
Chapter 137 The Ancient Battlefield

Chu Hao felt that this person's aura changed in an instant.It was originally a foolish joke, but I didn't expect it to make this person realize it, and I felt a little embarrassed.Although he doesn't know why this person has been running around for so many years, there are countless obsessive people among the practitioners.

In this situation, it is impossible to distinguish between good and bad, but people like this are either great evil or great good, without exception.

Chu Hao didn't intend to take advantage of this person anymore. One look at this fat man and he knew that he was the type who rarely came out to deal with people. Sincerely thanked him, and he didn't take precautions, which made Chu Hao feel uncomfortable.

He took out six low-grade spirit stones from his storage bag. It was rare for Chu Hao to become an upstart once. Now that he consumed so much at once, he felt a little heartbroken, but his tone was equally sincere, and he said, "Just now, I was just lying. It’s really gratifying for you to wake up, and let’s exchange these six spirit stones for this cheat book.”

After finishing speaking, he snapped his fingers, and a stream of innate qi spewed out from his fingertips, and then he took the complete array of formations from the fat man's hand.Looking at the six low-grade spirit stones on the table, the fat man said, "Fellow Daoist, I only need five pieces."

"Don't worry!" Chu Hao really wanted to scold this idiot, he didn't even want to send it to his door, if it was me, he would have already run away.He smiled slightly and said, "The other piece of spirit stone is to ask fellow daoists about something."

The fat man was taken aback, and said, "What's the matter?"

Chu Hao clicked on the desktop, and after receiving the complete set of formations in the storage bag, he said, "I don't know if you have heard of the Liutian Ruins before?"

Hearing Chu Hao mention this, the fat man was a little strange, and said, "I have heard about the Liutian ruins. Why do fellow Taoists ask this?"

Chu Hao was overjoyed, and then said calmly: "Poverty Daoist is just asking, what is that place? From the tone of fellow Daoist, could it be that he has also entered?"

"The Liutian ruins are opened every six months, and I have never entered them before." The fat man shook his head, stared at the spirit stone on the table, and finally put it in the storage bag, raised his head, and said suspiciously: "But , The Liutian Ruins should be known to everyone, especially casual cultivators like us, there is no reason for fellow Taoists to ask me."

Chu Hao thought of the reason early in the morning, and said with a smile: "You don't know something, fellow Taoist. I have been cultivating hard in the mountains for many years, and I have very little contact with monks, so I don't know the current situation in the cultivation world. Just now I heard someone talking about the Liutian ruins at the market, so I wanted to ask someone. It happened that Pindao and fellow Taoists hit it off, so I opened my mouth."

"It's okay." Fatty didn't care about Chu Hao's flawed excuse, but said, "It's not a secret that the Liutian Ruins are in the entire Sky Continent. About 130 years ago, in the Mayan Empire, a city called Atlanta Suddenly, a piece of land rose up in the sea area. There was no sign at all. The appearance of this land at that time caused a shock for most of the monks. Whether it was the Mayan Empire, or the monks of Yuntian or Wuguo, they all moved towards that place Go ahead."

Seeing Chu Hao listening intently, the fat man seemed to sort out his thoughts before continuing: "But it's strange, that strange land appeared in the waters of Atlanta. Although it is not small, it is surrounded by sea water on all sides. It should be The humidity is very heavy, but when those seniors approached the land, they were extremely hot and uncontrollable, extremely hot, and even after landing on the land, there were occasional fireballs like gilt fires passing by, which was strange and abnormal. "

"Is this how you got the name of the Liutian Ruins?" Chu Hao asked.

"Of course not." The fat man shook his head and said, "The name of the Liutian Ruins is the pioneer monks who discovered a huge suspended stone floating in front of the beach on that continent. The stone was full of aura. Surrounding, is the super-absolute prohibition that even the masters of the Jindan period can't destroy. On the stone, there are four big characters written in the ruins of the sky."

Chu Hao was a little surprised when he heard it, and said: "So weird? Could it be that the gilded sky ruins were the cave left by a certain master with great supernatural powers before his death?"

"I don't know about this." Fatty shook his head and said: "I haven't been there personally, most of it is just hearsay, and it is said that there are rare treasures hidden in that place, and even treasures, etc., but Most of the people who came back from it returned without success, and few people got it."

Chu Hao had already made up his mind, but his tone did not fluctuate. He said, "It is said that there are five vertical and four elephants in the Liutian ruins. I don't know what it means? Even the masters of the foundation building period are not allowed to go?"

"Fellow Daoist knows this." Fatty nodded, very surprised.

Chu Hao smiled slightly, and said, "I just heard someone talk about it, and I was a little confused, otherwise I wouldn't have asked fellow Taoists."

The fat man didn't think too much, and explained: "Those names are all place names in the Liutian Ruins. As a large island, no, it should be said to be a small land. Its appearance and its contents are too strange. It's mysterious, except for the area in the center of the ruins, the rest of the area is divided into six forbidden areas, which is what fellow Taoists call "five vertical and four elephants."

"It is said that 120 years ago, due to the great commotion at the Liutian Ruins, a master of the Jindan stage couldn't sit still and dispatched. He once broke into one of the forbidden areas, which is the forbidden area of ​​sex."

Chu Hao remembered that Du Changyi had said before that no one had entered the Five Columns, but he hadn't mentioned **, so he hurriedly asked, "In the forbidden area of ​​**, so there are Jindan stage masters entering?"

"En." Fatty nodded and said, "It's not a secret, anyone in the entire cultivation world can find out about it."

"Why is this?"

"Because the Golden Core master stayed in the forbidden area for a full ten years, and during these ten years, no one dared to enter the forbidden area again. After ten years, the Golden Core monk finally came out, and his sect had no time to ask him. On the ruins of Liutian, the cultivator of the Nine Heavens Pagoda suddenly appeared and forcibly sent the cultivator of the Jindan stage to the high-level world. And, he named the six forbidden areas and promised that as long as he entered the forbidden area, The promise of being able to go directly to the upper world."

Chu Hao was shocked again when he heard the words, and finally understood why the strong in the foundation-building stage could not enter the forbidden area of ​​Liutian, while the monks in the Jindan stage could remain indifferent. It turns out that once they enter, they will be sent to a higher level world!

Many Jindan stage monks, like Xiao Chen and his like, are not willing to go to the high-level world at all!

But even so, Chu Hao was still a little surprised, and said: "So there are six forbidden areas in the Liutian Ruins? It took a whole ten years for the Jindan expert to enter the forbidden area and come out?"

"I've heard other people talk about these things, so I'm not very clear about them." Fatty nodded, and said, "The six forbidden places in the Liutian Ruins include the five vertical and four elephants mentioned by fellow Taoist just now, and the three yuan Nothing at all."

"It's interesting to get the names of these forbidden places, but the cultivator of the Nine Heavens Pagoda is a person who knows how to choose names." Chu Hao didn't know what was going on in his heart, but the fat man continued: "I only know so much. The Liutian ruins have been around for more than 100 years. During this time, no one knows how many masters of the Jindan stage went there. In the past, it appeared once every ten years, and then once every five years, until now once a year or even half a year. It only takes a short month to float out of the sea area at a time, and it has become a place for various casual cultivators to hunt for treasures and those disciples of the great sect to practice."

"Hasn't anyone looked below the Atlanta Sea?" Chu Hao wondered.

"Yes, but every time the Liutian ruins disappear, nothing can be found under the sea area, as if it didn't appear from the sea at all!" The fat man said that his face was a little weird, he shook his head, and said: "Anyway, that place passed by In the past 100 years of exploration, except for the six forbidden areas, there should be no treasures in the central area. And some of the Liutian ruins are haunted by monsters every time, which is a good place for the disciples of the big faction to practice .”

Without the cultivation base of Qi training period, no one would dare to go there.

Chu Hao was thinking, and at this moment, Chen Honghong's voice sounded, and he suddenly said, "Boy, I know where that so-called Liutian Ruin is!"

Heartbroken, Chu Hao remained calm, chatted with Fatty for a few words, then smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you fellow daoist for your generous teaching, ah, after talking for a long time, I still don't know the name of fellow daoist, I'm really sorry."

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