
Chapter 132 This revenge must be avenged!

As the most commonly used method of attack by monks during the Qi training period, the moves are not cumbersome or secretive.Basically, every monk who has reached the innate and transformed acquired qi can use it.

The so-called moving qi is to use "qi" to attack. This qi includes not only the innate qi as true qi, but also the air flow in the space. different.

Chu Hao had coveted such supernatural powers for a long time.Back then, he was suppressed by Lu Ruhua, and was beaten several times by passive Qi Jue. From then on, he was determined to practice Qi Jue well, at least retaliate with an eye!

Therefore, after breaking through to Xiantian, the first supernatural power that Chu Hao started to practice was not the sword control technique, nor the five elements spell, but the most common dynamic art!

Chu Hao was overjoyed to use it successfully for the first time.Seeing that although there was no trace left on the tree trunk five feet away, just being able to make it tremble was enough to satisfy him.

After taking a small step sideways, Chu Hao started to attack the big tree violently again!

Of course, this fierceness is only for him... For the big tree, this is probably weaker than being stung by a woodpecker...

But Chu Hao didn't care. The first time he came into contact with spells, the longing in his heart was completely drawn out, and he used the movement art against the tree over and over again!





There were waves of ripples in the air. Chu Hao had used the Qi Jue no less than a hundred times in this courtyard. The best effect was only to make more than ten leaves fall from the tree, and Chu Hao was still upset. Kicked a stone directly and made a few ten pieces.

And this effect is much worse than the effects of "shaking" the big tree, "shaking" the big tree and so on.

However, Chu Hao didn't have the energy to practice any more at the moment, and the innate energy in his body was almost exhausted by his operation. It took less than a cup of tea, and he used the energy-moving art hundreds of times in a row without stopping. Hao can also be regarded as a wonderful flower among monks who have just advanced to the innate stage.

After recovering some of his innate qi, Chu Hao began to practice the dynamic qi art again.The whole afternoon was spent like this.

Now that the battle at Sanxieguan broke out, and although the morale of Duo Ruicheng was somewhat depressed after what happened to Li Beihong, not many people cared about the prince's every move. You can see the anger.It's just that Chu Hao was able to fly out of thin air that day, and many people saw this incident, but the witnesses were all ordered by Jiang Yuan, with strict military discipline, so no one dared to talk nonsense.

But those people all know that the son is definitely not the dandy son who enjoyed a great reputation in the capital, his strength shocked everyone!Many people even agree with General Jiang Yuan in their hearts, that is

----The genius bully four years ago is back!

During dinner, Chu Hao went to see Huang Hongjin and the others again. He had just broken through to the innate realm, and his cultivation had soared at the moment, and his eyesight was also extraordinary. After there is no fear of life, it is likely to explode with potential that was not there before!

All of them can be promoted to the innate realm!

The eyes of Huang Hongjin, Tie Dun and the others were filled with tears. Chu Hao didn't blame them, but gave them all the remaining pills, making them feel guilty and more determined.And they looked at their eldest brother Liu Li with a firm look on their faces. Along with the battle of life and death, and the strength of the monks, they are also more eager to improve their own strength!

At night, Chu Hao continued to practice Qijue, and his energy and spirit were almost exhausted, and he went to bed only when he was exhausted.

This was the first time he fell asleep after the first battle with Li Beihong...

On the second day, continue to practice Qi Jue, the third day is still the same, and on the fourth day, it is still practicing Qi Jue...

It was not until the fifth day that there was a good news from Sanxie Pass, the Mayan army was temporarily forced to retreat, and the whole city of Duorui cheered, everyone was beaming, and began to celebrate.But at this moment, Chu Hao could use his Qi Jue to carve wind-like cracks in the tree at a distance of six feet, and his mastery of magical powers had made considerable progress!

As for the celebration party, Chu Hao did not go because Chen Honghong finally woke up on this day.

In the attic, the darkness was like thick ink splattered from a pen, and the entire darkness shrouded the room so that nothing could be seen.

Chu Hao sat by the bed, staring blankly at the soul-forbidden flag beside the bed. After a long while, he spoke lightly, his voice full of bitterness: "...Is this the only way?"

In the dark, Chen Honghong sighed, also a little heavy:

"It can only be like this. After you fell into a coma, although I killed Li Beihong, the Forbidden Soul Banner is an evil thing. I am not its host. In addition, my strength has not recovered enough. Can re-seal the soul of Yue'er girl on the Forbidden Soul Banner, so as not to let it dissipate..."

After a pause, Chen Honghong continued: "I reinjected this soul-forbidden flag into the aura and gold liquid of my Hunyuan cauldron, the two are compatible, and released the wronged souls it absorbed during refining. It can only be regarded as an ordinary magic weapon at most, not an evil thing."

Chu Hao was silent for a while, and said, "But... only when you reach the Nascent Soul stage, is it possible...?"

"At least the Nascent Soul Stage." Chen Honghong sighed again: "Boy, I know you are feeling uncomfortable now, but there is nothing you can do about the original situation. This is the best result I can do. When you reach the Nascent Soul Stage In the near future, put Yue'er girl in the Hunyuan cauldron to rebuild her body, use Yuanying supernatural powers to divide her mind, and marry and transfer the soul of the Forbidden Soul Banner. This method is the safest method, and the success rate can reach [-]% of the resurrection. Chance……"

"Yuanying stage, Yuanying stage..." Chu Hao clenched his fists, his eyes widened. In the darkness, streaks of cyan mist emanated from his body, lingering above his head.

Chen Honghong hesitated at first, and then exclaimed: "Tianmen let go, brat, you have actually been promoted to the innate cultivation level!"

Chu Hao took a few breaths to recover from his contemplation, then smiled coldly, and said, "Li Beihong, and the Li family, I and you, Liangzi, are utterly sworn enemies!"

Although Yue'er did not die, Chu Hao would never forgive the pain Li Beihong brought to Yue'er!Li Jie and Li Beihong were dead, so he didn't need the Li family to trouble Chu Hao, and Chu Hao would never let them go!

This revenge must be reported!

Chen Honghong pondered for a while, and comforted her: "You are not strong enough now. Although it is not wise to make enemies again, but the two sons of the Li family are both in Ziyunmen, and they must be in the same spirit. We will eradicate them in the future. It must!"

"I know." It took half a quarter of an hour for Chu Hao to calm down. Looking at the Forbidden Soul Banner, he felt a burst of grief in his heart when he thought that Lin Yue'er could only be revived after the Nascent Soul.

It was his lack of strength that caused the current tragedy. He didn't regret killing Li Jie back then, because if he didn't kill Li Jie and the other four, they would have killed himself and others later!Cultivation family disciples like them who are self-righteous and self-righteous will not put their own lives and others' lives in their eyes at all!

Therefore, Li Jie should be killed, and he must be killed!

But after killing Li Jie, he didn't handle the rest well, he was too careless!Although up to now, Chu Hao still doesn't know which link went wrong, but he can guess that he must have missed something important, and the conflict was in a tea shed outside Jiangjin Province. can get the answer!

The trouble caused by this mistake and negligence directly caused him to lose his beloved in this world!

It is absolutely impossible for him to do it again!

Liu Lao once said a word, he didn't understand it, but now he understands it.

"Either endure or cruel."

The words of wisdom in cultivating the Tao are indeed words of wisdom.

He took out the green hair lamp from the storage bag, which was given to him by Lin Yue'er later.Chu Hao stared at it for a long time, then gently kissed it.

Yue'er, you will be resurrected, your villain will reach the Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible, it won't be long, it won't be long...

We will meet again, I will write poems for you, you will grind for me, this is our agreement...

It won't be long...


The second volume is over!

Hong Guoguo's red ticket support, come and smash me to death, the little prince has accumulated a lot of money!

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