
Chapter 135

That's it.

Chu Hao sighed, then threw the notice on the table and ignored it.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Chu Hao could feel the soul inside after a month of spirit energy injection into the Forbidden Soul Banner, and seemed to be able to hear Lin Yueer's murmurs and coquettish voices echoing in his ears.

"Chen Honghong, where is Li Beihong's soul?" After standing for a while, Chu Hao's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly remembered, and put the soul-forbidden flag back in his storage bag.It was the first time in this month that he took the Soul Forbidden Banner away from the bedside.

Chen Honghong's lazy voice sounded in Chu Hao's mind, "Li Beihong's soul has been imprisoned by me with the Hunyuan cauldron. His Li family should still have a magic weapon to absorb souls. I heard Li Beihong talk about the yellow scarf soul collection flag before. The Li family has taken back Li Beihong's soul, and our situation will be even more dangerous."

"Don't refine his soul for the time being." Chu Hao said with fierce eyes, "When I grow stronger, I will eliminate the Li family so that their family can be reunited!"

These words were said in a harsh voice, and Chu Hao's face was even more murderous than ever before.

Chen Honghong sighed, and stopped discussing this topic, but said: "By the way, the worm king of the self-destructive worm is about to be spawned, and now there are three general-level worms left. When they finish the final devour, It must be born on the night of the full moon, a kind of dew called 'Chubei Grass' absorbed in the early morning."

"Night of the full moon?" Chu Hao looked out of the window, then smiled wryly, and said, "In the north, where does the night of the full moon come from? It's not long before the beginning of spring."

Chen Honghong also sighed, and said: "You can only look for it alone, otherwise the self-destructive insect king can't be made, and the insect king of the bone-eating insect is too difficult, and five or six general-level spirit insects have already died. The female worm can't afford to consume it either."

Chu Hao thought for a while, and said, "Where's the cloud-swallowing worm?"

"It's absorbing spiritual energy and gold liquid." Chen Honghong smiled bitterly: "It's the most powerful of the three insects, I plan to cultivate it to become the king of female insects, and the worms it produces will be able to reach the level of general worms. At that time, it is the time when the cloud swallowing worm will really show its strength."

"How long will it take?" Chu Hao has almost used Li Beihong's materials for cultivating spirit insects. Although Chen Honghong has mastered the advanced method of refining insects, after all, he still needs to maintain the materials, and those rare materials, Chu Hao also I don't know where to look for it. Chu Hao didn't plan to go to the Xiuzhen Market before the opening of the Liutian Ruins.But now it seems that it has to go.

"Those materials should be enough." Chen Honghong saw Chu Hao's worry, and said, "The cloud swallowing worm will be born in half a year at most, and by then, you will have at least five worm kings in your hands. I'm afraid... more than."

Chu Hao nodded. He hasn't asked about the strength of the worm king. After all, the self-destructive insects are only low-level spirit insects. "What kind of strength are those three general-level self-destructive insects? Warrior?"

"You underestimate me!" Chen Honghong laughed, and said, "The power of this self-demolition insect is extraordinary. Although it is a consumable like a one-time talisman, the power of each self-detonation can be equivalent to an innate The body of a five-story monk explodes! No one can resist the innate five-story below without relying on magical weapons!"

After a pause, feeling Chu Hao's shock, Chen Honghong continued: "The power of the worm king's self-destruction is even more astonishing, it can reach the self-destruction of a first-level foundation-building monk, and with the self-detonation worm king in hand, how can you resist it?" A monk in the foundation building period!"

Hearing this, Chu Hao's mood was agitated, and he said tremblingly: "Is it so terrifying? Then you still refine the worm king, those three general-level self-destructive worms have such power, how can you refine more general-level worms?" Isn't it more powerful?"

"You don't know a fart!" Chen Honghong sneered and said, "You are the supervisor of the army now, what do you think will happen without the worm king?"

Chu Hao was startled, and said, "You mean, you still need to command?"

"That's right, both humans and spirit insects need a backbone. In the past, the backbone of these self-destructive insects was the female insect, but I put the female insect into the Hunyuan cauldron to refine it, and it has long since made it look different. If you To command these self-destructive insects, one must obtain the obedience of the insect king, and those self-destructive insects will only listen to the order of the insect king."

"It's really troublesome." Chu Hao muttered.But in my heart, I think it is quite right, maybe this is the only way to avoid chaos, otherwise there are so many spirit insects that don't listen to orders and greetings, so what are they refining out of?Therefore, although Chu Hao wanted to have such a powerful spirit insect to help him immediately, he could only listen to Chen Honghong.

"Bone-eating worms and cloud-eating worms are not in a hurry. I will refine this self-destructive worm king before the ruins of Liutian. During this time, you should practice "External Transformation Technique"."

Chu Hao said in a deep voice, "I can practice that thing now?" You know, after Chen Honghong woke up, Chu Hao was only allowed to practice Qi Movement Jue, and he was not allowed to practice any other magical powers.

Although Chu Hao also really wanted to practice the "Transformation Technique Outside the Body", he did not dare to practice it on his own without Chen Honghong's guidance.

"Well, now the corpses of Li Jie and the others have been tempered to the second level of innateness, and you have also practiced "Baopuzi Body Cultivation Skill". For the sake of the immortal fate in the Liutian ruins, you can practice." Chen Honghong He warned: "However, you can only cultivate one external form for the time being. Li Mao's cultivation level is the lowest in life, and it is also the easiest to master. You should use his corpse to master it first."

"When will it start?" Chu Hao asked after he settled down.

"Tonight, don't stay in the city, go to the mountains outside the city." Chen Honghong said.


After lunch, due to the lack of materials on Chu Hao's body, there was no pill to provide to Liu Li and the others. With their aptitude, it would take some time before they were promoted to innate. Holding a Ningshen Xingshuang pill, it was a warning to Liu Li that he should retreat and not be disturbed.

After closing the courtyard, he flew towards the outside of Duo Rui City.

In two days' time, the one-month market will open, and Chu Hao is going to concentrate on the Xingshuang Pill in exchange for materials.

Since Chu Hao has advanced to innate at this moment, Ningshen Xingshuang pill has a supplementary effect on innate qi, similar to his current strength of zhenqi, in a fierce confrontation, one can fully recover!

He refined twenty-four last time, and exchanged three at the market a month ago, and he still has twenty-one in his hand. Now he will take out another one and exchange it again. This is the last time.

When he came outside Duorui City, Chu Hao practiced the energy-moving art in the mountains and forests, and he felt even more handy. In addition to hitting the big trees with his lowered dantian, he also occasionally knocked down some birds and beasts. He was extremely busy.

At this moment, the early spring has just arrived, and the green of the whole mountain begins to cover slowly, and it is soft to the eyes.

Chu Hao glanced at the mountain peak from a distance. After a month, his mood has calmed down. Although he is still controlled by emotions occasionally, at least he will not act aggressively again.

At least, he will not take risks until he is not strong enough.

Grief is a trickle, which will eventually be overwhelmed by a sea of ​​hatred. Chu Hao's eyes flashed fiercely, and his heart was extremely firm.

Waiting for the night to fall on the top of the mountain, Chu Hao also tried the taste of wild game for the first time in Erchongtian. Although there was no seasoning, he was good at cooking.

Night finally came in Chu Hao's anticipation. The whole mountain was pitch black. Chu Hao took a deep breath, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and said to Chen Honghong, "Shall we start practicing now?"

His eyes were extremely bright, shining in the dark night.

Chen Honghong said: "Take out Li Mao's body first, and now start to cultivate the avatar, only that kid has the lowest level of cultivation."

Chu Hao nodded, then put one hand on his chest, and read the mantra, Hunyuan Cauldron showed his figure in the blue light, and then, Li Mao's body appeared floating, and slowly landed on Chu Hao side.

At this moment, Li Mao's body has also been tempered to the second level of the innate, and the physical body is already invulnerable to swords and guns. Chu Hao's mental method reminded him to align Li Mao's body with himself, and also faced him in a cross-legged posture.Then he put his hands out flat, and pressed them together with Li Mao's hands, a cold feeling invaded his body and mind.

"This broken corpse feels disgusting even if you touch it." Chu Hao collected himself, put away distracting thoughts, fixed his eyes on Li Mao, and gradually white gas began to surround his hands. After about a quarter of an hour, the whole white The gas gathered more and more, Chu Hao muttered words, and the mist completely enveloped the two of them. From a distance, the two of them were bathed in the white mist, and they were very evil.

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