different from the five-element magic of the Great Wind Curse, which can condense the wind into curls and wind into clouds!

The attack power of this supernatural power is astonishing. If it is in the innate stage, it can almost compare to some supernatural powers of monks in the foundation period!

And when you reach the seventh and eighth floors, there will be other supernatural powers, each of which is a five-element spell, which is suitable for people with high-grade spiritual roots to practice!Chen Honghong asked Chu Hao to practice this set of exercises, which can be said to be right to the master!

At this moment, Chu Hao is climbing towards the realm of the second level of the innate. The spiritual energy in his body is extremely abundant. It has been accumulated for so long. After breaking through the Heavenly Gate, it is still flowing continuously, and less than one-third of it has dissipated!

After half an hour of practicing Baopuzi's health cultivation skills, Chu Hao finally let out a sigh of relief.

The acquired qi in the body has not been completely transformed, and the same is true for the spiritual qi. The effect of cultivation is not too great now, and it can only be used for familiarity. As for absorbing the spiritual qi, it is not suitable now.

After thinking about it, Chu Hao recited the Zixian Kungfu silently again, then performed it again, and finally concluded with a big cycle, ending this practice.

Chu Hao sat in the room for a while, then patted the storage bag, and took out Li Beihong's third-rank long sword.I saw that he didn't see Li Beihong using the sword control technique, but this long sword, no matter the workmanship or the breeze array on his body, belonged to the upper-middle class, and it was extraordinary among the third-grade magic weapons. For a while, after Chen Honghong came out, he would use the Hunyuan cauldron to refine the flying sword again.

When I came to the yard, I looked at the messy and dilapidated everything around. Although it had been tidied up a bit, it was still shocking. I can imagine the tragic battle situation at that time.

Chu Hao shook his head, his qi sank in his dantian, his innate qi circulated autonomously, his legs strode forward, and his gaze was fixed on a big tree in front of him.Then, concentrating on the formula, stretched out his right hand with one hand, and rushed forward with his thumb with a whoosh!

There was a burst of ripples in the air instantly, and at an incredible speed, bang----

It hit a big tree!

This big tree with the thickness of two people suddenly shook a few times with this momentum.At the same time, a few leaves fell from the sparse tree trunk, sprinkled on the ground, and blended into the soil.

Two or three seconds later, the tree regained its calm.

This scene made Chu Hao's eyes flash with joy!

This trick is a unique spell for monks in the congenital stage----

Get angry!

Unexpectedly, Chu Hao used it the first time he tried it!

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