
Chapter 136 Encyclopedia of Formations

When Chu Hao saw the title of the book, he immediately laughed.

Encyclopedia of formations, no wonder no one cares about it here. Feelings are such a cheat book that no one dares to live in.

Hearing the voice, the fat man had his chin propped on his elbow, so he quickly let go, the fat on his face squeezed out a smile, looked Chu Hao up and down, and said, "Fellow Daoist, I want to exchange this family biography." Is there a complete list of formations?"

Chu Hao chuckled. Originally, he just wanted to ask about the remains of Liutian, but it was inconvenient to speak immediately. He nodded and said in the same polite way: "That's right, that's right!"

After all, he tapped the desktop: "Can I pick it up and have a look?"

"Fellow daoists can only read the first two pages, and the rest cannot be flipped through." The fat man hesitated for a moment, perhaps because he thought that it had been placed all day and there were very few inquiries, so he lowered the threshold and said.

Chu Hao nodded, feeling a little interested in it, then took it in his hand and weighed it.

This book is not too thick, only about thirty pages at most, but it is not light in the hand.Chu Hao touched the surface of the book, and he wanted to open it to read the four bold characters.

"The art of formation lies in the spiritual wisdom of the five elements understood by the monks. There are thousands of art of the five elements in the world, but there are very few of them that are really practical. Choose one out of a hundred..." The preface came into view, and Chu Hao burst out laughing .This bland language is a piece of nonsense, even a mortal who is just a beginner in cultivation can understand it.

As for the magical power of formations, except for the fact that Chu Hao is a little familiar with the formations of refining magic weapons, other formations are completely ignorant. Unless it is the formation of talismans, it is simply impossible for Chu Hao to set up a formation. It's just impossible.

As for Chen Honghong, he also knew a few formations, such as the resurrection formation, but those formations were obscure and difficult to understand, and the threshold was extremely high, so Chu Hao couldn't use his current true energy.

Furthermore, Chen Honghong's formations are all biased, and there are very few of them used to fight against the enemy, so the advantages of Tianlinggen naturally cannot be brought into play.And Chu Hao is now particularly interested in two supernatural powers, one is the refining method of talismans, and the other is this formation!After all, he still has the formation and roulette that he took from Li Beihong.

Therefore, after reading the preface, Chu Hao was a little disappointed.

And the nonsense in this book didn't stop at this short paragraph. Chu Hao read it line by line and found that the first page was full of nonsense, and it wasn't until the end of the second page that this nonsense ended.

Chu Hao blinked helplessly, and was about to close the book and give up reading this useless book, but inadvertently glanced at the last table of contents on the second page at the bottom right.Spiritual Void Tribulation Fire Formation, Void Rebellion Water Formation...

The appearance of these two names made Chu Hao's eyes brighten up!

These two formations are one of the advanced spells, and this "Complete Formation" actually has them?Chu Hao glanced at the list above, and found that only these two formations are the most useful, and the rest are not mentioned.

A burst of excitement surged up in his heart, and Chu Hao thought to himself that he might have met a treasure, and this book of formations, relying on these two formations, is enough to rank among first- and second-rate formation secrets.After all, these two formations are in Chu Hao's memory, and even many monks from the fifth heaven can't use them!

Chu Hao was about to turn over the book at the back to see if it was a sheep's head or dog meat, but the fat man's hands and feet were faster, and he roared: "Fellow Daoist!" He stretched out his hand and snatched the secret book from him.Chu Hao didn't have time to stop it, it wasn't his own after all.

He stared at the fat man with a smile, and his interest became much stronger: "Fellow Daoist, why can't you read the next one? This book is called the Encyclopedia of Formation, it's not just talking nonsense, it's not practical at all. "

A look of dissatisfaction flashed across the fat man's face, his smile faded, and he said in a stern voice: "Fellow Daoist, this is a secret book handed down by my family. If I didn't have urgent matters, I would not exchange this secret book!"

Chu Hao smiled and said: "Since this is a secret book handed down by your ancestors, how can you exchange it? Isn't this very contradictory? You can have the current cultivation base because of the shadow of your ancestors, and it is a real shame to exchange the secret book. Unfilial."

The fat man was furious: "Fellow Daoist, if you are only sincerely making trouble, then you can leave!"

Ever since he heard the ancestral secret book, Chu Hao became interested, and the fat man's words did not make him angry. He smiled and said, "I am sincerely asking fellow Taoists." With the encyclopedia of formations in his hand, he said: "This book has such a name, I wonder if fellow daoists have read it?"

The fat man hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "Fellow Daoist, I might as well tell you the truth, I haven't read it, let alone studied it." After a pause, he added: "I keep this cheat book on me It’s been 30 years, and I don’t know anything about it except that it’s called Formation Daquan.”

Chu Hao saw that Fatty's eyes were a little erratic when he spoke. He didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or because he was lying. Anyway, Chu Hao would not believe his words, but said in his mouth, "So that's the case. Then I don't know what fellow Daoist wants in exchange for?"

The fat man was overjoyed, seeing that although Chu Hao was covering his head under the cloak, his tone and voice didn't sound like he was joking, so he hurriedly said, "To tell you the truth, I am in urgent need of magic tools or spirit stones with spiritual energy." , if fellow daoists are willing to give these things, then this book of formations handed down by my family will belong to fellow daoists."

He spoke one family biography, looking very reluctant, Chu Hao's heart moved, and asked: "It turns out that fellow daoist wants something with spiritual energy, it seems that he is going to make a new formation and can't maintain it?"

As we all know, some advanced formations and large-scale formations must rely on spirit stones or spiritual objects. What the fat man wants are these two things full of spiritual energy. No wonder Chu Hao thought of formations.

But the fat man's face froze when he heard the words, and then he looked around cautiously, forced a smile, and said, "Fellow Daoist, I just lack the materials to exchange spirit stones, so I exchanged this cheat book for you. I'm too worried."

The fat man was evasive, and Chu Hao didn't want to ask too much. After all, everyone has secrets. He is very interested in this formation now, so he said, "I still have a lot of low-grade spirit stones here. I don't know how many you need. piece?"

The fat man pondered for a while, then pointed out his fingers, gritted his teeth and said, "Ten low-grade spirit stones!"

Chu Hao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said coldly: "Fellow daoist, you really know how to joke, you want ten low-grade spirit stones for this book that doesn't even know what is written in it, then I will just find a book cover and write it down." To become an immortal Dafa, wouldn’t it be possible to ask for tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones?” Chu Hao chuckled and said, “Fellow Daoist, although I’m kind, don’t deceive me about my kindness.”

The fat man seemed a little embarrassed by Chu Hao's words, and he held onto the Dao Daquan tightly, hesitating for a while: "Then...how many spirit stones are you willing to give in exchange?"

Chu Hao glanced around from the corner of his eye. No one in the market noticed this direction. It seemed that he was Fatty's only customer. Without thinking about it, he said, "Two spirit stones!"

The fat man was shocked, and then said in a blunt tone: "Fellow Daoist, this is my family heirloom. I will get two spirit stones. You are too contemptuous of people!" Chu Hao smiled, and said, "I'm just saying a price. If fellow Taoists think it's less, you can increase it."

He was upright, he lost eight spirit stones all at once, and then asked others to add more.If it was too much, Chu Hao would definitely not want it, and if it was too little, he would feel uncomfortable.

This is what Fatty thinks now, and he is very embarrassed.But seeing Chu Hao's unhurried appearance, he could only helplessly say: "Seven spirit stones, I won't exchange them any less!"

"Fellow daoist, don't be so persistent." Chu Hao said with a smile, "To be honest, I don't really want this cheat book. What I want is to make friends like fellow daoist. Speaking of it, it’s not painful or itchy, but if it’s exchanged to a fellow daoist like this, and the poor dao suffers, will the fellow daoist feel at ease?”

After a pause, he continued: "This secret book is worth five spirit stones at most, even if it is passed down from the ancestors of a fellow Taoist, but if it is really a great supernatural power, will a fellow Taoist not practice it? The most taboo thing in cultivation is Deceit, that means there will be a heart block, the picture is refreshing for a while, look at those treacherous people, how many of them can cultivate the righteous fruit? It's not because the heart block is too deep later, and they can't get rid of it."

Chu Hao's words made the fat man dumbfounded, **** has never seen such a good talker!

And when he said these words, Chu Hao still had the tone of an elder educating the younger generation, keeping his breath warm and not domineering, so that the fat man couldn't get angry at all.

Fatty didn't practice this formation because he didn't have time to practice at all. Since he entered Xiantian, he has been studying a formation, forgetting to eat and sleep.But at this moment, Chu Hao's words made sense to him, and he couldn't find a word to refute them.

"Fellow Daoist, have you made up your mind?" Chu Hao said with a heavy tone, "Hey, if Fellow Daoist insists on asking for seven spirit stones, the poor Daoist will not say anything else. Since Fellow Daoist needs them urgently, then give them to Fellow Daoist." What's the matter..."

"Don't!" Before Chu Hao finished speaking, the fat man interrupted, and then with a straight face, he saluted Chu Hao politely, and said, "Thanks to fellow daoist for explaining the confusion, it's my wife Too obsessive."

Chu Hao was surprised, this fat man was so upbeat, it was beyond his expectation.

Only the fat man continued: "I have been running around for so many years for a long-cherished wish passed down from my family that is almost impossible to fulfill. Now that I think about it, I am really a little crazy. If I don't succeed this time, I don't plan to continue. Immortal cultivation Freedom, I also want to be happy for a while, otherwise, as the Taoist said, if you have a heart barrier, you may have no hope of increasing your life span in this life. How to fulfill the wishes of your ancestors, a heart barrier is indeed a heart barrier."

The lifespan of a cultivator is closely related to his cultivation, so the lifespan mentioned by the fat man naturally refers to his cultivation.This fat man is nearly 40 years old, and the congenital monks can vaguely tell the age, and they don't have so many spirit stones and the ability to obtain such heaven-defying pills as eternal residence pills.

And he is currently on the second floor of Qi training stage, if nothing happens, he can only live 30 years longer than ordinary people.

Fatty's words were sincere, and he said sternly, "Fellow Daoist only needs to give me five low-grade spirit stones, and I will hand over this ancestral "Encyclopedia of Formation" to Fellow Daoist."

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